ORDER FORM black folders palm cards bumper stickers speaker •s forms . calendar label "Take A Stand" tabloid canvassing form T -shirts donation envelopes Why Michigan should vote "Yes for Life" brochure instruction sheet yard signs name tags Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Address _____________________________________________________________________ City/Zip _____________________________________________________________ Phone II -------------------------------- For office use only: MAIL TO: Committee to End Tax-Funded Abortions Date ordered 920 Cherry S.E. Date needed -------- Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Date mailed ------ [or call CHRISTOPHER ALFARO (616) 451-0601] Phone order received by--------- LIFESAVER T-SHIRT ORDER FORM CONFERENCE SPECIAL!!! Please Print Organization__________________ _ Contact person ------------------ Phone: ....:.,__---!,.( )____ _ Address __-=~----~-----~--~~~=-~~----~~~--=~=-~ (Please, no rural route numbers for UPS delivery purposes) Zip Code __ s Number of T-shirts (adult sizes): -- M --L -- X-L 2 T-shirts for $3.00 - $------" • Total Mail to: Committee to End Tax-Funded Abortions 920 Cherry, S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49 506 Attention: Peggy Campbell - 90S6t IW 'sp!d~ pue.J~ ·:rs ':J33.QS A.u31J:J Ol6 suop.:mqv p3pun:~-xe.t pu3: o:J 33:J:J!WWO:J SUO!pOq\( papUn::I·XO! PU3 "V, UC uS8A, &10.1\ Thank You PAID FOR BY: The CommiHee to End Tax ~ Funded Abortions • 920 Cherry Street, S.E., Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 • (616) 451·0601 WE MUST PROTECT OUR NEW LAW! Together, we passed a new law, Public Act 59, which technically put an end to tax­ funded abortion in Michigan. Pro-abortion forces in our state, however, are trying to repeal P.A. 59 through a referendum vote next November. We must protect our new law! Your donation will be used to help win a referendum vote on tax-funded abortion. Please respond generously! .-------------------- IMPORTANT---------------------~ • Gifts of more than $20 must be by check or money order. • A name, address, and phone number must accompany your gift . • Corporations are eligible to make contributions to this effort. • Gifts and payments to the Committee to End Tax Funded Abortions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Enclosed is my (our) gift of: 0 $250 0 $100 D $70 D $35 D Other $ ---- Nrune ____________________________________________________ Address -------------------------------------------------- City-------------- State _____ Zip ____ Phone: Home Office -------------------- My pledge is marked above, please bill me. D I (we) would like to commit to this amount on a monthly basis. D Please make your gift payable to: COMMITIEE TO END TAX-FUNDED ABORTIONS CAMPAIGN COMMENTS Vote "Yes" on "A!" End Tax-Funded Abortions News from The Committee to End Tax-Funded Abortions September 1988 Welcome to the second edition of Campaign Comments. Once again, we say "Thanks" for all of your help and we welcome your comments. 50,000 "LIFESAVERS ROLLING YOUR WAY! The 6th annual Lifesaver drive is scheduled for September Lifesavers" from Ri ht to Life affiliates and 2 000 local to participate. Our goal is to distribute 150,000 rolls of Lifesavers and raise 250,000 for the campaign. To get involved, contact your local RTL affiliate or call Peggy Campbell at the Grand Rapids Office (616) 451-0601. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? In 1985, one abortionist performed 3,448 Medicaid abortions! Assuming that this person worked five days a week and never took a vacation, this abortionist must have averaged 13.25 abortions per day! By comparison, the hospital that perform·ed the most abortions in 1985 only performed 2,656! BIG DIPPERS The same abortionist mentioned above received 453 440.80 in state tax dollars for these abortions. Together, seven other abortionists billed the taxpayer 1.73 million for abortions that they per­ formed just in 1985. DOUBLE DIPPERS The National Right to Life News reports that approximately 83% of the nations abortions are performed in cllinics, and it has been estimated that 30 - 50% of these clinics are tax exempt. That is, they\ ar/ not required to pay federal income taxes because they are considered to be in the same .gt!eg6ry as traditional churches and charities. · PRO-CHOICE? Perhaps it was figures such as the ones above which prompted nationally syndicated columnist, Joseph Sobran to say, "This fall Michigan will hold a referendum on whether to continue the state funding of abortion. The anti-abortion forces are conducting an excellent campaign so far. My only advice to them is to keep using the word "abortionist" as often as possible. This personalizes the issue in just the right way: "Should the taxpayer be forced to pay the abortionist?" How can anyone say yes to that and still pretend to be "pro-choice"? CALLING ALL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINA TORS The Media Relations Guidelines are now complete and are. being distributed to all of the Local Communications Coordinators. The Guidelines contain tips on how to work with the local press, fill-in-the-blank press releases, guidelines for writing letters to the editor and other helpful information. If you are a Local Communications Coordinator and have not received your guidelines yet, or if you want to learn more about becoming a Local Communications Coordinator, contact your local affiliate or the state-level Communications Coor_dinator for your area: Southeast West Michigan/ Mid Michigan/ Michigan Upper Peninsula Northern Michigan Mashawn Blaylock Tim Beals John Wilson (313) 344-9595 (616) 451-0601 (517) 487-3376 Paid tor by.- The Committee To End Tax- Funded Abortions 920 Cherry S.E. • Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 TIM BEALS SPREADS THE WORD Tim Beals, the state-level Communications Coordinator for West Michigan and the Upper Penin­ sula, is writing the campaign's other newsletter entitled "Spread the Word". This newsletter is for religious leaders. Its purpose is to let them know what other religious leaders are doing on the campaign and give them ideas on how they can get involved. The first edition is already out and subsequent editions are due out soon. Tim has about 4,000 churches on his mailing list already, but if you know of someone who should be receiving this newsletter, give Tim a call at the Grand Rapids Office. FIELD WORK ALMOST DONE- BUMPER CROP REPORTED The summer canvass is now over 95% complete and the_ results have been very positive. For instance, among those contacted, 50% want yard signs, almost half want postcards that they can send to friends encouraging them to vote "YES", about 20% are willing to do additional canvassing and literature drops and 8 - 10% want absentee ballots. Our thanks and congratulations to the 22,000 faithful supporters who made this possible. Now that the summer canvass is completed our field people will be moving into Phase II which includes precinct organization, GO-Day, putting up yard signs, sending out absentee ballots, and Get-Out-The Vote efforts. IF YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY, WE'VE GOT THE TIME Do you know of potential major donors - someone who could contribute $500 or more to the campaign? If you _do, please· contact the Finance Coordinator in your area. Southeast Michigan West Michigan Kay Wambley Mark Blocher ( 616) 451 .. 0601 Gloria Klein (313) 344-9595 Central Michigan Northern Michigan Ed Rivet (517) 487-3376 Bob Bucholtz (517) 773-9772 THERE ARE ONLY 60 MORE DAYS UNTll.. THE ELECTION!!!!! respon~e to proponef1ts of rape & 1ncest exceptions 1. Assertion: Abortion should be available to victims of rape. Response: a. Rape victims need support and compassion from family, friends and the community in general. (1) "It would be impossible to overstate the importance of psychological support from a woman's family and friends. There is a great need to assure that, no matter what the circumstances of conception, there should never be any embarrassment about bringing a child into the world. There is also a great need to assure the woman (and her family and friends) that crime is not hereditary and that, in fact, rape is one of the rare instances in which good can come from evil." (Mary Meehan, "Facing the Hard Cases," Human Ufe Review (Summer, '83), p. 21.) (2) Abortion does not mitigate the trauma of rape; it only compounds it with the trauma of abortion. A study done at the University of British Columbia's Department of Psychiatry, as reported in the March 3, 1978 issue of Psychiatric News, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association, demonstrated ttiat abortion often exacerbates a woman's psychological stress. That study conclud­ ed in part: "Whatever may be the case at the conscious level, at a much deeper level, abortion is regarded by many women as infanticide." b. Abortion is not an act of compassion, but of violence. (1) "Honesty requires us to say that it is unjust that a ·woman carry to term a child conceived through rape, but that it is a far greater injustice to kill the child. This is a rare situation in which injustice cannot be avoided; the best that can be done is to reduce it. The first injustice lasts for nine months of a life that can be relieved, both psychologically and financially. The second injustice ends a life, and there is no remedy for that." (Meehan, "Facing the Hard Cases," p. 21). (2) "The child is innocent, and should not be punished for the father's crime. Rapists are no longer executed in our country, their children, the totally innocent result of the crime, should not be ex­ ecuted in their place." (Meehan, "Facing the Hard Cases," p. 21.) (3) "Rape is an act of aggression or violence, not of sex or lust. Is not the harm of the unborn child the intent of the abortion procedure, one which is also an act of violence? Do not the acts of rape and abortion both hold views of human beings which make objects of them? When a woman exercises her right to control her own body in total disregard of the body of another human being, it is called abortion.
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