KILSBY PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF MEETING To members of the Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Kilsby Parish Council to be held in Kilsby Village Hall, Rugby Road, Kilsby. Please inform your Clerk on 07581 490581 if you will not be able to attend. Members of the public and press are invited to attend a meeting of Kilsby Parish Council and to address the Council during its Public Participation session which will be allocated a maximum of 20 minutes. On……. TUESDAY 1st October, 2019 at 7.30pm In the Kilsby room of the Kilsby Village Hall, Rugby Road, Kilsby. 24th September, 2019. Please note that photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is permitted without the Council’s prior written consent so long as the meeting is not disrupted. (Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014). Please make yourself known to the Clerk. Parish Clerk: Mrs C E Valentine, 20 Styles Place, Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire,NN6 6LR ______Tel 07581 490581 e-mail [email protected]___________ 1 APOLOGIES 2 CO-OPTION to fill CASUAL VACANCIES 2.1 To note that there are two vacant seats on the Parish Council and to consider candidates who have expressed an interest in becoming a Councillor and co-opt a suitable candidate. 3 PUBLIC OPEN FORUM SESSION limited to 20 mins. 3.1 Public Open Forum Session Members of the public are invited to address the Council. The session will last for a maximum of 20 minutes with any individual contribution lasting a maximum of 3 minutes. Representations shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate. (Members of the public should address the Chairman of the meeting, who may direct that a written or oral response be given) 3.2 District Councillors Report 3.3 County Councillor Report 4 DECLARATIONS of INTEREST on the Agenda Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the Agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. You must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter. 4.1 Declarations of any Disclosable Pecuniary or Other Interests 4.2 Dispensations – To consider written requests for dispensation of DPI 5 MINUTES 5.1 To approve and sign minutes of Parish Council Meeting 3rd September, 2019. 6 CLERK’S REPORT 6.1 Clerk’s Report – no decisions to be made under Agenda Item 6 matters arising & not otherwise on the Agenda for information only 7 GENERAL MATTERS 7.1 Youth Club a) To consider request received from the Youth Club for £500 : 4 x air sofas £60; 3 x deck chairs £78; Bluetooth speaker £68; Electronic Soft Tip Dart Board £50; 3 months village hall hire £135; Marketing £50; Launch night pizzas and drinks £5 b) CYPN proposed contract: Clubs for Young People Northamptonshire. •20 sessions per year to be delivered fortnightly, term time only •Sessions to be 2.5 hours long •£2500 + VAT per annum •Initial 1 year SLA which moves to a rolling 3 month contract after this time - this is to allow for staff recruitment/training which is required to get the project up and running initially. Launch date proposed November 8th. CYPN have requested a copy of our parish logo. c) To discuss a new agreement policy to be arranged between KPC, Youth Club, and affiliates. Youth Club emergency contact details to be supplied to KPC (Clerk) 1 d) To approve the figure of up to £400.00 to provide insurance and DBS Checks in time for the launch. 7.2 To receive a request for grant from the Kilsby parent and toddler group for the sum, of £50.00 See supporting information. 7.3 Houlton To consider a response to the proposed secondary school allocation arrangements at Houlton. a) Receive update from Cllr Stainton b) Consider any feedback from District Cllr Lomax See supporting information SS 7.4 Memorial Bench/Butts Lane To discuss feedback on planning matters and location regarding the memorial bench. a) Parish Council to consider and accept the content of the Statutory Declaration by Mr NA Wigley Clerk to KPC dated 1st July, 1985. b) Planning permission required by resident as outside their curtilage – Resident to apply c) Request Resident considers alternative option: donate bench & associated costs to KPC & we install bench on KPC land. 7.5 To consider a Parish Council response to the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan. See supporting information. Chairman update: draft completed, form to reach councillors prior to the meeting but not yet available. JF 7.6 To consider a Parish Council response to the Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011-2029 - Modifications Consultation – circulated. 8 HIGHWAYS / ENVIRONMENT 8.1 Speedwatch Clerk has reported to NCC Highways the Speedwatch results and report from the September 2019 PC meeting. Highways agreed to investigate the following: a) The Faulty VAS sign and its positioning. b) Looking at site visits to complete NCC Road Safety Team speed monitoring or if possible they can use the latest Speedwatch data to review road safety options.A361 is a red route so highlights type of road but it does permit the use of certain speed reduction methods as there is a high volume of traffic. c) NCC Highways traffic management improvements using S106 funds were previously drafted for Kilsby. Highways to confirm exactly what has/has not been completed yet and if not when. d) Meeting with Clerk, Cllr Massey and Speedwatch Co-ordinator arranged for 2nd October, 2019. ALL 8.2 Bus Stop Malt Mill Green MOTION: To approve initial estimate from NCC -Highways to proceed with the raising of the kerb at the Malt Mill Green Bus Stop. NCC estimate between £8000-9000 GBP. Note: This is for 2020/2021 budget meeting. ALL 8.3 Street Light To note: Damaged street light - Main Street await cost of repair from E.ON. 8.4 Urban Meadow Trial Proposal from Cllr Clive Thompson: a) To proceed with the trial on the basis of the figures available, noting that the Family will assisting with funding to the tune of £300. b) That we call on funds of £250.00 Best Village Competition winnings. c) That any shortfall in funding be met from capital reserves. d) Cllr R Thompson has contacted the Mowing Contractor directly for a quotation requesting it be considered at the October 2019 KPC meeting. See supporting information CT/RN/RT 8.5 Heritage Project a) To receive progress from the working party regarding the history boards and consider decisions required. b) To note we are awaiting confirmation of relevant permissions from Highways England c) Housing Developer update d) Consider location and planning application for lectern linked to Avant Housing project. JF/RN 2 8.6 To note: Pathfinder flood prevention. Work has been completed, and Flood Wardens advise they are to purchase hydro sand bags with the balance of funds. 8.7 To note application submitted to Highways England for Roundabout Sponsorship A5 Kilsby renewal and this has been progressed we await news. Highways have also been progressed on the roundabout repair and we await a response. 8.8 To consider the following: a) Autumn weed of the village b) Cutting back of the wild flowers on the A5 roundabout. It is important that the flowers are cut in October and left on the ground. c) Cllr R Thompson suggests the Council should be prepared to spend up to £300 on the work RT 8.9 To note KPC awaits responses/quotations from three arboriculture surveyors in Northamptonshire for a full tree survey of Kilsby Parish Council owned trees. 8.10 Footpath FP3 A5 leading to Yelvertoft NCC have been informed of the 7ft fence blocking the footpath. Yelvertoft Parish Council have also been notified and plan to report the matter. NCC Rights of Way Officer has requested that the exact location of the fence is reported through fixmystreet and pinpointed on the definitive map so they can investigate. See Support information. 9 PLANNING 9.1 Awaiting Decision 9.1.1 DA/2019/0692 Construction of games/garden room building in rear garden. 9, Fishers Close, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8XH 9.1.2 DA/2019/0566 Conversion of outbuilding from workshop and storage to two one bedroom dwellings The Hollies 11, Main Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8XR. 9.1.3 DA/2019/0567Listed Building Consent for conversion of outbuilding from workshop and storage to two, one bedroom dwellings The Hollies 11, Main Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8XR. 9.2 Approved 9.2.1 DA/2019/0329 Construction of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) service & MOT Centre including associated vehicle parking, facilities and landscaping with alterations to existing internal access road Land Adj Biomethane Refueling Station, Saxon Drive, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, NN6 7BZ 9.2.2 DA/2019/0443 Installation of biofuel generator and associated infrastructure. Tesco Grocery, Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal, Stephenson Way, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8YH. 10 ACCOUNTS 10.1 Financial Position at 2019 £ £73,149.95 Monies received £520.00 for Cemetery fees ( banked not yet cleared). Accounts reviewed by Internal Control Cllr Page. 10.2 To approve payments as itemised below:- To Whom Paid Chq No Details of Payment £ Power to Pay NEST Pension D/D Pension 01.09.19 to 30.09.19 79.40 LGA(1972) s112 Clare Valentine BP0503 Clerks Salary 1029.91 LGA(1972) s112 HMR & C BP0504 Tax and NI 116.35 LGA(1972) s112 Clare Valentine BP0505 Clerks Expenses 29.26 LGA (1972)s111 Expenses Stephen Hartwell BP0506 Grass mowing Cemetery & Rec 210.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Grass Mowing Ground w/c 18th August, 2019 Services inv 832 Stephen Hartwell BP0507 Kilsby Verges W/c 25th August 660.00 Open Spaces Act 1906 Grass Mowing 2019 Inv.
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