1ST WUSHU STARS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2020 - ONLINE RULES & REGULATIONS Updated as of 9 September 2020 1 October 2020 - 25 December 2020 More informa;on on: www.wushustars.com Page 1 of 12 Introduc>on With the vision to unite the Wushu community, “Wushu Stars” was founded in 2012 to provide opportuni;es for Wushu enthusiasts across the world to interact and share their Wushu experiences. “Wushu Stars” aims to promote the Chinese mar;al arts through various channels so that this cultural art and sport will con;nue to be prac;sed and appreciated across genera;ons. The 1st Wushu Stars Championships 2020 was scheduled to be held in Singapore on December but the recent COVID-19 pandemic has prevented this physical compe;;on from happening. Hence, the organising commiPee has decided to bring the compe;;on online so that Wushu prac;;oners across the world can con;nue to par;cipate in this much an;cipated global event. The 1st Wushu Stars Championships 2020 - Online will feature events from contemporary and tradi;onal Wushu. Par;cipants and organisa;ons may par;cipate by registering and subming their videos online. Winners will be emerged through online vo;ng and evalua;on by the assessment commiPee. A. GenerAl ContAct OrGAnising CommiIee of the 1st Wushu StArs ChAmpionships 2020 - Online Contact Person Jennie Toh Yan Nie Designaon Liaison Officer Contact Number +65 9839 1718 Email Address [email protected] Website www.wushustars.com Facebook www.facebook.com/WushuStarsFb Instagram www.instagram.com/WushuStars B. Par>cipAnts 1. All Wushu athletes, prac;;oners and enthusiasts across the world are eligible to par;cipate in the 1st Wushu Stars Championships 2020 - Online. Par;cipants may register to represent a federa;on, associa;on, academy, sport team or par;cipate as individuals. Page 2 of 12 C. Dates Registra;on & Video Submission 1 October 2020 - 9 December 2020 Online Vong by Viewers 1 December 2020 - 13 December 2020 Announcement of Results 21 December 2020 - 25 December 2020 Mailing of Awards, Medals & Cer;ficates 27 December 2020 - 31 January 2021 D. Age CAteGories Group A 11 years old & below born on 1 January 2009 or later. Group B 14 years old & below born on 1 January 2006 or later. Group C 17 years old & below born on 1 January 2003 or later. Group D 18 years old & above born on 31 December 2002 or earlier. Group E 50 years old & above born on 31 December 1970 or earlier. E. Compeon Events 1. There is no limit to the number of events each par;cipant may take part in. 2. Par;cipants may take part in events across different age categories as long as they fall within the age range of the category. For instance, a 13 year-old par;cipant may take part in events Cb2. 5-Duan Daoshu from Group b and TC1. Tradi;onal Changquan from Group C. 3. Internal Style Quanshu event includes styles such as baguazhang, bajiquan and Xingyiquan. 4. Imita;on Style Style Quanshu event includes styles such as Tanglangquan (Praying Man;s Fist), Yingzhaoquan (Eagle Claw Fist) and Zuiquan (Drunken Fist). 5. Tradi;onal Weapon events include Internal Style Weapon Rou;nes such as baguadao and Xingyiqiang. 6. Nandu will not be assessed for all events including the 3rd Interna;onal and Freestyle Rou;nes as the rules and regula;ons of this compe;;on will be conducted in accordance with the “Tradi;onal Wushu Compe;;on Rules and Judging Methods (Trial) 2019” by the Interna;onal Wushu Federa;on. Page 3 of 12 Group A: 11 yeArs old & below ContemporAry Wushu TrAdi>onAl Wushu CA1. Wubuquan TA1. Tradi;onal Changquan CA2. 3-Duan Changquan TA2. Tradi;onal Nanquan CA3. 4-Duan Daoshu TA3. Tradi;onal Taijiquan CA4. 4-Duan Jianshu TA4. Internal Style Quanshu CA5. 4-Duan Gunshu TA5. Imita;on Style Quanshu CA6. 4-Duan Qiangshu TA6. Other Tradi;onal Quanshu CA7. 3-Duan Nanquan TA7. Tradi;onal Short Weapon CA8. 5-Duan Changquan TA8. Tradi;onal Long Weapon CA9. 5-Duan Daoshu TA9. Tradi;onal Soq Weapon CA10. 5-Duan Jianshu TA10. Tradi;onal Double Weapon CA11. 5-Duan Gunshu TA11. Other Tradi;onal Weapon CA12. 5-Duan Qiangshu TA12. Tradi;onal Taiji Short Weapon CA13. 5-Duan Nanquan TA13. Tradi;onal Taiji Long Weapon CA14. 24-Style Taijiquan TA14. Other Tradi;onal Taiji Weapon CA15. 32-Style Taijijian CA16. 1st Interna;onal Changquan CA17. 1st Interna;onal Daoshu CA18. 1st Interna;onal Jianshu CA19. 1st Interna;onal Gunshu CA20. 1st Interna;onal Qiangshu CA21. 1st Interna;onal Nanquan CA22. 1st Interna;onal Nandao CA23. 1st Interna;onal Nangun CA24. 42-Style Taijiquan CA25. 42-Style Taijijian Page 4 of 12 Group B: 14 years old & below ContemporAry Wushu TrAdi>onAl Wushu Cb1. 5-Duan Changquan NIL Cb2. 5-Duan Daoshu Cb3. 5-Duan Jianshu Cb4. 5-Duan Gunshu Cb5. 5-Duan QIangshu Cb6. 5-Duan Nanquan Cb7. 24-Style Taijiquan Cb8. 32-Style Taijijian Cb9. 1st Interna;onal Changquan Cb10. 1st Interna;onal Daoshu Cb11. 1st Interna;onal Jianshu Cb12. 1st Interna;onal Gunshu Cb13. 1st Interna;onal Qiangshu Cb14. 1st Interna;onal Nanquan Cb15. 1st Interna;onal Nandao Cb16. 1st Interna;onal Nangun Cb17. 42-Style Taijiquan Cb18. 42-Style Taijijian Page 5 of 12 Group C: 17 years old & below ContemporAry Wushu TrAdi>onAl Wushu CC1. 1st/2nd Interna;onal Changquan TC1. Tradi;onal Changquan CC2. 1st/2nd Interna;onal Daoshu TC2. Tradi;onal Nanquan CC3. 1st/2nd Interna;onal Jianshu TC3. Tradi;onal Taijiquan CC4. 1st/2nd Interna;onal Gunshu TC4. Internal Style Quanshu CC5. 1st/2nd Interna;onal Qiangshu TC5. Imita;on Style Quanshu CC6. 1st Interna;onal Nanquan TC6. Other Tradi;onal Quanshu CC7. 1st Interna;onal Nandao TC7. Tradi;onal Short Weapon CC8. 1st Interna;onal Nangun TC8. Tradi;onal Long Weapon CC9. 42-Style Taijiquan TC9. Tradi;onal Soq Weapon CC10. 42-Style Taijijian TC10. Tradi;onal Double Weapon CC11. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Changquan TC11. Other Tradi;onal Weapon CC12. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Daoshu TC12. Tradi;onal Taiji Short Weapon CC13. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Jianshu TC13. Tradi;onal Taiji Long Weapon CC14. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Gunshu TC14. Other Tradi;onal Taiji Weapon CC15. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Qiangshu CC16. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Nanquan CC17. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Nandao CC18. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Nangun CC19. 3rd Interna;onal/Freestyle Taijiquan CC20. 3rd interna;onal/Freestyle Taijijian Page 6 of 12 Group D: 18 years old & above ContemporAry Wushu TrAdi>onAl Wushu CD1. Freestyle Changquan TD1. Tradi;onal Changquan CD2. Freestyle Daoshu TD2. Tradi;onal Nanquan CD3. Freestyle Jianshu TD3. Tradi;onal Taijiquan CD4. Freestyle Gunshu TD4. Internal Style Quanshu CD5. Freestyle Qiangshu TD5. Imita;on Style Quanshu CD6. Freestyle Nanquan TD6. Other Tradi;onal Quanshu CD7. Freestyle Nandao TD7. Tradi;onal Short Weapon CD8. Freestyle Nangun TD8. Tradi;onal Long Weapon CD9. Freestyle Taijiquan TD9. Tradi;onal Soq Weapon CD10. Freestyle Taijijian TD10. Tradi;onal Double Weapon CD11. 24-Style Taijiquan TD11. Other Tradi;onal Weapon CD12. 32-Style Taijijian TD12. Tradi;onal Taiji Short Weapon CD13. 42-Style Taijiquan TD13. Tradi;onal Taiji Long Weapon CD14. 42- Style Taijijian TD14. Other Tradi;onal Taiji Weapon Group E: 50 years old & above ContemporAry Wushu TrAdi>onAl Wushu CE1. 24-Style Taijiquan TE1. Tradi;onal Changquan CE2. 32-Style Taijijian TE2. Tradi;onal Nanquan CE3. 42-Style Taijiquan TE3. Tradi;onal Taijiquan CE4. 42- Style Taijijian TE4. Internal Style Quanshu TE5. Imita;on Style Quanshu TE6. Other Tradi;onal Quanshu TE7. Tradi;onal Short Weapon TE8. Tradi;onal Long Weapon TE9. Tradi;onal Soq Weapon TE10. Tradi;onal Double Weapon TE11. Other Tradi;onal Weapon TE12. Tradi;onal Taiji Short Weapon TE13. Tradi;onal Taiji Long Weapon TE14. Other Tradi;onal Taiji Weapon D1. DuiliAn Event a. 2 or 3 members per team. b. Combina;on of male and female par;cipants in team is allowed. G1. Group Event a. 5 members per team. b. Combina;on of male and female par;cipants in team is allowed. Page 7 of 12 F. Rou>ne DurA>on ContemporAry Wushu Interna;onal Rou;nes (except for Taijiquan & Taijijian) No less than 1 minute 20 seconds 24-Style Taijiquan 2 to 4 minutes 32-Style Taijijian 2 to 4 minutes 42-Style Taijiquan 5 to 6 minutes 42-Style Taijijian 3 to 4 minutes 3rd Interna;onal Taijiquan & Taijijian 3 to 4 minutes Freestyle Rou;nes (except for Taijiquan & Taijijian) No less than 1 minute 20 seconds Freestyle Taijiquan & Taijijian 3 to 4 minutes All Other Contemporary Wushu Rou;nes No ;me limit TrAdi>onAl Wushu Tradi;onal Quanshu & Weapon (except Taijiquan & Taiji Weapon) No more than 3 minutes Tradi;onal Taijiquan & Taiji Weapon 2 to 6 minutes Others Duilian Event No less than 50 seconds Group Event 1 to 3 minutes G. Compeon Format 1. To par;cipate in the 1st Wushu Stars Championships 2020 - Online, par;cipants may register and submit their videos via Wushu Stars official website (www.wushustars.com) or email ([email protected]). 2. The submiPed videos will be uploaded onto Wushu Stars website and categorised according to the par;cipants’ genders, age categories and compe;;on events. The results of each event will be determined by online vo;ng (20%) and evalua;on by the assessment commiPee (80%). 3. Viewers may vote for their favourite rou;ne performances from 1 to 13 December 2020 via Wushu Stars website (www.wushustars.com). Each viewer is allowed to vote five (5) ;mes a day per compe;;on event based on IP tracking. Online vo;ng accounts for 20% of the final results.
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