People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran In the name of) ﺑِ ْﺳ ِﻡ ﱠ ِ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ْﺣ َﻣ ِﻥ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ِﺣ ِﻳﻡ The total number of verses in the Quran is 6348. This includes 112 unnumbered Allah the most Compassionate, most Merciful ), also known as Basmalahs, which occur at the beginning of the Suras. Without the unnumbered Basmalahs, the total number of verses in the Quran is 6236. ﺑِ ْﺳ ِﻡ ﱠ ِ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ْﺣ َﻣ ِﻥ starts all Suras, except Sura Tawba (Chapter 9) (which does not contain ﺑِ ْﺳ ِﻡ ﱠ ِ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ْﺣ َﻣ ِﻥ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ِﺣﻳﻡ Note that at all, but this Basmala occurs within Sura Al-Naml (Chapter 27) in verse 30, where it prefaces a letter ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ِﺣﻳﻡ from Prophet Solomon to Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba. Furthermore, Sura Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1) is the only Sura is mentioned in the Quran is 114 (112 times unnumbered at the ﺑِ ْﺳ ِﻡ ﱠ ِ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ْﺣ َﻣ ِ ﻥ ﱠﺍﻟﺭ ِﺣﻳﻡ So, the total number times beginning of 112 Suras + 1 time numbered at the beginning of Sura Fatiha + 1 time inside Sura Al-Naml). External links Al-Quran, open source multi- language Quran project Online Quran Learning People and things in the Quran Characters God in Islam (Allah) Names of God found in the Quran Israfil Izra'il/Azrael (Malak al-Mawt) Jibra'il/Gabriel (Al-Ruh al-Amin) and Holy Spirit (Al-Ruh al-Qudus) and Al-Ruh (The Angels Maalik Mika'il/Michael Harut and Marut Iblīs/Devil or Shaitan/Satan Jinns Ifrit Ghilman and Wildan In Heaven (Jannah) Houri Prophets Ādam/Adam and apostles Alyasa'/Elisha (messengers) Ayyub/Job of God Dawud/David Dhul-Kifl/Ezekiel? Harun/Aaron Hud/Eber? Ibrahim/Abraham (Khalilullah) Idris/Enoch? Ilyas/Elijah Imran/Joachim (father of Maryam) Isa/Jesus Isḥaq/Isaac Isma'il/Ishmael Mentioned Dhabih Ullah Isma'il the Truthful (Sadiq-al-Wa'd) Lut/Lot Muhammad or Ahmad/Paraclete Musa/Moses (Kalimullah) Nuh/Noah Saleh/Shelah? Shu'aib/Jethro (Reuel, Hobab)? Sulayman/Solomon Uzair/Ezra? Yahya/John the Baptist Yaqub/Jacob (Israel) Yunus/Jonah (Dhul-Nun, Sahib al-Hut) Yūsuf/Joseph Zakariya/Zechariah People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Ermia/Jeremiah Implied Samuel Yusha' ibn Nūn/Joshua Good people Dhul-Qarnayn (before Islam) Luqman Mentioned Maryam/Mary (mother of Isa) Talut/Saul Implicitly Asiyah bint Muzahim/Bithiah? (wife of Fir'aun) mentioned Asif ibn Barkhiya Bilquis (Queen of Saba/Sheba) Believer of Fir'aun Family (Hizbil/Hizqil ibn Sabura) Beniamin/Benjamin Habib the Carpenter (believer of Ya-Sin) Kaleb/Caleb Khidr Magicians of Fir'aun Simon Cephas/Simon Peter Other people Āzar (uncle of Ibrahim) (before Islam) Fir'aun/Pharaoh Haman Mentioned Jalut/Goliath Qarun/Korah Sāmiri/Zimri? Implicitly Abraha mentioned Bal'am/Balaam Barṣīṣā Nebuchadnezzar II Nimrod Potiphar (Al-Aziz) Shaddad Simeon (son of Ya'qub) Slayers of Saleh's she-camel (Qaddar ibn Salif and Musda' ibn Dahr) Valid ibn Rayyan (king of Egypt in the account of Yūsuf) Zuleika (wife of al-Aziz) Mentioned people Abū Lahab (after Islam) Zayd ibn Harithah Relatives Specified Daughters of Lut/Lot (Ritha, Za'ura, et al.) of prophets good relatives Elizabeth or 'Ishā' (wife of Zakariya) Habil/Abel (son of Adam) Hawwa'/Eve (wife of Adam) Kulthum/Miriam (sister of Musa) Saffurah/Zipporah (wife of Musa) and Layya (Saffura's sister) Sarah (wife of Ibrahim, mother of Isḥaq) Yukabed/Jochebed (mother of Musa) Non-specified Abiona/Amtelai daughter of Karnebo (mother of Ibrahim) good relatives Bathsheba (wife of Dawud) Muhammad's wives Daughters of Muhammad Hājar/Hagar (wife of Ibrahim, mother of Isma'il) Hannah/Anne daughter of Faquz (mother of Maryam) Imran/Amram (father of Musa) Lamech (father of Nuh) Rāhil/Rachel (wife of Ya'qub) Rahma/Dinah (wife of Ayyub) Shamkha bint Anush/Betenos (mother of Nuh) Son of Luqman Brothers of Yūsuf People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Children of Ayyub Dead son of Sulaiman Qabil/Cain? (son of Adam) Other relatives Tārah/Terah (father of Ibrahim) Umm Jamil (wife of Abu Lahab) Wali'ah or Wa'ilah/Waala? (wife of Nuh) Walihah or Wahilah (wife of Lut) Yam or Kan'an (son of Nuh) Groups and tribes Tribes and 'Ād (people of Hud) ethnicities Arabs and Ajam Children of Israel/Israelites Companions of the Rass People of Saba'/Sheba People of Shu'aib (people of Madyan and people of Mentioned Aykah/Wood) People of Tubba' Quraysh Romans Thamud (people of Saleh, companions of Hijr) Ya'juj and Ma'juj/Gog and Magog Implicitly Ahl al-Bayt mentioned Amalek Banu Hashim Banu Nadir Banu Qaynuqa Banu Qurayza Iranian people Umayyad Dynasty Christian apostles Disciples of Jesus Companions of Noah's Ark Companions of Sabbath (Aşḥāb al-Sabt) Companions of the Cave/Seven Sleepers and Companions of Mentioned al-Raqaim Companions of the Elephant People of al-Ukhdūd People of the City (People of Ya-Sin) People of the Burned Garden (Aşḥāb al-Jannah) Ulu'l azm prophets Implicitly Ahl al-Suffa (People of the Verandah) mentioned Aus and Khazraj Copts Hezbollah Muhajirun (The emigrants) and Ansar (The helpers) Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad) Groups Ahl al-dhimmah (Dhimmi) Christians (People of Injil) Jews Kafir (Infidels) Majus Zoroastrians Munafiq Hypocrites Religious groups Mushrik Polytheists Muslims People of the Book (′ Ahl al-Kitāb) Sabians Ahbār (Jewish scholars) People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Qissis (Christian priest) Rabbani/Rabbi Ruhban (Christian monks) Locations, entities and events Ahqāf Al-Aqsa Mosque Arafat and Mash'ar al-Harām Bābil/Babylon Badr Door of Hittah Hijr/Hegra Holy Land (Palestine and Levant) Hunayn Iram Ka'bah/Kaaba (Bayt al-Harām/Sacred House, Bayt al- 'Atīq/Ancient House) Madyan/Midian Mentioned Madinah/Medina (formerly Yathrib) Majma' al-Bahrain Makkah/Mecca (Umm al-Qura, Balad al-Amin, Bakkah) Maqām Ibrahim Masjid al-Dirar Masjid al-Haram Mount Judi Mu'tafikat (Sodom) Rass Saba'/Sheba Al-Safa and Al-Marwah Tur Sinā' /Mount Sinai and Jabal al-Tur Egypt Valley of Tuwa Locations Implicitly Antioch mentioned Antakya Ayla Barrier of Dhul-Qarnayn Bayt al-Muqaddas and 'Ariha Black Stone (Al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) and Al-Hijr of Isma'il Canaan Cave of Hira and Cave of Thawr Cave of Seven Sleepers Dār al-Nadwa Hudaybiyyah Jordan River Ma'rib Dam Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet's Mosque) Mesopotamia Nile River Nineveh Palestine River Paradise of Shaddad Quba Mosque Sinai Desert and Tīh Desert Ta'if Bay'a (Church) Mihrab Religious locations Monastery Mosque Salat (Synagogue) Non-human Injil/Gospel physical Quran entities Suhuf-i Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham) Religious texts People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Religious texts Tawrat/Torah, Suhuf-i-Musa (Scrolls of Moses) and Tablets of Stone Zabur Cow of Israelites and Golden calf Dog of Seven Sleepers Related animals Fish of Yunis Hoopoe of Sulayman She-Camel of Saleh Forbidden fruit of Adam Heavenly Food of Christian Apostles Noah's Ark Related objects Staff of Musa Tabut al-Sakina (Casket of Shekhinah) Throne of Bilqis Trumpet of Israfil Mentioned idols Baal (cult images) Lāt, 'Uzza and Manāt Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr (Jibt and Taghut Ansāb) Battle of Badr Battle of Hunayn Battle of Khaybar Battle of Tabouk Battle of the Trench (Battle of the Confederates) Battle of Uhud Conquest of Mecca Events Hadith of the pond of Khumm Incident of Ifk Layla al-Mabit Mubahala The Farewell Pilgrimage (Hujja al-Wada') Treaty of Hudaybiyyah Umrah al-Qaza Yawm al-Dār Note: The names are sorted alphabetically. Standard form: Islamic name / Bibilical name (title or relationship) Islam topics God in Islam Tawhid Beliefs Muhammad In Islam Prophets of Islam Shahada Salah Five Pillars Sawm Zakat Hajj Timeline of Muslim History history Leaders Conquests Golden Age Ahl al-Bayt Sahaba Shi'a Imams Caliphates Rashidun Umayyad Abbasid Córdoba People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Fatimid Ottoman Historiography Quran Sunnah Religious texts Hadith Tafsir Seerah Sunni Shia Ahmadiyya Denominations Ibadi Quranism Non-denominational Muslims Life Animals Culture Art Calendar Children Clothing Holidays Mosques Madrasas Music Philosophy Political aspects Science medieval Women LGBT Islam by country Law Jurisprudence Banking Economic history Sukuk Economics Takaful Murabaha Riba Ghusl Miswak Najis Hygiene Tayammum Toilet Wudu Marriage Marriage contract Sex Mahr Mahram Masturbation Nikah Nikah Mut‘ah Zina Cleanliness Criminal Dhabiĥa Dhimmi Divorce Diet People and things in the Quran Compiled by Sohail Qasim, Principal, Sunday Madrassa Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_and_names_mentioned_in_the_Quran Ethics Etiquette Gambling Gender segregation Honorifics Hudud Other aspects Inheritance Jizya Leadership Ma malakat aymanukum Military POWs Slavery Sources of law Theological baligh kalam Islamic studies Arabesque Architecture Calligraphy Carpets Arts Gardens Geometric patterns Music Pottery Alchemy and chemistry Astronomy Medieval science Mathematics Medicine
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