7760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE OCTOBER 9 APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR Willis R. Shelton, Monahans. elude therein a statement by Oscar John­ ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES LaVerne G. Files, Monroe City. son, president of the National Cotton TO ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Atheniar R. Wade, San Augustine. Council of America, on price fixing, sub­ Lt. Col. Charles Ennis, Infantry, with rank mitted to the Banking and Currency from May 4, 1941. Committee on August 6, 1941. TO ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT HOUSE OF-REPRESENTATIVES · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to First Lt. Henry Chaffee Thayer, Infantry the request of the gentleman from Mis­ (temporary captain, Army of the United THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,1941 sissippi? States), with rank from June 12, 1938. There was no objection. TO FIELD ARTILLERY The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I Second Lt. Robert Pennell, Infantry (tem­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ porary first lieutenant, Army of the United gomery, D. D., offered the following also ask unanimous consent to extend States), with rank from June 12, 1939, effec­ prayer: my own remarks in the RECORD and to tive October 26, 1941. include a statement by Mr. 0. F. Bledsoe, TO INFANTRY Thanks be to the eternal God, our president of the Staple Cotton Coopera­ Second Lt. James Deimel Green, Cavalry Father, for the Christ, our Saviour, for tive Association, entitled ''The New (temporary first lieutenant, Army of the He is transcendent and imparts hope and Farm Program and Human-Labor United States), with rank from June 12, 1939. security to all praying souls. We praise Hours." PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE Thee that Thou dost enable us to ascend The SPEAKER. Is there objection to UNITED STATES the spiritual heights of wisdom and enjoy the request of the gentleman from Mis­ TO BE COLONELS WITH RANK FROM OCTOBER 1, the peace that passeth knowledge, leading siE'sippi? 1941 the human spirit behind the vision of There was no objection. Lt. Col. Raymond Eugene McQuillin, Cav­ things. Being alive unto God, while Mr. BURGIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask alry (temporary colonel, Army of the United walking the changeful ways of time, in unanimous consent to extend my own States), subject to examination required by thought, purpose, and work, we are led remarks in the RECORD and to include law. to keep our tryst in the morning glow, in therewith a statement of the Secretary Lt. Col. Edward Hiltner Bertram, Infantry the glare of the noon hour, and find rest of State, Hon. Cordell Hull. (temporary colonel, Army of the United ·and peace in the cool of the evening. States), subject to examination required by_ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to · law. Blessed Lord, as the standard of true the request of the gentleman from North Lt. Col. Hayes Adlai Kroner, Infantry (tem­ greatness is the measure of inspiration Carolina? porary colonel, Army of the· United States), imparted, we pray that fair, brotherly There was no objection. subject to examination required by law. consideration may be the window of the Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, house in which we labor, holding with APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY day before yesterday I asked and re­ stout hearts our country's life. In the ceived permission to have inserted in the The following-named captains to be rear name of our Redeemer. Amen. admirals in the Navy, for temporary service, RECORD a speech by the Honorable to rank from the date stated opposite their The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Thomas H. MacDonald, Commissioner names: terday was read and approved. of Public Roads. The speech is entitled William S. Farber, October 1, 1941. "The Indispensable Quality of Highways Robert C. Giffen, October 1, 1941. EXTENSION OF REMARKS to National Defense." Today the speech Jonas H. Ingram, October 1, 1941. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask was returned to me with the statement :Patrick N. L. Bellinger, October 2, 1941. unanimous consent to extend my own re­ that it is three-quarters of a page over Richmond K. Turner, October 3, 1941. marks in the RECORD and include Abel T. Bidwell, October 4, 1941. to the amount allowed. I ask special per­ William R. Munroe, Oetober 6, 1941. therein two brief editorials. mission that it be printed in the RECORD Julius A. Furer, October 7, 1941. the request of the gentleman from Mis­ because of its importance. Bryson Bruce, October 8, 1941. souri? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Charles W. Fisher, Jr., October 9, 1941. There was no objection. the request of the gentleman from Okla­ Francis w. Rockwell, October 10, 1941. PERMISSION _TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE homa? There was no objection. Mr. LELAND M. FORD. Mr. Speaker, CONFffiMATIONS Mr. GEHRMANN. Mr. Speaker, I ask I ask unanimous consent to address the unanimous consent to extend my own Executive nominations confirmed by House for 1 minute and to revise and remarks in the RECORD and to include the Senate October 9, 1941: extend my remarks. therein some remarks made by a mem­ DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ber of the Canadian Parliament. Arthur Bliss Lane to be Envoy Extraordi­ the request of the gentleman from Cali­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to nary and Minister Ple-1ipotentiary of the fornia? the request of the gentleman from Wis­ United States of America to Costa Rica. There was no objection. [Mr. LELAND M. FORD addressed the consin? UNITED STATES PUBLIC' HEALTr ~ SERVICE House. His remarks appear in the There was no objection. TO BE SENIOR SURGEONS Appendix of the RECORD.1 Mr. LECOMPTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Lieuen M. Rogers unanimous consent to extend my own Milton V. ..--eldee EXTENSION OF REMARKS remarks in the RECORD and to include Le Grand B. Byington Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. therein resolutions passed by the Iowa TO BE SURGEONS Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ unit of Fight for Freedom. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Harold D. Lyman tend my own remarks in the RECORD and FTederick W. Kratz to include therewith a brief editorial. the request of the gentleman from Iowa? John D. Lane, Jr. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to There was no objection. the request of the gentleman from Cali­ Mr. LUDLOW. Mr. Speaker, I ask TO BE PASSED ASSISTANT SURGEONS fornia? unanimous consent to extend my own Waldron M. Sennott There was no objection. remarks in the RECORD in two respects Kenneth M. Joye John B. Holt Mr. PLUMLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask and in one to include a short address by unanimous consent to extend my own re­ Strickland Gillilan, and in the other an TO BE SENIOR DENTAL SURGEONS marks in the RECORD and to include address by Dr. John A. O'Brien, of the Stanmore P! Marshall therein an article from a recent issue of University of Notre Dame. William 0. Boss the New York Herald Tribune. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to PoSTMASTERS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Indi­ MINNESOTA the request of the gentleman from Ver­ ana? mont? There was no objection. Eino Kopponen, Mountain Iron. There was no objection. Mr. PIERCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask TEXAS Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I unanimous consent to extend my remarks Jay H. Riley, Canton. ask unanimous consent to extend my in the RECORD and incl'!lde an article by Mabel E. Jones, Hedley. own remarks in the RECORD and to-in- Mr. I. F. Stone. I included one the other 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7761 day, and this is another part of the same ute and revise and extend my remarks the Boston Globe of September 7, titled subject. in the RECORD. "The President's Mother." The SPEAKER. Is there objection? The SPEAKER. Is there objection? The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. There was no objection. There w~s no objection. Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask . Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, yester­ SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR • unanimous consent to extend my remarks day the gentleman from Virginia [Mr. NATIONAL DEFENSE, 1942-LEND-LEASE in the RECORD and include a brief article SMITH] told US how the Q. P. M. had appearing in the Christian Science Moni­ denied a contract to the Currier Lumber Mr. CANNON of Missouri. Mr. Speak­ tor of recent date. Co., which denial will cost the Govern­ er, I move that the House resolve itself The SPEAKER. Is there objection? ment $431,000, because the A. F. of L. into the Committee of the Whole House There was no objection. threatened r general strike, if the Currier on the state of the Union for the further consideration of the bill <H. R. 5788) BOMB ON PHILADELPHIA Lumber Co. and the C. I. 0. group were given that contract. What I ask the gen­ making supplemental appropriations for Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ tleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Mc­ the national defense for the fiscal years mous consent to proceed for 1 minute and CoRMACK], even though he is not listen­ ending June 30, 1942, and June 30, 1943, revise and extend my remarks in the ing and will not listen, is what he or his and for other purposes. RECORD. party are going to do when the C. I. 0. The motion was agreed to. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? threatens a general strike because they Accordingly the House resolved itself There was no objection. do not get a contract? You will have the into the Committee of the Whole House Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, I call atten­ A.
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