EVENT REGISTRATION Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Organisingacyclingeventisbothhardwork and highly rewarding. Having your event added to AusCycling calendar and receiving a sanction means making a commitment to safety, quality standards, and regulations. This guide is designed to help support event organisers journey to registering your event on the AusCycling calendar and being provided a sanction. The specific purpose of this guide is to provide the requirements to list your event including timelines and financial expectations. This guide is not meant to provide full details on the operational aspects of organising an event. The detailed operational requirements can be found in the AusCycling organiser guides. Any private event organisers (not clubs) should visit theAusCycling Private Event Organiser Webpage for details on registering to apply for a sanction and receive event insurance. Auscycling Event Registration 2 Types Of Events Road Road Race Criterium Road Races are mass start race Criteriumsaremassstart,high- eventsinwhichriderscompletea speedroadracesinwhichriders coursefororderoffinish.The racearoundmultiplelapsofa coursemaybepoint-to-point,a closedcircuit.Criteriumsare largecircuit(over10km)ora usuallyheldonclosedpublic combinationofthetwo. streetsorpurposebuiltcircuits. Thecircuitisnormallyuptothree kilometres in length. Time Trials Stage Races TimeTrialsareracesinwhich StageRacescombinedifferent individualsorteamsofriders,ride types of road races into one thesamerouteanddistance multiplepartcyclingrace.These separatelyforelapsedtime.Time eventscommonlyincluderoad trialsarestartedatpresetintervals races,timetrials,andcriteriums andheldonanout-and-backor andareheldoveraperiodoftwoor circuit courses. moredays. Orderoffinishis determinedbylowestcombined elapsedtimeorcombinedpoints dependingonthescoringformat. Auscycling Event Registration 3 Track All track events take place at a velodrome. There are a variety of races which may be conducted as part of a track event. Some track races include: Points Race, Scratch Race, Time Trial, Handicap, Sprint, Team Pursuit, Madison and Team Sprint. BMX BMX FREESTYLE BMX RACING BMX Freestyle is a discipline BMX Racing is a spectacular where riders are judged on sport that takes place on a their style and the difficulty of 350-400m track. The riders their program. BMX begin from a start ramp that Freestyle events include the launches them at Park and Flatland. considerable speed as they ride through jumps, berms and flat sections. Auscycling Event Registration 4 Mountain Bike Short Track Cross Country Cross-country Olympic or Cross-country criterium (XCO) (XCC) Cross-country Olympic (XCO) racing ShortTrackCrossCountryorCross- isheldonavariedterraincircuit countrycriterium(XCC) isavery normallyaround4-6kminlengthwith shortXCstyleeventonatrackabout featuresincludingsteepuphillclimbs, 800minlength,andgenerallylasting technicaldescents,firetrails,single about20mins.Ashort,sharpand trackandtechnicalfeatures.The exciting event to watch and mass-startraceslastupto90mins. participatein. Marathon (XCM) Cross Country Endurance (XCEN) Marathon(XCM)arelongcross- Amulti-lapcross-countryevent countryracesovervaryingdistances basedonasettimeformatof1-24 from60kmto160kmplus.Racesare hoursinduration.Ridersarejudged massstartandgenerallyarepointto onthenumberoflapstheycomplete pointratherthanlapbased. inthegiventimeframe.Course lengthshouldbeatleast5km, withalongercourserequiredfor larger competitor numbers. Auscycling Event Registration 5 Cross-country eliminator Downhill (DH) (XCE) Cross-country eliminator (XCE) Downhill(DH)isadescendingtime consists of head to head racing over trialeventwhereridersstartat acourseapproximately1km.The intervalsthatcanvaryfrom30 winnergoesthroughtothenext secondstothreeminutes-depending roundwhiletheloseriseliminated onthestageofthecompetition. The fromtheevent. riderswiththelowestoveralltime wins. Asthenameofthisdiscipline implies,DHracesareheldinsteep, highly technical, downhill terrain, resultinginhigherspeedthanin cross-countryracing.Theterrainis alsosignificantlyrougherthanin cross-country racing. SuperD(SD) Freeride (FR) SuperD(SD)isablendofcross- Freeride(FR)competitionsarenotso countryanddownhill.Mostofthe mucharaceastheyarea raceisdownhill,ontrailssimilartothe competitionofskillandstyle. downhillsegmentofacross-country Coursescontainvaryingcliffs,drops, race.Therearealsoshort(100– obstacles,andramps.Thereare 500m)uphillsectionswhichmake usuallyalargenumberofwaysin theuseofdownhillbicyclesdifficult, whichtocompletethecourse,and asaresult,mostridersusecross- scoringisdependentonthe countryor‘trailbikes’.Dependingon competitor’schoiceofroutes,the thetrailandracevenue,thestartmay fluidityofridingandtricksperformed, eitherbeseeded(ridersstartinshort andsometimesalsothetimeinwhich intervals),orLeMansmassstart thecourseiscompleted. (ridersruntotheirbikes). Auscycling Event Registration 6 DualSlalom(DS) Four cross (4X) DualSlalom(DS)isaski-inspired Fourcross(4X)alsoknownas event where two riders race against ‘mountaincross’or‘bikercross’)is eachotherontwoidenticalman- inspiredbythedualformatandBMX madetrackssidebysidewiththe racingbutpitsfourridersonthesame samejumpsandberms,witharider coursefromstartinggatestofinish. oneachtrack,andthefirstacrossthe Therecanonlybeonewinnerper linewins.Thecontesthasaknock- event,sotheracescanquickly outformat.Dual(DL)eventsare eliminateridersmakingthe similar,onlytworiderssharethe progression faster for a day’s events. same course/track. Gravity Enduro (GE) Trials (OT) GravityEnduro(GE)initsmostbasic Trials(OT)alsoknownasobserved definitionisatypeofmountainbike trials,isadisciplineofcyclinginwhich racingwherethedownhillsaretimed, theriderattemptstopassthroughan andtheuphillsarenot.Timed obstaclecoursewithoutsettingfoot competitionstagesaregenerally2- toground.Trialsridingisanextreme 12minutesinlength,primarily testofbicyclehandlingskills,overall downhillandtechnicalinnature.The kindsofobstacles,bothnaturaland competitionstagesarelinked man-made. Competitiontrialsbikes togetherwithneutralliaisonstages arecharacterizedbypowerful whichoftenneedtobecompleted brakes, wide handlebars, lightweight withinatime-limit,butarenotpartof parts,single-speedlowgearing,low theaccumulatedracetime.The tirepressureswithathickreartire, winneristheriderwhoaccumulates distinctive frame geometry, and thelowestcombinedtimefromthe usuallynoseat. timedsections.GravityEnduros typicallytakeplaceoveroneortwo dayswith4to6timedstages,but longercompetitionsalsoexist. Auscycling Event Registration 7 Dirt Jumping (DJ) MTB Orienteering (MTBO) Dirt Jumping (DJ) involves the rider jumping off mounds of MTB Orienteering (MTBO) is an dirt and performing various orienteering sport on a mountain tricks. Dirt jumping specific bike where navigation is done along bikes can be based on BMX trails and tracks and the major or mountain bikes with the focus becomes route choice. common characteristic being Special equipment used is a map beefy construction for holder attached to the handlebar of strength. the bike. PUMP TRACK E-MTB A pump track is a circuit of An E-Mountain Bike, is a bike rollers, banked turns and operated with two energy features designed to be sources, human pedal power ridden completely by riders and an electric engine, which pumping (generating only provides assistance momentum by up and down when the rider is pedaling. E- body movements instead of MTB races are run in cross- pedaling). Both BMX and country and enduro formats. mountain bikes are used. Pump tracks are relatively simple to use and cheap to Adaptive MTB construct, and cater to a wide variety of rider skill levels. Pump track racing works in a Adaptive Mountain Biking encompasses similar fashion to dual slalom. a broad range of events and riders who typically cannot ride a standard mountain bike and require adapted equipment and trails to suit their physical, intellectual, neurological and sensory abilities. There are varying adaptive mountain bikes available around the world, each designed to meet a riders specific need. Readily established adaptive equipment includes: handcycles, recumbent leg- cycles, and tandem bikes Auscycling Event Registration 8 Cyclo-cross Cyclo-Crossracesareconductedoncircuitsofaroundthreekilometresonavarietyofsurfaces.The coursesusuallyhaveclimbsandobstaclestonavigatethroughouttheevent. Esport Cycling ESportCyclingracingisconductedusingtrainersonvirtualracingapps(e.g.Zwift,FulGaz,RGT). Eventscanbeconductedatonelocationorinvariouslocationsbasedontheformatandregulations. Para, AWII and Deaf Cycling RoadRaces,TimeTrialsandTrackeventswhichareforindividualsclassifiedasapara-cyclistunder theUCIregulations,asAthleteswithanIntellectualImpairmentthroughVIRTUSorDeafcyclistsas classifiedbyDeafSportAustralia. Auscycling Event Registration 9 Recreational Cycling Events RecreationalcyclingisoneofthemostpopularsportingactivitiesinAustralia. Over 4millionAustralian’sridetheirbikeeveryweekandtwomillionbicyclesaresoldin Australia every year. Recreational cycling events include: AUDAX GRAN FONDO Audax events are non- A Gran Fondo is a type of competitive long-distance long-distance road cycling bicycle rides from 50 to 1200 ride originating in Italy in km, called “Randonnees”. The 1970, and roughly translates challenge of Audax is not in into English as “Big Ride”. racing, but in pushing the Generally these events are riders own boundaries and over 80 km in length and can experiencing great personal be both non-competitive and achievements. include individually chip-timed races with prizes
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