THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED: GOTHIC HORROR FROM T¿'E C1.'TLE OF OTRANTO TO ALIEN by Valdine Clemens A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies In Partial Fulfilrnent ofthe Requirements For the Degree of PhD in Arts Department of English University of Marutoba Wirmipeg. Manitoba (c) May 1994 National ubrary Bibliothèque nationale l*l du Canada Acquisit¡ons and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliograph¡c Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Slreel 395. rue Wellington Onav/4, Onlario Onawa (Ontaío) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 yøJt lile vo¡tê téttdÉe Ou t¡le Notrc .ë8ëte The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclus¡ve licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse ín any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qui protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-315-92133-1 Canadä \,.\--¿Y'\ rd, generol subiect colegories. Pleose select the one subiect which most neorly descr¡bes úe conlent of your dissertotion. lhe corresponding fourdigit code in lhe spoces provided. ( -=¡^ë, Gf-;L,,íÉ==f, Lr^=:^{ì.s ffi U'M'l ... ..... .. .. .0621 .............0384 .. ..... ... ... .0ó22 ..............0ó20 ..............0ó23 . ... ..... .. ..062A ........ ...0625 ...........0989 ...........0349 ...........0ó32 ...........045t @ Disserlolion Abslrocls lnlernolional esf orgonisé en colégor¡es de sujels. 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(J/ l4 Loti'no ornéricoiñe.... ........... 033ó Sciences so<ioìes....................... 0534 Asie, Aurrolie et Océonie....0332 Sociolooie de l'èducorion........... 03¿0 Hisroire des sciences... 0585 Technofôsie............... ......... .. 07ì0 Loisìrs...................... ........081¿ Plonilicorion urboine ei I.ÂNGUT, TIflÉRAfURT Tf - régionole ........... .. ....A999 UNGUT5Í0Ut to¡gles. çenero rles ..... ........ uô l5 ,. _ trenerolrlê! .................... .. .uôly Adrni¡irroiionÕuhlioùe 0617 Ancieññes.... .... .................0289 Droil et relôrio;! 1inouis|ioue...................... ..0290 internorionoles .............. ..0ól ó Mo?erne!.................. 029t Sociolôo;e Litlérolure Génirolites............... a626 Gênêrolirés..................... ...0401 Aidê er bien.òrre sociol........ 0ó30 4nciennes........................... 029¿ ComDorée ..........................0295 élobli";menis Medíévo|e.... ......................02e2 oénitenrioire3 O6t7 Moderne.............................0298 DémooroÞhie.......... .... ......0938 Alricoine ............ .. .. .......031ó Erudeidd l' indi"id, er A¡éricoine ......................... 0591 - de lo fomi |e........... .. .. ...0ó28 Anolôise....................... .. 0593 ErL:des des relotions Asi¿lioue.-............. 0305 inierethñ;ôùe3 er conoúenne lAnoloisel ........ 03s2 des relorions rocioles 0ó31 ...........03r conodrenne lfronco,sel . ....0JJ5 0 Slruclure et develoooemenr Ge¡monioue 03ì ì .........0454 so<iol.............11........ ozoo torìno om'áricoine................ 03l 2 ...........0770 Théorie er mérhodes ...........03¿¿ Moyen.or;e.role......... .. 03r5 ..........0272 TrovoileÌ relorions Romõne 0313 ..........0338 industrie|jes......................0ó29 Slove êl €t.europænne .....0314 Tronloorls ... ..... 0709 ..........0578 Tro'oìlsociol.................... 0¿52 SE¡EN€85 ET INGÉNIER¡F Çèolçie. 0372 S(IINCTS PHYSIOUTS Bioméd]co|e........... .. ..... .. 05al Sciences Pu¡es Choleur ei ther o473 Hvd;ol6oiå. ... o38s modvnomioue.......... Chìmie . .. .03¿8 0285 Mi',¿¡olåoie or'ì ì Condirìonne"i.* Genê¡ol'rés....... Ocèonosiophie physique . ... ....0415 .................0¿85 |oqel Biochimie ............... ¿87 {Embo .....................05¿9 P.lèôhôrõ¡idL,ê O3¿5 . .. Gèñie oèroiooriol ...... 0s38 Poleðko|ooii........................ ..0¿2ó Chi¡nie ooricole..... ....... 07a9 Chimie 0Á86 P.lÉÒ¡r.ld:è or'l8 oñol¡io¡e Génie civil .:................... ...05¿3 Chimie min¿'rolå........... .. O¿8e Polèozooloäie...........................0985 (hrm Génie élecìronioue et Polynolosie-........... .. .... ......... 0427 e nucl-ÀoÍe ... O/34 Chim;e o¡oonioue ............... 0490 elê(k;a!e . .054a Chimieohãrmoceurioue. 0491 Génie inJurriel..... .. 05¡ó s(lt (ts Dt ta saNli It Dt Gènie mèconioue................05a8 Phvsiouå... : oÄ9a çenenucleorre........... u5ll rrNvtR0 Ntft$Nr PofvmCres ............. .... .. .0¿95 Économie dome!rioue............. .. 038ó Rodrolron.. .. O/54 . Meconroùe l)5Á/ 5c ences de I envroñnement 0/óa Molhémo1ioues..................... .. 0¿05 ¡ôvôlê Sciences de lo sontê Mèro lurbie . .. .. o7Á3 Générolirés .........................05óó ' c¿nè,olirés .........................oóos Science ðes rnorériou^ .... ....079a Technioue du oèlrole a765 A¿minislrorion des hìóitôux O7ó9 AcoulioLre.............. O98ó . Alimenrôlionelnukilitn . ..0570 mrnrÞrê (ì551 Ìê.hni;1,ê( (ô.ir^i,êr pt audiolø;e.... o3oo 0ó0ó orroohvlioue.-..... muni¿iooles.. .... .... oss¿ chimiôrÊ'érÒôie o99) Elecrroniqire èr élecrricir€ ...... Oó07 . T€chnoloiie hvd¡oLJlioue.. osa5 Dênriterie..:...... .. ........ .....05ó7 rru des el Dlosmo......... .. ..o/5y Mèconiouê ôåôliiuéê o:]r'¿, Déveloooementhrmoin 073A Méréo¡olobie . ....... ...qéaq Enseioååmenr................ .. 0350 upnqu€,.,, -........................u/J2 Céorechnoìosii . .......... O¿28 l.-,;"|""i. oga? Porlicules {Phy!ique a7e5 1or5rrs.................................(J5/5 nucleonel.... ........0798 fTê¿h""!"l,i.l Recheiche ooé¡ãtiónnelle. .. .. .079ó Médecine du hovoilel Phvsioue orôñioùe 07 Ág Tenieserris!us (Tech¡olosie) ....079¿ thérôó;e 035¿ Phisiciue de l étår solide oól I Mede¿ile er ¡hnu¡oie 05ó¿ Phísiciue moleculoire ........ .. oó09 Obsréhioùe er ovñËcôlôôiê 0380 PSY(H0t0GtI Pl,i¡iciuenuclæire.... 0ólo (Jenerolrles |J621 oohrolmhlôore:i........ .:...... 038ì Roijioi;on....... .......025ó . Pe¡sonnoliré............ .................0ó25 Ohhoohonie-.. .... .. .... Oaóo Sloliliques ......................... .. 04ó3 Porhofooie O57l Psvchobiolooie.... o3¿9 Phormocre .................... .....u5/2 5ciences Appliqués Et Psicholøie-cl;nioue aó?? Pho¡mocolooie . .... .. .... .0a19 Psicholdie d! c¿moo¡remenr o3B¿ Phv<iorhé¡oàie 0382 1nformorioJe........................ .098¡ Pricholoãie du dev¿lÒóóéñênr 0ó20 RôiliôlMiÞ o57À lnqè¡ie¡ie P!;choloãieexoérime;iirle.. 0ó23 Sonré mËnrol-" . .... .... .........0347 (Jenerolrles.. l)t.l/ Psicholoðie in¿ur,ielle .. o62a Asrico|e ................. .. .......0539 PsicholoËie ohvsiolooioue........ 0989 5orn5 nlrrmreß ...............U5óv Aulomobile . 05r'O Psicholoãie lo.iole .: .:. o¿51 loxicologie . .... ..................0383 Psichom5r,ie .... .. ............ oó32 @ THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSEDI GOTHIC HORROR FROM THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO TO ALIEN BY VALDINE CLEMENS A Thesis submitted to the Facult¡r of G¡aduate Studies of the UniversiÇ of Manitoba in partial fulfilLment of the requírements for the deg¡ee of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY @ 1994 Pe¡¡rission h¡s been granted to the HBRÄRY oF THE IJNTVR SITY oF ÌrfaNTToBA to ¡ejtd o! sell €opies of this thesis, to the NATToNAL LTBRARY oF CANADA to niaofiln this thesis and to lend or sell copi€s of the film, ând UNT1¡ERSITY MICROEILMS to publlsh ån abstract of this thesis. The author ¡ese¡r¡es other publications rights, and neithe¡ the thesis nor extensive exEacts Êom it may be printed or othe¡wise reproduced without the autho/s perurission- Abstract This thesis examines the psychological and political implications of Gothic fiction. from its inception in Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto (1764), through nineteenth-c€ntury British fiction, to its more recent American manifestation in Stephen Kng's The shining (1977)-along with a brief consideration of the popular ñlm Alien (1979). and an initial chapter examrning Gothic "precedents" in medieval life, Jacobean drama, and eighteenth-century literary theory. The study is based on the premise that literature provides rvhat Kemeth Burke calls "equipment for living." By stimulating a response of primordial fear i¡ the reader, Gothic fictions d¡amatically call attention to collective social and psl'chological problems n'hich have been unrecognized or "repressed"
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