1 018/IX/ 71-E directory of the commission of the . european communtttes BRUSSELS - SEPTEMBER 1971 directory of the commission of the european communities BRUSSELS - SEPTEMBER 1971 DIRECTORY OF THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES CONTENTS The Commission • • • • • 3 Special responsibilities of the members of the Commission 5 Secretariat of the Commission 7 Legal Service 8 Spokesman's Group 9 Statistical Office 10 Commission delegation to the negotiations on the enlargement of the European Communities 12 Administration of the customs union 13 DG I External relations • • 14 DG II Economic and financial affairs 18 DG III Industrial, technological and scientific affairs • • • • • 20 Training and Kducation Group 23 DG IV Competition 24 DG V Social affairs 26 DG VI - Agriculture 29 DG VII Transport 32 DG VIII Development aid 34 DG IX Personnel and administration 36 DG X - Press and Inforaation 39 - I - DG XI External trade • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 42 DG XII DG XIII Dissemination of information •••• 44 DG XIV Internal market and approximation of legislation 45 DG XV DG XVI Regional policy 47 DG XVII Energy, safeguards and controls of Euratom 48 DG XVIII Credit and investments 50 DG XIX Budgets 51 DG XX Financial control 52 Joint Research Centre 53 Euratom Supply Agency 54 Security Office •• 55 Office for official publications of the European Communities • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • Directorates-General abolished as a result of reorganization. -2- THE CO!OfiSSION Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels Tel. 35 oo 40/35 So 40 Telex 21 877 - Brussels President Franco Maria MALFATTI Chief Executive Assistant Renato RUGGIERO Chief Adviser Adolfo PIZZ1JTI Adviser Fabrizio CACCIA DOMINIONI Vice-President Sicco L. MANSHOLT Chief Executive Assistant Sjouke .JONKER Executive Assistant Robert COHEN Adviser Adriaan SPREY Vice-President Raymond BARRE Chief Executive Assistant .Jean-Claude PAYE Chief Adviser Jean DEGIMJlE Adviser Maurice SCHAEFFER Vice-President Wilhelm HAFERKAMP Chief Executive Assistant Manfred L!HNSTEIN Executive Assistant Franz FROSCHMAIER Adviser Manfred WEGNER -3- Member Albert COPPE Chief Executive Aaaietant Danisl CARDON DE LICHTBU!R Chief Adviser Ra;raond Rlll'l"L!T Executive Aaaietant Paul LEI(OIU Jean-Prangois DENIAU Chief Executive Assistant Jean CHAP PERON Chief Adviser Executive Assistant Pierre DUCHAT!AU Member Altiero SPINELLI Chief Executive Asaistant Executive Assiatant Aurelio PAPPALARDO lllember Albert BORSCH!TTE Chief Executive Assistant Robert su:NND Adviser Henri EWTRiliTOER Executive Assistant Guillaume MULLER Member Ralf DAHREliTDORF Chief Executive Assistant Klaus T!RFLO'!'H Executive Assistant Dietrich HAXM!R - 4- ' SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION President Franco Maria MALFATTI Secretariat Legal Service Spokesman's Group Security Office Vice-President Sicco L. MANSHOLT Agriculture Vice-President Raymond BARRE Economic and financial affaire Statistical Office Vice-President Wilhelm HAFERKAMP Internal market and approximation of legislation Energy, safeguards and control of Euratom Euratom supply agency Member Albert COPPE Social affaire Transport Personnel and administratio Credit and investments Budgets Financial control Member Jean-Frangois DENIAU Commission delegation to the negotiations on the enlargement of the European Communities Development aid - 5- Member Altiero SPINELLI Industrial, technological and scientific affairs Training and education group Administration of the customs union Joint Research Centre Member Albert BORSCHETTE Competition Press and Information Dissemination of information Regional policy Member Ralf DAHRENDORF External relatione hternal trade -6- SBCRE!ARIAr OF THE COIJITSSION Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels rel, 35 oo 40/35 Bo 40 Secretary-General Eaile NOEL Deputy Secretary-General !Claus MEYER Director Walter VERHEYDEN Adviser Alex HOVEN Administrative unit Head 1. Registrar's office Frans DE KOSTER 2. Secretariat of group meetings and meetings of Chief Executive Assistants Gaetano DONA' 3. Internal coordination and official relations with Meaber States Jacobus Nicolaas STEMPELS 4, Relations with the Council (I) Henri ETIENNE 5. Relations with the Council (II) Umberto STEFANI 6, Liaison with the European Parliament Jean-Joseph SCHWED (, General Report and other periodical reports Rodolphe GACHOT Secretariat of the ECSC Consultative Committee Leon MOURET ~ -7- LJ:GAL SERVI Cl Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Erueeele ~el. 35 00 40/35 80 40 Director-General Walter XUCH Deputy Director-General Go§rard OLIVIER Assistant to Director-General Lepl Advisers Raymond BAEYEIJS Friedrich-Wilhelm ALBRECHT Louis DE L.l FOJI'l'AINE Gerhard BEBR Jean-Pierre DELAHOUSSE Rene 1!ERAUD Paul LELEUX Claus EHLERKANN Heinrich MA~THIES Robert FISCHER Gianoarlo OLJa Jan GIJSSELS Eaile RJ:UTER Pierre LAMOUREUX Italo TBLCHI:tn Georges LE ~ALLEC Jochen THIESING Cesare MAES~RIPIERI Giuseppe MARCHESINI Antonio MARCHINI CAMIA Guy SAU'l'TER I l!arc SOHIER ~ Armando TOLEDANO Lsendert VAN DEN BURG Bastian VAN DER ESCH Erich ZIMMERMANN I -8- 1 SPOKESMAN'S GROUP Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels 'l'el. 35 oo 40/35 ao 40 Spokssaan Beniaaino OLIVI Deput7 Spoke•aan Paul COLLOYALD Assistant to Spokesaan Xanuel SAW'I'ARl!lLLI Orou:p aeabers Paul ~HR Paul Cl!:RJI' Robert COX Gerardo XOKBI~I R•dolf SIXaiS COREl George 'I'ABl!lR Xaroell VOW DONA'!' -9- STATISTICAL OFFICE Centre Louvigny, Luxembourg Tel, 288 31 Centre europeen, Luxembourg-Kirchberg Tel, 479 41 Telex COMEUR 423 Brussels Liaison Office1 Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels Tel, 35 oo 40/35 Bo 40 Director-General Ra;yaond DUXAS Adviser on mathematical methods Guy BER'l'AUD Assistant to Director-General Egide HEB'r GEII Administrative unit Head DIRECTORATE A GENERAL STATISTICS AND ASSOCIATED STATES Vittorio PARE'l''l'I 1. National accounts Jean P!'!'RE 2, Financial accounts, monetary statistics, balance of payments Piero ERBA 3. Input-output tables Hugo KRIJ:NSE LOCKER 4. Regional accounts Jean REY:NIER 5, Economic statistics, processing of information Marcel MESNAGE 6, Associated States Raymond SALVA'!' DIRECTORATE B C~~o~~ills LEGRAND 1, Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels Kess ZIJLS'l'RA 2, Electrical energy and nuclear industry J san DARRAGON - IO- DIRECTORATE C TRADE AND TRANSPORT Silvio RONCHETTI 1. Internal trade Wilhelm SCHWARZ 2. External trade Rolf SANNWALD 3. Transport Helmuth REUM DIRECTORATE D INDUSTRY AND HAXDICRAFTS Fritz GROTIUS 1. Iron and steel and allied industries Jacques CHARRATRE 2. Metal processing, chemicals, industrial structure, handicrafts Victor SCHETGEN 3. Consumer goods industries, indices, industrial nomenclatures Mattheus BURGER DIRECTORATE E SOCIAL STATISTICS Pierre GAVANIER 1. W&p8 Joseph NOLS 2. Standard of living, employ.ent Wil VAN DER WEERDW 3. Social security, industrial injuries Joachim WEDEL DIRE~ORATE F AGRICULTURE Stephanus LOUWES 1. Prices, agricultural accounts, methods Helmut SCHUMACHER 2. Products, balance-sheets Gfulther THIEDE 3. Fara 8tatistica, agricultural structure Luciano BARONCELLI - II- COXMISSION DELEGATION ~0 THE NEGOTIATIONS OJr i'RE BNLARGDI:ENT OF THE EUROPE.Alf COI0\1JNITIES Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels Tel. 35 00 40/35 80 40 Read of Delegation Edmund P. WELLJ!:NSTB11'1 Director Roland »E KERGORLAY Chief adviser Manfred CASPARI Adainiatrative unit Read 1, Europe I - Great Britain, Ireland, Denaarlt, ll'orva;r Frano .. eoo P'RESI 2, Europe II - Sweden, :rinland, Svitaerland, Austria, Iceland, B:P'U Paolo CECCRIIIT - 12- A:mo:nS'l'RA'l'IOif OP' 'I'D CUS'l'OXS UlfiOJ' Rue de la Lei 200, 1040 Bruaael• 'l'el. 35 00 40/35 eo 40 Director Oa1111 PIJ'GIL Administrative unit '!lead 1. Adminiatration of the Coaacn Cuatoaa 'l'ariff R&Yilclld J'AlfSSDS 2. loonoaio tariff probleaa A~elio CilfGOLAlfi ), Cuatoas value and oharges having an effect equivalent to oustoas duties Andries ADRIA!lfSI 4. Probleas of tariff technique in connection with trade agreeaents, association and 11ew aeabera 5. Cuatoaa aystema for the aoveaent of goods 6. Origin or good• and measures to coabat fraud 7. lconoaic cuatoas syat••• Albert IU.ZILOOP I 8, Other ouatoaa legialation aatters Claude lACQUIIA.B'l' I I - 13- DIRECTORATE-GENERAL I - EX'l'ERNAL RELATIONS Rue de la Loi 200, 1040 Brussels Tel. 35 00 40/35 80 40 Direotor-General Helmut SIGRIST Adviser Gaetano LITTA MODIONANI Assistant to Director-General Eckehard LOERKE Administrative unit Head DIRECTORATE A GENERAL AFFAIRS, EXTERNAL RELA'l'IONS IN THE SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND NUCLEAR FIELDS Walter PAULY 1. General affairs and relations with international organizations, protocol Carl CHRISTAKI DE GERMAIN Alfonso DELLI PAOLI Adviser Protocol Joseph KASEL 2. Bilateral relations in the- scientific, technical and nuclear fields Michel AMORY Gerard Louis DE MILLY Adviser DIRECTORATE B RELATIONS WITH COUNTRIES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN Josephus LOEFF 1. Mediterranean - Spain, Portugal, Israel, etc. Jean PETIT-LAURENT 2. Implementation of associated agreements with countries of the Mediterranean basin Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Morooco, Algeria, Yugoslavia, etc. Heinz AlfDREBEN - 14- DIRBCTORA'l'E C GENERAL POLICY 'l'OWARDS DEVELOPING COUN'l'RIES, BILATERAL RELATIONS AND ECONOMIC AGENCIES 011' THE Ulfi'l'ED NAfiOI'S Mattia DI MART~NO 1. UNC'l'AD and other United Nations eoonomio agencies, Asia (except Japan, Hong Kong and state-trading Asian countries) Gl5tz SCHOFFER 2. Latin Aaerica, Near and Middle East, Africa Philipp MASSERER Department of external offices Headed by the Assistant to the Director-General BX'l'J:RI'AL Ol"l"'CES Delegation of the Commission
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