MONDAY, MAY 26, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-PGUR Average Dally Net Press Run Handiratpr lEnrning Hrralii For TBie Week Ended ___ •_____ May g, 1970 Dr. Martin L. Rubin' of 60 . Fred T. Bliah m will conduct About Town Mountain Rd. and..Atty. Harold the second course In acting lee- Oarrlty of 70S Main St. returned eons being coiuhicted by the 15,965 IOm Laurte Lambert, daugh­ to Wllliston Academy in Bast- Little Theatre of Manchester, ter a t Mr. na'd Mrs. N. Maurice hampton, Mass., their alma which will begin tomorrow at 8 Lambert ot 74 Oarden St., ^x>ke mater, recently to receivb the p.m. In their studios at 22 Oak on behalf of the freahman class VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 201 "Loyalty Bowl" on behalf of St. The general pUhlic Is invited last Thursday at the annual (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1970 their graduating classes, award­ to attend the six sessions of (Okualfled Adverrialiig oa awards ceremony at Champlain ed to the five classes showing two hours each. OoUege, Burlington, Vermont. the greatest amount of Increase FREE in alumni donatlbns over the The after-school program for Women’s Rhythmic Ohodr of preceding year. Dr. Rubin was Center Congregational Church all junior high school students graduated from Wllliston in of South United Methodist will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. In 11963 and Atty. Oarrity in 1928. the narthex of the church. 2:16 p.m. in the Youth Lounge. EMBROIDERED 2:16 p.m. nl .the Youth Lounge. Manchester WA’TES will meet" To Give Cambodians The Board of Finance of Com­ tomorrow at the Itallan-Ameri- munity Baptist Church will meet can Club. Weigh-in will be Steven B. Malkenoon, son ot tonight alt 7:30 in the 't'outh from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. William Malkenson '' Puildlng. Pavelack, ways and means of 69 Scott Dr., has been elect­ ed one of 126 charter memebrs ONOGRAM chairman, will be in charge of P h t^ n R. Sage of 21 Court- of a new student-4aculty-admln- $7.5 Million in Arms Aid the program which will be a . land A,sWllI receive his 60-year Istrator assembly at Lehigh Uni­ "cake walk." Wifmers of the ON ANY HEUSEN LONG OR SHORT SLEEVED SHIRT PURCHAS WASHINGTON i(AP) — The Masonic ^ n cn Thursday night versity, Bethlehem, Pa. The plus justifications for it, can be ministration "sent up a retroac­ however, he knows of.no change in Oomiwell. He joined the game will receive a homemade governing body, to be Nixon administration has for­ made public. tive finding” of the need for cake. AY 25+h THROUGH JUNE 6+h./WILL BE READY FOR in the previously announced MlasonlD fraternity in Washing­ composed of 60 students, 60 mally notified Congress it is giv­ President Nixon announced on arms shipments to Cambodia. plan for withdrawal of . most ton Lodge No. 81 in Cromiweli faculty members and 6 ad­ ing $7.6 million In small arms to April 30 that the United States In addition, he told the Sen­ U.S. troops from Cambodia by In 1620, and served as master Men who would like to join ministrators, all with equal vot­ the Cambodian government. would supply some small arms ate, on April 27 when the com- mid-June and all of them by the of that lodge in 1938. Several the Manchester Chapter, ing privileges, gives students 'The State Department In­ aid to C a m illa , and Ellsworth m.'i'.tee told Secretary of State end of that month. Mancheater-aroa Masons will at­ 3PBB8QSA, on Mondays at 8 their largest portiedpatory role formed the Senate Foreign Re­ Bunker, U.8. ambassador to William P. Rogers it opposed Jerry W, Friedhelm, deputy tend the ceremony at 7 :30 fol­ p.m. at the Army-Navy Club In Lehigh’s 104-year history. ’S DAY JUNE lations Committee of the deci­ Vietnam, told the committee U.S. arms aid to Cambodia, assistant secretary of defense, lowing a 6:30 dinner. may contact Dennis Santoro of Malkenson Is a junior at the col­ sion In a letter last Friday, last week that 7,200 U.S. M2 car­ "They were already in the proc­ said there li.'ivc been no speed- 397 Spring St. lege. source reported today. The let­ bines had been provided. No ess of giving them. They really ups in the withdrawal plans al­ The executve committee of / ■ /i *One Style Letter/ .. 4 Colors to Chose From ter has not been released. other direct aid has been listed. were not consulting us. They ready announced. the Ladles Ouild of the Assump­ 'l^e Junior Rhythm Choir of Officers ol Rockville Emblem Chairman J. W. Fulbright, D- F'ulbrlght later challenged the had already made up their The Times said no new date tion. will meet tonlg^it at 8:10 North United Methodist Church Club will meet Wednesday at 8 Brown # Navy # Burgundy # Black / Ark., used the »7.6 million fig­ legality of the arms transfer, minds to give them.” for a full pullout has been set, in the school library. will rehearse tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Elks Ifome, Park ure on the Senate floor Monday contending that under the For­ but quoted Its sources as saying p.m. at th church. He said that the Johnson ad­ St., to rehearse for the installa­ but did not say where it came eign Assistance Act the admin­ the administration hopes to The Friendship Circle of the ministration used the same ap- tion ceremonies Sunday. Mem­ from. But he eliminated the fig­ istration should have notified proacli. complete withdrawal a week or Salvation Army will' meet to­ 'The Council of Ministries of bers are reminded that reserva­ ure from the Congressional Congress first. more ahead of schedule. night at 7:46 at the church for South United Methodist Church tions for the Installation dinner The New York 'Times said to­ Record's report of his remarks, State Department officials re­ The officials were reported to a work night. Mrs. Thomas will meet tonight at 7:30 at Su­ on Sunday ma.y be made with day that government sources substituting instead the phrase ported, however, that the law have cited domestic political Blevins will be the hostess. sannah Wesley Hall. Mrs. Peter Fagan. also reported the Nixon admin­ and economic problems—Includ­ "several million dollars." gives the executive branch up to istration has decided to with­ The committee is understood 30 days after supplying military ing the stock market decline— Wunnee Chapter of the The Friendship Club of St. draw all 14,000 American troops ns reasons the administration is The Manchester Council of to be trying now to get the en- assistance to report the action from Cambodia ahead of the Questers will meet tonight at 8 John’s Polish National Catholic eager to announce the departure Churches will meet tonight at Ure text of the letter released so to Congress. June 30 deadline. at the home of Mrs. Herman 7:30 at South United Methodist Church will sponsor a rummage ' ' )y ' F lag Leads to Fight that the details of the arms aid, Fulbright charged that the ad­ A Pentagon spokesman said, Marshall, Rt. 31, Coventry, for Church. sale Wednes^y from 10 a.m. (See Page Eigkt) to noon in the church hall, 23 the annual election of officers. When a Rutgers student with a fraternity flag, mis­ ers of Nixon's Asia policy, demonstrators lost no Members are reminded to bring Parents Without Partners, Golway St.' There will also be taken by some for a Viet Cong flag, tried to join a a silent auction item in lieu of a white elephant table. time in punching his face. Another drew out a metal Manchester Chapter, will hold parade conducted in New Brunswick, N.J. by back- object and hit him from behind. (AP Photofax) dues. a general meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at All Saints* Church, *1716 Oolden Age Club wlU Manchester Jaycees will hold 444 Hills St., East Hartford. Ac­ have a potluck Thursday at van he us a membership meeting tonight tivities for June will be dis­ 12:30 p.m. at the Senior CiUxens Letter Read by Rogers at 8 at the circuit courtroom in cussed. The meeting is ojien to Center. Members are reminded 1 Police Headquarters. those Interested In membership. to bring articles for a kitchen SHIRT FASHION SO ELEGANT social which will be held aflter lunch. IT LOOKS CUSTOM-MADEI WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES | Dr. Sheldon Lache, associate DefensG of Asian Policy professor of educational psy­ chology at the University of Tailor-made for the fashion connoisseur’s taste, Hampshire Day In...Day Out... Connecticut, will be guest House has fashion details ahead of the time^..comes in a speaker at a meeting of the luxurious blend of permanently pressed Vanopress"^ 80% Da­ Manchester Child Study Group Offered by Nixon to NATO Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Buck- cron* polyester, 20% cotton that looks and feels like the finest ley School cafeteria. He will imported fabric. Even the new Bradley collar has a distinctive ROME (AP) — President Nix­ on PRESCRIPTIONS help the group examine the said the Soviet Union’s increas­ drawal of U.S. forces may pro- Rogers on today told his North Atlantic said the alliance process of learning including look —the perfect spread for wide tie fashion. See this fine shirt ing Involvement has injected allies that U.S.
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