1950 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-. ~OUSE 6075 Wylie Scott Reynolds, Jr., 041094. Harold Lloyd Cummings, 031194. Madeline Marie Ullom, N12S. George Horace Ried, 027032. William Joseph Deragisch, 031202. Lena Vanderwood, N57. Richard Mahlon Ripley, 037760. Floyd Colvin Egger, 052065. To be captain, Army Nurse Corps Edward Alfred Robinson, 037735. John Dietrich Flintjer, 056920. William Adolph Roemer, 037665. Frnnk Fortunato, 0 56387. Catherine El~zabeth Francis, Nl383. X George Sibley Royal, 055598. Ivan Magill Foster, 031215. To be majors, Women's Medical Specialist Clyde McLain Rm:sell, 055518. 'Richard Robert Freeman, 056189. Corps Earl Lester Russell, Jr., 037829. X Lee Allen Grove, 056187. Helena Dolores Quinn, R10066. Richard Theodore St. Sauver, 037658. Vincent Isherwood Hack, 043206. Ruby Zillah Winslow, R10006. J ames Howard Scheer, 037749. Wade Fredwick Hampton, 043190. Robert James Schmidt, 041088. Donald Leslie Hitchings, 052081. R ichard Harry Schoning, 037663. J ames Lowry Ingram, 031201. J ack Emerson Schroeder, 036460. Glenn Clarence Irving, 043197. Richard Louis Seidel, 039355. George Wilson Johnston, 031184. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Stanley Walderll_lar Selander, 05534t. X Gordon Andrew Jones, 031090. J ohn Marior Shaw, 049362. Converse Rising Lewis, Jr., 043203. MONDAY, MAY 1, 1950 Byron Eliot Sheppard, 039353. Arthur Richard McAlpine, 056188. Charles Frederick Sieber, Jr., 049615. Kermit James Mccaslin, 031096. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Irvin Dennis Smith, Jr., 039399. Edward Joseph Mcintyre, 031152. Robert McKain Smith, 03.9408. Harold George Molyneaux, 056193. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ George Murrell Snead, Jr.. 027028. X Ernest Kimball Montague, 056890. kamp, D. D., offered the following X Quentin Cletus Soprano, 037830. Arlice Jackson Moore, 031154. prayer: Donald Norrish Sproul, 049441. X Earl Lee Moore, 056921 O Thou whose blessings far outnum­ Rudolph William Staffa, 049348. Carl -William Nicolary, 031226. ber our many needs, we rejoice that Arthur Jefferson Steele, 037832. Be:r. F. Peake, 031168. Horace- Griffin Stephenson, 055488. Emmett Lenard Peterson, 031138. Thou art willing and able to do for us John Allen Stewart, Jr., 037800. John Paul Ransom, 031140. exceeding abundantly above all we can Whitney Douglas Stuart, 037788. Richard Newton Roerig, 043180. ask or think. J ames Allen Suddeth, 055222. James Wesley Rowe, 031216. Grant that in this moment of prayer Peter Cornelius Sweers, Jr., 039371. Percy Rudolph Shealey, 031164. there may come to us a new nativity of Charles Carroll Thebaud, 038008. Andrew Joseph Stack, 031126. the cardinal virtues of faith, hope, and Milton Roy Thompson, 049532. X Oliver Harold Steed, 043177: love. X Richard Ferdinand Thomure, 049440. Alfred Chanslor Strode, 040129. Inspire us with a more daring venture John Edward Truog, 055415. Alfred Leo Taro, 056882. Walter Morrow Turner, 037963. David Tatch, 031116. of faith as we labor together for the James Joseph Ursano, 03.7890. Robert Eli Watson, 031229. peace of the world. Stanley Carl Waldner, 039358. Irving Barton Wiley, 031132. Illumine our minds with a radiant Joseph Walker, Jr., 037817. Wendell Reed Wilkin, 052080. hope as we walk reverently and humbly Robert Benjamin Walker, 039384. Elwood Wrig~1t, 031192. in the ways of our blessed Lord who Gene Allison Walters, 037805. Virgil Templeman Yates, 052069. alone is our light in times of darkness Ralph Charles Wardlow, 049516. The following-named officers for promo­ and despair. Virgil Lee Warner, Jr., 041122. tion in the · Regular Army of the United Enlarge our · hearts with a love that Francis Marion Watson, Jr .• 039381. States under. the provisions of section 107 of Robert Alden Webster, Jr., 055579. casts out fear, a love that seeketh not the Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947. Those her own, a love that is ready to make any Othon Emmett Wedbush, 055231. officers whose names are preceded by the Frederick Alven Well$, 027025. symbol ( X ) are subject to physical examina-, sacrifice for the eternal glory of God and XWayne Henry Wernimont, 038017. tion required by law. All others have been the good of humanity. Jesse Leonard Wheeler, Jr., 049154. ~xamined and found physically qu~lified for To Thy name we ascribe the praise. Fred Renner White, 049616. promotion. Amen. Lawrence Joseph White, 037738. David Harrison Williams, ·Jr:, 038029; To be lieutenant colonels, Army Nurse Corps The Journal of the proceedings of Robert James Williams, 049162. Kilie Elvira Bridger, N84. Friday, April 28, 1950, was read and X William Rosser Williams, Jr., 037675. Ruby Ficklin Bryant, N79. approved. Warren William Witt, 049370. Hazel Irene Burford, N549. REPUBLIC OF ISRAEL X Carroll Hamilton Wood, 027024. Sylvia Mae Evans, N536. Wilbert . Tucker Woodson, Jr., 049358 Marie Stella Galloway, N511. Mr. JACKSON of Washington. Mr. Myron DeWayne Yantis, 038014. Inez Haynes, N88. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ X Robert Miles Young, 037803. ><Edna Dora Hess, N74. tend my remarks at this point in the Naomi Jane Jensen, N80. To be captain, Judge Advocate General's RECORD. Corps Katharine Virginia Jolliffee, N77. X Helen Johanna Jurash, N528. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Toxey Hannon Sewell, 049609 ~ Agnes Alice Maley, N516. the request of the gentleman from To be lieutenant colonels, Medical Service Ruth Payne, N529. we,shington? . Corps Alice Junice Robbe, N85. There was no objection. Floyd Jackson Blasingame, 051175. Mabel Geraldine Stott, N73. Mr. JACKSON · of Washington. Mr. Alfred Richard Cannon, 041725. Marian York, N81. Speaker, I take great pleasure in join­ Frank Randle Day, 018325. To be majors, Army Nurse Corps ing my colleagues in congratulating the Maurice John Fletcher, 041727. Republic of Israel on the celebration of Monroe Edward Freeman, 056826. Mary Catherine Bateman, Nl22. J ames Daniel Galvin, Jr., 029263. Ruby Grace Bradley, N87. its second anniversary. Born and nur­ John Mark Gracie 2d; 029252. Eileen Winifred Brady, N91. tured during tim~s of greatest adversity, John Gordon Morris, Jr., ·039657. Margaret Norman Brannon, N103. this Republic has demonstrated to a Russel M:urray, Jr., 039~55. Mary Belle Clark,· N562. world torn between two systems of gov­ X Arthur James Orange, 051986. X Catherine Mary Flatley, N93. ernment that democracy is made of stern· Russell Obed Pennepacker, 052005. ., Alice Edith Greenawalt, Nl17, Edith Shacklette Grimes, N90. stuff; that its citizens are-without any Kenneth Hill Reed, 029203. compulsion or force-capable of the Earl Alonzo Richhart, 029210. Francis Cecil Gunn, N95. Melvin Villiger Schlaak, 029253. X Kathleen Harris, N92. greatest self-discipline and generosity. R ay Elmer Stoltz, 029225. Mabel Eugenia Hause, N45. Although there remains the threat of a Joseph Alexander Walkowski, 051994. .Clara Marie Kiely, NlOl. fresh outbreak of the very war through Joseph Elijah Webb, Jr., 029271. X Irene Johanna Klemp, N556. which Israel won independence, this Blenda Mae Laverick, N58. staunch new nation has continued to ~"'o be majors, Medical Service Corps Agatha Mary Martin, N120. open its doors to those who have sought Harry Jean Adams, 043191. Hortense Eleanor McKay, NllO. refuge from their oppression in Europe. Denver Irving Allen, 031190. X Eileen Kathryn Murphy, N98. Oren Calvin Atchley, 031111. Frances Louise Nash, N118. In my opinion, there is little doubt that Vernon Ellsworth Blythe, 040133. Isa Gladys Pifer, N89. the first 2 years in the life of the Re­ John Edmond Burns, 031205. Rowena Georgia Roach, NlH. public of Israel will be . brightly illumi­ John James Clary, 031108. .:auth Mary Schwing, N99. nated in the pages of the history of Walter Dougla,.; Correll, 040122. Edith Lorena Shutt, N112. man's struggle for a better, more hu­ William Thurman Covey, 031100. Mary Matilda Steppan, Nll3. mane life. 6076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 1 CENTENNIAL YEAR OF UNIVERSITY OF munity and in the Democratic Party will against Communist domination of Italy. .UTAH not be easy to fill. His vast prestige and his mastery of press Mrs. BOSONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask A .HORATIO ALGER STORY and radio appeals were. counted decisive unanimous consent to address the House The story of Generoso Pope is a true in that victory for the Western World in 1948. He instigated and made effective for 1 mim:tte. story which puts to shame the Horat~o The SPEAKER. rs there objection to Alger romances. the famous letter-writing campaign the request of the gentlewoman from A little less than half a century ago from Americans -of Italian descent to utah? Generoso Pope, a boy of 10 without a their friends and relatives in Italy, urg­ There was no objection. word of English, without a friend, and ing them to vote for freedom and de­ Mrs. BOSONE. Mr. Speaker, the first P.ractically without funds, landed in New mocracy. group of Utah pioneers saw the valley York City and immediately went to work He leaves a widow and three fine soris, of the Great Salt Lake on July 24, 184'Z. as a water boy for a piano manufacturer. to whom· our sympathies go out. I Just three short years later-in 1850- Less than 3 years ago Gene Pope, no know that they will carry on the father's these pioneers established their first longer a boy, no longer friendless, no crusading tradition. university. · longer penniless, but still filled with that Mr. Speaker, in paying this tribute to I take deep pride, in this centennial unending drive of energy which sent him the late Generoso Pope, I know I speak year of the University of Utah, in paying from rags to riches in a generation, was for the mayor of the city of New York, homage to all of the leaders, both past credited with saving Italy from com­ the Honorable William O'Dwyer; for the and present, who have made the school munism. leader of the New York County Demo­ what it is today. The University ·of With his unexpected death as a rela­ cratic organization, the Honorable Car­ Utah of 1950 represents the sum ·total tively young man, still in the full course mine G.
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