S5514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 8, 2013 bills that have the support of the ma- who sell their goods over the Internet. ness until 5 p.m., with Senators per- jority of the majority, the only thing It is unfair. Why the Speaker doesn’t mitted to speak therein for up to 10 they are going to let happen—doesn’t take that up I don’t know. minutes each. work, and it is bad for the country. We already know that sticking to the The Senator from South Carolina. Any major legislation passed by the Hastert rule prevented the House from Mr. SCOTT. I ask unanimous consent House of Representatives with only Re- passing a farm bill last month and last that I be allowed to speak as in morn- publican votes has no hope of advanc- year. ing business. ing here or being signed into law by the This month sticking to the Hastert f President. rule prevented the House from passing UNLEASHING OPPORTUNITIES I hope the Speaker has learned his immigration reform that would become lesson from recent high-profile failures law. Mr. SCOTT. It is indeed a humbling of his shortsighted Hastert rule—post Insisting on the Hastert rule also honor to serve the great people of office, farm bill, online sales tax, im- prevented Speaker BOEHNER from South Carolina in the Senate. I am so migration. Eventually he will be forced reaching across the aisle to find a sen- grateful for the support I have received sible solution to our rising student to take up the bill we passed here or from South Carolinians. loan interest rates. Right now, what the country will be left with no immi- The success of the Palmetto State they have done on the other side is gration reform at all, which will be a can be measured in many ways, but worse for students than doing nothing bad outcome. today, let me share the success of our at all. The legislation passed by the The Speaker should dispense with the economic engine. From insourcing jobs House would balance the budget on the posturing and delay and do the right from other countries, jobs such as Otis backs of struggling students—would at- thing, and he should do it now. He Elevators in Florence, SC, or the high- tempt to balance it, at least. The tech boom that is happening through- should take up the Senate farm bill on House legislation is worse for students which Chairman STABENOW worked so out South Carolina, companies such as than doing nothing at all. Under the BMW in the upstate continue to ex- hard. They should pass that bill. They House plan, as interest rates start to pand. Michelin, in Anderson County ex- should take it up over there and pass rise, student loan rates will rise with pands. Continental Tires finds a home it. Farmers are waiting, and all the nu- them. Soon loan rates will be more in Sumter, SC, and there are more than trition groups around the country are than double. I met with the White 5,000 new jobs on the coast of South waiting. He should do that right now. House, one of the President’s assist- He should take up the Senate immi- ants. I said: Tell me what happens in 3 Carolina because of Boeing. And let’s gration bill. I say that for the second years. He had to acknowledge that the not forget Aiken, SC, where or third time today. This measure—a rates would be well over 6.8 percent. Bridgestone has made a new home. farm bill that passed overwhelmingly To find a responsible solution to the South Carolina is and will continue to on bipartisan votes in this Chamber— student loan issue and every other be a leading manufacturing engine for the passing of the farm bill would cre- major issue facing this Congress, the America. ate jobs and reduce the debt by some Speaker should work with us and his I stand before you today on the $23 billion. And it is important to note Democratic colleagues in the House in- shoulders of two very amazing Ameri- that there are reforms both in the farm stead of against them. He should re- cans. One has gone home to be with the and food stamp programs without bal- member that the only way to pass Lord. The other is my hero, my moth- ancing the budget on the backs of hun- meaningful legislation in either Cham- er, Frances Scott. gry Americans. In fact, it goes a long ber is to do so with votes from both Growing up in a single-parent house- way toward reducing our debt. reasonable Democrats and reasonable hold, my mother would have to work Passing the immigration bill would Republicans. sometimes 16-hour days in order to help 11 million people who are already I am told the Speaker is going to keep me and my brother off of welfare. contributing to our economy and our come out with a statement today say- She wanted us to have a good example society to get right with the law. It ing: We passed our student loan legisla- of someone who believed in hard work would boost our economy and make tion. Now why can’t the Senate pass it? for us to follow. our country safer, all the while reduc- I repeat, the Speaker’s student loan My mother used to tell me all the ing the deficit by about $1 trillion over legislation that passed the House is time that if you shoot for the Moon the next two decades. worse than doing nothing. The Hastert and you miss, you will be among the I remind the Speaker that there is no rule has been bad for this country, and stars. But I didn’t always listen to my shame in passing bills that moderates Speaker BOEHNER should get away mother. By the time I was a freshman from both parties can support. Ameri- from it. in high school, I was drifting. Have you cans want their elected officials to f ever noticed that you don’t really drift in the right direction? As a freshman work together to fix the Nation’s prob- MORNING BUSINESS lems. This is what we did in the Sen- in high school, I failed out. I failed ate. I promise the formula will work in Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent world geography. I think I am the only the House of Representatives as well. that we now proceed to a period of U.S. Senator to fail civics. I also failed The Speaker should try that. morning business and that Senators be Spanish and English. Sticking to the Hastert rule has pre- allowed to speak for up to 10 minutes When you fail Spanish and English, vented the House from passing legisla- each prior to the executive session at 5 they don’t call you bilingual. They call tion to reform the ailing Postal Serv- p.m., with the exception of Senator you bi-ignorant because you can’t ice. Postal reform passed over here on SCOTT, who is giving his maiden speech speak in any language. an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote. today. That’s where I found myself. I found The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- The Speaker refused to even consider it myself in a very strong and hard posi- PHY). Without objection, it is so or- last Congress, didn’t even take it up. tion, but good fortune strikes. I had Sticking to the Hastert rule pre- dered. two blessings. One was a mother who vented the House from passing a meas- f believes that sometimes love has to ure that would give brick-and-mortar RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME come at the end of the switch. For stores parity with online competitors. Mr. REID. Would the Chair announce those of you who are not aware of what We passed that on a bipartisan vote. It the business for the day. a switch is, it is a motivational appa- is heartbreaking all over America. I THE PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ratus, and it encouraged me a lot. I see it in Nevada when I go by these the previous order, the leadership time will say that, along with my mentor strip malls and see places that, if they is reserved. John Moniz, who came along at the had the advantage of not having to pay right time—I was a sophomore—I found f sales tax—which is what happens on- my way back on the path. John Moniz line—they would be in business. They ORDER OF BUSINESS was a Chick-fil-A operator who made would go back into business if the sales The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- such a major impact in my life over the tax would have to be paid by the people ate will be in a period of morning busi- last three decades. 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