United Nations S/PV.7161 (Resumption 1) Security Council Provisional Sixty-ninth year 7161st meeting Monday, 28 April 2014, 3 p.m. New YorK President: Mr. SarKi/Mr. Wali ................................ (Nigeria) Members: Argentina ....................................... Mr. Dalo Australia ........................................ Mr. NanKervis Chad ........................................... Mr. Mangaral Chile ........................................... Mr. Barros China .......................................... Mr. Zhao Yong France .......................................... Mr. Bertoux Jordan .......................................... Mr. Omaish Lithuania ........................................ Luxembourg ..................................... Ms. Lucas Republic of Korea ................................. Ms. PaiK Ji-ah Russian Federation ................................ Mr. Iliichev Rwanda ......................................... Ms. Uwizera United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . Mr. BaKi United States of America ........................... Mr. DeLaurentis Agenda Maintenance of international peace and security Security sector reform: challenges and opportunities Report of the Secretary-General on Securing States and societies: strengthening the United Nations comprehensive support to security sector reform (S/2013/480) Letter dated 1 April 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2014/238) This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-506. 14-31349 (E) S/PV.7161 (Resumption 1) Maintenance of international peace and security 28/04/2014 The meeting was resumed at 3.10 p.m. On the other hand, the norms and principles that have been developed by the United Nations and elaborated The President: In accordance with rule 37 of the in the Secretary-General’s reports and United Nations Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the documents provide a general frameworK that should be representatives of Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, taKen into account in security sector reform. Rule of law DenmarK, Finland, Georgia, Greece Hungary, Iceland, and human rights standards are of particular importance Ireland, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, in that regard. While governments have the central role Sweden and the United Republic of Tanzania to to play, SSR activities must be extended to include the participate in this meeting. broader population and ensure the needs of all citizens in an inclusive manner. In addition, collaboration I wish to remind all speaKers to limit their with all relevant staKeholders, including regional and statements to no more than four minutes in order to subregional organizations, domestic staKeholders and enable the Council to carry out its worK expeditiously. civil society is essential to preventing duplication and Delegations with lengthy statements are Kindly to maKing optimal use of scarce resources. requested to circulate the texts in writing and to deliver a condensed version when speaKing in the Chamber. Needless to say, it is necessary to sufficiently address the root causes of conflicts, the solutions of I now give the floor to the representative of TurKey. which lie at the very heart of communities and groups Mr. Eler (TurKey): We thanK the Nigerian in terms of their aspirations and legitimate wishes. presidency for organizing an open debate on this Political reconciliation among the parties to a conflict important issue, and welcome the first-ever stand-alone through mediation, negotiation and facilitation as draft resolution on security sector reform (SSR). the main instruments is among the primary methods to be employed in the peacebuilding endeavour. One of the most important questions on post- Mainstreaming gender issues and ensuring women’s conflict peacebuilding relates to the ways and means participation in security sector reform, as well as the to ensure the viability of peace. Security sector more general peace processes and conflict resolution, reform lies at the core of this debate. A mismanaged peaceKeeping, peacebuilding, recovery and mediation and dysfunctional security sector can significantly efforts is of utmost importance. challenge sustainable development, stability and peace. On the other hand, a comprehensive, coherent TurKey prioritizes security sector reform activities and coordinated approach to security sector reform as part of its global engagement for peace. TurKish will help form functional, effective and economically peaceKeepers continue to serve in various United viable States. As such, approaching security sector Nations, NATO and European Union missions across reform as part of a comprehensive and inclusive the globe, including in Afghanistan, Africa, the peacebuilding strategy and coupling our efforts with BalKans and the Middle-East, where they contribute to the broader frameworK of strengthening the rule of law the training of security personnel as well as capacity- is of utmost importance. Also, support to the security and institution-building of military and security forces. sector, especially in terms of resources, training and In the same vein, TurKey has robust security institutional capacity-building, should continue after cooperation, particularly with Afghanistan, Somalia the termination of peaceKeeping operations, if needed. and other countries in Africa, the Middle East and The role of the Peacebuilding Commission, the Central Asia on a wide range of issues, from providing Peacebuilding Support Office and the Peacebuilding technical assistance and strengthening civilian and law Fund in security sector reform is crucial in assisting enforcement institutions to providing training courses national authorities to define and implement a credible to law enforcement officials. Bilateral agreements have security reform strategy. Every society has its own been signed with a large number of countries including particular structures, needs and experiences with Iraq, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South conflict. The experience of the past 20 years has shown Sudan, Somalia, Mongolia, Libya, Côte D’Ivoire and that one-size-fits-all approaches do not produce viable many countries in South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia results. It should be the primary responsibility of and Africa, on various aspects of support to security the host country to define the shape and direction of reform. security sector reform. 2/19 14-31349 28/04/2014 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PV.7161 (Resumption 1) Training is prioritized by TurKey. Between 1997 Today’s debate is an integral part of a broader and 2013, more than 20,000 foreign law enforcement ongoing discussion about the interlinKages between officials from 54 countries — mainly in Africa, the peace and security, on the one hand, and the Middle East and Central Asia — benefitted from prosperity of people on the other, as well as about various professional and vocational training courses the complementarities between conflict prevention, held by the TurKish National Police. The Police peaceKeeping and peacebuilding activities and their Vocational Training Centre in Sivas, which has trained respective impacts at different stages of conflict more than 1,500 Afghan National Police cadets since resolution while supporting building the institutional 2011, is only one example. LiKewise, hundreds of police capacities of States emerging from conflicts. officer candidates from various countries have attended Security sector reform is imperative in the context graduate or undergraduate studies at the TurKish Police of United Nations peaceKeeping and peacebuilding. In Academy. The TurKish International Academy Against that context, Egypt emphasizes that national ownership Drugs and Organized Crime, established in cooperation is not only a prerequisite for SSR but also the bacKbone with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, of any viable SSR programme. The challenge is not has been playing an important role in boosting regional to conceptualize national ownership but rather to efforts to combat drug trafficKing and organized crime operationalize it in such a manner that fully guarantees through its training and capacity-building programmes that SSR remains a demand-driven process. The for countries in need. relevance of SSR to the actual needs of each country Solutions in the field of security sector reform in post-conflict situations is solely dependent on can be viable only if they are applied within a the ability of that country to be fully engaged in the comprehensive frameworK of peacebuilding, design, implementation and monitoring of all SSR comprising several elements in the humanitarian, activities. National ownership and international support development, democratization and governance fields. considerations should not be seen as competing with TurKey employs this comprehensive, multidimensional each other. and synchronized approach in places such as Somalia, Egypt believes that security sector reform is not a South-Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, enriching its goal to be pursued in isolation
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