Avion Newspapers 1-30-1970 Avion 1970-01-30 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/avion Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Avion 1970-01-30" (1970). Avion. 225. https://commons.erau.edu/avion/225 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Avion by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. autical Institute Student Governmenx Association -- I VOLUME I11 January 30, 1970 NUMBER 3 SGA Briefs TICKETS FOR "The Classics -IV" Concert are on sale in the Eookstore. $2 per ticket. This concert is sponsored by DBJC. The Concert will be held Jan- uary 30, at 9 PM at the Peabody Auditorium. If you feel any type of improvement is needed in any area of the school, or if you have a gripe about anything, ,obtain a Resolu- tion Form from the SGA Of- fice and put your com- The DC-3 that Goodyear Rubber conlpany donated to Embry- plaint in writing. R-sol- Riddle. The plane has a beautiful interior complete utions must be signed be- with carpeted rest rooms. fore they can be processed * * .,I . YearbookTheflrst~age has been complet- of the , . ERA1 IN RUSSIA 1 ed. A professional photo- BY AN51 MARIE PIRES them. The group was free grapher has been retained While most Riddle stu- to go sightseeing on their to take pictures of every dents were h?,led for home own., student, at about half the over the Christmas Vaca- The Russian trip con- regular studio price. tion, a group of 15 people sisted of visiting Moscow ,took off from N.Y.C. via for one week, Kiev for S.A.S. Airlines! Destina- five days and Lenningrad tion -- Russia! for one week. There is a possibility The group included Mr. Some of the highlights that an aerobatics course and Mrs. Hunt, Dr. and Mrs while in Russia were: might be included in the Sain and four Riddle stu- rnspecting a cloth mill Pro Pilot and Air Science dents - Richard bansozzi, similiar to a factory curricula. Virgil Stringlield, Buasey where the group observed Alsupp and Davi3 Gray. the people at work; visit- The other Seven prople ing the pioneer palace came from areas across the where youth clubs slmilar Resolutions submitted country - from New Orleans to our Boy Scouts perform this week: The lawns and to Maine; Embry-Riddle extra-curricular activi- areas surrounding the dor- alsossent fliers to other ties, such as painting; mitories are a disgrace colleges concerning the attending shows at the and in dire need OF clean- trip. congress of Palaces inside tng up. The fire fight- I had the opportunity the Kremlin, and even ob- lng equipment that covers to talk to Dr. Sain ab?ut serving the Winter Palace the airport and the school the trip. ::e explainad in Leningrad - the home of is woefully inadequate. that it was a "package the Czars - which contains Better traffic control is deal" which ~ncluded a an art collection of works needed on the road leading place to stay, three meals from all over the world. from the new campus. It a day and two bus tours In each city the group has been requested that 'with an English speaking visited Educational Insti- academic credit of 4 hour guide each day. Mr. Hunt tutions such as the Uni- he given for ?he CFI had made previous arrange- versity of Moscow, where course. ments with the Intourists- they talked to the En~lish **** A ' Soviet Unlon Travel speaking teachers and stu- Agency - who provided a dents. place to stay, the tours One tour provided by Richard Acee wishes to the Intourists took the' thank the SGA for their and information .. in places . to se~. although these group to the Wedding Pal- gift to him while he was .tours were provided, no ace to obeerve a wedding! hospitalized. one was forced to go on In Bussia, many buildings CONTINUED NEXT PAGE -CONTINUED NEXT PAGE - Page 2 SGA BRIEFS CONTIF!IIC? NEWS & VIEWS The Inter Fraternity BY Linda Colgan F, out of 30 schools re- Council along with the SGA sponding to a questionaire plans to snonsor a "Greek In response to our con- 26 are in favor of such an Week" in tne latter part structive criticism con- organization and 28 Stu- of February. cerning the library (AVION dent Governments are will- January 23). Mr. Sauls ing to support it. has forwarded to us a text book which has been used If you are in favor (or In lieu of coat racks,, frequently by students, not in favor) of such an coat hooks will be put up the last user apparently idea, please check the box in the A .L P classrooms. .tearing out three valuable below and drop in the sug- cha~tersfor his own use. aestian box in the Student hi; is certainly theckind 6iIii1~~ of action which discourag-. es administrative pro- --------------------------. grams. - I am in favor of a *** - state student council. The Phoenix will be - taking pictures starting I am not in favor. at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, - February 3. These will be _-L-CC--_-L---L-r--------- taken alphabetically over a two week period. RUSS,IA CONTINUED are named Palaces which Jerry Berndt, SGA Pres- refers to "Home of". Here ident, has recently been in this extravagant home corresponding with the Un- of weddings, a wedding iversity of Florida at similiar to our church Gainsville in conjunction weddings was being held with forming a "student and provided by the state' .association" for the uni- as church weddings are not versities, colleges and recognized in Russia. ,junior colleges, private Dr. Sain summarized his' BROWSING* and public, within the trip by stating that the BY MARTY STILLING State of Florida. people were hard-working, frief~dlyalthough they do Note: In an effort to ~ccording to a letter not take the initiative in stimuZate objective criti- from the U of 1: speaking, and genuine cism and awaken the der- pride in their country. mant inteZZectuaZ on our There are several rea- They all want to come to' campus, I hope to present eons why we feet that a the U.S.A. ZiberaZ and progressive state student association As it was so bitterly point of view in a series wiZZ better fiZZ our needs cold during 'the trip of articles intitzed BROWSING. Reviewing con- than a nationaZ one. AZZ (reaching 25 below 0) Dr. state supported schooZs Sain said that a tip for tzmpoiary- and pzrtinent wiZZ be effected equaZZy future travelers would be probZems I wiZZ attemp.! to by the Board of Regents LO come "Prepared", :.-hew- bri-zg to prtnt opznzcns ever, a summertime visit both interestzng and en- and the state legislature. lightening. Our probZems wiZZ be simi- is recommended. lar -since the poZiticaZ Many people have asked and cuZturaZ cZimate of what the fist symbolized. the state would be almost The Difference Is... the same for aZZ of us. "If our people fight DELICIOIIS! one tr~beat a time The proximity of one f all will be killed. member schooZ to another They can cut off our. increases the ease and fingers one by one, speed of commun,~cation, but if we join to- aids the abiZity to attend gether we will make conferences, and drastic- a powerful fist." aZZy cuts ernenses in se- Little Turtle veral ways from traveZ to Miami Indians . dues. AZso, having mem- 1791 Dinner To GO bership from only FZorida ... Not a symbol of vio- 'wouZd turn our viable BUCKETS .......a BARRELS lence but of struggle. Not voice of the students of .. -. .. like revolution brlt rather the state of FZorida whe- f * * *1.4TERING SERVICE* ** % of a cnlturol ideological ther in TaZZahassee or in . .. rev-lution. A gesture the presa on matters con- made in Jefense of one's cerning aZZ of thc! memlh!r ' ' We~yhmrd way of living. The fist cotZeges. FRIED CHICKEN stands for unity among 911 vuor AVC ~SIW people forced to band to- According to in£orma- , gether tight - like a tion .supplied by the.U of ' 6 fist. -- - - - - THE KAMANAHWANNA LETTERS NEWSIN BY GARY ANDERSON Dear Dean Fella: BY RIJHARD T. WHITE TO: Arthur Kamanahwanna Much thanks for school- The First monthly meet- FROM: Dean of Exchange Stu bus tires and for return- ings of the Trimester of -dents ing dart. Both were very the Student Flight Council SUBJECT: Welcome to Embry good. was held on Thursday, Jan- Riddle uary 22. Among the fol- We of the administra- Arthur Kamanahwanna low-up items discussed was tion at ERA1 join with the ++++ the aircraft squawk/main- faculty and students in TO: Dean Deadly tainar.ce procedure. As in welcoming you to our FROM: Director of Housing the plst the flight line school. YOU are the first SUBJECT: Arthur Kammanah- admi!listration was quick exchange student from the wanna to act on student com- Rickyrak Islands. plaints and a modified We have the squawk procedure was in- Sincerely yours, Rickyrak goverrment con- stalled. Mr. Boaz re- Marvin R. Deadly cerning Arthur's rather ports, however, that not Co.,U.S. Cavalry, Ret. Strange eating habits. all students are coopera- Unfortunately, they were ting with the new systems ++++ not much help. As a mat- and until they do, air ter of fact, they 'craft malfunctions might Dear Dean Fella: back asking if his room- go unreported. mates and the tires had Remember those teacher Much thanks for memo, been government inspected.
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