新渡輪獲延續港內航線及離島航線經營牌照 Licence Renewal on Inner Harbour and Outlying-island Ferry Routes 今年三月,新渡輪獲運輸署延續港內航線(包括北角往來紅磡及北角往來九龍城),以及離 島航線(中環往來梅窩、中環往來長洲及橫水渡)之渡輪服務經營牌照三年。港內航線及梅 窩航線之牌照將於2017年4月1日起生效;而中環往來長洲及橫水渡航線之牌照則會於 2017年7月1日起生效。 在過去的三年牌照期內,縱然通貨膨脹持續,營運成本不停上升,新渡輪仍一直竭力維持 票價穩定。基於新渡輪在新牌照下須面對油價的不明朗因素、加上市場上人手極其缺乏, 公司必須在員工薪酬福利開支方面大幅增加,以挽留現職員工及吸引年青人入行等因素的 考慮下,新渡輪在新牌照期內會作出票價調整。 在新牌照下,新渡輪會積極強化渡輪服務,包括提升船隊內的船隻設施,以及針對目前勞動市場人手緊絀而無法覓得船員 駕駛下仍可提升船隊的整體載客量,為船隊內5艘403位的高速船每艘逐步增添約20個座位。同時,就著中環往來長洲航線 設立特別通道之訴求,新渡輪會在相關政府部門的配合下安排在2017年下半年實施月票通道並會進一步研究容許持其他票 種的乘客使用該通道之技術可行性。 有關新收費的安排,乘客可查閱碼頭資訊板、致電新渡輪顧客服務專線 2131 8181,或瀏覽新渡輪手機應用程式或企業網 站www.nwff.com.hk。 In March, the Transport Department extended First Ferry’s licences to operate inner harbour ferry routes (including North Point-Hung Hom and North Point-Kowloon City) as well as outlying-island ferry routes (Central-Mui Wo, Central-Cheung Chau and Inter Islands) by 3 years. The extension on the inner harbour and Mui Wo routes will come into effect as of 1 April 2017 while the remaining two routes will become effective on 1 July 2017. During the previous 3-year licence period, despite continuing inflationary pressures and rising operating costs, First Ferry has tried hard to keep fares stable. In this new licence period, in view of the uncertainty of rebounding oil prices coupled with a severe manpower shortage in the market that necessitated a considerable increase in remuneration package to retain current employees and to attract young people to this industry by providing maritime training, First Ferry has to adjust the fares. In order to strengthen its services in this new licence period, First Ferry will upgrade fleet facilities, and increase the carrying capacity of its fleet out of the difficulty of recruiting crewmembers by adding about 20 seats on each of its 403-seater fast ferries . Besides, to respond to the appeal of setting up Special Passage for Cheung Chau commuters, First Ferry is working with related governmental departments on the implementation of the Monthly Ticket Passages for "Central-Cheung Chau" Route targeted to be launched in the second half of 2017 and reviewing the technical feasibility of accepting other tickets’ holders to use the Passage. For details of new fares, please refer to the notice boards at piers, call our Custom- er Service Hotline at 2131 8181, or check the “First Ferry” mobile app or visit our corporate website at www.nwff.com.hk. 17 五十七 0 期 2 il r p th A 57 Issue 新渡輪獲發「卓越級別」節能標誌及減廢標誌 First Ferry Garners the Class of Excellence Wastewi$e Label and Energywi$e Label 新渡輪再度獲香港環保卓越計劃頒發「卓越級別」的減廢標誌及節能標誌,以表揚為環境保護付出的努力。 First Ferry’s persistent efforts put in environmental protection was once again recognised by the award of the Class of Excellence Wastewi$e Label and Energywi$e Label. 2017「『渡』賞創意空間」計劃工作坊 “Fairy” Creative Space Workshops 2017 新渡輪今年繼續贊助離島區的中學、小學及幼稚園參加藝術工作坊,藉以培養學生對藝術創 作的興趣。本年度工作坊以環保為主題,教授學生們使用循環再用物料製作不同的小手作, 宣揚環保訊息。 中學及小學組别學生獲安排到K11購物藝術館參加輕黏土工作坊,使用廢棄的玻璃瓶,以黏土 製作環保房屋小手作,並參觀場內的藝術展覽,讓學生們大開眼界! 幼稚園組學生則獲安排參觀屯門新生互動農場,並於園內收集大自然素材如樹枝、樹葉等, 製作環保相架及樹枝稻草人小手作。 (參與學校:長洲官立中學、佛教慧因法師紀念中學、國民學校、長洲聖心學校、長洲聖心 幼稚園、 (梅窩)力行幼稚園及國民學校漢師中英文幼稚園.幼兒園) First Ferry is continuing with its social art programme to sponsor schools (secondary, primary and kindergarten levels) from outlying islands to take part in external art workshops with the aim of cultivating students’ interests in artistry and creativity. The workshops this year are based on the theme of environmental-friendliness, teaching students in the use of recycled materials to create little pieces of handiwork and promoting the message of environmental protection. Students from the secondary and primary schools were assigned to the K11 Art Mall’s workshop to create small houses using abandoned glass bottles and clay. The students were also taken round to see the onsite art exhibition, giving them an eye-opener to greater creative possibilities! The kindergarten group was taken to visit the New Life Interactive Farm in Tuen Mun. The students gathered materials from nature, such as branches and leaves etc., to create green photo-frames as well as scarecrows made from the branches of trees. (Participating schools: Cheung Chau Government Secondary School, Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College, Kwok Man School, Cheung Chau Sacred Heart School, Cheung Chau Sacred Heart Kindergarten, Lick Hang Kindergarten (Mui Wo) and Kwok Man Vernacular Normal Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten) (百萬港元) +/(-) % (百萬港元) +/(-) % 新世界及新創建集團公佈2016/2017中期業績 NWD and NWS Holdings Limited Announce FY 2016/17 Interim Results 對比2015年 對比2015年 項目 新世界集團 之變化 新創建集團 之變化 Items New World Development Compared NWS Holdings Compared (百萬港元 in million HK$) with 2015 +/(-) % (百萬港元 in million HK$) with 2015 +/(-) % 收入 Revenue 26,639.4 (21) 13,846.0 (3) 股東應佔溢利 Profit attributable 4,335.7 31 2,600.1 10 to shareholders 每股中期股息 Interim dividend HK$0.13 0 HK$0.34 10 per share 創建社區關懷日2017 NWS Caring Day 2017 新渡輪母公司新創建集團每年均會藉紀念集團上市日舉辦大型社區活動以回饋 社會。今年主題為「創建社區關懷日2017暨『創建生涯路』計劃啟動禮」,逾 300名加入計劃的青少年和企業義工分組參加「創建生涯全體驗歷奇活動」,走 訪集團和社福機構的多個辦事處,體驗各個不同行業的特點。當中部分參加者 到訪「生涯體驗站」之一的新渡輪船塢,於渡輪上拍攝有關在船上逃生及相關 設施的教育短片,體驗傳訊工作。 NWS Holdings, the parent company of First Ferry, never fails to organise a mega-scale community event on the anniversary of its company stock listing as a way of giving back to society. The event this year combines NWS Caring Day 2017 with the launch ceremony of the NWS Career Navigator For Youth. Over 300 young people and corporate volunteers teamed up to visit different workplaces of the Group’s member companies and non-profit organisations and get a taste of various jobs. Several teams visited the First Ferry’s docking facilities, where they film a short educational video aboard a ferry about escape routes and its facilities, to let them get a feel of working in the communications field. 新創建集團榮獲「社會資本卓越企業夥伴獎」 NWS Holdings Awarded “Outstanding Social Capital Partnership Award (Corporate)” 社會資本對社會的經濟繁榮及長遠持續發展擔當非常重要的角色,有助建立一個互信互助、團結及充滿人情味的社 會,讓個人、家庭及組織互相支持,社區能力得以持續提升。 早前,新創建集團獲勞工及福利局社區投資共享基金委員會頒發「社會資本卓越企業夥伴獎」,以表揚集團對香港社 會資本發展的貢獻。此外,集團成員公司新渡輪、協興建築及惠保建築亦獲頒「社會資本動力標誌獎」。 Social capital plays a very important role in the economic prosperity and long-term continuous development of a society, building a society where trust and cooperation, and unity and humanity are present, and where individuals, families and organisations mutually support each other so that communities continue to improve. Lately, NWS Holdings was awarded the “Outstanding Social Capital Partnership Award (Corporate)” by the Community Investment & Inclusion Fund Committee of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, a commendation of the Group’s contribution to the development of social capital in Hong Kong. In addition, member companies of the Group like First Ferry, Hip Hing Construction and Vibro (H.K.), were also awarded the “Social Capital Builder (SCB) Award”. 乘客讚賞 Passengers’ Appreciation 新渡輪兩位職員於二月份獲乘客來信讚賞熱心協助乘客及協助尋回失物。管理層向職員頒發「卓越服務證書」,以示嘉許。 First Ferry received letters from passengers complimenting two ferry crew members for providing quality customer service and their assistance for finding lost items, who were awarded the “Certificate for Outstanding Service” by management as a commendation for their acts. 新飛助理機長—包惠忠 北角碼頭督察—蔡漢強 Xin Fei Assistant Engineer – Bao Wai Zhong North Point Pier Inspector – Choi Han Keung 新渡輪第三個船上哺乳室在「新飛號」投入服務 First Ferry Launches its Third On-board Breastfeeding Room on “Xin Fei” 繼2016年6月,首個在新渡輪三層普通渡輪「新光號」的哺乳室開幕後,新渡 輪致力增加船上哺乳室的數目並透過不斷改善求進,優化設備。第三個佔地 約6.2平方米的船上哺乳室,已於2017年1月起在「新飛號」投入服務。新渡 輪預計於2017年上半年,會於船隊內的另外一艘三層普通渡輪「新國號」上 設立哺乳室,完成在普通渡輪上設置哺乳室的計劃。同時,新渡輪亦正積極 與推廣母乳餵哺的團體研究於高速船上安排優先座位予授母乳母親使用之可 行性,進一步於船隊內推廣母乳餵哺,並向授母乳母親給予更多的支持。 Since the very first breastfeeding room was launched on the triple-deck ordinary ferry, “Xin Guang”, last June, First Ferry has been committed to increasing the number of breastfeeding rooms on ordinary ferries, and to continuously improve on and optimise such facilities. The third breastfeeding room, which occupies an area of 6.2 square metres on “Xin Fei”, was launched this January. The company expects to set up a breastfeeding room in another triple-deck ordinary ferry in the fleet, “Xin Guo” by the first half of 2017. This brings the plan to set up a breastfeeding room in all ordinary ferries to completion. At the same time, First Ferry is actively working with a group that promotes breastfeeding on the feasibility of providing priority seats on fast ferries for breastfeeding mums to further promote and offer support to breastfeeding. 昔日香港漁業發達,許多人靠出海為生,因 Hong Kong had a thriving fishery industry in the past and many people 此被譽為海上守護神的天后備受敬仰,供奉 made a living out in the seas. As a result, the goddess known for protecting 天后亦成為本港重要的民間宗教信仰之一。 the seas, Tin Hau (Mazu), was revered and the worship of this deity became 每年農曆三月二十三日的天后誕,全港逾70 one of the important folk religion practices of this harbour. 座天后廟都會有慶祝活動。當中香港以至廣 During the Tin Hau Festival, every 23rd of the 3rd Month in the Lunar 東沿岸現存最古老的天后廟──西貢大廟灣 Calendar, more than 70 of the Tin Hau Temples across the harbour will 佛堂門天后古廟(「大廟」)每年均吸引數 celebrate the festival. Along the stretch of coast from Hong Kong to 以萬計的善信前往參拜,祈求來年風調雨順。 Guangdong sits the very oldest Tin Hau Temple (also known as “Tai Miu”, 列為香港一級歷史建築的大廟始建於1266年, meaning “Great Temple”) in Joss House Bay, Sai Kung. Tens of thousands 內裡的大殿供奉著天后娘娘,而右偏殿則設 devotees would visit this Tin Hau Temple every year to pay their respects 有一座銅鐘及龍床。部分善信更會摸龍床, and to pray for good weather in the coming year. Declared as a Grade I 以求子或財帛。 Historic Building, Tai Miu was built in 1266. Its main hall is dedicated
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