W[fITE STAR /lHE r,- R.M.S.HoMERIC rassE:~€r List Passengers in the First Class United States and Royal Man s. S. HOMERIC Twin-Screw • 34,356 Ton. FROM NEW YORK SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1926 WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK. CHERBOURG .. SOUTHAMPTON General Information for Paaaengen BREAKFAST. from 8 a. m. until 10 a. m. LUNCHEON at 1 p. m. DINNER at 7.30 p. m. The Bar opens at 8 a. m., and closes at 11.30 p. m. Ughts are extinguished in the Saloon at 11 p. m., Reading Room aDd Smoke Room at 11.30 p. m. ealtbound (midnight westbound), Lounge, midnight (Sundays 11.30 p. m.) Divine Service in the Lounge on Sunday at 11 8. m. AN ENQUIRY OFFICE has been provided for the convea· lence of Passengers, where all enquiries for information of a genenl character should be made. LETTERS, CABLES AND WIRELESS TELEGRAMS are received at the Enquiry Office for despatch, and Postage Stamps can be purchased at this office, through which also all Mails will be distributed. Cablegrams a~d Telegrams should be handed in aD hour before the arrival at any port of call. Postage !ltamps can also be obtained from Lounge Steward. None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Enquiry Office is authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch. LETTERS, &c., FOR PASSENGERS will be brought on board before the passengers land. PASSENGERS SHOULD PERSONALLY ASCERTAIN whether there is any' mail for them before disembarking, and they are invited to leave their addresses at the Enquiry Office for later despatches t() be re-directed. SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who baYe DOt previoualJ arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward. When the s.teamers sail with full lists, children under the age of tea years not paying the adult fare are provided with meals at separate sittings in the Dining Saloon. SMOKING. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the Dilling &1008. DSCK CHAIRS AND STEAMER RUGS can be hired at 'lei or $1.50 each for the voyage. General Information for Pass~en--continued CHARGBS COLLBCTED ON BOARD. Palllenaers are re­ qUell ted to. ask for a receipt o.n the Company's Form £01' aBJ: additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, Freight paid 011 board, or for Telegrams, Cablegrams and Marconigrams. THE BURGEON is autho.riaed to. make customary cilargea. ItSbject in each case to the approval o.f the Commander, for treati6, passengers at their request for any illness not o.riginating on the ~ In the tase of sickness developed on the voyage, no charge will be made, and medicine will be pro.vided free in all circumstances. The honn for consultation are as follo.ws: 10 a. m. 6 p. m. 8.30 p. m. But the Surgeon is available at, all times in case of urgency. BAGGAGE. Pallengers are specially requested to claim their ba"gage o.n disembarking at Southampton before leaving the Cu. tom .hed, o.therwise considerable' delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the railway. Passengers traveling by epeclal train from Southampton to London are particularly requested to elaim their bagg1!ge upon arrinl at Waterloo Station. ' UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps, for getting in or out of same by applying to the Steward or Stewardess. WARDROBE TRUNKS. Passengers are advised that it is not always poslible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. They are therefore 'recommended to use steamer trunks in preference. EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount 6f English and American money, at rates which will be advised on application. VALUABLES. For the convenience of passengers, the line has provided in the Purser's office, a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by pas­ sengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the line does not, having regard to the ticket condi­ tions a!ld to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such, articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselve. by ia8.raace. General Information for Passengera--continued DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of li<;ense must be obtained by direct application to the Department before t·he dog is taken on board. PUBLIC TELEPHONES with booths and operators on our New York piers. AUTOMOBILES FOR TOURING ABROAD. Special facili­ ties for the care of automobiles are available for passengers desiring to take their cars on the same steamer or in advance. All necessary Customs Passes, Licenses, etc., can be had on application to Auto­ mobile Department, 1 Broadway., New York City or through Agents. AUTOMOBILE TOURS. Arrangements have been made whereby passengers by the White Star Line can hire automobiles to meet them on arrival of the steamer at Liverpool or Southampton for tours in the British Isles or on the Continent. Orders may be sent from America or Canada through the White Star offices or direct from the steamer by the aid of the Marconi Wireless BARBER AND LADY HAIRDRESSER. A Barber is pro­ vided, his hours being 7 a. m. to 7 p. m., but for the general con­ venience of the greater number, passengers are requested not to apply for hair-cutting or shampoomg except between the hours of noon and 5.00 p. m. For the convenience of lady pasaengers, a Lady Hairdresser Ie also provided. The Barber and Lady Hairdresler are authorized to make the following charge.;- GENTLEMEN LADIES .. .. I. I. ShaTm •••••• Oor 25 eta Marcel WaTmc .................. 4 0 or $1.00 ~aT.ing and Curlinc ............. 5 0" 1.25 Hairdre.. i~ •• , .. 40 .. Ttnttng .......................... 30 0" 7.50 Shampoom. •• 0" 25 .. Cutting and Singeing •••••••••••• l 6" 0.90 Shampoo, Ordinary........ ....... 4 6" 1.15 Sm.ein••••• 0" 25 " Shampoo, Special, Henna, Camomile Face Ma.. ap 2 0" 50 .. Tar, from ..................... 7 ,.. 1.90 Scalp Mallale 1 '''40" Facial Ma.sa,e, Hand •••••••••••• 4 0" 1.00 Tonic Facial Massaee, Vibro •••••••••••• 5 0" 1.15 Dre•• in ... Facial Malsare, Hirh FrtQueney... 7 ,.. 1.90 o '" 12 .. Scalp Massage, Hand, Vibro, Hi,la Manicure ... .. 4' 0" .1.00 FrtQucney ..................... 7 15" 1.'0 Manicure .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. • .. • .. • .. 4 0 H 1.00 The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account. BOOTS AND SHOES will be cleaned if left outside the State. room door. General Information for Passenger~ontinued DIRECTORIES of London and New York are placed OD the Liverpool-New York steamers, and those of London, New York aDd Paris on the Southampton-New York ships. TRAVELERS CHECKS, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Checks are accepted on board White Star steamers in pay­ ment of accounts but the Pursen do not carry funda to enable them M cash same, except to • very limited amount. PICTURE POSTCARDS. Picture Poatcarda of tile .ttaraer C&II be obtained on Board gratia. DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Deck Quoits, ShllfB. ~oard. Bull Board and other games are provided OD deck 1UUIcr the charce of a Quartermaster. Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on applicatJea to the Lounse Steward. PASSENGERS' QUARTERS. Firat Class passensen are .. allowed to enter Second or Third Class compartments, or vico V'CnI8. u complications miSht ariae under the Quarantine Resulatioaa. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION IN LONDON It is advisable to reserve hotel accommodation in advance AT ANY SEASON OF THE YEAR. Paasengers not arranging reservationa in advance by cablegram or mail, have the opportunity of sending • wireless message from the steamer, and in this connection certain hotels. as referred to on the marconigrem form in use on board pay the charge for such menages. At times the"re is considerable difficulty in obtaining satisfactory hotel accommodation if not previously reserved. SILK AND ARTIFICIAL SILK GOODS For the convenience of travellers passing through Great Britain to join a steamer sailing for an overse.. destination. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE BRITISH CUSTOMS FOR ALLOWING THE TRANSIT OF SILK AND/OR ARTIFICIAL SILK GOODS BROUGHT AS BONA FIDE PER­ SONAL EFFECTS IN BAGGAGE. The Customs Officers at the British port must, neces­ sarily. put certain questions to passengers arriving from abroad. at which time any silk and/or artificial silk goods should be declared. Passengers are asked to be frank and open in their declarations. and. in these circumstances. no difficulty nee~ be anticipated with the British Custom. Officials. who will facilitate all poeaible the transit of pa.­ sengers and their baggage. WIRELESS TELEGRAM RATES This St~amer is fitted with Marconi's system of Wireless TelegraJlA7 and also with Submarine Signalling Apparatus THE FOLLOWING RATES DO NOT INOLUDE THE FORWARDING CHARGES BEYOND THE COAST STATION, winCH ARE ADDITIONAL. Every word in the address, text .and signature is counted. All charges mllllt be prepaid and a receipt should be requested. LONG RANGE WIRELESS SERVICE This vessel is fitted with 'special long range wirele..
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