Cambridge University Press 0521627265 - Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour, Second Edition Peter J Simmons and David Young Index More information INDEX Entries in bold type refer to pages where an important term, set in bold in the text, is defined or used for the first time. acceptance angle 89 carrier frequency 161 action potential 26 cartridge 102 active membrane 33 cell body 23, 62 adaptation, sensory 82, 105 central pattern generator 166, 177, 192 dark 92, 104 centre surround receptive field 108 light 92 cercus 71 agonist 193 chaffinch 239 amacrine cell 23 channel 29 retinal 25, 107 chemical sensitive 32 amphibians 9 voltage sensitive 30, 40, 192 amplify 105, 106 circuit 24, 42, 99, 117, 125, 140, 176, 192, analogue signals in neurons 39, 81 201, 204, 206, 211, 225 Anser 4 closed loop 17 Apis 228 cochlea 149, 158 Aplysia 202, 236 cochlea nucleus 139, 149 apposition 88 cockroach 69, 77 approach 123 coding, sensory 81, 102 arthropod 4, 22, 23, 85 coincidence detection 140, 157 association 228 collision 123 associative learning 228 command neuron 43 axon 23, 24, 26, 38, 45, 51, 62, 68, 76, 96, commissural interneurons 192 140 computer model 15, 126, 193, 209 conditional oscillator 196 back propagation 210 conditioning 230 barn owl 132 connective nerve 24 bat 129, 142 constant frequency signals 145 bee 88, 228 context 217 binocular 90 contrast 96, 102, 105, 108 bipolar neuron 51 frequency 119–20 blowfly 87, 102, 104 control systems theory 15 Brachydanio 62 corollary discharge interneuron 57 Bufo 9 cranial relay neuron 67 crayfish 44 cable properties 34 cricket 174 call, bat 142 cue Calliphora 87, 104, 111 acoustic 138 campaniform organ 77 visual 7, 125 canary 243 capacitor 36 dark adaptation 92 Carausius 62 decibel 130 262 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521627265 - Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour, Second Edition Peter J Simmons and David Young Index More information Index 263 decision 26, 42, 52, 75 filter, sensory 18, 74, 99, 106, 112, 114 dedicated fixed action pattern 4 circuit 204 flight 109, 166 system 3, 129 fictive 172 delay line 140, 157 initiation 178, 182 dendrite 23, 24, 33, 40, 51, 62, 65, 66, locust 167–82 125, 225 muscle 167 sensory 79 rhythm 171 depolarisation 27 steering 167, 182 descending contralateral movement flow diagram 7 detector (DCMD) 122 flow field 112 deviation detector (DN) 182 fly 109 diffraction 87 fovea digital signals 39, 82 auditory 158–9 dipteran 95 eye 89 directional selectivity 71, 112 frequency analysis 158 mechanism of 114–20 frequency modulated signals 143 disinhibition 176, 216 Fringilla 239 Doppler shift 145, 158 dorsal ramp interneuron 189 ganglion 24 dragonfly 86, 93 giant neurons 42, 70, 71 Drosophila 86, 114, 235 glial cell 24 glomerulus 230 ear glutamate 193 bat 148–9 goldfish 61 owl 132–5 goose 4 ecdysis 222 graded potential 36, 39 ecdysone 224 as analogue signal 39 echolocation 130, 142 summation of 36 echo ranging 152 grasshopper 122 eclosion hormone 224 gull 4 ecology 95 egg retrieval 4 H1 neuron 112, 115 electrical inhibition 68 habituation 52, 59, 236 electrical synapse 33, 49, 66 hair cell 149 electromyogram (emg) 169 hair receptor 51, 53–4, 58 elementary motion detector 115 harmonics 146 encode 94 Hemicordulia 93, 104 escape running 43, 71 Homo 91 escape swimming honey bee 88, 228 crayfish 43, 48, 55 horseshoe bat 145 Tritonia 186 horseshoe crab 106 excitation 29, 40, 65, 74, 125, 189 housefly86 excitatory 27 HS neuron 112, 118–19 excitatory postsynaptic potential HVc 240–4 (EPSP) 32, 33, 36, 51, 66, 193, 202, hymenoptera 228 216 hyperpolarisation 27, 53 eye compound 86, 183 inhibition 40, 74 simple 183 lateral 106 presynaptic 58 facilitation 115, 236 inhibitory 27, 56, 68–9 feature detector 99, 127 inhibitory motor neuron 56, 206 feedback 15, 16, 108, 180, 212, 225, 244 inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) feed forward 224 32, 33, 38, 56, 125 figure-ground neuron 114 insect 100 filiform sensillum 71 integration 24, 27, 33–40, 74 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521627265 - Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour, Second Edition Peter J Simmons and David Young Index More information 264 Index intensity-response curve 94, 105 memory 235 interneuron metamorphosis 222, 225–8 definition 24 Microchiroptera 130 flight generator 172–8 mollusc 186, 202, 235 local 24, 212 monosynaptic connection 58, 66, 67, non-spiking 212, 215–18 176, 203 spiking 212–15 Mormoopidae 146 intracellular electrode 26 moth 222 intrinsic neuromodulation 190 motif 237, 242 invertebrate 4, 23, 168 motor command 244 juvenile 235 control 212 juvenile hormone 227 giant neuron 45 neuron 23, 45, 67, 167, 171–8, 192–4, Kenyon cell 232 202, 206, 209, 215–17, 225–7 pattern 4, 18 lamina 100 mouse-eared bat 143 large monopolar cell 102–8 moustached bat 146 Larus 5 multimodal neurons 182 larva 222, 225–8 Musca 111, 161 lateral giant interneuron 45–60 muscle lateral inhibition 106 flight 167 leech 206 receptor organ 53–4, 56, 77 lens 86–8 vertebrate 167 light adaptation 92 mushroom body 232 Limulus 106 Myotis 143, 146–7, 152, 158 lobster 187, 194 lobula 101 nerve cell 2, 20–2 giant movement detector (LGMD) neurite 23 122 neuroethology 2 plate 109 neurohormone 185 local circuit 40 neuromodulator 187, 190, 232 locust 122 neuron flight 166–86 birth 243 leg 212–18 culture 211 Locusta 87 definition of 20 logarithmic scale 93 kinds of 23–4 Lymnaea 211 loss 242, 243 parts of 22–3 Manduca 222 neuronal loop 184 mantis 17, 89 neuropile 24 map neurotransmitter 31, 190, 193 neuronal 137, 138–42, 158 noise 33, 106 somatotopic 201, 213 nucleus 22, 235 topographic 100 auditory 138–42 Mauthner bird song 235, 240–4 inhibitor 69 nudibranch mollusc 186 neuron 61–9 null direction 112 mechanoreceptor 51, 53, 77, 79–83 medial giant interneuron 45–7 ocelli 183 medulla 100, 117, 125 octopamine 185–7, 232–3 Megachiroptera 130 ommatidium 86, 87–91, 101 membrane open loop 17, 133 cable properties 34 optic lobe, insect 100 potential 27, 80 optic tectum space constant 34 amphibian 11–15 time constant 36 bird 138 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521627265 - Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour, Second Edition Peter J Simmons and David Young Index More information Index 265 optical monitoring 204–6 proboscis extension 228 optomotor proprioceptive 165 neurons 109–14 refractory period 29 response 109 releasing mechanism 6, 11–15 owl 131 resistor 35 resolution, of eye 86 pacemaker neuron 166 resting potential 27 parallel pathway 100, 118, 142, 204 retina, vertebrate 11, 24–5, 107–8 passerine 235 retinula cell 91 passive membrane 33 rhabdom 91 pathway, sensory 100 rhabdomere 91 pattern generator 55, 166 Rhinolophidae 145 perception 7 Rhinolophus 145–6, 150–2, 158–62 Periplaneta 70, 78 rhythm generation 166, 171–99 phase locking 139 robot 201, 211 phase resetting 173 Rohon beard cell 192 phasic response 54, 82, 94, 103 Rousettus 153 photon bump 92 photoreceptor 86, 97, 100–4 Sarcophaga 95 potential 91–6 saturated response 94 plastic song 239 segmental giant neuron 49 plasticity 181 selectivity 76, 114–15 polar plot 72 sensitive period 239–40 polypeptide 221, 224 sensitisation 236 positive feedback 59 sensitivity 86, 92 postsynaptic neuron 30 sensory postsynaptic potential (PSP) 31 analysis 212 post-tetanic potentiation 236 filtering 51 preferred direction 112 modality 76–7, 182 presynaptic neuron 23, 51, 65, 76, 79, 82–4, 202–3, facilitation 236 205, 206–9, 212, 215, 218, 236 inhibition 58 sign stimuli 5, 9–11 neuron 30 silver staining 20 prey recognition 9–15, 161 simulation 193 Procambarus 44 snail 211 proprioceptor 77, 180, 217 social releaser 5 Pteronotus 146, 155–8 song pupa 222, 226 bird 235, 237–44 pyramidal cell 21 cricket 173–4 sonograph 237 rebound spike 192 sound 130 receptive field 73, 83, 106, 137, 138, frequency 130 214–15 nature of 130 reconfiguration 194–8 pressure level 130 receptor pulse 142–6 cell 76, 149 space constant 34 NMDA 193, 199, 236 spatial summation 38 olfactory 230 spike 26, 51–2, 65–73, 82, 153–5, 192–3, potential 80, 91–6 205, 219 protein 32 as digital signal 39, 82 redundant conduction velocity 26, 67 element 185 frequency 39, 74 signal 108 initiation 52, 65, 84, 192 reflex 54, 77 initiation zone 38, 81 gill withdrawal 202–6, 236 spinal cord 190 local bending 206–11 starfish 186 locust leg 212–18 steroid 221, 224, 245 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521627265 - Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour, Second Edition Peter J Simmons and David Young Index More information 266 Index stomatogastric ganglion 194–8 tight junction 66 stretch receptor 178, 225–7 time summation 38, 202 constant 36 supernormal stimulus 7 marker neuron 153 superposition eye 88 Tipula 95 swimming toad 9, 70 crayfish 48–9, 54–5 tobacco hornworm 222 tadpole 190–4 tonic response 54, 82, 94 Tritonia 186, 188–90 tonotopic arrangement 137 syllable 237, 240–1 topographic map 100 synapse 30, 36–40, 52, 103, 125, 167, 214, transduction 79, 85, 92 218, 227, 236, 243–4 transmitter 196 mixed 49 trichoid sensillum 212 strength 52, 221, 236, 244 tritocerebral commissure giant neuron types of 30–3 (TCG) 182 synaptic connection 46, 102, 211 tuning 112, 150, 154, 157, 159–60 syrinx 337–8 Tyto 132 tadpole 186, 190 velocity 145 Taeniopygia 237 vertebrate 4, 22–3, 85, 165, 190 tail flip 44 Vespertilionidae 143 tectal cells 12–15, 135–8 VS neuron 112 tectum 11, 135, 138 VUMX1 neuron 233–5 tegula 178 Teleogryllus 174 wind-sensitive hairs 169 teleost 61 wing temporal summation 38, 202 muscles 167 Tenodera 16, 89 proprioceptors 178–82 thalamus 11–14 threshold Xenopus 186, 190 curve 150–1 for spike 28, 38–9, 52, 57 zebra finch 237 sensory 147 zebra fish 61 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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