Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 1-11-1965 The rsinU us Weekly, January 11, 1965 Craig S. Hill Ursinus College Helen Simmons Ursinus College John Bradley Ursinus College Sue Hartenstine Ursinus College Candace Sprecher Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Hill, Craig S.; Simmons, Helen; Bradley, John; Hartenstine, Sue; Sprecher, Candace; Anderson, Alexis C.; Atkinson, George; Walker, Samuel; Dingman, Carlton; Murphy, Marianne; and Rader, Linda, "The rU sinus Weekly, January 11, 1965" (1965). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 238. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/238 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Craig S. Hill, Helen Simmons, John Bradley, Sue Hartenstine, Candace Sprecher, Alexis C. Anderson, George Atkinson, Samuel Walker, Carlton Dingman, Marianne Murphy, and Linda Rader This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/238 r5tnu~ hlp Number 12 Volume LXIV MONDAY, J ANUARY 11, 1965 Football Players Receive Ursinus to. Send Weekly Names Faculty Forum to Present DelegatIon Sam Walker Concert, Lecture Recital Awards at Banquet To Model UN Sports Editor 20th Century American Music, Subject Ursi.nus College has been ask­ by Helen Simmons N a ta lie Hind eras, ins tructor o f a dvance d piano s tu­ ed t.o participate In the Model Taklng over the realm of dents at the Philadelphia Musical Academy with an out­ Tony Motto Gels All-ECAC sports writing on the WeekJ y U.N. to be held i.n New York staff, is Sam Walker, a senior standin u con cert r ecor d in E urope a nd the F a r E ast over Last Tuesday night, U rsinus held its annual football City, March 4 5 and 6, as the the pas~ decade, will appear Wednesday, J an uary 13, at banquet upstairs in Freeland Hall. delegation from Ecuador. 8:30 p.m, in Bomberger H all, Ursinus College, I~ a Plano The purpose of the Model U.N. L ectur e-Recital o n 20th Century Amencan MUSIC, It was Is to create an understanding of the objectives ot the U.N. and announced by Dr. E ugene H . Miller. director of the the difficulties which it faces. F aculty F o r u m . Philippines; and to Niger ia ~s a The growing instability of the Additional Forum programs representative of the AmerIcan United Nations is expected to are scheduled for February 10. Society for American Culture. when Dr. Samuel H. l\hller, dean Included in her overseas IUn­ set the tenor for the Model As- I of the Harvard Divinity SCbool, eraries was a four-month as­ sembly. wHl lecture on "An Interpreta- signment by the state Depart­ Opening Address tion of 20th Century American ment for recitals, seminars with The Model Assembly begins at Literature," and on March 10, music teachers and students, It h e U.N. building wit h an ad­ when Dr. Julius Seelye Bixler, lectures in conservatories and dress to the delegates by a dis­ president emeritus of Colby Col- in State Deparment auditori­ tin guished diplomat. Sir Hugh lege and an authority on the urns. Concurrent with this as­ Foote, former governor of Cy­ American philosopher William signment she was commissioned prus was t h e guest last year. James, will lecture on "Pragma­ The fu ture policy of th e assem­ tism." This was the character­ Football award winners, from left to right: Gene Swann (co­ captain), Bill Degenhardt, Dave Raub (co-captain) , Tony Motto, bly Is determined at block meet­ istic word In the James philoso­ Joe Rhilc and ltich Miller. Ings in which delegates vie tor phy which, a-ecordlng to Dr. 1 the relatively few opportunIties Miller, had a major Influence on , Wha t the tea m lacked in pres- These were Motto, Da ve Ra ub, to h ave their resolut ions debat­ - educational theory In the first tlge on the fi eld, It m ade up tor t h e Southern division's Indlvldu­ ed in the general assembly. Sa m Walker, half of this century. "Weekly" Sports Editor Tuesday night as out of four- a l rushing leader with a n aver­ These debates are the prima ry Miss Hinderas,-her profes­ teen playing positions to be age of 5.3 yar ds per car ry, a nd accomplishments of the Model political science major from sional name although she is awarded on the first team All Bill Degendardt, t h e leading pass U. N. and man y adopted resolu­ Haverford, Pa. Sam plans to at- married and mother of a 14- Middle Atlantic Conference 'receiver in t h e Sout hern Dlvls­ tions have preceded similar on es tend Law School next year and mon th old daughter,-was born I Southern Division, Urslnus gar- Ion for the second consecutive passed by the U.N. itself. hopes to eventually practice in in Oberlin, Ohio, of gifted mus­ nered three. It was a nigh t of year wi t h thirty- nine receptions Each pa rticipating college Philadelphia. leal parents, an d herself ap­ "firsts." For the first time In t h e for 537 ya rds and six touchdowns sen ds six votin g delegates and Sam is well qualified for his peared. in public first at the age school's history, one of Its stu- a nd also this year's leading n umerous non-voting a ltern ates. new pOSition because of his in- of three. At age five she appear­ dents was presented t h e Eastern I scorer with forty-four points. The International Relations terest In sports and his previous ed in a theatre program with College Athletic Conferen ce All- The captains for n ex t year as Club, which has been p reparing experience in writing for the veterans Mickey Rooney and Sophomore Aw ard. The awa rd voted by the members of the for Ursin us's participation in the Weekly. Among h is articles Ted Healy and was offered a iWent to Tony Motto, who, after team were Gen e Swann, offens­ Model Assem bly will give each prin ted in the Weekly, are the contract to travel with their a successful freshman year re- Ive a nd defensive end, and Dave member of th e delegation a fi eld 1964 P re-Homecoming coverage, troupe, but her mother declin ed turned thIs year to climb a little Raub who a lternated between In EcuadorIan lite to study in various sports arUcles and oth er t he offer and continued train- higher on the ladder of success. half 'and fullback. The most preparation . miscellaneous news. ing her already precocious The awards were presented by valuable player award went to Students interested in par­ Campus Activities daugh ter in the f undamentals ICoach Whatlcy. After Motto's Bill Degenhardt. The a wa rd for ticipatIng sh ould contact Dr. Sa m's diverse interests are of piano. !honor the members of the all most service to the team by a Zucker, faculty advisor to t he characterized by his va rious First Recital !MAC Southern division team gra duating senior went to J oe Internationa l Relations Club. cam pus activities. He is a broth- Natalie Hinderas, from Ursinus were announced . (Con tinued on page 3) er of Zeta Chi fraternity, active At t h e age of eight Miss R en - Forum Solois t deras gave her first full-length Three Placed in in in tramural sports, a nd h as recital in Cleveland and shor tly as P hU adelphia's Honorary Am­ Pre·Meds to Hear se rved on several da nce COffi- a fterward was admit t ed to the bassador of G oodwill carrying World's Fair mtttees. In addit ion, Sam is a I f th t th Teaching Positions special studen ts group at t h e greet n gs rom e mayor 0 e member of the Messiah chorus, f It I It I I t h Invites College Two Sacred Heart Oberlin Conservatory of Music. mayors 0 cap aces n e h ·11 Young Democrats, and Vice- . I !sIted The following se nlor s w a Wl Presiden t of t he I.C.G. Her unusual talent resulted in count ries S 1e v . Pathologists complete their work t his mont h h 'ner orellestra l debut a t age Miss Hlnderas Is a m ember of Talent to Perform Ouring his sophomore year, e hU d I " ' t Alii wHl start teach ing jobs in these served a s a Sophomore Ruler, twelve as soloist wi t h th e Cleve- the P a e pU.J ~ Ar a nce: Hailed as the "Star of the On Thursd ay, Janua ry 14, at sch ools in February: and received t h e honor of being lan d Women 's Symphony when the Philadelphia Composers ..show" at the World's Fa ll', the 7 :30, the Brownback-Anders Pre­ Betsy Pearson, Abington, Pa. chosen an alterna te winner for sh e played t h e Greig Con cer to.
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