Select Bibliography Poems of Mr John Milton: the 1645 Edition with Essays in Analysis, ed. Cleanth Brooks and John E. Hardy (Harcourt, Brace, 1951). Milton's L ycidas: the Tradition and the Poem, ed. C. A. Patrides (Holt, Rinehart, 1961). Milton: Modern Essays in Criticism, ed. Arthur E. Barker (Oxford U.P., 1965). Rosemond Tuve, Images and Themes in Five Poems by 1Uilton (Harvard U.P., 1957; Oxford U.P., 1958). The Living Milton: Essays by Various Hands, ed. Frank Kermode (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960; paperback, 1963). Anne D. Ferry, Milton's Epic Voice: the Narrator in Paradise Lost (Harvard U.P., 1963; Oxford U.P., 1963). C. S. Lewis, A Preface to Paradise Lost (Oxford U.P., 1942; paperback, 1960). Arnold Stein, Answerable Style: Essays on Paradise Lost (University of Minnesota P., 1953; Oxford U.P., 1953). Joseph H. Summers, The Muse's Method: an Introduction to Paradise Lost (Harvard U.P., 1962; Chatto & Windus, 1962). A.J. A. Waldock, Paradise Lost and its Critics (Cambridge U.P., 1947; paperback, 1962; Peter Smith, 1962). B. A. Wright, Milton's Paradise Lost: a Reassessment of the Poem (Methuen, 1962; Barnes & Noble, 1962). Christopher B. Ricks, Milton's Grand Style: A Study of Paradise Lost (Clarendon P., 1963). Stanley E. Fish, Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost (Macmillan, 1967; StMartin's Press, 1967). Arnold Stein, Heroic Knowledge: An Interpretation of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes (University of Minnesota P., 1957; Oxford U.P., 1957). M. M. Mahood, Poetry and Humanism (Yale U.P., 1950; Jonathan Cape, 1950). F. T. Prince, The Italian Element in Milton's Verse (Clarendon P., 1954). 314 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Roy Daniells, Milton, Mannerism and Baroque (University ofToronto P., 1963)· Barbara Lewalski, Milton's Brief Epic: The Genre, Meaning, and Art of Paradise Regained (Brown U.P., 1966; Methuen, 1966). Milton's Sonnets, ed. E. A. J. Honigmann (Macmillan, 1966; St Martin's Press, 1966). Robert M. Adams, Ikon: John Milton and the Modern Critics (Cornell U.P., 1955). Notes on Contributors ARTHUR BARKER teaches at the University of Illinois at Urbana and has written Milton and the Puritan Dilemma 1641-166o. ]. B. BROADBENT teaches at Cambridge and wrote Poetic Love and Some Graver Subject. C LE AN T H B R o o Ks, is Gray Professor of Rhetoric at Yale and author of The Well- Wrought Urn. MURRAY W. BuNDY, Professor Emeritus of Washington State University, has written Theory of Imagination in Classical and Medieval Thought. RosALIE L. Co LIE, author of Paradoxica Epidemica: The Renaissance Tradition of Paradox, teaches at the University oflowa. STANLEY FISH teaches at the University of California at Berkeley and has written John Skelton's Poetry and Surprised by Sin: The Reader in 'Paradise Lost'. WILLIAM HALLER, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University and Fellow of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., is the author of Rise of Puritanism, Liberty and Reformation in the Puritan Revolution, The Elect Nation and Elizabeth I and the Puritans. J. B . LEIsHMAN, who taught at Oxford until his death in 1963, wrote Themes and Variations in Shakespeare's Sonnets, The Art of Marvell's Poetry, The Metaphysical Poets: Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, Traherne and The Monarch of Wit: An Analytical and Comparative Study ofthe Poetry ofJohn Donne. WILLIAM G. MADSEN, author of The Idea of Nature in Milton's Poetry, teaches at Emory University, Atlanta. M. M. MAHOOD is Professor of English at the University of Kent; she is the author of Poetry and Humanism. 316 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS LAWRENCE A. SASEK, who teaches at Louisiana State University, specialises in Milton and sixteenth- and seventeenth-century literature. He has written Literary Temper of the English Puritans. WAYNE SHUMAKER teaches at the University of California at Berkeley and has written Elements of Critical Theory, English Autobiography, Literature and the Irrational and Unpremeditated Verse: Feeling and Perception in 'Paradise Lost'. J. H. SuMMERS, Professor of English at Washington University, St Louis, has written George Herbert: His Religion and Art and The Muse's Method: An Introduction to 'Paradise Lost'. ARNOLD WILLIAMS, Professor of English at Michigan State Univer­ sity, has written The Common Expositor, The Characterization of Pilate and Drama ofMedieval England. Index ABDIEL 236, 240, 246, 271 Bullinger, The Christen State of Matri­ Abel, murder of 212-13 mony 299 AD p ATREM 55, 249 Bunyan, John; Grace Abounding 44- ADAM 120, 126, 128, 151-72 passim, 46; Pilgrim's Progress 127 178--9, 18o--8, 202, 208-17 passim, Burton, Robert 66, 69, 70 244-5,262,280-1,286,310-11 Byron, Lord 19 Addison, Joseph; Spectator papers on Milton 13, 14, 20 Calvin, John 147,249 Ancients and Modems, dispute be­ Cambridge Platonists 246 tween 252-3, 261 Campanella, Apology for Galileo 263 Andreini, L'Adamo 145 Chaucer, Geoffrey 309 APOLOGY FOR SMECTYMNUUS 301 CHRIST, JESUS 223--9, 236, 245, 254--6, 303 260 'ARCADEs' 54 Cicero 53 AREOPAGITICA 31,260, 264 CoLASTERION 296 Aristotle 35, 52 Coleridge, S. T. 19 'Ar A SoLEMN Music' 54 Collins, William 74 Augustine, St 138, 141, 183, 191, CoMus 54, 265, 303-4 308 Copernican hypothesis 157 aWood, Anthony 68 Crashaw, Richard 52, 75 Creation, Milton's treatment of 198- Babel 200, 215 199 Bacon, Francis 261 Bagehot, Walter 20 DALILAH 228, 258 Barker, A. 94-5 Dante 198, 303 Baxter, Richard; The Saints Everlasting DEATH 177 Rest no DE DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA 18, BEELZEBUB II4, 143, 191 31. 162, 189, 263 BELIAL III-13, 255 DEFENSIO PRO POPULO ANGLICO Bentley, R.; edition of Paradise Lost 25D--I 15 DEFENSIO SECUNDA 251. See also Blake, William 18, 19, 32, 282 Second Defence Bridges, Robert; Milton's Prr;sody 23 Descartes, Rene 174 Brooks, C. 25 Diekhoff, J. S. 216 Browne, Sir Thomas 79 Diodati, Charles 248 Browning, Robert 290 Dionysius the Aieopagite 191 318 INDEX Divorce 296--312 passim Hanford,J.H. 209,212,219 DOCTRINE AND DISCIPLINE OF HARAPHA 222, 224, 230 DIVORCE II, 296 Hayne, Thomas; The General View of Donne, John 62-3, 78, 205, 309; the Holy Scriptures 229 The Calme 71-2; The Storme 71- Hell, theories of 268 n. 72 Helmer, N. 244 Drayton, Michael; The Owle 89; Hemingway, Ernest 34 Poly-albion 71 Henrietta Maria, Queen 298 Drummond, William 76 Herbert, George 52 Dryden, John II, 233, 289; All for Heresies, Milton's 204 n. Love 295 n. Homer, Iliad 206--8 Du Bartas, G.; La Sepmaine 207-8 Horace 192 Horton 248 EIKONOKLASTES 251 Hughes, M. 29; 'The Christ of EtEGIA SExTA 56 Paradise Regain' d and the Renais­ Eliot, T. S. 21, 22, 73; Four Quartets sance Heroic Tradition' 252 293 Hume, Patrick 13 Empson, William I2; Milton's God 20, 130 'It PENSEROSO' 54, 58--93 passim Enoch, Book of 137 EPITAPHIUM DAMONIS 250 Job 257 Erasmus 297 John the Divine, St 201 EVE 152-3, 158-61, 165-70, 173-88 Johnson, Samuel; Life of Milton 13, passim, 202, 242-3, 245, 28o-r, 285- 47, 63, 81; Rambler articles on Mil­ 286 ton 17; Rasselas 34 Evelyn,John 68 JUDGEMENT OF MARTIN BucER CONCERNING DIVORCE, THE 296 FALL, THE I26, 262-8 passim FIRST PROLUSION 62 Fish, S. E., 'The Harassed Reader in Keats,John 74 Paradise Lost' and 'Further Thoughts Kelley, M.; This Great Argument on Milton's Christian Reader' 21 148n. Fletcher, Giles 51, 288--9 Ker, W.P. 75 Fletcher, John 60--9 passim King, Edward 95, 98, 99, 103 Fletcher, Phineas 288--9 Knight, G. Wilson; The Burning Franc;:ois de Sales, St; Traite de l' Amour Oracle 56--7n. de Dieu 266 Freud, Sigmund 176 'L'AtLEGRo' 58-93 passim Lawes, Henry 304 Galileo I 19, 200 Lawrence, D. H. 32, 185 GOD 178; rhetoric of 278-8o Leavis, F. R.; Revaluation 23-4 Greenlaw, E.; 'A Better Teacher than le Bossu, Rene 14 Aquinas' 21 LETTER TO A FRIEND 248 Grierson, H. J. C. 149 n. Lewis, C. S.; Preface to 'Paradise Lost' Grotius, Hugo 3 7 30, 179. 197 Liberty and Licence 237 et seq. Haller, William 25, 45, no-n Long Parliament 37 INDEX 319 Lovejoy, A. 0.; Milton and the Paradox 'PASSION, THE' 54 of the Fortunate Fall I90, 265 Paul, St 297-300, 307 Lovelace, Richard I 86 Pearsall Smith, L. 68 'LYCIDAS' 47, 48, 55,94-103 passim, Pepys, Samuel I2 253,275,283 Petrarch 297, 303 Plato 52-3, 297, 301, 303, 310; Macaulay, T. B. I8 Symposium 308 McColley, G.; Paradise Lost I48 n. Pope, Alexander 79-80, 289; Essay MAMMON 238 on Man 268 MANOA 2I9, 223, 227-8, 23 I, 257-8 Powell, Mary I74, 296, 297, 299, Manso 37 306 Marlowe, Christopher 63; Dr Faus­ PRoLusIoN s See under First, Second, tus 24I Third, Seventh Prelusions Marriage 296-3 I2 passim Ptolemaic system I 57 Marvell, Andrew 63, 77; 'Appleton Puritanism 44 et seq. House' 72 Masaccio I96 Raleigh, Walter; Milton 20, I42, Masson, D. I49 n. 149n. 'Melancholy', meanings of the word RAPHAEL 153-8, 214, 24I, 243-4, 256, in the seventeenth century 66-7I 259,262,286 MICHAEL 116, 209-I8 passim, 222 REASON OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT Michelangelo, sixteenth sonnet 78 207,222,233-4,249-50,253-4 MOLOCH 112-I3, I24, 240 Rhetoric I2Q-95 passim; and dialectic MULCIBER I25 I34-5 n.; books on 293-4 n. Richardson, Jonathon; Explanatory NATURAMNONPATISENIUM 253 Notes and Remarks on Milton's Newton, T. I3 Paradise Lost IS Ricks, C.; Milton's Grand Style IS, 25 'ODE ON THE MORNING OF Riffe, N. L.; 'Milton in the I8th­ CHRisT's NATIVITY' 46-57 cent~ry Periodicals: "Hail wedded passim, 283 love I3 OF EDUCATION 265 Romanticism I8, 68 OF REFORMATION IN ENGLAND 236,250 Salkeld, J.
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