42 (2): (2018) 173-179 Original Scientific Paper Checklist of Turkish bryophyte vegetation Mevlüt Alataş Munzur University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, 62000, Tunceli, Turkey ABSTRACT: A list of the known bryophyte syntaxa in Turkey compiled according to the methodology of Braun-Blanquet is presented in this study. Altogether, 41 associations and 19 subassociations belonging to 19 alliances, 12 orders, and eight bryosociological classes have been determined to date in Turkey. Moreover, six communities and 17 units of unknown phytosociological status have also been reported. The bryosociological syntaxa are grouped on the basis of their aquatic, terrestrial, or epiphytic character and given together with their localities and synonyms. Keywords: bryophytes, bryosociology, checklist, Turkey, vegetation. Received: 02 May 2018 Revision accepted: 09 July 2018 UDC: 582.32(560) DOI: INTRODUCTION have been few bryosociological studies in Turkey. The first bryosociological study in Turkey was conducted by Turkey’s geographical location and geological structure Walther & Leblebici (1969). As a result of their study have resulted in a number of different climates, as well as on moss vegetation in the Yamanlar Mountain-Karagöl in the formation of different ecosystems, including ones Region north of İzmir, a total of 20 associations were de- of the forest, mountain, steppe, wetland, coastal, and termined as epilitic and epiphytic. Following this study, marine types. This diversity of ecosystems has led to the the bryophyte vegetation of Liquidambar orientalis existence of different habitats, which has increased the forests and the Nif Mountains (İzmir) in southwestern species diversity of both flora and fauna. One of the most Anatolia (Marmaris-Köyceğiz, Muğla) was studied by important reasons for such a rich variety is Turkey’s lo- Walther (1975, 1979). After that, no research on bryo- cation at the intersection of the Mediterranean, Euro-Si- phyte vegetation was carried out in Turkey for a long pe- berian, and Irano-Turanian phytogeographical regions riod of time. However, such research has been resumed (Akman 1995). The impact of these three different phy- since 1991, and many important and valuable studies togeographical regions has led to favourable conditions have been carried out (Brullo et al. 1991; Kürschner for Mediterranean elements in the south; Euro-Siberian et al. 1998, 2006, 2007, 2012; Kürschner 1999; Kürsch- elements in the north; and Iranian-Turanian elements ner & Parolly 1999a, b; Kara 2008; Ezer 2008, 2017; in the east (Davis 1975). In recent years, research on Kürschner & Erdağ 2008, 2009; Düzenli et al. 2009; bryophytes, one of the most important elements of our Kara et al. 2011; Alataş & Batan 2014, 2015; Alataş country’s biodiversity, has increased rapidly (Ören et al. et al. 2015a, b, 2016, 2017; Alataş & Uyar 2017; Can 2012; Ezer et al. 2015; Batan et al. 2017; Uyar et al. Gözcü 2017; Ezer et al. 2018). The first list of the syn- 2018). According to these studies, a total of 1030 bryo- taxa of bryophyte vegetation in Turkey was given by phyte taxa have been reported in Turkey, including 835 Kürschner and Parolly (1999b). In recent years, as in mosses, 191 liverworts, and four hornworts (Erdağ & other countries (Bardat & Hauguel 2002; Sabovlje- Kürschner 2017). With such a large number of taxa, vić 2008; Puglısı & Prıvıtera 2012), bryosociological Turkey has the richest bryo-diversity among the coun- studies have increased rapidly in Turkey, and the need tries of South-West Asia (Batan et al. 2016). to regenerate the relevant list of the country’s bryophyte Although the number of floristic studies on bryo- vegetation has become apparent. The aim of the present phytes has increased rapidly over recent years, there paper is to revise and assemble all bryosociological stud- ✳correspondence: [email protected] © 2018 Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Belgrade 174 vol. 42 (2) ies in order to update the current understanding of Tur- (Syn: Conocephalum conicum-Mniobryum delicatulum key’s bryophyte vegetation. ass. Walther 1969) This present checklist was created by compiling the [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici results of studies carried out on bryophyte vegetation 1969)] in Turkey between the years 1969 and 2017 and present Associations of uncertain syntaxonomic rank and po- them according to the methodology of Braun-Blan- sition: quet (1964). - Barbula sinuosa-Bryum alpinum ass. Walther 1969 [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici MATERIALS AND METHODS 1969)] - Pellia endiviifolia-Hygroamblystegium tenax ass. Syntaxonomic scheme of Turkish bryophyte vegeta- Walther 1969 tion. The following syntaxonomic scheme applies exclu- [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici sively to the bryophyte vegetation of Turkey. All syntax- 1969)] onomic units were revised according to the Internation- - Philonotetum caespitosae ass. Walther 1969 al Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici al. 2000) and ordered according to von Hübschmann 1969)] (1986), Dierssen (2001), Marstaller (2006), and Mu- cina et al. (2016). The headings of the syntaxa and syn- Rock communities taxonomic categories are presented in abbreviated form, Class: Racomitrietea heterostichi Neumayr 1971 i.e., All.: Alliance, Ass.: Association, Subass.: Subassoci- Order: Grimmietalia commutatae Smarda & Vanek in ation, and Syn: Synonym. Smarda 1947 All.: Grimmion commutatae von Krusenstjerna 1945 RESULTS Ass. Grimmion commutato-campestris von Krusenstjer- na 1945 Checklist [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Grimmia laevigata-Grim- Aquatic and semi-aquatic communities mia ovalis ass. Walther & Leblebici 1969); Beşparmak Class: Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyretica Philippi Mountain / Muğla (Kürschner & Parolly 1999b); 1956 Phrygian Highlands / Afyonkarahisar-Kütahya-Eskişe- Order: Hygrohypnetalia Krajina 1933 hir-Sakarya River (Kürschner & Erdağ 2009)] All.: Racomitrion acicularis von Krusenstjerna 1945 Subass. - orthotrichetosum bistratosae Kürschner & Er- Ass. Madothecetum cordaeanae Philippi 1956 dağ 2009 (Syn: Lunularia cruciata-Porella cordaeana ass. Walther Subass. - anacolietosum menziesii Kürschner & Erdağ 1969) 2009 [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici [Phrygian Highlands / Afyonkarahisar-Kütahya-Eskişe- 1969)] hir-Sakarya River; Kula area / Manisa (Kürschner & Order: Leptodictyetalia riparii Philippi 1956 Erdağ 2009)] All.: Platyhypnidion rusciformis Philippi 1956 Class: Schistidietea apocarpi Jezek & Vondracek 1962 Ass. Oxyrrhynchietum rusciformis Gams ex v. Hübsc- Order: Schistidietalia apocarpi Jezek & Vondracek 1962 mann 1953 All.: Grimmion tergestinae Šmarda 1947 (Syn: Platyhypnidietum riparioides Gams 1927) Ass. Orthotricho anomali-Grimmietum pulvinatae Sto- [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici diek 1937 1969)] (Syn.: Tortuletum muralis (Muraletum) Waldh.1944, All.: Brachythecion rivularis Hertel 1974 Grimmio pulvinate- Tortuletum muralis v. Hübscmann Ass. Brachythecio rivularis-Hygrohypnetum luridi 1950) Philippi 1965 [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Grimmia pulvinata-Tortu- (Syn: Brachythecietum rivularis Herzog ex Walther 1969) la muralis ass. and Tortula intermedia -Tortula calcico- [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici lens ass. Walther & Leblebici 1969)] 1969)] Associations of uncertain syntaxonomic rank and po- All.: Fissidention rivularis Marstaller 1987 sition: Ass. Fissidenti rivularis-Rhynchostegielletum jacquinii - Tortula inermis-Barbula cylindrica ass. Walther 1969 Walther 1969 [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici (Syn: Fissidentetum rivularis v. Hübscmann 1971) 1969)] [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici - Trichostomum crispulum-Distichium capillaceum 1969)] ass. Walther 1969 Ass. Fegatelletum conicae Smarda ex Jezek & Vondráček [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici 1962 1969)] M. Alataş: Turkish bryophyte vegetation 175 Class: Neckeretea complanatae Marstaller 1986 Ass. Pleurochaeto squarrosae-Tortuletum ruralis Brullo, Order: Neckeretalia complanatae Jezek & Vondracek Lo Giudice et Privitera 1991 1962 [Karabiga Area/ Çanakkale (Brullo et al. 1991)] All.: Plasteurhynchion meridionalis Guerra & Varo 1981 Subass. - campylietosum chrysophylli Brullo, Lo Giudice Ass. Antitrichietum breidlerianae Walther 1969 & Privitera 1991 ex Marstaller 2006 Subass. - tortuletosum hirsutae Walther 1969 (Syn: Pleurochaeto squarrosae-Tortuletum ruralis Brullo, [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici Lo Giudice et Privitera 1991 1969)] (subass. of -Campylium chrysophyllum nom. inval. (Art. Subass. - orthotrichetosum rupestris Walther 1969 3h) Brullo, Lo Giudice & Privitera 1991) [Yamanlar Mountain / İzmir (Walther & Leblebici Subass.- rhynchostegietosum megapolitani Brullo, Lo Gi- 1969)] udice & Privitera 1991 ex Marstaller 2006 Ass. Homalothecio sericei-Neckeradelphetum menziesii (Syn: Pleurochaeto squarrosae-Tortuletum ruralis Brullo, (Varo, Guerra & Gil 1977) Guerra & Varo 1981 Lo Giudice & Privitera 1991 subass. of -Rhynchostegium (Syn. Neckeretum menziesii Varo, Guerra & Gil 1977, megapolitanum nom. inval. (Art. 3h) Brullo, Lo Giudice nom. illeg., art. 31 ICPN, Weber et al. 2000) & Privitera 1991) [Yamanlar Mountain-Spil Mountain / İzmir-Manisa; Ass. Homalothecio aurei-Pleurochaetetum squarrosae Aydın Mountain / Aydın; Yılanlı Mountain / Muğla Ros & Guerra 1987 (Kürschner & Erdağ 2008)] Subass. - bartramietosum strictae Kürschner & Parolly Terrestial communities
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