ROMA ve BİZANS ETÜDLER VE SİSTEMATİK ESERLER ALBERT, GOTTFRIED: Die Prinzeninsel Antigoni und der Aidos- Berg. Konstantinopel, O. Keil, [1891]. s. 24-51. (15.5x22). “Mitteilungen des Deutschen Excursions Clubs, Heft III”. [I.RB/E-367] ANGOLD, MICHAEL: Church and society in Byzantium under the Comneni, 1081-1261. Cambridge, Cambridge University, 1995. XVI+604 s. (15.5x23.5). [I.RB/E-388] BALARD, MİCHEL - DUCELLIER, ALAIN (Der.) : Konstantinopolis 1054-1261. Hırıstiyanlığın başı, Latinlerin avı, Yunan başkenti. İstanbul, İletişim, 2002. 256 s. (16x23). “İletişim Yay.: 842 - Dünya Şehirleri Dizisi: 6”. [I.RB/E-405] BARSANTI, CLAUDIA : Constantinopoli e l’Egeo nei primi decenni del XV secolo: la testimonianza di Cristoforo Buondelmonti. s. 83-254. (21x29). Roma, Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale d’Archeologia e Storia dell’arte, 56 (III. Serie, XXIV), 2001’den. Fotokopidir. [I.RB/E-407] BARTUSIS, MARK C.: The late Byzantine army: arms and society, 1204-1453. 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[I.RB/E-359] EVANS, DAVID BEECHER : Leontius of Byzantium. An Origenist christology. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks, 1970. XIII+206 s. (17x24). “Dumbarton Oaks Studies: XIII”. [I.RB/E-363] EVERY, GEORGE : The Byzantine Patriarchate 451-1204. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1947. 212 s. (14x22) harita, resim. [I.RB/E-365] GEANAKOPULOS, DENO JOHN : Emperor Michael Palaeologus and the West (1258-1282). A study in Byzantine-Latin relations. Connecticut, Archon Books, 1973. XII+[2]+434 s. (16x23.5). [I.RB/E-358] GIBBON, EDWARD : Bizans. Roma İmparatorluğu’nun gerileyiş ve çöküş tarihi. Cilt V, kitap 2. Çev. Asım Baltacıgil. İstanbul Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 1995. 187-358+[56] s. (14x20). “Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yay. Deneme, Eleştiri ve Tarih Dizisi: 16 - Bizans: 2”. [I.RB/E-400] 4 GIBBON, EDWARD : Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 6 vols. London, J.M.Dent, 1986-1988. (12x19). Vol. 1: XX+500 s. / Vol. 2: VI+523 s. / Vol. 3: VI+462 s. / Vol. 4: VI+534 s. / Vol. 5: VI+590 s. / Vol. 6: VIII+600 s. [I.RB/E-346-351] GIBBON, EDWARD : Bizans. Roma İmparatorluğu’nun gerileyiş ve çöküş tarihi. C. IV. Çev.: Asım Baltacıgil. İstanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 1994. 185+42 s. (14x20). “Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yay. Deneme, Eleştiri ve Tarih Dizisi: 12 – Bizans: 1”. [I.RB/E-397, 398, 399] GOUILLARD, JEAN : La vie religieuse à Byzance. [Réimp. de divers articles de l’auteur]. London, Variorum Reprints, 1981. 364 s. (16x23) 1 portre. [I.RB/E-341] GRANT, MICHAEL : Roma’dan Bizans’a. İ.S. 5. yüzyıl. Çev.: Z. Zühre İlkgelen. İstanbul, Homer Kitabevi, 2000. VII+223 s. (14x21.5). [I.RB/E-406] GROUSSET, RENE : L’empire du Levant. Histoire de la question d’Orient. Paris, Payot, 1992. 648 s. (14x22.5) harita. [I.RB/E-370] GUNTHER, VON PAIRIS : The capture of Constantinople: the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis. Ed. and tr. by Alfred J. Andrea. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. XIV+194 s. (14x21.5). [I.RB/E-393] 5 HEISENBERG, AUGUST : Quellen und Studien zur spätbyzantinischen Geschichte. [Repr. of the articles of the author.] London, Variorum Reprints, 1973. 400 s. (16x23) 1 portre. [I.RB/E-340] HUSSEY, J.M. : The orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986. XX+408 s. (16x24). [I.RB/E-355] İREÇEK, KONSTANTİN YOSİF : Belgrad-İstanbul-Roma askerî yolu. Bulgarca’dan çev.: Ali Kemal Balkanlı. Ankara, Kültür Bakan- lığı, 1990. XIV+201 s. (13.5x19.5). “Kültür Bakanlığı Yay.: 1193 – Tercüme Eserler Dizisi: 81”. [I.RB/E-401] JAGER, M. L’ABBE : Histoire de Photius, patriarche de Constantinople. Accompagnée d’une introduction, de notes historiques et de pièces justificatives. 2. éd. Paris, Aug. Vaton, 1845. XLIV+468 s. (12x18.5). [I.RB/E-379] JANIN, R. : Les ports de Constantinople sur la Propontide. Extrait de Byzantion, t. XX (1950). Bruxelles, 1950. s. 73-79. (16x24). [I.RB/E-374] KAPLAN, MICHEL : Les propriétés de la Couronne et de l’Eglise dans l’Empire byzantin (V-VI siècles). Documents. Paris, Sorbonne, 1976. 88 s. (16x24). “Byzantina Sorbonensia, 2”. [I.RB/E-335] 6 KAROLIDIS, PAVLOS : Romanos Diogenis. İstanbul’a yollar açılırken. Çev.: Kriton Dinçmen. İstanbul, İletişim, 1993. 77 s. (16x23). “İletişim Yay.: 239 – İstanbul Dizisi: 12”. [I.RB/E-372] KAZHDAN, A. P. - EPSTEIN, ANN WHARTON : Change in Byzantine culture in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Berkeley, University of California Press, [c1985]. XXII+287 s. (16x24) 16 planş. [I.RB/E-334] KAZHDAN, ALEXANDER – CONSTABLE, GILES : People and power in Byzantium. An introduction to modern Byzantine studies. Washington, Dumbarton Oaks, 1982. XXI+218 s. (16x23). [I.RB/E-356] KOMNENA, ANNA : Alexiad. Anadolu’da ve Balkan Yarımadası’nda İmparator Alexios Komnenos dönemi’nin tarihi. Malazgirt’in sonrası. Çev.: Bilge Umar. İstanbul, İnkılâp Kitabevi, 1996. 568 s. (16x23.5). [I.RB/E-384] KONYA, CENGİZHAN : Mehmed Ziya Bey’in “İstanbul ve Boğaziçi” eserinin, I. c., 171-351. sayfaların arasındaki bölümün dizini. (İ.Ü.E.F. Yeniçağ Tarihi Kürsüsü, Mezuniyet Tezi, 1971). İstanbul, 1971. 81 y. (22x29). [I.RB/E-353] KOROMILA, MARIANNA : İ istati agona tis Vizantinis protevusas =Bizans başkentinin son çırpınması. Atina, Panorama, 1992. 54 s. (21.5x30) resim. [I.RB/E-373] 7 LAIOU, ANGELIKIE .: Constantinople and the Latins. The foreign policy of Andronicus II (1282-1326). Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1972. [10]+390 s. (17.5x24.5). [I.RB/E-357] LEARY, FRANCIS : The last days of Constantinople (II). Night falls on Byzantium. s. 32-49. International History Magazine, sayı 12, 1973’de. [I.RB/E-369] LIMBERIS, VASILIKI : Divine Heiress: the Virgin Mary and the creation of Christian Constantinople. London and New York, Routledge, 1994. X+199 s. (14x22). [I.RB/E-387] MACRI, CHRISTO M. : Des Byzantins et des étrangers dans Constantinople au Moyen-Age. Paris, R.Guillon, 1928. 118+[1] s. (11x18). [I.RB/E-337] MANGO, CYRIL A. : The Byzantine inscriptions of Constantinople: A bibliographical survey. s. 52-66. (21x30). Repr. from American Journal of Archaeology, January 1951, Vol. LV, No: 1’den. Makalenin fotokopisidir. [I.RB/E-385] MANGO, CYRIL : Studies on Constantinople. Hampshire, Variorum, 1993. XII+274 s. (17x25). [I.RB/E-386] 8 MARRAST, AUGUSTIN : La vie byzantine au VI. siècle. Préf. et commentaires par Adrien Planté. Paris, Ernest Thorin, 1881. XXXV+ 454 s. (16x25). [I.RB/E-360] MIJATOVICH, CHEDOMIL : Constantine Palaeologus, the last emperor of the Greeks 1448-1453. The conquest of Constantinople by the Turks. Chicago, Argonaut, 1968. XIV+239 s. (14.5x21.5) 1 harita. [I.RB/E-390] MORDTMANN, A. : Die Avaren und Perser von Konstantinopel. Konstantinopel, O Keil, 1903. 29 s. (15.5x22.5). “Neue Folge Heft V”. [I.RB/E-366] MORDTMANN, A. : Die Hafenquartiere von Byzanz. Konstantino- pel, O. Keil, [1891]. 24 s. (15.5x22). “Mitteilungen des Deutschen Excursions Clubs, Heft III”. [I.RB/E-367] NIAVIS, PAVLOS E. : The reign of the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus I (Ad 802-811). Athens, Stef. D. Basilopulos, 1987.
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