28 Summer Music Festival 2003 ARCHIVE INDIANA UNIVERSITY IUCD SCHOOL OF MUSIC .D683 Nineteenth Program of the 2003-2004 Season 1...:: D A.l-53 pt. 2 The Indiana University Opera Theater presents as its 374'h production Don Pasquale Opera Buffa in Three Acts Music by Gaetano Donizetti Libretto by Giovanni Ruffini English translation by Phyllis Mead (Used by arrangement with Theodore Presser Company.) Imre Pallo, Conductor Vincent Liotta, Stage Director Robert O'Hearn, Designer Michael Schwandt, Lighting Designer School of Mus!c t\ucic Depqrtment ,... , ·c' "r'~:,-. .., r:r."':-:~.. P ~5 Musical Arts Center r:••J~_i:_. :"" ;.' :. "" · ·· d"ifl( . F .(r ~=ClE::- Friday Evening, August First F.. · · · ·· · _1 I .~ ., ,, Saturday Evemng, August Second For ll.ofl!lei informatiOn (.,_;; : .dc.:t 8o5- I v37. _..Eri.dayE\i.ening,-A.uo st Eighth Cs.aturday Evening, August Ni 1ght O'Clock Summer Music Festival 2003 29 Cast (i n order of appearance) Don Pasquale, a wealthy old bachelor ............ ............................. Taylor Hightower, Robert Same ls Dr. M alatesta, friend and physician of Don Pasquale .......................... Kory Bickel, Chris Carducci Ernesto, the nephew of Don Pasquale .................................................... Tim But, Brian Stucki Norina, a young widow ........... ...... ................ Rebecca Ball, C hristina Bonsall Notary .. .. ........................... .. ................................................ Soon Young Park Supertitles are the gift of Betty Myers Bain in memory of John H. Myers and Wil fred C. Bain. Don Pasquale, Gaetano Doni zetti 's forty-third opera, opened to enthu­ siastic audiences on January 3, 1843. Soon after its premiere, this opera buffa became an international success and has never left the operatic repertory. C.bL Today, Don Pasquale continues to e nj oy a reputati on as one of the best­ known Italian Romantic Comedies. The plot revolves around the title character, an aging bachelor that has finally fo und the woman he wishes to marry. The only problem is, she is in love with his young nephew. Will Don Pasquale get hi s bride? Doni zetti 's opera buffa provides the answer and a lot of laughs A .. along the way. -b- ~ (q I, f-\VYI 1ence.. I Synopsis &; ~ 4-:J- d . o v er+v f\.Q.__ Act One 3Lf ~ ~D 3 ' At* j'_ The wealthy Don Pasquale, until now a confi rmed bachelor, has decided to marry. He is, however, furious with his nephew Ernesto for wanting to do the same. Ernesto, who is madly in love with the winsome widow, Norina, is in a pani c about this as is his prospecti ve bride. Don Pasquale is impatiently await­ ing the a1Tival of his friend Dr. Malatesta, who he hopes will help him with his plans. Malatesta arrives, and unable to dissuade Don Pasquale from his mar­ ri age plans and convince him to let Ernesto marry hi s true love, he pretends to go along. He proposes that his "sister" should be the bride, as Don Pasquale has no one in particul ar in mi nd. He describes the future bride as a na'Jve, shy and timid girl , brought up in a convent. In reality, she is Norina, who is not related to Dr. Malatesta but who together with him has come up with a plan to force Don Pasquale to abandon his plan so she and Ernesto can be married. Don Pasquale is unable to resist Malatesta's descri pti on of hi s future bride, and eagerly agrees to the marriage. 30 Summer Music Festival 2003 As Malatesta leaves to continue his conspiracy, Ernesto enters. Don Pasquale announces his marriage plans. Incredulous at first, Ernesto fi nall y reali zes that this ends his hopes for a future. When he learns that his uncle has already consulted with Dr. Malatesta, Ernesto's last hopes for happiness van­ ish. The scene changes to Norina's apartment where she is reading. Dr. Malatesta arrives and tells her the Don Pasquale has fall en for the scheme whi ch shall finally make him agree to his nephew's marriage. Norina is not all that convinced this plan is good. In the meantime, no one has explained this to Ernesto. CDI T\ £/;1.'~5 CJ)IL r:;r:;:;;;'eAce Intermission 0 : ~ (p ;2. ,4c_.f ..I£. Act Two .jt:¥-1 Act II opens in Ernesto's lodgings. He is in despair at the prospect of losing his bride and hi s home, for Don Pasquale has thrown him out of the ho use. T he scene changes to Don Pasquale's home, where he receives his prospecti ve bride and her sponsor, his fri end, Dr. Malatesta. She behaves as promised, shy, retiring, indicating that she is onl y interested in things of the household. Dr. Malatesta is enraptured with hi s prospecti ve bride and sends for a notary (Malatesta's nephew, Carlotta). A witness is still missing. At this moment Ernesto ru shes in proclaiming that he has been betrayed. Dr. Malatesta has his work cut out for him to explain the situation to him, without letting Don Pasquale know Norina's true identity. After explaining the plan to Ernesto he readily consents to be the witness. The moment the contract is signed a transformati on occurs. The timid, shy, convent bred Norina turns into a shrew. Nothing Don Pasquale says is ri ght and she begins to spend hi s money with abando n as Don Pasquale watches in horror. He proclaims himself betrayed as the act concludes. Intermission 3 . Ac..+ J]L. Act Three 3~;l{b Servants are running back and forth executing Norina's orders. She ap­ pears expensively dressed and ready to go to the theater without her husband. They quarrel and Norina boxes her husband's ears. As Norina leaves, she "accidentally" drops a note, purportedly from Ernesto, making an assignation for that very evening in the garden. Don Pasquale reads it and sees it as his chance of getting out of this hateful marriage. Malatesta arri ves and Don Pasquale pours hi s heart out to him. Ma latesta pretends to conspire with the old man, to get him out of this marri age. The scene changes to the garden where Ernesto sings a beautiful ser­ enade to Norina. Don Pasquale and Malatesta surprise the lovers. E rn esto escapes, but Norina stays to face the music. Malatesta twists everything round to everyone's sati sfacti on and soon E rnesto and Norina are waiting to be married, and with the full approval of Don Pasquale who considers hi mself lucky to be out of that marriage ordeal! All ends well. _..- INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Nineteenth Program of the 2003-2004 Season The Ind iana University Opera Theater presents as its 3 74'" production Don Pasquale Opera Buffa in Three Acts Music by Gaetano Donizetti Libretto by Giovanni Ruffini English translation by Phyllis Mead (Used by arrangement with TheoJorc PresserCompuny. ) Imre Pallo, Conductor Vincent Liotta, Stage Director Robert 0 'Hearn, Designer Michael Schwandt, Lighting Designer www.mus ic.indiann.edu Cast (in order of appearance) August 8, 2003 August 9, 2003 Don Pasquale, a wealthy old bachelor . Robert Same Is Taylor Hi ghtower Dr. Ma latesta, fri end and physician of Don Pasquale. Chris Carducci Kory Bickel Ernesto, the nephew of Don Pasquale. Brian Stucki Tim Birt Norina, a young widow .... ... Christin a Bonsa ll Rebecca Ball Notary . Soon Youn g Park Soon Young Park Choru s. Joseph Baird, Ni cholas Conner, Victoria Bassett, Ashl ey Curling, Joli Donnan, Jenni fe r Feinstein , Rachel Goc, Lauren Greer, Teresa Herold, John Huckle, Ashl ey Kessler, Coll een Koch, Ryan Bell McAdams, James Neff , Mi chael Oriatti, Eli zabeth Pearse, Dustin Podgorski , Alexis Pomierski, Chri stopher Pullman, Mark Ri emenschneid er, Chri stopher Sponsell er, Sarah Squicquero, Laura Sti ckl e, Brad Wi sk, Tod Wi eczorek, Jing Zhang Supertitles are the gift of Betty Myers Bain in memory of John II. Myers and Wilfred C. Ba in . Act One Intermi ssion Act Two lntem1i ssion Act Three TO OU R PAT RONS: Curtain time for IU Opera Theater is promptly at 8 p.m., by whi ch time all opera goers should be in their seats. Latecomers will be seated onl y on the third terTace, or at the di screti on of the management. Thank you fo r your cooperati on. Don Pasquale will conclu de at 10:35 p.m. No Cameras, Flash Equipment or Tape Recorders are allowed in the Auditorium of the Musical Arts Center. Symphony Orchestra Vio lin I Cello Trumpet Ji Woon Jung Yi-Pei Lee Jessica Meng Di ana Lee-Planes 1-lyun Jung Lee Eri c Dickson Susan Anderson Eli za Jacques Ji-Ae Yoon Bmtram Nason Trombone Yanbo Zhao Katherine Knisely Nathan Hillyard Hannah Eliasson Loren Serfass Motoaki Kashino Bori s Kupesic Randolph Johnson, Matthew Carrington Bass Bass Bo-Young Hyun Titlany Freeman Jose Martinez Nicholas Tunney Timpani Shin-Bi Jung David Dahl Changbeom Shin Jim Kim Benj amin Weiss Flute Percussion Ken Lin Akiko Ezawa Amber Kilgore Nevart Galileas, Yumiko Nishoka Vio lin II Piccolo Daniel Stein Aimee Sung Oboe Onstage Musicians Nadya Canahuati Amari s Carlson Joseph Tall y, Guitar Li ndsey Gamble Benj amin Bolter Ri chard Werden, Amber Archibald Guitar LeA nne Dodge Clarinet Amber Kilgore Marie Racine Marcus Jordan Tambourine Raquel Di az Lansac Aubrey Leigh Everett Hannah Vim Laurinda Lee Bassoon Orchestra Ma nager Emily Herdeman David Stefano Timothy Dugan Sarah Pol k Emily Warner Orchestra Set-up Vio la Horn Tiffany Freeman Erik Rynearson Emily Wong Dong Min Kim Alan Conrad Librarian Joshua Ke ll y Jessica Thoman Clovis Lark Emily Johnson Renee Menkhuas Andrew Henry Justin Grossman Student Production Staff Stage Manager .
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