STATUTES OF CARCROSS/TAGISH FIRST NATION Book One Traditional Beliefs and Practices: Our Place, Our Responsibilities INDEX PREAMBLE: CARCROSS/TAGISH FIRST NATION ELDERS STATEMENT INTRODUCTION PART ONE: OUR STORIES Section 1.1: Overview Section 1.2: Creation Stories Section 1.2.1: Tlingit Creation Story Section 1.2.2: Game Mother Story Section 1.2.3 Birth of Crow Section 1.3: Use of Stories Section 1.4: Current Stories PART TWO: OUR RELATIONSHIP TO CREATION AND NATURE Section 2.1: The Land Section 2.2: The Water Section 2.3: The Air Section 2.4: The Creatures Section 2.5: The Plants Section 2.6 Seasonal Cycles Summary: Mother Nature… “All our relations” PART THREE: OUR BELIEFS Section 3.1: Our History Section 3.2: Our Relationships Section 3.3: Our Cube Section 3.4: Virtues/values for sustained life and the “good trail” Section 3.4.1 Respect Section 3.4.2 Selflessness Section 3.4.3 Honour Section 3.4.4 Knowledge Section 3.4.5 Compassion Section 3.4.6 Courage Section 3.4.7 Integrity Section 3.4.8 Honesty Section 3.5: Fundamental Concepts Section 3.5.1 Balance Section 3.5.2 Self-esteem Section 3.5.3 Love Section 3.5.4 Wisdom Section 3.6: Fundamental Practices Section 3.6.1 Connection Section 3.6.2 Consensus Section 3.6.3 Laws PART FOUR: IT BEGINS WITH SELF Section 4.1 Change Begins with self Section 4.1.1 Self Section 4.1.2 Family Section 4.1.3 Clan Section 4.1.4 Community Section 4.1.5 Nation PART FIVE: OUR RITUALS, CEREMONIES, AND SYMBOLS PART SIX: OUR FUTURE Section 6.1 Core laws Section 6.1.1 Traditional laws Section 6.1.2 C/TFN Constitution Section 6.1.3 Clan laws Section 6.2 Codes of conduct PART SEVEN: REFLECTIONS PART EIGHT: GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS APPENDIX A: C/TFN Tagish and Tlingit Timeline PREAMBLE: Carcross/Tagish First Nation Elders Statement Tagish TâÌgish kutʼînèʼ yîÌtʼç, Ùingít ch¸h yîÌtʼç, Tlingit Tàgish Khwân hà setìyí kha Łingít hà setìyí, Plain English We who are Tagish and we who are Tlingit, Tagish dàdidi nenh kayʼ yànîÌzhâ akùtʼç. Tlingithà shegûn áwé ch'âgudáxh xhàt yáxh yenaxh kawsià. Plain English our heritage has grown roots into the earth since the olden times. Tagish Dàdidi nenh kayʼ yèh tû ch¸h iùanîÌtʼç. Tlingit Éch-áwé yá tl'étgi ìn hà sitì, kha yá hîn. Plain English Therefore we are part of the earth and the water. Tagish Wetʼàkudiht ʼç dàdidi naxutsʼ inilâ kùtʼç Tlingit Yutusikû hà_włiyexhi À hà jìnáxh ekawsihâ Plain English We know our creator entrusted us with the responsibility Tagish nenh yèh tû ch¸h mekʼânûtàʼ doga, ch ʼ ètlok kutsʼ áh, Tlingit yá tl'étgi ká tułetíni ch'e tlèxh, kha yá hîn, Plain English of looking after the land into perpetuity, and the water, Tagish yç nenh kayʼ selâ, yç nen t ʼ ey selâ ch¸h kudę y kuts ʼ ʼ enh. Tlingit kha hà tl'étgi ke.édi łdekét, kha hà tl'étgi teyì.ádi. Plain English and whatever is on our land, and what is beneath our land. Tagish Mâʼ dahkèh edèł eyedi ch ʼ ètlok ch ʼ enh yç nen tʼ ey selâ ch¸h kudę y kuts enh. ʼ Tlingit Éch hà ítnáxh yà ne.et à hes du jìdé kegaxhtusehâ ch'e tlèxh. Plain English So those coming after us, we will give them that responsibility into perpetuity. Tagish Kʼ ohtseh dahchô k ʼèh dàdidi nen kʼ ânûhtà ʼ sháÌh, nûne ch¸h, dene ch¸h. Tlingit Hà tlagù khwâni e kéx' yen hes hà yawsikhâ et yâ eyegaxhtùnê. Plain English Our Elders have assigned us the task of showing respect to things. Government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation Statute Book One – Traditional Beliefs and Practices: Our Place, Our Responsibilities Page 1 of 160 Tagish Dàxutsʼ ehndî kʼèh dahnenèʼ k ʼ ânûhtà ʼ sháÌh, Tlingit Éch-áwé hes du xh'akâx' yá hà tl'étgi ká gaxhtułetîn, Plain English Therefore, we will look after our land as they have told us to do, Tagish dahchô kʼèh ch¸h, Tlingit hà tlagù khwâni hes du yáxh, Plain English as did our Elders, Tagish dàdidi nen kayʼ k ʼ ohtseh łîde ł akùt ʼç, Tlingit shux'wânáxh yá tl'étgi két yutù.àdí, Plain English because we were the first to come to this land, Tagish dàdidi kçzheh Canada kùzhç. Tlingit yìdét yá Canada yû duwasâgu yé Plain English that is now called Canada. Tagish Dàdidi nen tsʼâde yàtsʼûlèʼ sháÌh. Tlingit Hà tl'étgi s'àtí daxh hà guxhsetî. Plain English We will be the bosses of our land. Tagish Dahnenè sògòsên mekʼ ânûhtà ʼ sháÌh Tlingit Hà tl'étgi gaxhtułetîn Plain English We will watch over our land Tagish medânîlèʼ k ʼ èh ch¸h, Tlingit àdé khùn yen yawtusikhà yé yáxh, Plain English as we have agreed upon, Tagish dakhuni dahkʼ èh k ʼ ânûht ʼáÌh sháÌh. Tlingit kha uhân àdé ét et kawtuwa.àghú yáxh hà shegûn kâx'. Plain English and as we ourselves manage things according to our traditions. Tagish Dene dahkʼ èh edèl ch¸h kâkuhtʼáh sháÌh chʼ ètlok ch ʼ enh. Tlingit Hà ítnáxh yà ne.et à hes du jìdé yegaxhtusekhâ ch'e tlèxh. Plain English We will bequeath it to those coming after us into perpetuity. Tagish Dene yèh edesedûdlàʼ sháÌh dahkʼ èh kukden doga, Tlingit Khùn yê jigaxhtùnê hà shegûn gaxhtułetsìní, Plain English We will work with people to strengthen our heritage, Tagish dene dâlì nǒ tset doga, Tlingit hà łingídi khustìyí yen wutułejàghú, Government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation Statute Book One – Traditional Beliefs and Practices: Our Place, Our Responsibilities Page 2 of 160 Plain English to give a firm foundation to our people’s lives, Tagish dahnenèʼ sògòsên mek ʼ ânûhtà ʼ doga. Tlingit kha k'edên ét kawtù.àghú uhân hà tl'étgi. Plain English and to manage our land well. Tagish Dene kʼ àdehtla ʼ t ʼ eh yèh edesedûdla ʼ shiÌh dahnenèʼ k ʼ ânûhtà ʼ doga, Tlingit Łdekét khwân ìn yê jigaxhtùnê hà tl'étgi k'edên tułetíni, Plain English We will work with all peoples to take good care of our land, Tagish yç yàk¸Ìlî ch¸h dàdidi nenh kayʼ , Tlingit kha yá tl'étgi ke.édi łdekét, Plain English and all the resources of this land, Tagish daxuni dahtsʼ ât yàdîÌlèl. Tlingit àdé khùn yen yawtusikhà yé chush s'àtí hà guxhsetî. Plain English as we have agreed on, we will be our own masters. Tagish TâÌgish kutʼînè yîÌtç, Ùingít ch¸h yîÌtʼç, Tlingit Tàgish Khwân hà setìyí kha Łingít hà setìyí, Plain English We who are Tagish, and we who are Tlingit, Tagish dahnenèʼ mek ʼ ânûhtà ʼ sháÌh, Tlingit hà tl'étgi káxh yénde ekaxhtùdêł, Plain English we will protect our land, Tagish kuchʼ ¸Ì tʼ eh k ǔ l sháÌh, Tlingit e yáxh et neghatì àdé yen yawtusikhà yé khùn, Plain English so that things will be according to what has been agreed on, Tagish kukʼ èh t ʼ eh yàkûndìh doga. Tlingit e kâx' daxh hes khughàghastì yís. Plain English so that they will live by it. Tagish Etlʼ ah yàdînî kʼèh, Tlingit Yá àdé khùn yen yawtusikhà yé kâx', Plain English According to what we have agreed on, Tagish sògòsên eyedi dahtsʼâde yèh edesedûdlàʼ nih. Tlingit yaxh Yekaxhtusexìxén wé government ìn yê jiné. Plain English we will reform the way we work with the government. Government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation Statute Book One – Traditional Beliefs and Practices: Our Place, Our Responsibilities Page 3 of 160 Tagish Ił eyèh sògòsén edesedûdla ʼ sháÌh, Tlingit Hùsh yâ ewudenétin hùsh ìn yê jigaxhtudenê, Plain English We will work together with mutual respect, Tagish ił eyèh tl ąʼ yàts ʼûtʼèh. Tlingit x'êghà ét yáxh khugaxhtùnûk. Plain English and act truthfully [toward each other]. Tagish Ił eyeh edesedûdlà sháÌh, Tlingit Łdekét hùsh ìn yê hes jiguxhdenê, Plain English We will all work together, Tagish mâʼ nen et ʼ î ʼch¸ h, mâ nenh kay kâkedèł ch¸h. Tlingit yá hà tl'étgi ká khu.ûwu, kha hà tl'étgi ét ełyèxh à. Plain English those who own the land and those who use the land. Tagish Ił eyèh mek ʼ ânûtà ʼ sháÌh Tlingit Tle łdekét uhân ét kegaxhtù.âkhw Plain English We will manage together Tagish nen ch¸h tû ch¸h yç nenh kayʼ selâ ch¸h mekʼ ânûtà ʼ sháh. Tlingit yá tlétk kha yá hîn kha yá tl'étgi ke.édi. Plain English the land and the water and what is on the land. Tagish Dene dahkʼ èh edè ł doga sògà nàkùts ʼ et. Tlingit Àghâ tsá łdekét ét hes du jiyís yénde ghwanî hà ítnáxh yà ne.et à. Plain English Then everything will be prepared for those coming after us. Tagish Ù¸Ìʼ yàdîná kʼèh, kǎ dît ʼáÌł. Tlingit Yá àdé khùn yen yawtusikhà yé yáxh gaxhtùsgît. Plain English As we have agreed on, so we will act. Tagish Dahchô yàkùnî kʼèh, edesedîdlàʼ k ʼ èh, Tlingit Hà tlagù khwâni hes du xh'ayáxh yê jigaxhtùnê, Plain English We will work as our Elders instruct us, Tagish dene dahkʼ èh edè ł ghah, sògòsen kùlî doga. Tlingit kha hà ítnáxh yà ne.et à hes du jiyís kè et kaxhtułek'ê. Plain English and improve the lot of those coming after us. Government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation Statute Book One – Traditional Beliefs and Practices: Our Place, Our Responsibilities Page 4 of 160 Tagish Łèʼ dene kuyèh chuu h, dahnenèʼ k ʼ âkudè ł doga.
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