Thursday 4 July 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Zane Muller, Ismail Athman, Ally Diwa, Thuylene Titus en Wendy Moloi het ’n karnaval-atmosfeer Feeslik geskep met hul akrobatiese toertjies. lekker! Soos elke jaar hierdie tyd is Bloemfontein vandeesweek in ’n greep van feeslike lekkerte vasgevang. Hoewel die Vrystaat Kunstefees, wat Maandag begin het en Sondag eindig, tradisioneel ook die begin van die Rosestad se winter aankondig, het Bloemfonteiners hulle nie laat onderkry nie, en feesdriftig aan al die aktiwiteite op die kampus van die Vrystaatse Universiteit deelgeneem. Bloemfontein Courant se fotograaf, PIERCE Bastian vanann Blerk het gewys hy is g’n katjie om Thuylene TitusTitu VAN HEERDEN, het die aksie op sonder handskoenenddskoene aan sê die fees ses kamera vasgevang. te pak nie. liggie skyn sos helder, sy moesmom net ’n donkerbildonkeer dra. Karen Maclachlan, Zoë Maclachlan en Maryna Muller het tussen Kelebogilee Moshodi,M Gloria Togo en Nontsikelelo Jamjam het nie op hulle vertonings die ergste koue met moderne boeretroos probeer verdryf. laatlaat wagwag nien en die stalletjies binnegevaar. ALL NEW Now at Oranje Toyota Bloemfontein ULTRA-STRONG CHASSIS SUPREME DRIVING COMFORT LEGENDARY OFF-ROAD ABILITY CALL US FOR A DEAL THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS Oranje Toyota Bloemfontein 051 406 3000 • Cnr of Nelson Mandela Drive & Muller Street, Spitskop 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 4 July 2019 Dwelmbewusmaking in Heidedal-skole Collapsing councils Sazly Hartzenberg Die departement het die jong [email protected] opkomende leier en spreker, highlighted at Sopa Ivor Swartz, genooi om ouers, Die Universiteit van die Vrystaat leerders en onderwysers van (UV) se Organisatoriese al die skole in Heidedal tydens Nomaqhawe Mtebele 30%. “We have to give our children Ontwikkelings- en hul skoolvergadering op 10 en [email protected] an education they will be able to Werknemerswelstandsafdeling, 11 Julie 2019 toe te spreek. use in such a way that they will not streef daarna om die welstand Swartz sal ook die ouers van die Free State Premier, Sisi Ntombela, need to depend on government,” van die universiteit se personeel leerders van Laerskool Olympia gave her first State of the Province she said. en plaaslike gemeenskappe en Heide by hul ouervergadering Address (Sopa) since her election Provincial government has te bevorder. Volgens toespreek. Volgens Kaars het as head of provincial government made agreements with experts, departementshoof Burneline hy ‘n unieke manier om mense in May. The speech focused on institutions and the private sector to Kaars word verskeie inisiatiewe en te motiveer. “Ons glo dat almal a number of pressing provincial tackle the issue in the year to come. aktiwiteite deur die jaar gereël en wat Ivor se storie matters but the hot topics remain However, the financial health of aangebied om dit te bereik. hoor, geïnspireer the high youth unemployment rate local municipalities may negatively “Vir ons jaarlikse sal word om as well as the dwindling state of affect plans to grow the economy gemeenskapsuitreikprojek, wat struikel-blokke local municipalities after absolutely and create jobs in the long term. vanjaar in Heidedal aangebied op ons eie none had received a clean audit According to Free State DA Caucus word, sal ons ook tydens die lewensreis te from the Auditor-General in June. leader, Roy Jankielsohn, the bewusmakingsveldtog met die UV oorkom,” sê Premier Ntombela expressed in collapse of municipalities mean Kuns-, Kultuur- en Dialoogkantoor Kaars. her address that the local economy little opportunity for the investment saamwerk,” sê sy. is growing at a low rate. “Our ability need to create employment. “To Kaars vertel dat die doel van to set the Free State on a bold deal with unemployment in the Free development path is based on State we need huge investment die projek is om leerders bewus Premier Sisi Ntombela gave her State our ability to grow our economy. and investment takes place in te maak van hoe die keuses of the Province Address. PHOTO: Currently, our economy is fragile municipalities.” wat hulle maak hul fisieke en NOMAQHAWE MTEBELE geestelike welstand kan beïnvloed and unstable. Its performance Provincial Secretary of the Free en hoe hulle hulself kan beskerm is yet to inspire the level and State EFF, Bosanku Msimanga, teen gevaarlike gedrag en kind of confidence we desire. also criticised the premier for not The low growth rate of 0.9% in taking a major stance the pressing dwelmverslawing. “Ons wil hê dat creation of jobs for the benefit ons kinders en toekomstige leiers 2019, minimal investment and the issues of the day. “The premier complex trade imbalance have of Free State residents is a non- has missed an important moment bewus moet wees van die gevare negotiable matter. However, van dwelms en die uitwerking hampered our ability to grow the to really redefine herself and economy,” she said. presently the province’s youth move away from the cloud of Ace daarvan op gesinne en hul Ivor Swartz, wat met ouers en leerders unemployment rate stands at over toekoms.” by Heidedal-skole gaan praat Ntombela announced that the Magashule,” he said. sĂůƵĞDĂƌƚĞŶƚƌĞ;'ĂŵĞͿ Follow and meet the Cheetahs ͬKƵƌŝĞΘ Toyota Free State Cheetah off on Friday, 19 July 2019 Toyota Stadium before seeing sĞƌĞĞŶŝŶŐŝŶŐƌŝǀĞ players will be taking part in the against the Blue Bulls in Pretoria. who qualifies for the Currie ůŽĞŵĨŽŶƚĞŝŶ first ever Amazing Cheetah Race On Saturday, 27 July 2019 they Cup semi-finals on the 31st of in Bloemfontein, to help kick-off will be facing the SuperSport August and final on the 7th of ^d this season. Challenge Champions, the September. >^K s>hΘ The players will be visiting Griquas, in a neighbouring The Toyota Free State s/>>͗ WZ/^ prominent businesses and rivalry in Toyota Stadium. A week Cheetahs want to engage with shopping centres in and around later, the Toyota Free State the fans and need the public’s ZƵƐƐŝĂŶƐ͕WŽůŽŶŝĞƐ͕ town, completing challenges in Cheetahs will be taking on the support to win the Currie Cup sŝĞŶŶĂƐĂŶĚ order to get a pass to the next Golden Lions on home turf in again, and therefore they will be ƐƐŽƌƚĞĚŽůĚ challenge. The team to reach the Bloemfontein, followed by the visiting popular places on their final destination at the Vrystaat Sharks in Durban. route. So if you happen to see DĞĂƚƐ Art Festival first and complete The team will then be travelling your favourite player out and their special Currie Cup puzzle, to Nelspruit where they will stand about, don’t be shy, stop him and will be victorious. against the Pumas. On Saturday, take a picture. Follow the teams For the Toyota Free State 24 August 2019, they will come on Friday, 5 July from 12:00. Cheetahs, the Currie Cup kicks up against Western Province in Starting point - Hoffman Square (E) • Jumpers Lane (A) • Copper Clover (B) • Loch Logan / Ocean Basket (D) 'MBNF#SJRVFUUFLH 3QCBH GOOD COMPANY TO KEEP • Berlesell /ESL (F) • Twin City (G) • Fleurdal Mall / Captain 1JDBOIB4UFBL 3QLH 1(:&203$1<5(*,675$7,216 Dorego’s (H) • Finish point - Free State art festival (C) 6+(/)&203$1,(6 1PSL#FMMZ3JCT 3QLH 37<&&&+$1*(6 &219(56,216 1PSL-PJO$IPQT 3QLH 02,$'237,216 $IJDLFO4PTBUJFT 3QLH 5(6725$7,216 $118$/5(78516 1SF$PPLFE4BVTBHFTQD 3QQBDL 6+$5(&(57,),&$7(6 6+$5(75$16)(56 .VUUPO3JC4UFX 3QLH ,1&20(7$;7$;&/($5$1&( 9$75(*,675$7,216 ,03257 (;32575(*,675$7,216 %POÓUNJTTPVUPOPVSTFMFDUJPOPGSFBEZ %%%((9(5,),&$7,216 UPFBUUSFBUTJOTUPSF 75$'(0$5.6 SPECIAL OFFER VALID THURSDAY TO SATURDAY &,'%&2,'$3$<(8,) While Stocks Last Pensioners get special discount on Wednesdays (carcasses and selected specials excluded) SAMBA and credit cards welcome :KDWVDSS7 Tel. 051 421 0802/3 EORHP#SW\RQOLQHFR]DZZZSW\RQOLQHFR]D Loads more specials in store. T’s and C’s Apply. .HOOQHU6WUHHW:HVWGHQH%ORHPIRQWHLQ The route to be followed during the Amazing Race. Editor - Pieter Delport [email protected] SALES STUDIO AUDIT REPORT NEWS: Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 Elmarie Venter The distribution of this ABC Community Specialist - Seithati Semenokane Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 newspaper is independently [email protected] 082 3701 268 Mitzi Noome - 082 575 0571 Liezl Magson audited to the professional General Manager - Christel Basson Tarryn Swartz - 071 762 7535 051 5050 900 Moloko Moholwa standards administrated [email protected] Judy Barnard - 076 791 0304 by the Nettie de Beer - 082 822 4538 [email protected] Sales Manager - Corni Fourie Orefile Malebo Audit Bureau of Distribution Supervisor - Nicodemus Mokapane Felecia Wessels - 051 5050 926 Central Media Park. (Classifieds) Andries Miennie Circulations of South Africa. 7 Christo Groenewald street. This newspaper is obligated to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. All rights and reproduction material published in this newspaper are hereby reserved in terms of the Copyright Act. This publication is registered as a newspaper. Verified distribution: 50 000 copies per week. Wild Olive Estate. Bloemfontein. 9301. For any complaints about our distribution, please contact Andries Kleinhans on 084-610-8337 or send an email to: [email protected] 4 July 2019 • Bloemfontein Courant Community • Gemeenskap 3 Designer/singer making her mark as entrepreneur Pierce van Heerden at private gigs, serenading people with her [email protected] beautiful voice. “I’ve worked with a number of musicians and artists in Bloemfontein, What started out as a small African just to name a few, Lesley Irene Jennings, accessories business out of her room Andile Qonqo, Karabelo Plaatjie, Wayne at Res, is slowly turning into a fashion Louw, Tim Mosh (who is now based In Cape empire. 26-year-old vibrant Thikho Town) and others.” Mudau, Bloemfontein entrepreneur who is To see more of Mudau’s design work or passionate about business, fashion and to get in touch with her, visit her Instagram music, is taking the industry by storm with page @Thikho_Mudau_collections her designer wear business.
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