»^i-^ t" uhc-YnVv^ \>i^'^€A \50o^v -aw^ ' r^is.. y ^v*\\'i?.>> riijseu^ ."Det^r, ,,(, A SUPPLEMENTAKY CATALOGUE OF BENGALI BOOKS\ IN THE LIBEAHY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM ACQUIRED DURING THE YEARS 188G-1910. COMPILED BY J. F. BLUMHARDT, M.A. PROFESSOR OF HINDUSTANI, AND LECTURER ON HINDI AND BENGALI AT UNrVEESITY COLLEGE, LONDON ; AND TEACHER OF BENGALI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. PBINTED BY OBDER OF THE TRUSTEES Hoiiion : SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM; AND BY LONGMANS & CO., 39, Paternoster Row; BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. ; ASHER CO., 14, & Bedford Street, Covent Garden ; and HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner. 1910 [All rights reserved.'] : LoXBos PRINTED nv WILLIAJI OL"»ES AND SOXS, LIMITED, DDES STKEET, STAMFOllD STUEET, S.E., ASD GItEAT WINDMILL STKLET, tr. PEEFACE. This Catalogue of the Bengali Printed Books acquired by the Library of the British Museum during the years 1886—1910 has been prepared by Mr. Blumhardt as a supple- ment to the volume compiled by him and published by order of the Trustees in 1886. In the present catalogue a classified index of titles has been added ; in other respects the methods employed in the earlier volume have been closely followed in this work. L. D. BARNETT, Keeper cf Oriental Printrd Bouks and MSS. British Museum, AiKjusf 8, rjio. AUTHOE'S PREFACE. This Catalogue of Bengali l)ooks acquired during the last 24 years forms a supplement to the Bengali Catalogue published in 1886. It has been prepared on the same principles, and with the same system of transliteration. The editions of the Bible, and portions of the Biiile, which are entered in the Catalogue of 188G have l)een embodied in the present volume, in order to make this article quite complete. All the entries under this heading have been carefully revised with the help of the " Historical Catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society," by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule. As no Subject-Index was prepared for the former catalogue, the titles of all the Works in that catalogue have been included in the Subject-Index of this volume, those of works entered only in the catalogue of 1886 being indicated by an asterisk, and those of editions of the same work which appear in both catalogues being marked by a dagger. The English, or other European, title of a liook is entered in the General Index when it has no Bengali title. Works with both Encflish and Bengali titles are shown under the Bengali title only, except newspapers and other periodicals. In the case of a work having an alternative title, both are entered in the General Index, and only the principal title in the Subject-Index, with the other printed in brackets. J. F. BLUilHARDT. LONDOX, August 8, 1910. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF BENGALI BOOKS. ABAJi VISHNU KATHAVATE. Report on the with notes from 'Abd al-HaUk's Persian commen- searcli for Sanskrit [and Vernacular] manuscripts tary entitled Ashi'at al-lama'at.] [1892, etc.] 8°. in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1891- 14123. h. 21. 92, 1892-93, 1893-94, and 1894-95. 121. pp. 21, 'ABD al-HAKK (Abu Muhammad). See Kur'au. Bovibay, 1901. 8°. 14096. cc. 12. ^^t^tf^TNi NS^? Ttftff I [The Arabic text of the Koran, accompanied by a Bengali translation 'ABBAS 'ALL See Muhammad 'Aebas 'Ali. of the Hindustani version, and commentary of Abii 'ABD al-AGHFAR. ^a^C^pW Ifs^t^T I [Taraper iti- Muhammad 'Abd al-Hakk, entitled Tafsir i Hak- liasa. An historical account of Tarap in the Dis- kani.] [1901, e<c.] 8^ 14507. b. 34. trict of Sylhet.] pp. viii. 114. ^-f^^t^l 'i^.SiS 'ABD al-HAMID II., Sultan of the Tuvhs. '^q^^ {Calcutta, 1887.] 12°. 14127. a. [Sultan-jubili. ^^f^^ I A poem in honour of the 'ABD al-'AZiZ. al- jubilee reign of Sultan 'Abd al-Hamid.] 18. ^nrftfiC^t^ «^^ I [Maidan pp. 'ulum. A treatise on Mubammadan social and C^TSF^ •5;joo [Eangoon, 1900.] 12°. religious observances. Second edition.] pp. 14, 14129. a. 48.(5.) 344, S. ^^tr^l •5?.;5b- [Kuratla, 1892.] 8°. 'ABD al-HAMID KHAN, YUsufzd'i. ^^ i 14129. d. 30.(2.) [Udasi. " The Ascetic "; a collection of poems.] 'ABD al-GEANI. ^T^TtTc^Wlvs [Asrar al- ^^ | Pt. i. pp. xii. xxiv. 4, 504. ^iWl^eT 'iis'') [Tan- salat. A treatise on prayer, in Muhammadan Ben- gaU, 1901.] 8°. 14129. c. 52. gali verse.] pp. 180, 4. ^[^l ~iZ^o [JDacca, 1904.] 8". 'ABD al-JABBAR, Shaikh. ST |TR1 - 14123. h. 34.(2.) 'fftC'p^r ?|%?-;>r I [Madina-sharifer itihasa. An historical account of ^1«i1 «fi%^ <i >rt\5 C<|5f1 [Ka- ^'tt Ot^^? I the city of Medina.] pp. xii. 180. 'nr'Rfjf^^ mala parir puthi. A love story in Muhammadan •5 0-; 8 [Mymensingh, 1907.] 12°. 14127. aa. 40. Bengali.] pp. 108. Ut^l -i-io-^ [Dacca, 1903.] 8°. 14127. g. 15.(2.) 'ABD al-KADIR, of Sudampara. See Muhammad Kasim, Maulavl. ^^I^ '^'W^ i [Bara Plr- C^nriTC^ [Ni'mat i 5f^?n « ^IC^r^t^ l dunya. gunavali. Translated by 'Abd al-Kadir from the Advice on ethics and the observance of religious Hindustani I'jaz i Ghauslyah.] [1899.] 8°. duties, in Muhammadan Bengali verse.] pp. 180, 14127. bb. 18.(1.) 4. TTl^l ;.:•; o [Dacca, 1904.] 8°. 14123. h, 34.(1.) 'ABD al-KADIR, ShaiH. See 'Ubaid Allah ibn 'ABD al-HAKK, DiMavl. See HtJSAiN ibn Mas'Od, i Mas'ud. "fi:^ C?^?T?rl I [Sharh Wikayah. A Ben- ul-Farrd etc. al-BagtawI. ^fifl-'^f^t^ I [Mish- gali translation by Shaikh 'Abd al-Kadir.] [1902, al-masabili. into kat Translated Bengali, together etc.] 8°. 14125. a. 30. •Ar.i>;i!-KAi»ir:- -ABU al-HUSAm 'ABD al-KADIR ibn MUSA, Jihhu. [ll/i:] See 1 of cholera. In Muhammadan Bengali.] pp. 35. 'Ala al-DiN Ahmad, Mauhivl. ^ %? TiC?^ ^f^^lvsl ^^5->v5 [Calcutta, 1906.] 8°. 14127. bbb. 9. 12°. «?NJ(tr3s5 I [Bara Pir Saheb.] [1890.] 'ABD al-RAHIM, Shdh. 14127. aa. 17. ^<f^ T^'Jrft C^ I [A- tharva Mahammadi veda. Religious rites of the [i'/«.] See MuuAMMAD Kasim, Maulavl. Hauafi sect of Muhammadans, in verse.] pp. 58. [Bara Plr-gunavall.] 8°. I [1899.] ^^% ?31T^ ^f5T^lN5Ti?.S)b-[Co/cu«-(, 1891.] 8°. 14129. d. 30.(1.) 14127. bb. 18.(1.) vedatattva. f ^"^rft C^f ^1 I [Mahammadi 'ABD al-KARIM, Assistant Inspector of Schools. See An inquiry into the principles of JIuhamraadan [Chhele-bhu- t'HHAK.i. t:§'iri^ C^CcT-^cfR ^1 I belief, inverse. Second edition.] Pt. i. pp. ii. 59. lana chhara. Isurscry rh\-me3 of Chittagong. ^fcT^lxsl "JO-JO [Calcutta, 1904.] 8°. 14123. h. 32. Compiled by 'Abd al-Karim.] [1902-1907.] 8°. 14133. f. 18. 'ABD al-RAHIM, S/-ai;M. tlcTpT e/c. [Islam. A [Bangalfi manual of in-struction in the observance of prayers ^f«f^ T^^'i I (Tiytcrl ^^K r^^'i) other Muhammadan religious duties, designed punthir vivarana. A descriptive catalogue of 433 and for use in schools.} ii. 116. ^fw^T«l "i-i^-i Bengali manuscripts found in tlie District of Chit- pp. [Cakntta, 1896.] 1G°. 14123. h. 24. tagong.] pp. 2G8. "jJ-jo--:^ [1903-05.] See Academies, etc. — Calcutta. — Bengal Academy of 'ABD al-SITBHAN. f^^f CTi'iciTtJT I [Hindu Mosal- Literature. [Sahitya-pari- ^T'TzJ-^TlS'^^-^'iW^ I man. An attack against Hindus, and the National shat-patrika.] Vol. ix., extra number ; x., nos. Congress, in which the author cites numerous 3 and 4; xii., no. 3. [1894, etc.] 8°. 14133. f. 18. instances of wrong and injustice caused to the Muhammadan community by Hindu officials.] 3 • A History of the Muhamraadan Empire in pts. TTt^l ib-lrS) [Z>acc«, 1889.] 12°. 14125. e. 23. India. Vol. I. ... ^I^^^W ^lel'TK ^I'^C^ Pts. 2 ami 3, in one volume, are of the 2nd edition. ^fr^TSI [BharatavarsheMusalmanrajatveritihasa.] iv. 154. Calcutta, 1898. 8°. 14127. bb. 11. pp. 'ABD al-WAHHAB, MunshJ, of Calcutta. See Ghu- LAM Naiii ibu 'Inayat ALr..\H. T^IT^'^ ^T^^^^f 'ABD al-KARIM, of Anwara, District Chittagong. ^f^^l 5^i^^<n?t 'I''- [Kisas al-aubiya. Trans- See Mi'UTAZA, Soil/id, of Murshidabad. ^*l«m"fJT lated by 'Abd al-\Vahhab and others.] [1902.] SJT®! rPoemson the loves of Riidha C^^^ ^f< ?>nnf I 4°. 14123. hh. 1. and Krishna. With a life of the author by 'Abd al-Karim.] [1904.] 8°. 14129. cc. 11. ABHIRAMA GOSVAMI, Valshnava saint. [Life.] Sec Rauadasa, Vai.fhiuiva pod. §1 "SifsJtTqfcfl^ | 'ABD al-KARIM, o//«m/io/JMr. >a^',f^^ei-^l^c[ | [Abhirilma-lilAmrita.] [1891.] S". 14123. f.''46. [VVajib al-'amal. Muhammadan religious obser- vances, in verse.] pp. 1G8. ^f^4t\sl >i'5"5 [Cal- ABU HANIFAH. S<e Xu'm.'vn ibn Sabit (Auu cutta, 1905.] 8°. 14123. h. 36. ilANilAllJ. Prinird in Sylhel Niigari characters. ABU alHUSAIN, Saiijld, M.A. #t^^-'^^cl 5P1?T I • [Jivanta-putula. A romance in verse.] 283. 'ABD alRAHIM, '/ lihawarUot. -Sf (^encis 'sn^pJT- pp. 5*f5J^l^ "s-s-iS [Ca/cu«(i, 1908.] 8». 14128. c. 1. fWl I [Aklilali i AJimadiyah. A sketch of the life of Maulttua liufi/ Ahmad of Jaunpur. In Muham- c^l'icei'r-nNii^i r\ ?^<!.-c«ri?i»jjcit5 '^^^ i madiin Bcngiili.] pp. G8. C^^lTIiTI^l "i i*b [Sun- [.Moslem-pataka. A life of Muhannnad.] pp. xi. l.l.ai:. I'.Miu.l 8°.
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