INDEX Abduh, Mohammad, 98 111,113-14,116,118-21,123,130, Abou Ubaydata mosque (Unite 26), 61, 65 132n4,162n157,214,239-40,267; accommodation, 3, 5-6, 8, 37, 76-77, 80, lack of, in The Gambia, 142, 144, 152, 82-83, 87n13,91,99, 240, 245, 248 156 Afghani, Jamal AI-Din AI-, 119 Arabisantes (female scholars), 215 African Islam, 1-2, 132n3, 140, 156, 157n8, Arabisants, 65, 69n34 190-91; Islam in Africa vs., 6, 114 Arab Muslim world, 2, 7,11, 15n18 , 61-62, Africanization ofIslam, Islamization ofAfrica 79,156,215,258-59,265,268. See vs.,3,91-92,133n28 alsospecific countries and regions Afrique Nouvelle (newspaper), 119 Arberry, A. J., 87n46 Afrique Occidentale Francaise (AOF), 29, architecture, 9, 63-65 42n42,44n66 Archives Nationales de France Section Ahmadinejad, President, 117, 134n44 d'Outer-Mer (ANFOM), 44n67 AI-Azhar University (Cairo), 32,119 aristocracy, 4,75,77-78, 86n15, 91, 93 AI-Bakri,40n5, 41n24, 86n13 Asad, Talal, 98,112-13, 132nn alcohol and tobacco, 8, 53, 96,101,263 Ashura,121 AI-Falah mosque (Dakar), 61 Ashura conference, 124, 125, 135n78 Algeria, 118, 134n63, 214 assimilation, 6 AI-Ghazali,98-100 Association des Eleveset Etudiants Musulmans AI-Hajj Ibrahim Derwiche Mosque (Dakar), du Senegal (AEEMS), 215, 218-19, 127-28, 128-29 223,226 Ali, Imam, 116, 126-27, 135n86 Association des Etudiants Musulmans de Alidou, Ousseina, 228nl i'Universite de Dakar (AEMUD), 215, Almada, Andre Alvares d' , 40n12 217-21,224,226 Almoravid movement, 22, 40n5, 77, 132n17 Association des Femmes de la Cite de Ngalele, alms seeking, 25, 34-35, 37-38 57-58 Al-Naqar, Umar, 40n5 Association des]eunes Mourides, 244 AI-Sadi,22 Association Fatima Zahra, 123 Alvares,Andre, 172 associationist Islam, 215-16, 240-45, Aly Yacine (PSLF) Centre Islamique de 249n24 Rechercheet d'Information, 114, 121­ Association Musulmane des Etudiants 23, 122, 135n73. SeealsoYacine,Ali Africains (AMEA), 32, 44n64 Al-Zahra school, 127 Association Pour le Developpement Humain Ames, David, 195 Durable, 123 Anas, Malik ibn, 100 Association Rabi Sarr, 215-16 Anderson, Jon W., 130 Association Thiaroye, 216-17, 219 Ansar Mohammad association, 123-24 Augis, Erin J., 6-8,12, 133n21, 156, Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 85-86nl1 159n45,211-33 Arabic-French schools (tcolesfranco-arabes), authenticity, 6,111-13,115,117,121-28, 123,240 130-31,240 Arabic language and education (ecoles authority, 2, 7,11-13,16-17,25-27,32, Arabe~,4 ,28,32-35 ,37-39,45n85, 36,53,55,75,83,98,100,113-15, 274 INDEX authority (continued) Bouche, Denise, 43n58, 44n69 117,119,123,126,130,141,144, Bouleguc, Jean, 40n12, 86n15 153,155-56,170,213,217,220,226, Bousso, Marne Diarra, 193-94 243-45, 250n49, 251n65,264; gender Bousso, Sokhna Gedde, 194 and religious, 189-210 Bowen, John R., 161n124 Brasher, Brenda E., I61nll0 Ba, Maba Iaaxu, 42n39. Seealso Iaaxu, Maba; Brenne r, Louis, 23, 28, 44n68, 102, I32n4, Maba 241 Ba, Sheikh Amadou, 42n39 Brett, Michael, 132n1 7 Babou, Cheikh Anta Mbacke, 2, 41n22, bride-price , 153 43n47,75,190,250n40 Brigade de la Fraternite du Bon Musulman Badokore, Chiefof Iududu, 176 (BFM, or FM), 214, 249nn Bahrain, 212 British colonial rule, 140-42 Bainunk, 3, 8-9, 170-72, 175-82 Brooks, George, 175 Balant society, 170-72, 182 Brue, Andre, 173 Balla, Serign Modou Awa, 71-72 Buggenhagen,Beth,2, 11-12, 189-210 Bamba, Amadou. SeeMbacke, Amadou Bureau desFemmes (BEF, Women's Bureau Bamba ofMMUD),260 Bambara, 58, 94 Burkina Faso, 211 Bandia, 93-95,101-5 Bangladesh, 140 Ca Da Mosta, A1vise de, 23 Banna, Hassan al-, 271n29 Cafa rd liber», Le (periodical), 239 baptisms, 8 Caliphate, 97-98 Bara, Mohammad al-Amin (Serign Cantone, Cleo, 9, 51-69 Mouhamadou Lamine), 252 Cappelle, Jean, 44n69 baraka (blessing or grace), 84,176,189, Casamance, 3, 8-9, 120-21, 125, 127, 193, 198 158n30,169-88,238 Barreira, Bcltcsar, 23 cash crops, 74, 83, 84, 92, 237 Barro (Barroba), Fodey, 178 cash offerings, 197-98,200 Barro-Gassama family, 180 castes ( fieefio), 21, 23-25,36, 39-40n3, Barrokunda kabila, 179 41n22,79-80,92-93,190,201 Barry, Boubacar, 42n29, 86n15 Catholic Church, 119 Barth, Frederick, 93 cement, 60-61, 67-68 Baudelaire, Charles, 75, 84 Center Bilal mosque (Thies), 65-66 Bawol kingdom, 29, 74,74, 86n15, 94 ,171 Centre International du Commerce Exterieur Baye, Marne Madio , 238 du Senegal, 216 Baye Fall movement, 85, 239 Chad,211 Bayo clan, 177 Chambonneau, Louis M. de, 27, 42n29 Bechard, Paul, 71-72 Charles, Eunice A., 41n22 Berbe~,30,41n22,108n38, 132n17 Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar) , 117 Biaya family, 145, 177 Christianity, 8, 32, 64, 67, 97 ,104, 112, Bichgango kingdom, 170 120, 131 , 141, 146, 147, 158n22, bida (bid'a, un-Islamic innovations), 65, Ill, 161nll0, 162n157,213 153,241-42 Christianization, 97 Bilal Mosque (Thies), 61 Ciaw, Yagup, 105-6 birth control, 12,222 Cisse, Dong, 108n24 birth rituals, 12, 191, 194-95 Cissc, Ibrahima, 93,105-6, 107n6 Bocande, Bertrand, 181 Cisse, Imam Abdoullah, 58-59, 66 body, 11, 142, 154-55, 162n141, 192, 196, Cisse, Mbaye Dali, 93,102,106, 107n8 199-200 Cisse, Moussa (Ndick), 105 Boilat, Abbe, 94 citizen mobilization, 257 , 263-65, 269 Boone , Catherine, 44n61 citizenship rights,S, 15n13 Booth, Wayne c., 152 civic community, 9, 15n15 Bop, Codou, 193 civilizing mission, 10,72 "born-again Islam," 147-48 civil society, 100, 264 INDEX 275 clerical lineages and communities, 4, 9-10, 61-62; Shi'a Muslims in, 115-17, 22-29, 32-34, 36, 41n24 120-21, 124-25; Sunnites in, 6-7, 12, cloth and clothing, 8-9, 204n72; exchanges 211,214-33; Tabligh [ama'at mosque of, 12, 195-96, 199-201, 203n30, in, 142 204n75; Tabligh [ama'at and, 153-54, Dammel, king ofKajoor, 23 162nn; veiling and, 200-201, 214, Damosto, Alvise, 172 216-21 Danfa, Yeri, 176 Code de la Famille au Senegal (Family Code) , Daoud, Abu, 2I 6 196-97, 240, 247, 248-49n19 Daramane, Mali, 170, 173 Colin, Roland, 35, 44n81 Darboe , Momodou, 158n28 Colvin, Lucie G., 40-42nn, 86n15 Darou Mousty, 2-3, 10,71-85, 73-74; Com7 (radio station) , 239 Murid mosque in, 72, 73 Comite Islamique pour la Reforme du Code de Derwiche, Al-Hajj Ibrahim, 127-28 la Famille au Senegal (CIRCOFS), 197, Destaing, E., 43n54 226-27, 248-49n19 development, 33,120,241-42,245, 248n2. Comite Permanent pour l'Edification du See also modernization Complexe Islamique de la grande Mosque Dia, Mamadou, 44n81, 241, 245, 251n60 de Soprim et environs (COPEMS), 62 Diagne, Abdulkadir, 249n29 Commision pour l'01;ganisation de la mosquee, Diagne, Atou, 244 67 Diakhate, Imam Boubacar, 57-58 communitas, 115, 119-20, 13.1, 134n68 Diakhc, Imam Aboubacar, 216 Compagnie du Senegal, 173 Diallo, Imam, 58 consolidation phase, 9, 170, 180-81 diaspora, 12, 15n14, 212, 227, 238, 244 , consumerism , 6, 11, 14 250n47, 252n72, 267-68. See also conversion, 3-4, 8; from one aspect ofIslam migration to another, 7-8, 131-32nl, 146-48; Diba, Matiaku, 178, 179 Horton-Fisher debate and, 8,92, Dieng, Marietou, 250n40 95-97, 169-70, 180, 182n3; marriage Dieng, Tanor, 252n71 and, in precolonial Casamance, 169-88; Din, Nasir Al-, 26-27, 42n29 mosques and, 67; Sereer Safen and, Din, Sharaf AI-, 119 91-95,102-5; Shi'a and, 6-7,11, Diop, A. M., 157n7 111-35, 156, 132nn; Sunnite women Diop, Ndey Khady, 66, 68, 1I 7 and, 214-20; Tabligh [ama'at and, Diouf, Abdou, 13,35,113,117,237-38, 139-66 240,243-46, 251-52n71, 262-65, Cook, David, 98 269, 270n15 cosaan(tradition), 92-97,104,195,199 Diouf, Jean-Leopold, 203n24 cotton, 8, 170, 172 Diouf, Khalifa, 244, 250n53, 262 Coulon, Christian, 193-94, 198, 204n49, Diouf, Mamadou, 1-18, 117 249n23 disciple-sheikh relationship, 4, 12, 190-98 Creevey, Lucy, 194, 203n35 discursive tradition, 98, 99, 111-38 crossovers, 239-40, 248nl0 divination ceremonies, 95,102-4 Cruise O'Brien, Donal, 2, 43n40, 85n4, 115, divine melody, 267-68, 270n17 189-95,202-3nn,249n23,271n37 diviners, 101-7 Curtin, Phillip, 41n24, 172 divorce, 197 Dobour village, 94-95,103 daara. See Quran schools domes, 51, 62, 64-65, 72 Dabo-Seydi family, 180 Drame.Aly, 3, 8-9,12,169-88 Daffey, Bahumba, 173-75 Dramey,AI-Hajj Manding, 178, 183n26 Dahira des Etudiants Mourides de Dakar Dramey, Fodey Almamy, 174 (DEM),244 Dramey, Fodey Heraba, 170, 17i-81, Dahirat al-Mustarshidin wal-Mustarshidat 183n26 (DMM), 239-40, 243-44, 257-71 Dramey, Harunaba, 176 Dakar, 5, 28, 34,127,197-98,237-39,241, Dramey, Muso, 178 258-59,261; Great Mosque, 55-57, Dramey, Na, 178 56,62,217; mosques in, 52, 55-57, Dramey, Sanaba, 176-77 276 IND EX dress. Seecloth and clothing; fashion Federation desCleves et etudiants du disane droughts: ofl913-14, 95 ,105; of 1960s and (FEE D ), 260 1970s, 34; Sahel, 237, 245 Fernandes, Valentin, 172 drug abu se, 242, 263 Fire Service (Gambian), 144 Dukureh, Karammoko, 142--43 Fisher, Humphrey, 8-9, 77, 86n13, 94-97, 107nn, 146--47, 169-70, 180, 182n3 echang e de services(exchange ofservices), F.I. T.N.A . (Fight in the Name ofAllah, 238--40, 24 5--47, 249n23 band), 239 EcoleAl-Rasul Al-Islamiyyatu As-Sahiha tu Foire Afro-Arabs, 216 (Zinguinchor), 125 food; women and gifts of, 191-92, 197-200 economic problems, 144 ,238,245,263 Foucault, Michel, 10-ll, 75-76 edu cation , 4, 6-10, 22-39, 72, 113-15, Fo ur Communes (Quatre Communes), 5, 29, 120,130-31,142,144,152,159n49, 240, 249n20 179-81,192,214-15,221,241--42, France, 123, 131 , 145,215,217,266 264 Franks, Myfwany, 213 Egypt, 32-33, 119 , 157n4,215 Frap party, 134n54 Eickelman, Dale F., lll, ll3 Fratemite Mu sulmane.
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