mengabdikan: to enslave pengabdian: slavery; enslavement acu Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris (1/2) to direct weapon at target abjad http://dictionary.bhanot.net/ alphabet mengacukan: to aim weapon at target mengacu: to test; to try on A acuan: a mould abu abad ash century acuh mengabui: to cheat; to deceive to care for; to heed berabad-abad: for centuries mengacuhkan: to care for; to heed acuh tak acuh: to show indifference abuk abadi dust eternal; immortal acum keabadian: immortality provoke or instigate mengabadikan: perpetuate; immortalize abung pomelo mengacum: to provoke or instigate acuman: provocation pengacum: instigator pengacuman: agitation abah father acah tease mengacah-acah: to tease ada have; possess; contain abah-abah harness adakala: sometimes adakalanya: sometimes acapkali adalah: is; are; am; was; were often adapun: with regard to abai berada: (1) rich (2) to be neglect diadakan: to be held keadaan: condition; situation; circumstances mengabaikan: to disregard; to neglect acar mengada-ngada: to boast; to pretend pickle mengada-ngadakan: to concoct an excuse mengadakan: to hold or conduct; to convene abang elder brother acara event; item in a programme adab abang angkat: foster brother politeness; good manners; courtesy abang ipar: brother-in-law mengacarakan: to compere or host a programme abang tiri: stepbrother pengacara: master of ceremonies; compere beradab: courteous; polite peradaban: civilization; culture abdi aci slave shaft adang obstruct; block Bahasa Melayu 24.02.2007 http://mementoslangues.com/ Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris murmuring sound mengadang: to obstruct or block mengagah: (1)to gurgle (2)to confront adu (1)complain (2)compete adas fennel (yellow-flowered fragrant herb) beradu: (1)to report (2)to compete agak aduan: complaint guess mengadu: to report; to accuse pengadu: complainant agak-agak: (1)to guess (2)approximately adat pengaduan: complaint agaknya: perhaps; maybe custom; social tradition or practice peraduan: a contest or competition beragak: not sure mengagak: to guess; to estimate beradat: polite; customary; ceremonious teragak-agak: to hesitate; to be undecided mengadatkan: to make it a practice or custom teradat: has become a custom aduh exclamation of pain agam mengaduh: to groan; to wail immeasurable; immense adegan scene aduhai agama exclamation of sorrow religion adib well-mannered beragama: having a religion keagamaan: religious aduk mix; stir adik younger brother or sister mengaduk: to mix or stir agar so that adik-beradik: brothers and sisters beradik: having siblings adun knead (dough) agar-agar jelly adikung adunan: dough assistant officer mengadunkan: to mix together agas gnat; sandfly adil afiat fair; just healthy keadilan: justice mengafiatkan: to restore to good health agih mengadili: to judge distribute mengadilkan: to judge; to evaluate pengadil: judge; referee diagihkan: distributed pengadilan: judgement afrit mengagihkan: to distribute goblin; mischievous elf or spirit pengagihan: distribution adinda younger brother or sister (esp. in letter-writing) agah aguk Bahasa Melayu 2/216 http://mementoslangues.com/ Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris pendant ajuk imitate mockingly; tease ais agung ice mengajuk: to imitate mockingly; to tease supreme ajukan: mockery; ridicule; teasing aiskrim: ice-cream keagungan: supremacy mengagungkan: to honour; to revere akad ajaib contract; promise baffling; inscrutable; miraculous ah mengakad-nikahkan: to promise marriage exclamation of surprise keajaiban: miracle mengajaibkan: miraculous akaid aha religious dogma exclamation of triumph ajak invite mengajak: to invite akal Ahad ajakan: invitation ability to think and reason Sunday akal budi: common sense akal-akal: to pretend or feign ajal berakal: intelligent; smart mengakali: to outwit; to deceive ahli doom; death mengakalkan: to think up a plan (1)member (2)expert keahlian: membership ajar teach akan will; shall ahmak kurang ajar: disrespectful ajaran: teaching akan tetapi: but stupid akan-akan: as if belajar: to learn berajar: educated; courteous seakan-akan: like; similar; as though mempelajari: to learn in greater detail mengajar: to teach aib mengajarkan: to teach (1)disreputable; shameful (2)blemish; flaw; defect pelajar: student akar pelajaran: lesson: education root keaiban: shame pengajar: teacher mengaibkan: shameful pengajaran: something serving as a lesson or warning berakar: having roots terpelajar: educated; learned air akhbar water aju newspaper moot; bring up for discussion; propose air batu: ice berair: watery mengajukan: to propose; to put forward for discussion mengairi: irrigate pengairan: irrigation akhir final; conclusive; at the end; last Bahasa Melayu 3/216 http://mementoslangues.com/ Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris address; sign akhir-akhir: lately; recently akhiran: suffix beralamat: addressed to akhirnya: finally aku mengalamatkan: to address to berakhir: ended me; I mengakhiri: to end pengakhiran: process of ending akuan: confession; acceptance terakhir: last one memperakui: to certify alang memperakukan: to certify; to recommend (1)crossbeam (2)of little account mengaku: to confess; to admit mengakui: to admit: to accept; to acknowledge alangan: obstacle akhirat pengakuan: acknowledgement; confession; admission alangkah: how eternity; the next world; life after death perakuan: recommendatory mengalangi: to obstruct mengalangkan: to put crosswise akhlak akur behaviour; character; morals agree; consent; approve alas foundation; basis; framework; underlayer mengakuri: to agree; to consent; to approve keakuran: agreement; approval alasan: excuse; reason; explanation akibat beralasan: well-founded consequence; result beralaskan: to base on; to line with mengalaskan: to base on; to place an underlayer akibatnya: as a result akusaksi berakibat: resulted in attest mengakibatkan: to cause; to result in alat appliance; instrument; tool alabangka akidah crowbar alat ganti: spare part belief; faith; confidence alat kelamin: genital organs alatulis: stationery alatan: various tools peralatan: various tools alah beralatkan: to equip akikah (1)allergic (2)lose; defeated memperalatkan: use as a tool head-shaving of an infant alahan: allergy beralah: to surrender mengalah: to surrender algojo akil mengalahkan: to defeat hangman; executioner clever akil baligh: grown up; adolescent alam (1)nature; world; universe (2)experience alih displace; oust; shift; change akrab berpengalaman: experienced mengalami: to experience beralih: altered; shifted intimate in relationship mengalih: to shift; to alter; to change; to displace pengalaman: experience sealam: having the same nature pengalihan: displacement peralihan: transition; alteration akta act; law passed by legislative body alamat alim Bahasa Melayu 4/216 http://mementoslangues.com/ Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris learned; pious; religious alpa negligent aman peaceful kealpaan: negligence alir mengalpakan: to neglect keamanan: peace flow mengamankan: to pacify pengamanan: act of creating peace aliran: current or flow; trend of opinion pengaman: peace-maker mengalir: to flow alpukat mengalirkan: to direct or channel the flow avocado pengaliran: process of channelling the flow of amanah trust alu alis pounder (rice) mengamanahkan: to entrust eyebrow pengamanah: trustee mengalu-alukan: to welcome or greet ceremoniously dialu-alukan: welcome or accepted aliterasi amanat alliteration commendation alun billow; great wave alkisah alunan: act of billowing or rolling amar the story is that beralun-alun: wavy; billowy command; order mengalunkan: to billow; to rise and roll like big waves mengamarkan: to order Allah Muslim name for God alur groove; furrow amaran warning allahyarham the late; the deceased am general (not detailed or specific); common amat very; extremely mengamati: to scrutinize almarhum amah pengamat: controller the late (for male royalty) pengamatan: observation; scrutiny female housekeeper; maid almarhumah amal ambang the late (for female royalty) (1)threshold; lintel (2)bob; float practice; good deed amalan: practice; good deed ambang pintu: doorway; doorstep beramal: to do good work; to perform good deeds mengambang: to hover in the air almari mengamalkan: to practise cupboard pengamal: practitioner pengamalan: performance ambil take; obtain; fetch Bahasa Melayu 5/216 http://mementoslangues.com/ Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Inggeris mengambil: to take; to obtain; to fetch keampunan: forgiveness; pardon ambilan: derivation from mengampunkan: to forgive; to pardon pengambilan: act of taking or fetching pengampun: one who forgives or pardons andai pengampunan: amnesty or pardon if; suppose andainya: suppose amboi andaian: assumption oh! amuk berandai: to discuss; to debate amuck; violently out of control; state of murderous frenzy mengandaikan: suppose mengamuk: attack without thinking pengamuk: person who runs amuck ambul bounce; rebound andam beautician who does the make-up for the bride and bridegroom mengambul: to bounce or rebound mengambulkan: to cause to rebound anai, anai-anai mengandam: to make-up the bride and bridegroom termite ambung andas back-basket anak anvil; chopping block child anak angkat: adopted child amin anak bulan: new moon anduh amen; so be it anak dara: virgin suspend by means of a sling anak merah: newborn anak-beranak: together with the children anak-anak: many children; still a child anak-anakan: doll; puppet amir anakanda: son or daughter (in letter-writing) aneh emir (Muslim ruler or commander) beranak: to bear a child; to give birth bizarre; odd; unconventional; funny; strange keanak-anakan: childish
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