STUDENTS SHINE IN FARRAND SCIENCE EXPO, A4 CANTON E CELEBRATE OLYMPIC SPIRIT KRISTI VAMAGUCHI, APOLO OHNO, Ob s e r v e r JULIA MANCUSO SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2014 • hometownlife.com AND MORE! Canton home values mark increase said Friday. “The condomini­ percent spike fo r home values, um market is improving, but property taxes cannot jum p by still struggling.” more than 1.6 percent because Canton’s latest residential Canton’s commercial prop­ o f a state law that lim its the property values spiked 5.4 erty values remained flat, increase to 5 percent or the percent, newly released fig ­ while the industrial sector rate o f inflation, whichever is ures show, marking the biggest inched up just 1 percent - still less. increase since the housing an encouraging sign in the Wendy TVumbull, Canton m arket crashed and raising aftermath of steep declines, Township finance director, said hopes o f a sustained recovery. Shaw said. the law means Canton stands to The latest number reflects Some homeowners w ill gain only $460,000 in property an average o f property assess­ notice property value in­ tax revenues - far less than the ments fo r more than 28,500 creases o f 10-12 percent as $1.6 m illion it could have re­ homes based on sales fo r a they receive their assessment ceived if the Proposal A law one-year period ending last notices, while others may see hadn't been in effect. fall. no improvement, Shaw said. “ It’s a big difference,” she "There seems to be a consis­ “There w ill be fluctuations said. tent rebound on all the single­ throughout the community," he Moreover, the uptick in tax fam ily residential homes," said. increasing and Canton’s assessor, Doug Shaw, Despite the average 5.4- See VALUES. Page A2 FF PHOTOGRAPHER WESTERN WAYNE COUNTY SENIOR OLYMPICS District studying school boundaries Students attending the new middle school that Plymouth-Canton Community Schools officials are opening in September 2015 likely aren’t the only ones who w ill be attending a different building. D istrict officials have begun the process o f conducting a boundary survey adminis­ trators say w ill “ make sure we are utilizing our buildings and maximizing the capacities in our buildings." Steering and advisory committees have already been formed as the district begins to look at school boundaries, programming and other strategies ahead o f the opening of the new middle school made possible by last year’s bond. “We have no preconceived notion of what we are going to do,” said K u rt TVszkewicz, Jerry Gawura of Canton shows off most of the 99 medals she has won in Senior Olympics competition. See BOUNDARIES. Page A2 COLLECTING DATA Seniors rally early for What: Plymouth-Canton Community Schools public forums on its boundary study When: Three forums, all at 7 p.m., Feb. 13, Feb. 20 and April 10 Where: Discovery Middle School, 4S083 Han­ ford, Canton SUMMER OLYMPICS W h y: The district is conducting a study of school boundaries and is seeking public input. The information is to be compiled into a report the committee hopes to deliver to the full Board of Education by the end of May. A t age 94, Canton resident Contact: For more information, call 734-416- Jerry Gawura has won 99 medals 2755. fo r her athletic skills. She hopes to cross the 100- medal mark by tossing a softball, football, Frisbee, bean bag and horseshoes when the Western Wayne County Senior Olympics celebrates its 10th year in Au­ Two-day gust. “ M y favorite has always been playing softball," said Gawura, who joined 80 seniors and Wayne closure looms County officials Wednesday afternoon fo r an early kickoff party at Canton’s Summit on the for library Park recreation center. “ I love playing softball.” Gawura had her medals dis­ played on a table - honors she earned not only in Wayne County, Canton Public Library patrons w ill need to but also from Michigan Senior find an alternate place Monday and Tbesday Olympics and the National Sen­ to use public computers, browse research ior Games Association. She is ' i i p ? collections, check out materials or enjoy a proof senior athletes can partici­ favorite reading spot near a fireplace. pate in shot put, javelin and dis­ As expected, the bustling library remains cus competition, though she slated fo r a two-day closure as work crews always returns the conversation bust up a granite entry floor and rip down to softball. one interior wall fo r what kicks o ff the sec­ “ I was a tomboy when I was a ond-largest remodeling project since the little girl living in Dearborn, but fa cility opened in 1988. the boys wouldn’t let the girls “ We’re letting our patrons know that we’re play softball," she said. "One day closed," said Laurie Golden, department head they let me play and then they let fo r community relations. me keep on playing." Officials have used the library’s website Seniors from Canton, Ply­ w m and newsletter, social media, in-house signs mouth, Westland, Livonia, Gar­ and this newspaper to alert loyal patrons who den City, Bedford and other Canton Township Treasurer Melissa McLaughlin and Wayne County have made Canton's information hub one of Commissioner Richard LeBlanc address seniors, photos by bill bresler | st. the state’s busiest libraries. See SENIOR, Page A2 photographer Patrons who need to visit a library Mon­ day or Tuesday may use facilities in commu- See LIBRARY, Page A2 O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r ic I © The Observer & Eccentric INDEX nometowniMc com JVJ J^ D I A Volume 39 • Number 65 Community Life........ B5 Homes ......... ... C4 Services.... Crossword Puzzle ......C2 Jobs ............ ...Cl Sports ..... Education .................A4 Obituaries.... .87 Wheels ... Home Delivery: (866) 887-2737 | Return Addres >n Dr., Novi Ml 48377 Health.................... B8 f He said some home­ SENIOR VALUES owners could notice their property taxes climb by Continued from Page A1 Continued from Page A1 more than 1.6 percent if k i Welcome they built additions or western Wayne County revenues doesn’t affect made significant improve­ communities braved a Canton’s coffers until ments to their homes. brutally cold winter day Western Wayne County 2015. Also, the state-imposed to attend the kickoff Jason Borregard, sales cap gets lifted one time party in hopes of in­ manager for Clients First, when a house is sold. spiring others 50 and Senior Olyrv ws Realtors, which has of­ Canton's residential older to get involved in fices in Canton, Westland property values outpaced the 2014 games, Aug. and Shelby Tbwnship, said the Wayne County aver­ 18-22. Canton property values age of 1.46. Canton had a Participants are ex­ exceeded expectations. sharper rebound than pected to start signing “The appreciation is neighbors such as Van up in early A pril at their better than we expected," Buren Tbwnship and West­ local senior centers, he said, describing him­ land, but lagged behind whether their interest is self as “ cautiously opti­ cities such as Plymouth. golf, billiards, W ii bowl­ mistic” the rebound w ill Canton’s uptick came ing, horseshoes, bowl­ continue. Still, he and amid what Borregard ing, card games, softball other real estate officials called "fierce” competi­ or numerous other com­ have said it could take tion among home buyers. petitions. years to reach property Canton property own­ Plymouth resident values of 2007. ers receiving their 2014 Patti Mackiewicz, 67, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano talks about the importance of Senior Olympics. Canton Tbwnship Su­ assessment notices may said she intends to com­ BILL BRESLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER pervisor Phil LaJoy has file an appeal, but they pete in W ii bowling. said Canton would have as need to provide research "This w ill be my first things they may never time Canton senior coor­ The firs t Western much as $20 m illion more proving their property is year. I ’m very excited," have done before,” she dinator, has accumulat­ Wayne County Senior in tax revenues if proper­ assessed higher than simi­ she said, after winning a said. “They have so ed scores of medals Olympics drew 200 ty values had never de­ lar properties in their pair of Detroit Tigers much fun.” after participating in people - a number that clined from 2007 levels, neighborhood based on tickets during a kickoff Inkster resident Le­ county, state and nation­ grew to more than 700 calling it “ unbelievable” one-year sales. The Can­ party raffle led by roy Watson, 62, said he al competitions fo r track last year. what the community has ton Board of Review w ill Wayne County Exec­ intends to compete in and field, horseshoes “We're probably go­ endured. hear appeals from 9 a.m. utive Robert Ficano. bowling. “ Hopefully, I and tennis, among other ing to break that record Shaw said Canton's to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Susan Doughty, Can­ can win the whole activities. She is most this year,” Ficano said. home values started a March 10, and Thursday, ton senior specialist, thing,” he said. proud of the bronze Maybe, just maybe, gradual rebound w ith last March 13, and 1-4:30 p.m. said Senior Olympics Canton senior Mickey medal she won last year Gawura can earn her year’s property assess­ and 6-9 p.m. Tbesday, games allow seniors to Stachurski hopes to add during the national 100th medal. One thing ments. He attributed the March 11, and Wednesday, celebrate fitness with medals to her previous horseshoes competition is certain: The boys turnaround to the overall March 12.
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