30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 349 Index Articles of Faith (Church statement), • A • 175–176 Aaronic Priesthood, 15, 67–68 Asia, 79, 246, 248 abolitionist, 252 Association for Mormon Letters (arts abortion, 257, 275 organization), 321 Abraham (prophet), 83, 173–174 Atonement Abrahamic covenant, 83 celestial kingdom requirements, 37 accident, 12, 124 Mormonism versus Christianity, 52 accountability, 24 overview, 47 Adam (first human), 13, 18, 27–29 sacrament, 98 addiction, 16–17, 279 telestial versus terrestrial kingdom, 36 adopted children, 127, 276 uniqueness of Mormonism, 18 adulterer, 35 attendance, 245 Affirmation (support group), 268 Africa, 246, 248–249 • B • African Americans, 249, 251–255 afterlife The Backslider (Peterson, Levi), 321 of Jesus, 47–48 Badger, Julie (The Essential Mormon overview, 13 Cookbook), 317 phases, 31–39 banking organization, 188 age of accountability, 101 baptism agency, 24, 27–29, 31 celestial kingdom requirements, 37 alcohol avoidance for the dead, 120–121 Brigham Young University, 147–148 definition, 116 Joseph Smith’s surgery, 62 gifts of Holy Ghost, 54 missionary invitation, 241 growth, 245 rationale, 16–17, 336 house of Israel, 84–85 Word of Wisdom, 278–279 importance, 101 Alma the Younger (prophet), 157 key D&C scriptures, 179 ancestors, 78–82, 111 preparation, 101–102 Angels in America (play), 322 process, 102–103 animal, 38 COPYRIGHTEDproxy, MATERIAL 79–80 announcement, 97 temple recommend, 119 antichrist, 167 Barty, Billy (actor), 324 apostle, modern basketball, 111–112 appointment, 137–138 bathing suit, 273 function, 137 Beehive House (Church facility), 132, 347 overview, 70 The Best Two Years (movie), 238 uniqueness of Mormonism, 19 Bible. See also specific books apostle, New Testament, 15, 65 additional scriptures, 153–154, 171 architecture, 94, 114 daily reading, 296 Arizona, 216, 217 Joseph Smith’s translation, 154–156 Armageddon (final war), 49 Mormonism’s perspective, 337 30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 350 350 Mormonism For Dummies Bible (continued) books, 319–320 objection to Mormonism, 264–265 boys. See also children official version, 152 camping, 112 overview, 151–152 missionary work, 232–233 premortality, 25 priesthood, 67–68 reference conventions, 2 Sunday schedule, 92 sealing ordinance, 126 branch, 68, 93–94 significant teachings, 152–153 Brazil, 247 uniqueness of Mormonism, 19 bread, 98 birth control, 76, 275 Brigham Young University (BYU), 147–148, bishop 204, 301, 348 home teaching, 302 Brighamites (Utah-based Latter-day overview, 68 Saints), 211 sexual sins, 276 Brimley, Wilford (actor), 324 temple recommend, 119 British Latter-day Saints, 194 tithing payment, 283 ward calling, 95 bishopric, 96, 98 • C • blasphemy, 58 caffeine, 280 blessing. See also ordinance; specific types California, 217 baby, 104–105 calling. See Church calling comfort, 71 Canada, 118, 216 definition, 70 cancer, 280 father, 71 canning, 142, 312 home teaching, 303 Card, Orson Scott husband, 71 Ender’s Game, 321 prayer steps, 292–293 Saints, 320 types, 70–71 Cardston, Alberta, Canada, 216 Bluth, Don (filmmaker), 323 career. See job body piercing, 136 Carson City, Nevada, 216 Boggs, Lilburn W. (Missouri governor), 191 Carthage, Illinois, 343–344 Book of Mormon (holy text) Catholic Christians versus Bible, 171 Adam and Eve, 27 daily reading, 296 God, 44–45 enduring to the end, 31 Jesus, 50–52 everyday application, 166–170 job of members, 95 grace versus works, 46 transubstantiation, 98 history, 156–165 celestial kingdom house of Israel, 83–84 importance of baptism, 101 objections to Mormonism, 265 Millennium, 50 origin, 14–15 overview, 13 overview, 151 polygamy, 225 pronunciation guide, 162 requirements, 36–38 public reaction, 165 Second Coming, 49 revealer of truth, 57 celestial room, 125 spirit prison, 33 celibacy, 74 translation, 15, 65, 151, 164–165 chaperone, 243 trustworthiness, 258–261 chastity. See Law of Chastity view of Adam and Eve, 27, 28 child of record, 105 30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 351 Index 351 children. See also boys; girls; teens freethinking Mormons, 262–263 abortion, 257 function, 65–66 adopted, 127, 276 Gospel Principles, 176 baby blessing, 104–105 growth, 10, 186, 231, 243–247 Book of Mormon application, 166 Illinois history, 192, 193–198 death, 25 Missouri history, 189–193 divorced parents, 129 name, 65, 66 eternal sealing ordinance, 116, 126–130 number of members, 1, 10 fasting rules, 289 Ohio history, 185–189 General Conference, 141 outside criticism, 264–266 meetinghouse versus temple, 115 preferred terminology, 15–16 number in family, 76–77 split after Joseph Smith’s death, 210–212 premortality, 11, 23 as true and living church, 19–20 qualifications for missionary work, Web site, 1 231–232 Church Office Building (Church sacrament meeting behavior, 97, 98–99 facility), 132 spirit, 37, 38, 42 Church Office Building plaza, 132–133 Sunday schedule, 92, 107–108 Clayson, Jane (news anchor), 327 time with father, 78 Clayton, William (“Come, Come Ye Chile, 247 Saints”), 206 chores, 78 closing hymn, 99 Christ. See Jesus Christ clothing Christian music, 319 baptism process, 103 Christian religion Brigham Young University, 148 Adam and Eve, 27, 28 endowment, 125 God, 44–45 meetinghouse versus temple, 115 Jesus, 50–52 missionary work, 235–236, 242 job of members, 95 modesty, 273 versus Mormonism, 17–20, 44–45 sacrament, 96 purpose for suffering, 31 stake dance, 112 The Christmas Box (Evans, Richard temple garment, 121–122, 123–124 Paul), 329 temple open house, 122 Christmas holiday, 100 wedding, 128 Church Administration Building (Church coffee, 16–17, 278, 280 facility), 132 cola drink, 17, 278, 280 Church calling college, 147–148 missionary work, 235–236 “Come, Come Ye Saints” (Clayton, ordinance process, 72 William), 206 overview, 95–96 comfort sacrament meeting protocol, 98 blessing, 71 Church headquarters food, 316–317 General Conference, 139–141 Holy Ghost, 56–57 layout, 132–133 commandment, 136 leaders, 133–139 commitment pattern, 239 overview, 131 Community of Christ (LDS splinter group) Church of Christ (LDS splinter group), 212 Joseph Smith’s Bible revisions, 155 The Church of Jesus Christ of Kirtland Temple, 189 Latter-day Saints Missouri site, 193 current challenges, 227–228 overview, 211–212 30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 352 352 Mormonism For Dummies Community of Christ (continued) death tourism, 345 children, 25 Conference Center (auditorium), 133, divorced couple, 129 140, 347 funeral, 105–106 confirmation Joseph Smith, 197 celestial kingdom requirements, 37 key D&C scriptures, 180 for the dead, 121 life after, 13, 31–39 definition, 116 spouse, 129 gifts of Holy Ghost, 53–54 uniqueness of Mormonism, 19 overview, 71 debt, 308–309 process, 103–104 decaffeinated coffee, 280, 281 consecrated olive oil, 71 dedication, 71 convert, 240 déjà vu, 26 Correlation Committee (communication demon, 29, 32, 55 institution), 262 Deseret (Utah region), 214 Council Bluff, Iowa, 345–346 devil councilor, 111 final battle, 34 counselor, 110–111 Millennium, 50 couple missionaries, 234 necessity of, 29 covenant, 83 origin, 11 Covey, Stephen R. outer darkness, 38 overview, 328 overview, 29 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective patriarchal blessing, 87 People, 319 plan of salvation, 24 Cowdery, Oliver (translation scribe), 64–65 Second Coming signs, 49 credit, 309 threats to family, 74 cremation, 106 uniqueness of Mormonism, 18 crucifix, 94 Dialogue Foundation (freethinking crucifixion, 47 organization), 264 cult, 265 Dialogue (journal), 264 cultural hall, 111, 128 dietary law, 179, 279 culture disfellowshipment, 277 arts, 112, 317–324 dispensation, gospel, 60 retention, 246 displacement, 144 divorce, 129 DNA test, 260 • D • Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) daily life daily reading, 296 family strengthening tips, 77–78 debt, 308 ideal, 291–297 evolution, 178 missionary work, 238–243 fasting rationale, 288 overview, 16–17 gifts of Holy Ghost, 55 prophet’s teachings, 183–184 key scriptures, 178–180 scripture reading, 296 overview, 171 dance, 112, 319 polygamy, 181 dating, 243, 272, 273–274 quotations, 178 D&C. See Doctrine and Covenants revelations, 177–178 deacon, 67–68 treatment of women, 72 30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 353 Index 353 Domiciano, Liriel (singer), 247, 328 exaltation drama, 322 definition, 19 dream, 26 eternal sealing ordinance, 75 drugs, 16–17, 148 family history work, 79 Dushku, Eliza (actor), 324 versus salvation, 115–116 Dutcher, Richard (filmmaker), 323 tithing, 282 excommunication, 261, 262, 277 existence, 21–22 • E • extended family, 78–82, 111 earthquake, 144 extraction process, 80–81 Easter holiday, 100 Eckhart, Aaron (actor), 324 ecstatic behavior, 54 • F • Edmunds Act (1882), 224–225 faith Edmunds-Tucker Act (1887), 225 baptism preparation, 102 education enduring to the end, 30 Brigham Young’s accomplishments, 204 gift of Holy Ghost, 55 college, 147–148 ward calling, 95 funding, 146, 210, 246 family history, 187 Brigham Young, 202 institute, 147 council, 78 overview, 145–146, 167 eternal sealing ordinance, 74–75, 116, retention, 246 126–130 seminary, 146–147 gender roles, 182–183 sex, 273 God’s, 45 tithing uses, 284 history work, 78–82, 111 Egyptian papyri, 173–174 home evening, 77, 300–301 elder, 69, 107 importance, 73 emergency situation, 309–313 keeping Sabbath, 299–300 employment. See job large, 336–337 endowment, 116, 125 number of children, 76–77 enduring to the end, 30–31 origin, 73 Enrichment meeting, 109 patriarchal blessing, 86 Ensign (magazine), 141 prayer, 77, 295–296 Ephraim, tribe of, 85 premortality
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