9725.3 Cover fall 2005 2/3/06 11:07 AM Page 3 ALL AUTOMNE UKIAKSAAQ F wkw5 xgc5b6ym/q8i4 scsyc3i6 • GIVING VOICE TO THE INUIT EXPERIENCE srx4~6 w L’EXPRESSION DE L’EXPÉRIENCE INUITE • INUIT ATUQATTAQSIMAJANGINNIK UQAUSIQARNIQ 0505Inuktitut WoEctŒ8iz5 ∫4fNi cspm0Jt5 x7ml srs6b6g6 The interplay between technology and the North L’entrecroisement entre la technologie et le Nord Piliriqatigiinningat taakkunani qaujimajjutit ammalu ukiuqtaqtuq n6rb6 • ISSUE • NUMÉRO • SAQQITAQ 98 $6.25 9725.3 Cover fall 2005 2/3/06 11:08 AM Page 4 9725.3_Front end.qxd 2/3/06 11:11 AM Page I xxxxxxxxxxx ❘ XXXXXXX ❘ XXXXXXXXXX ❘ XXXXXXXX 24 ALL AUTOMNE UKIAKSAAQ F ■ Ns÷5: x3?Zh1i6 kNos2 ckwoziEc5b6ym/z srx4~6 w ■ Repulse Bay: Hunting the Bowhead Whale A community history ■ Repulse Bay : La chasse à la baleine boréale Une histoire communautaire ■ Naujaat: arvagasungniq 0505Inuktitut Nunaliup qanuilinganiriqattaqsimajanga 14 ■ xu6√ctc3i6 wo6fygc3u4, xu6√ctc3i6 cspm0Jti4 wkw5 Wsyq5 ck6 xgo3ic3mΩb s9luso6gu kN3JxE/5t8i ■ Sharing Tradition, Sharing Technology 35 How Inuit customs meet the contemporary world ■ wo8ix6†5 yfoEi3j5 ■ Partager les traditions, partager la technologie vNbu\uxoZ3i m4f4g5 kN3Jx2 srs6b6gqtÅ6g5 Comment les coutumes inuites font face au monde contemporain ■ Students on Ice North American youth make the circumpolar scene ■ Amiqqaaqatiqarniq iliqqusituqarmik, amiqqaaqatiqarniq qaujimajjutinik ■ Students on Ice Inuit piusingit qanuq atulirniqarmangaata ullumiuliqtumi Des jeunes nord-américains sur la scène circumpolaire nunarjuarijattinni ■ Ilinniaqtiit sikulirinirmut Kanatami/Mialigarni makkuktut nunarjuap ukiuqtaqtungitiguuqtut çz•5g5 x0pos6bsymJ6 ßjz Ws3 biZ8\m3Î4 hD¥4 kNF7u whm6h3lt4 W8ax6©4 dFxh9lt4 Cover photo by Pierre Dunnigan/Two children in Nunavik enjoy a carefree moment of play Photo couverture par Pierre Dunnigan/Deux enfants de Nunavik s’amusent ALL 2005 Qaanganiittut ajjiliuqtausimajuq uumunga Pierre Dunnigan/marruuk surusiik Nunavimmi isumaqsurlutik pinnguaqtuuk quviasullutik F INUKTITUT wk4tg5 i n6rb6 • ISSUE • NUMÉRO • SAQQITAQ 98 9725.3_Front end.qxd 2/3/06 11:11 AM Page II w ■ ≈6r4hwps2 ~z8i5: wq3CiE/sJi5, xiAw0JtQ/symJ5, h9lxl7j5 WJmiE/symJ5 — 05 Inuktitut x7ml ÙW eg3zs/6¡ ................................................................ 1 ■ From the Editor’s Desk: xsM5tp ≈6r4hwp Managing Editor Of Voyages, Milestones, Pipedreams — and Barbie! ..... 1 y†?8 Bx8gE Stephen Hendrie ■ Rubrique du rédacteur : ≈6r4hwps9li NvtEp Co-ordinating Editor Voyages, jalons, projets chimériques — et Barbie! ....... 1 În BwsE{-≈5l Rosa Harris-Adler ■ Aaqqiksuijiup saangannit: Contributing Editor giy9li NvtEp Ingirranirijaujunit, aniguijjutigijausimajut, sullualummut ∆n 9/ Mosha Folger pijumanirijausimajut - ammalu Barbie qiturngaujaq! .... 2 bs5gzi4 ≈6r4hwp Designer Lucy Shepard ¬y yxS5 ■ tt6v5 Editorial and .................................................................................. 3 n6rtEJ5 Publishing Services ■ Letters ............................................................................... 3 x// ttC6†5 gn6t5tπ9l Ayaya Marketing & ■ Communications Lettres ............................................................................... 3 wk4t©o6tEp ■ Titiqqat .............................................................................. 3 πi v5n4 Inuktitut Translation kxm8 ®Nw8N6 w5gx5 Jeannie Katsak Norman Keenainak, Ittuat ■ wvJ3ic6ymJ5 ........................................................................ 4 swÏt©o6tEp Translations ¬y Mµ8t8, ≈6r4hwi3j5 vmpsJ6 ■ Contributors ...................................................................... 4 French Translation ■ Collaborateurs .................................................................. 4 is3Dt4noEp5 Lucie Lamontagne, L & A Ws9 m√4i, ˆtx rf8, bwF5 Fkx5 Organization Extraordinaire ■ Ikajurniqaqsimajut ............................................................ 4 Advertising Sales wk4tg5 scoµZ6, wkw5 W6fyq8i4, scsyq8i4 Bill McConkey, Nadia Ciccone w˚yq8i[l ttCsyc6ymJ6, tnmw6Li x3ÇAu ■ Nwˆ6ymJ5 ............................................................................. 6 n6rbs?4g6 wkw5 bW‰5 vNbu, gÇD∫ Inuktitut magazine, dedicated to Inuit ■ In Brief ............................................................................. 6 . culture, language and life, is published 170 Laurier Ave West, Suite 510, ■ Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5, Canada. four times a year by Inuit Tapiriit En bref ............................................................................ 6 sc¬∫: (613) 238-8181. Kanatami, 170 Laurier Ave. West, ■ Suite 510, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5, Nainaaqsimajut ................................................................. 6 h4vJ4f5: (613) 234-1991. tt6v5 ≈6r4hwpj5 Canada. Phone: (613) 238-8181. sKz ttCD8N6g5: [email protected] Fax: (613) 234-1991. Letters to the editor: [email protected] ■ xiAw0JbsymJ5 ........................................................................ 32 ttC6gk5 moZ4nw5 WJmAFQ5 sKz ■ cspQxD8N6gt5 www.itk.ca. To download a copy of our Milestones ........................................................................ 32 freelancers' guidelines, go to ■ www.itk.ca. Points saillants................................................................... 32 ISSN 0705-8527 ■ Copyright 2005, Inuit Tapiriit Aniguijjutausimajut ......................................................... 32 ISSN 0705-8527 Kanatami. Copyright 2005, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. gnsm/4noEp5 ■ h9lxlo7j5 WNhx6bsJmymJ6 dFxNq5gk5 W9MEsJk5 ~0Jtc6S6............. 41 x// ttC†5 gnt5tπ9l Advertising: ■ Pipedream faces harsh realities .................................... 41 Building 157 Ayaya Marketing & ■ P.O. Box 8 Communications Un rêve se heurte à la réalité ............................................. 43 Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0 Building 157 ■ Sullualulimmut pinasuaqtaujumasimajuq sc¬∫: (867) 979-1484 P.O. Box 8 h4vJ4f5: (867) 979-7841 Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0 quvianangittunut pillariujunut saajjutiqaqpuq................ 43 [email protected] Phone: (867) 979-1484 Fax: (867) 979-7841 x// ttC†5 gnt5tπ9l [email protected] ■ WA8N3yymJ5............................................................................. 47 16 Concourse Gate Ayaya Marketing & ■ Rising Stars ...................................................................... 47 Suite 100 Communications ■ Des étoiles filantes ........................................................... 47 Ottawa ON K2E 7S8 16 Concourse Gate sc¬∫: (613) 224-7677 ext. 117 Suite 100 ■ Pigunnarsisimajut............................................................ 47 sc¬∫: xrc`Q5g6 800-263-1452 Ottawa ON K2E 7S8 h4vJ4f5 xrc`Q5g6 800-461-4179 Phone: (613) 224-7677 ext. 117 [email protected] Phone (toll-free): 800-263-1452 ■ bwm: "eg8zs/6 ÙW" n8œ9ot8iE/z .......................................... 49 Fax (toll-free):800-461-4179 [email protected] ■ Taima: Barbie dilutes our heritage ................................ 48 ■ Taima: « Barbie » dilue notre patrimoine ........................... 49 n6rbsJ5 g9f xu˙o6tEpk5, ■ Taima: “Barbie” sanngiillitinnirijanga ≈g¿, ≈8tsEs Printed by Dollco Printing, nakinngaaqsimanirijattinnik ........................................... 49 Ottawa, Ontario. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40068998 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: AYAYA MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS 100-16 CONCOURSE GATE OTTAWA ON K2E 7S8 AUTOMNE 2005 II INUKTITUT wk4tg5 9725.3_Front end.qxd 2/3/06 11:11 AM Page 1 ≈6r4hwps2 ~z8i5 ❘ FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK ❘ RUBRIQUE DU RÉDACTEUR ❘ AAQQIKSUIJIUP SAANGANNIT wq3CiE/sJi5, xiAw0JtQ/symJ5, h9lxl7j5 WJmiE/symJ5 — x7ml ÙW eg3zs/6¡ 0p8ax5 si4√6gxu4 scsyc5txD8N3i3nsiq8k5 tt6vi9o, si4√oxEym/K5 xbmgmi srx4~u x0p8axtA5 si4√os3isK6 wo6fygc6 ck6 vtc3mΩ5 s9luso6gu kN3Jxj5. xs/4f5 wq3Cis?1izk5. m3Î4 ttC6tsÔ4 - ∆n 9/ x7ml bwFt JxNy- WoEx4ncMs3mt4 srs6b6©2 bEszkxD0/so6ym9lt4. ∆n si4√os6g6 Ns÷3usoµ5 ck6 wMscbsMs3i3mΩb x0psq5g6 x3?Zh1isJu4, bwFt ttCsyc6t9lA wo8ix6†5 yfoEi3j5 cspNhx6ymiq8k5 xw{M8u, xfr5g5 Pierre Dunnigan ■ xa5 bf4nsK5 Wa3u — kNzi x7ml wclw5 bys/3Jxzi. m4f4g5 kN3Jxoµu wMscbsMs6g5 Wa 3l stj5 bf4nsic6S6 eu3DiE/z5 xqi6Ùu4: s9luj5 xqJu4 W0Jt4nsiz yMs2 xy0p6X9oxiz. tsE B≈o¿4{ scsyc6g6 moZC˜5 x7ml Z?moEisJ6 x[FxDtsymiq8k5 ■ A man reflects on a ∫8N wlxq0Jtso6ymJ6 sxoi3us5 h9lxlz5 x3ÇAZnsJk5. x7ml b6Co4 ÙgE0 mountain — and the Of Voyages, mountain reflects back Milestones, WoExc6t9lA wkw5 wo6fygczA5 eg8zs/oEi3u4, x0psq5gu4 bsgZc3iz W6fygc4f5 xg6bsizk5 scsycMs3m5 eg8zs/6 xbJ6ym9li u6fo7u4 ■ Un homme médite sur Pipedreams — yic6g6. une montagne — et la x7ml, w6vsmN6g6 kN8axu NlNw6y0Jbsi ckwosEx8z3iE/symJ6 montagne est réfléchie en and Barbie! ˜XgxEu sz?Ex6ymJ6 kN∫3i3j5 xqctŒAtz5 vJytbsobw8NMs3m5 vNbs2 retour ecause photos frequently tell a story better than words, vtmF3Jxzi. Bour cover story this fall is a photo essay on how tradition eu3DxZ6 xoxNwQix6X5 ■ Angut takuksauvut meets the modern world. pingurmi — pingurlu Summer is travel time. Two writers—Mosha Folger and utimut takuksauniqaqpuq y†?8 Bx8gE David Joanasie—had assignments that brought them to xsM5tp ≈6r4hwp Arctic seas. Mosha reports on how the entire Repulse Bay community participated in the rare Bowhead Whale hunt, while David writes of the Students on Ice expedition to Iceland, Greenland and Frobisher Bay. A major focus of the young people from around the word who participated: the great contemporary issue of climate change. Terry Halifax deconstructs the regulatory and political Voyages, stumbling blocks that still plague the Mackenzie Valley jalons, pipeline after all these years. And Taqralik Partridge tackles Inuit Legends Barbie, providing a unique perspective projets chimériques
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