A' Scs ST-£S/ lf-£. I £be Scottish fteyt Society PITSCOTTIE’S CHRONICLES “ So in this wark that I haue heir asseiljeit To bring to licht most humblie I exhortt 3ow gentill readdaris quhair that I haue feiljeit In letteris sillabbis pointtis lang or schort That 3e vvald of Jour gentrice it support And tak the sentence the best wayes Je may I sail do bettir will god ane vthir day.” THE Historic and Cronicles of Scotland From the Slauchter of King James the First To the Ane thousande fyve hundreith thrie scoir fyftein zeir WRITTEN AND COLLECTED BY ROBERT LINDESAY OF PITSCOTTIE BEING A CONTINUATION OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE CHRONICLES WRITTEN BY HECTOR BOECE, AND TRANSLATED BY JOHN BELLENDEN Now first published from two of the oldest Mamiscripts, one bequeathed by Dr David Laing to the University of Edinburgh, and the other in the Library of John Scott of Halkshill, C.B. EDITED BY M. J. G. MACKAY SHERIFF OF FIFE AND KINROSS VOL. II. lirintcti for tfje Sorietg hg WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. THE CHRONICLES. THE XXII BUIK. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY. THE I CHAPTER. PAGE Hou the lordis of Scotland that war presonaris in England war delyuerit. The king of inglands counsall to himsellfe. Hou the cardinal! eftir the kingis death desyred the authorite. Hou my lord arane conwenit his counsall. Hou the erle of angus was send for and als George his brother and hou they came to Scotland i THE II CHAPTER. Hou thair was ane conventioun set at Edinburgh and hou they cheisit James Hamiltoun Erie of Arane protector and gowernor of Scotland and hou the cardinall appeillit. Hou ane herauld come out of Eng- land for ane connduct to ane ambassador. Hou ane herauld passit out of Scotland to Ingland with the kingis ordour to the king of Ing- land. How maister Saithler the ambassadour come to Scotland. Hou thair was ambassador of Scotland send in Ingland. Hou the cardinall was impresonit 5 THE III CHAPTER. Hou the pace was brokin betwix England and Scotland. Hou the king of England send in ane armie be sie and brunt Leith and edinburghe with money uthir tounis and willageis. Hou the cardinall raisit ane armie at Linlythgow againes he gowernor. And the appointment was maid before the gowemor and cardinall. Hou the zoung quein was had out of Linlytgow to Stiruiling .8 VI CONTENTS. THE IIII CHAPTER. Hou the zoung quein was crounit at Stimiling. Hou the Erie of Lennox come to the court and in lyk maner the Erie Bothwell. Ane parlia- ment hauldin at Edinburghe. The pace disolvit betwix England and Scotland. How the Erie of Lennox and the Erie of Bothwell strave quha suld be trimest and pleasandest in the queins sicht . THE V CHAPTER. Hou the Erie Bothwell passit hame. Hou thair come certaine money to the Erie of Lennox out of France. Hou the Erie of Lennox pro- wocked the cardinall to battell and also the gowernor and hou he raisit ane gret armie and come to Leith and offerrit to fecht with the gowernor and cardinall and thay refusit him. The seige of Glasgow, and hou the Erie of Lennox past and was boun to ingland THE VI CHAPTER. The feild of Glasgow betwix the governor and the Erie of Glencairne. Hou the Earl of Lennox past in ingland. Hou he was resavit thair be king Harie. Ane parliament hauldin at Edinburgh quhairin the Erie of Lennox his kin and freindis was foirfaitit be the gowernor and cardinall THE VII CHAPTER. Hou the inglismen brunt Jeodwart and Kelsou. Hou thay tuk the abay of Codinghame : And hou the governor raid to it and seigit the samyn and hou he reteird bakwart to Dumbar and left the queins arteilzerie behind him quhilk was rescewit and brocht away be the Erie of Angus. Hou Schir Raff Iweris was maid wardan and luftennand upone the bordouris of England and hou he conquest great boundis in the realme of Scotland. And usit gret tyrannic in the doing of the samyn THE VIII CHAPTER. Hou Schir Raff Iweris and Schir Brian Latoun past to Londoun and desyred thair reward frome king Hary. Hou king Hary was coun- sallit to gif thame all that thay have conquest in Scotland. Hou thay come to Scotland and to quhat purpois ...... CONTENTS. Vll THE IX CHAPTER. Hou Schir Raf Iweres and Schir Brian Latoun come to Gedwart to tak seassing and hou the Erie of Angus gave counsall to the governor to brek and stop the seasing and he sould be witness thairto. Hou the gowernor passit to Geodwart to meit Schir Raf Iweris and straik the feild of Ancrame and brak and disolvit the seasing and redemit all the landis that war conquerit be ingland in winning of the feild . 34 THE X CHAPTER. Ane proclamatioun maid. Hou the gowernor was counsallit to pas to Wark and norem. The slauthter of my Lord Lowet. Ane ambas- sador send in France. Ane fals enarratioun maid of the Erie of Lennox to the King of France. Hou Monseur Lorge come in Scot- land. Ane armye raisit be the gowernor and passit to Wark . 42 THE XI CHAPTER. Hou Monseur Lorge and the cardinal! fell in alteratioun of wordis. Hou Monseur Lorge passit hame to France with the rest of his companie. Hou the gowernor passit to the cardinall in Sanctandros to the zoule. Hou the Erie of Angus and George his broder war put in captivitie. Hou the cafdinall in the blak freiris held ane prowintiall counsall at Edinburgh. The takin of Maister George Wishart. Hou the gower- nour and cardinall past to saint Johnstoune and quhat thay did thair 47 THE XII CHAPTER. Ane conventioun of clergie haddin at Saint-andros upone the examina- tioun and accusatioun of Maister George Wirschit. And hou he was condampnit to be brunt and hou he sufferit patientlie the cruell deith for Chrystis saik . 54 THE XIII CHAPTER. Hou the Erie of Craufurd mareit his freind the Maister wpone the Car- dinallis dochter. How the Cardinall and Normond Leslie fell in alteratioun of wordis. The slauchter of the Cardinall ... 82 THE XIIII CHAPTER. How the committaris of the Cardinallis slauchter war sumond to find cautioun. And disobeyit and hou eftirward the castell was seigit be the gowernour. And hou the gowernour returned frome it and left it for feir of the pest. FIou the inglismen did gret skaith on the west bordouris and speciallie to the Lord Maxwell 85 Vlll CONTENTS. THE XV CHAPTER. How the Lord Maxwell passit for support to the quein and gowernour. Ane armie gadderit. Hou my Lord Rothus was accusit for slauchter of the Cardinall and was clenzit. How the castell of Saintandros was seagit be the frenchmen. How it was wone and the haulderis thairof had to France to the king thairof 87 THE XVI CHAPTER. Ane proclematioun maid. Ane armie gadderit. Hou the inglis armie send ane ambassadour to the gowernour and quhat was thair desyre. The gowernors ansuer. Hou yay send ane uther letter to the gower- nor and hou yay gat na answer yairof. The field of Pinkie money of the nobillis of Scotland slaine. Hou the quein fled to Stiruiling and out of that to Inchmohume . 91 THE XVII CHAPTER. Hou the inglis army remanit in Scotland nyne dayis eftir the feild seige- and castellis and Tounes. Hou the gowernour of Scotland send to france for support of men. Hou the inglismen tuk Hadingtoun and keipit it aganis Scottismen. And alsua Inchkeith and bruchtie and biggit the forth thairof and lay with ane navwie of schippis all that winter in tay. Hou thay landit at the east ferrie and war defeit thair be the lordis and barronis of fyfe 102 THE XVIII CHAPTER. The seige of Bruchtie. PIou the inglismen brunt ye castell of Pourie. Hou the inglismen tuk home and fastcastell. The bigging of the forth. Hou the zoung quein was send in France. Hou the French army come in Scotland and landit in Leith. The seige of Hading- toune. The battell of Sanctmonance muire 104 THE XIX CHAPTER. Hou the Frenchmen slew the Prowest of Edinburgh and his eldest sone with other gentillmen. Hou quhen the gowernour send to France and complemit on the said French captane. And hou the king of France send ane other captane in Scotland callit Munseur Determes. Hou the Inch was wone. The seage of Bruchtie and hou it was wone. Hou the Inglismen left Hadingtoune and brunt it heireftir and hou thay war cleine put out of Scotland. Hou the Lord Sempill slew the Lord Sanchar in the gowernouris chalmer. The laird of Reith heiddit ............ 109 CONTENTS. ix THE XX CHAPTER. Guid pace in Scotland the space of thrie zeiris ; iustice airis haulding be the gowernour. Hou the quein moder passit to France. The pro- tect our of Ingland heiddit be the Erie of Warwick. King Ed wart poysonit and deid. The quein of Scotlandis returning out of France come to Ingland and how scho come in Scotland and resauit the authoritie frae the Duik. The Erie of Warwick heiddit in Ingland. Hou quein Marie resauit the croune. The Erie of Huntlie and the Erie of Cathness was impresonit .112 THE XXI CHAPTER. Hou thair was ane schip of Muscowiae that brak at Abirdein. Hou the schip was spuilzeit be the inhabitantis and indwellaris of the cuntrie. Hou the lord of the schip past and pleinzeit to the quein. The forth of haymouth1 biggit. Weir proclamit betuix ingland and Scotland.
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