Tribune Rulebook 2 Temporary Favor of the Gods Tiles These tiles indicate that a player has the temporary Primus inter pares favor of the gods. Only one is needed to play A Game by Karl-Heinz Schmiel Tribune; the extra is a replacement. Welcome to the most complex metropolis of the ancient world: 42 Faction Markers Rome. More than 2,000 years ago, Rome was a town full of (6 per faction) vibrant life whose myriad inhabitants – although they could 7KHVHPDUNHUVVKRZWKHVHYHQ not have been more different – had one important thing in IDFWLRQVRI5RPH2QO\ÀYHSHU common: they were all Romans. faction are needed to play Tribune; In Tribune, the players belong to the large and ambitious the rest are replacements. patrician families of Rome and thirst for power. By exerting WKHLULQÁXHQFHRYHUWKHFLW\·VYDULRXVWRZQIDFWLRQVWKH\VHHN 60 Denarii (various values) RQHRIWKHKLJKHVWRIÀFHVRIWKH5HSXEOLFWKDWRIWULEXQH 7KHVHPDUNHUVDUHFXUUHQF\LQ5RPHDQG Will you win over the legions, be crowned with laurel wreaths, come in denominations of 1, 5, and 10 denarii. incur the favor of the gods, and be made tribune? Make ready, and send your followers into the streets of Rome to win LQÁXHQWLDODOOLHV7KHWLPHKDVFRPHWRZULWHKLVWRU\ 30 Legion Tokens Contents 7KHVHPDUNHUVVKRZWKHPLOLWDU\VXSSRUWD player has earned. 1 Game Board The game board is divided into two main areas. The area on 40 Laurel Tokens (various values) WRSFRPSULVHVWKHIDFWLRQÀHOGV 7KHVHPDUNHUVUHSUHVHQWWKHKRQRUDQGIDPH RI5RPH·VVHYHQIDFWLRQV7KH a player has earned. They come in values of 1 bottom shows the city of Rome, and 5 laurels. and is further divided into eight UHJLRQVZKLFKDUHHDFKPDUNHG with Roman numerals. 5 Family Sheets (DFKSOD\HU·VIDPLO\VKHHW summarizes common rules, and 100 Faction Cards provides spaces for the player These are the playing cards of the game. For WRSODFHWKHPDUNHUVDQGWLOHV WKHUHPDLQGHURIWKLVUXOHERRNWKH\DUHVLPSO\ KHHDUQV$EUHDNGRZQRIWKH FDOOHG´FDUGVµ$EUHDNGRZQRIWKHHOHPHQWV elements on a family sheet on faction cards appears on page 5. appears on page 4. 26 Victory Condition Cards 30 Followers (6 per color) There are six types of victory condition cards, (DFKSOD\HU·VIROORZHUVDUHXVHGWRÀQG each of which lists sets of individual objectives helpful allies throughout Rome. that can be chosen for a given game of Tribune. $EUHDNGRZQRIWKHHOHPHQWVRQYLFWRU\ condition cards appears on page 4. 1 Proconsul Piece This piece is neutral at the beginning of the 10 Reference Cards JDPHEXWEHFRPHVRQHSOD\HU·VDOO\ZKHQWKDW (5 Overview, 5 Scoring) SOD\HUWDNHVFRQWURORIWKH3DWULFLDQIDFWLRQ Overview cards summarize how individual victory conditions are met. Score cards list points values for various achievements. 1 Starting Player Coin 6 Tribune/Scroll Tiles 7KHVWDUWLQJSOD\HUWDNHVWKLVZRRGHQFRLQDW 7KHVHWZRVLGHGWLOHVVKRZDSOD\HU·VSROLWLFDO the beginning of each game round. VXFFHVV2QO\ÀYHDUHQHHGHGWRSOD\Tribune; the extra is a replacement. 2 Chariots 6 Eternal Favor of the Gods Tiles 7KHFKDULRWLVXVHGWREORFNWKHWDNH over of a faction for a game round. These tiles indicate that a player has the eternal Only one is needed to play Tribune; IDYRURIWKHJRGV2QO\ÀYHDUHQHHGHGWRSOD\ the extra is a replacement. Tribune; the extra is a replacement. II Game Setup 4. (DFKSOD\HUWDNHVRQHRYHUYLHZFDUGDQGRQHVFRULQJFDUG 1. Lay out the game board as shown in the diagram below. 5. 6KXIÁHWKHIDFWLRQFDUGVDQGGHDOVL[WRHDFKSOD\HU(DFK player immediately chooses and discards two of the six, 6RUWWKHIDFWLRQPDUNHUVE\W\SHDQGSODFHWKHPRQ IDFHGRZQ2QFHDOOSOD\HUVKDYHGRQHVRVKXIÁHWKH WKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJDUHDVRIWKHIDFWLRQÀHOGV GLVFDUGVEDFNLQWRWKHGHFNDQGSODFHLWIDFHGRZQQHDUWKH 3ODFHRQHODXUHOZUHDWKLQWKHODXUHODUHDRIHDFK game board to form the draw pile. IDFWLRQÀHOG 3ODFHWKHUHVWRIWKHODXUHOZUHDWKVRQWKH)LHOGRI 6. Choose or randomly select a victory condition card, making Mars area. sure to use one compatible with the number of players in 3ODFHWKHOHJLRQWRNHQVGHQDULLVFUROOWULEXQHWLOHV the game(DFKSOD\HUWDNHVDFRS\RIWKDWFDUGDQGSODFHV eternal favor of the gods tiles, temporary favor of it next to his family sheet. If “Alea Iacta Est” is chosen, the the gods tile, chariot, and proconsul piece next to the players must choose between a long game (red hourglass) JDPHERDUG7KHVHDUHFROOHFWLYHO\WKH´VWRFNµ and short game (green hourglass). The remaining victory condition cards are returned to the box; they will not be 2. (DFKSOD\HUFKRRVHVDFRORUWKHQWDNHVDQXPEHURI used. followers of that color depending on the number of players in the game. Return the remainder of the followers to the 7. 5DQGRPO\VHOHFWDVWDUWLQJSOD\HUZKRWDNHVWKHVWDUWLQJ box; they will not be used. player coin. 2–3 players 6 followers 8. 7KHVWDUWLQJSOD\HUWDNHVGHQDULLIURPWKHVWRFNDVKLV 4 players 5 followers VWDUWLQJPRQH\WKHSOD\HUWRKLVOHIWWDNHVWKHQH[W 5 players 4 followers SOD\HUWDNHVDQGVRRQXQWLOHDFKSOD\HUKDVWDNHQ starting money. 3. (DFKSOD\HUWDNHVWKHIDPLO\VKHHWRIKLVFKRVHQFRORU Game Setup Diagram Faction Laurel Area; One Laurel Markers Draw Pile Laurel Area of Mars Overview Card III The Object of the Game 7KHYLFWRU\FRQGLWLRQFDUGFKRVHQGXULQJVHWXSGHÀQHV Victory Condition the individual objectives the players must pursue to win. Card Breakdown Depending on which card is chosen, however, and how many The victory The quantity players are participating, the number of individual objectives condition card’s of objectives that must be achieved to win (of those listed on the card) a player must varies. Some objectives are obligatory. Obligatory objectives takes a victory PHHWWRZLQ must be among those a player achieves in order to win. WKHVDPHWLWOH with the number RISOD\HUV 7KHGLDJUDPWRWKHULJKWEUHDNVGRZQDYLFWRU\FRQGLWLRQ The color of the FDUG·VHOHPHQWVDQGGHVFULEHVHDFK WKLVJDPH·VOHQJWK Note that four of the sets of victory condition cards are for Red means long, The various WZRWRIRXUSOD\HUJDPHVZKLOHWZRVHWVDUHIRUÀYHSOD\HU yellow medium, DQGJUHHQVKRUW objectives that games. Tribune can also be played with a point-value variant FDQEHSXUVXHG (see page 13) which does not require a victory condition card; “Obligatory” the scoring cards are all that is needed for that game. means that this objective must be one of those PHWWRZLQ Family Sheet Breakdown What is a Tribune? (YHU\SOD\HUWDNHVWKHIDPLO\VKHHWZKRVHEDFNJURXQG FRORUPDWFKHVKLVIROORZHUV(DFKIDPLO\VKHHWJLYHV ,QWKH5RPDQ(PSLUH´WULEXQHµZDVWKHQDPHJLYHQ an overview of the different regions’ functions, the GLIIHUHQWIDFWLRQV·EHQHÀWVDQGKDVVSDFHVZKHUHSOD\HUV WRDYDULHW\RIVLPLODURIÀFHVZLWKGLYHUVHIXQFWLRQVDQG FDQSODFHWKHWRNHQVDQGPDUNHUVWKH\DFTXLUH UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV A people’s tribune was a representative elected from Faction Marker Regions Overview Family Name among the plebeians, who acted as champion of the mass- Space HV+HZDVVXSSRVHGWRFRPEDWLQMXVWLFHDQGWKHW\UDQQ\ RIWKHSDWULFLDQDULVWRFUDF\ )DFWLRQ%HQHÀWV An aerar tribune ZDVDSOHEHLDQRIÀFLDOLQFKDUJHRI SD\PHQWVWR5RPDQWURRSV$VWKLVRIÀFHJDLQHGLPSRU WDQFHLWFDPHWRFRQVWLWXWHDVRFLDOFODVVRILWVRZQ$Q DHUDUWULEXQHFRXOGDOVREHFDOOHGWRFRXUWDVDMXURU A military tribuneZDVDKLJKUDQNLQJRIÀFHULQWKH5R PDQDUP\JHQHUDOO\QRPLQDWHGE\WKHFRQVXOV(DFKOHJLRQ had six military tribunes, who shared the supreme com- PDQGLQWXUQURWDWLQJHYHU\WZRPRQWKV/DWHUPLOLWDU\ WULEXQHVZHUHDOVRHOHFWHGE\WKHSHRSOH7KHLPSRUWDQFHRI WKLVRIÀFHYDULHGDWGLIIHUHQWWLPHVDQGLWFRXOGEHKHOGE\ SDWULFLDQVRUE\SOHEHLDQV Card Placement Example Tribune Tile Gods Tile Storage Area Storage Area Storage Area Storage Area IV History Unsatisfactory? Faction Card Breakdown It will be obvious to those who know a lot about the KLVWRU\RIWKH5RPDQ(PSLUHWKDWQRWDOORIWKHIDFWV SHRSOHDQGGHVFULSWLRQVLQWKLVJDPHÀWLQWRWKHVDPH Card Value FKURQRORJ\,QGHVLJQLQJTribune, liberties have been taken to facilitate play and create a better atmosphere, but Range of Card also, many terms used in the game underwent considerable Values within change during the course of Roman history and cannot be this Faction GRFXPHQWHGZLWKDEVROXWHDFFXUDF\HYHQWRGD\Tribune does not aspire to absolute authenticity, but with any luck, it will spark your interest in learning more about Roman KLVWRU\ Faction Take-over %HQHÀW Follower Spaces on Faction Fields Follower Space 1 How to Play Tribune is played in rounds of six phases each: 3KDVH&DUG3ODFHPHQW 3KDVH3ODFHPHQWRI)ROORZHUV » Regions » Faction Fields » Coin Bowl 7KHVHYHQÀHOGVDFURVVWKHWRSRIWKHERDUGUHSUHVHQW 3KDVH5HJLRQ(YDOXDWLRQ the different factions that the players will try to gain 3KDVH)DFWLRQ7DNHRYHUV FRQWURORYHUWKURXJKRXWWKHFRXUVHRIWKHJDPH 3KDVH)DFWLRQ%HQHÀWV 3KDVH&KDULRW$XFWLRQ 7KHRUGHULQZKLFKSOD\HUVDFWLVRQO\VLJQLÀFDQWLQ3KDVH during which play begins with the player who has the starting SOD\HUFRLQDQGSURFHHGVFORFNZLVHDURXQGWKHWDEOH When all six phases are complete, the starting player coin is Regions, Follower SDVVHGWRWKHQH[WFORFNZLVHSOD\HUDQGDQHZURXQGEHJLQV Spaces, & Fields 5RXQGVFRQWLQXHXQWLODSOD\HUIXOÀOOVWKHJDPH·VYLFWRU\ conditions. A Region (composed in this FDVHRIWKUHHFDUGÀHOGV Phase 1: card placement ,Q3KDVH&DUG3ODFHPHQWFDUGVIURPWKHGUDZSLOHDUH placed on the game board in the rectangular, marble-textured A Follower Space FDUGÀHOGVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHUHJLRQVSHFLÀFUXOHVEHORZ7KH ´&DUG3ODFHPHQW([DPSOHµGLDJUDPRQWKHSUHYLRXVSDJHDOVR A Card Field illustrates the correct placement. Cards should be placed on the game board in region order, as listed below. As a general rule, all cards are placed faceup in WKHOLJKWHUFDUGÀHOGVDQGIDFHGRZQLQWKHGDUNHUFDUGÀHOGV I. Thermae:3ODFHRQHFDUGIDFHXSRQHDFKFDUG 7KHHLJKWUHJLRQVRIWKHERDUGDUHPDUNHGZLWK5RPDQQXPHUDOV ÀHOG II. Forum Romanum:3ODFHRQHFDUGIDFHXSRQ HDFKFDUGÀHOG V III. Latrine:3ODFHRQHFDUGIDFHGRZQ Exception I: Atrium Auctionorum IV. Curia:)RUHDFKRIWKHWKUHHFDUGÀHOGVSODFH The Atrium
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