Tana Sub-Basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study project Amhara National Regional State Bureau of Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use (BoEPLAU) Tana Sub-basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study Project Technical report: Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment (ADSWE, LUPESP Tabs: Volume 08/2015) February, 2015 Bahir Dar Client: Bureau of Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use (BoEPLAU) Address: P.O.Box: 145 Telephone: +251-582-265458 Fax: (058) 2265479 E-mail: Amhara [email protected] Consultant: Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise (ADSWE) Address: P.O.Box: 1921 Telephone: +251-582-181023/ 180638/181201/181254 Fax: (058) 2180550/0560 E-mail: amhara [email protected] BoEPLAU Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment Draft Final Report Volum VIII ADSWE Page i Tana Sub-Basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study project LIST OF REPORTS Section I: MAIN REPORT Section II: SECTOR STUDIES Volume I: Soil Survey Volume II: Forest and Wildlife Assessment Volume III: Hydrology and Water Resource Assessment Volume IV: Land Use and Land Cover Volume V: Agro Climatic Assessment Volume VI: Crop Resource Assessment Volume VII: Watershed Management Volume VIII: Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment Volume IX: Human Health Assessment Volume X Animal Health Assessment Volume XI: Fish and Wetland Assessment Volume XII: Sociologic assessment Volume XIII: Economic Study Volume XIV: Tourism Assessment Section III PLANNING Volume I Approaches, Procedures and Methods Volume II Land Utilization Types Description and their Environmental Requirements Setting Volume III Planning Units Description Volume IV Land Suitability Evaluation Volume V Land Use Plan Volume VI Management plan Volume VII Implementation Guideline SECTION IV ANNEXES Maps albums and data base BoEPLAU Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment Draft Final Report Volum VIII ADSWE Page ii Tana Sub-Basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To address all constraints related with land uses and formulate sustainable development plan in Tana sub- basin, land use planning and environmental development projected was intended with general objective of identifying livestock production and feed resources potential, opportunities and Land Utilization Types (LUTs) to be conducted at detail level. This was put into practiced by assessing existing livestock, feed and other resources using appropriate data collecting and analyses methodologies. Data collected for livestock production and feed resources study during the field work were household data, field observation, institutional surveys, secondary data, group discussion (at kebele and woreda level). Observations at field have been undertaken to look into livestock body condition, range condition (feed resources). All the data (soil, climate, water sources, veterinary services, market situation, availability of farmer training centre, and their capacities in demonstrating issues, etc) were collected during reconnaissance and semi-detailed survey using different methodologies. Finally, all the data were coded, entered, processed and analysed; where GIS for land use land cover and SPSS for socio-economic survey (household) were used for data analysis and processing. Based on data collected from Woreda offices’ of Agricultural and Rural Development (WoARD, 2013), there are 4,225,464 major livestock (2,008,197 in TLU) in the sub-basin. The livestock population of the sub-basin in detail in number is estimated; 2,405,113(57%) cattle, 951,982(23%) sheep, 549,778(13%) goats, 31,096 (1%) horses, 29088 (1%) mules and 258407 (6%) donkeys in addition there are 1,924,685 poultry and 241,713 bee colonies. The livestock density of the sub-basin in TLU is cattle 143/km2, sheep 8.07/km2, goat 4.66/km2, and equine 14.80/km2. Add up holdings 170.53 TLU/ km2 in the sub-basin. Productivity of livestock in the sub-basin has been estimated as 120,845 ton milk, 23,010.29 ton meat, 646,375 hide and skin (number) and 967 tons eggs. In most part of the sub-basin the production system of livestock is extensive. However, in urban and semi- urban areas people adopted both semi-intensive and intensive production system. According to household interview report the major water sources of the sub-basin is from river (61.6%), non developing spring (19.2%), developing springs (1.5%), pond (9.53%),water well (8.6%, lake (5.2%) and pipe (3.0%). Totally water requirements for livestock in the sub-basin were estimated is 26,473,477 cubic meters per annum as calculated using FAO, 1981 guidelines. In addition more water is consumed primarily by cattle (82%) followed by goat (7.57%) and sheep (6.10%). During field survey in the study area it identified that the feed sources are natural grazing, crop residue, hay, agro-industrial by-product, improved forage and others. Different forage development strategies like area enclosure, intercropping, over sowing, hedge system and under sowing were practiced in the sub- basin. BoEPLAU Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment Draft Final Report Volum VIII ADSWE Page iii Tana Sub-Basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study project Feed resources were surveyed and major natural pasture species were identified as, grasses like, Eleusine Jaegeri, Andropogon gayana, Typha angustifolia , Cyperus rotundus, Cloris gayana, Pennisetum purpureum, Cymbogon commulatus, Cynodon nemfuensis, Pennisetum snowdenia, Cyprus papyrus, Snowdenia polystachya and to some extent legumes Vigna unguiculata, Medicago sativa L. and other herbaceous species like Trifolium subterraneum used mainly during wet season when the farmland is covered with food crops. The major browse tree species have been used for cattle feed in the sub-basin are girar (Acacia spp), girawa (Vernonia amygdalina), chibha (Ficus thonnigii), wanza (Cordea africana, sessa (Albizia gummifera) and sesbania (Sespania saspan), etc. Shrubs and bushes used for goats as a main browses are girar (Acacia spp), atat (Maytensus undata), gumoro (Capparis micrantha), dokma (Sizygium seenseuin), Kosheshelie, anfara, Atkuar and Embse (Rhus glutinosa Hochst), Embacho (Rumex nervosus), etc. The total production requirement of dry matter for livestock in the sub-basin is estimated to be 5,395,271.86 tons but the actual feed produced in the year was 2,996,546.24 tons with a deficit of 2,446,393.62(45.54 %) tons per annum. However, if it is consider maintenance requirement, the deficit decreased to 1,562,060.95 ton (34.27%). In sub-basin carrying capacity, stocking rate and stocking density were calculated based on its gazing (browsing) area, potential of dry matter yield and presence of livestock TLU. As a result in the sub-basin carrying capacity, stocking rate and stocking density are 0.86TLU/ha, 200 days and 1.58TLU/ha respectively. Based on different sources of data analyses result major Potentials identified are; Best local livestock breeds ( Washera and Farta sheep, Fogera cattle, Tilili, Melo-Hamisit and Mecha, Farta (Gassay) poultry, Suitable agro-climatic conditions (most of the study area has got suitable temperature, rainfall, sunshine, wind and moisture content for both the feed resources and livestock development), availability of huge number and diversified livestock resources (all livestock types without camel are reared in the sub-basin), local and diversified, forage resources like local grasses, legumes and herbs and accustomed improved forage SPPS are available in the study area, large amount of crop residues, sufficient water sources and indigenous farmers’ knowledge for livestock and feed development. Besides these, opportunities are available that enhance the livestock and feed resources development are progress of different infrastructures (roads, private vet clinics at North Achefer and Mecha Woredas, means of communication like cell-phone and electric power for some kebeles); demand and prices growth of livestock and their products, home and market opportunities are increased (home consumption and Sudan market), availability of different training, research and multiplication centres (Bahir Dar and Debre Tabor Universities, Regional Agricultural Research Centre, TVTs, Bahir Dar cattle breed improvement BoEPLAU Livestock Production and Feed Resource Assessment Draft Final Report Volum VIII ADSWE Page iv Tana Sub-Basin Land Use Planning and Environmental Study project centre (AI), regional livestock health laboratory, Adet livestock research and improvement site, Andasa poultry multiplication centre, agro-industries that produced by-products for livestock (Bahir Dar flour factories, oil processing factories at Bahir Dar, Gondar , Zone and Woreda towns), establishment of Jawe sugar factories for sources of molasses and urea-block production, availability of NGOs (About 12 NOGs are available in the study area that support the livestock development with their intervention areas). Constraints in the sub-basin Feed shortage Traditional husbandry system (traditional breeding. feeding, sheltering, and marketing...) Low health services provision (One vet clinics and one or two professionals for three Kebeles) Budget shortage to buy improved livestock and other technologies; Absence of policies and strategies (breeding, marketing etc.) Low attention given to the sub-sector development by respective bodies Pesticides application Poor crop residue improvement Free grazing The expansion of eucalyptuses tree that hinder the forage and crop production, which
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