San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1941 Special Libraries, 1940s 12-1-1941 Special Libraries, December 1941 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1941 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, December 1941" (1941). Special Libraries, 1941. 10. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1941/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1940s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1941 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ecial Libraries 08cial Journal of rba Special Libraries Association December I 94 I PARTIAL LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS WITH SPECIAL LIBRARIES ADVERTISING AGENCIES . AERONAUTICAL MANUFACTURERS . AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES . ALUMINUM COMPANIES . ARCHITECTS' OmICES . ART MUSEUMS . AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS . BAKING COM- PANIES . BANKS . BINDERIES . BOTANIC GARDENS . BROADCASTING SYSTEMS . CAMERA CLUBS . CEMENT MANUPACTURBRS . CHAIN STORES . CRAMBERS OF COMMHRCE . CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS . CHEMICAL COMPANIES . CEURCHES . CLUBS . COLLEGES . CONSUMER RESEARCH AGENCIES . DAIRY LEAGUES . DBN- TAL SCHOOLS . DEPARTMENT STORES . ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES . ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS POOD DISTRIBUTORS . FOREST SERVICES . FOUNDATIONS . FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS . FRUIT COM- PANIES . FUND-RAISERS . GAS COMPANIES . GLASS MANUFACTURERS . GROCERY CHAINS . HEALTH OPPlCES . HIGH SCHOOIS . HISTORICAL SOCIETIES . HOSPITALS . HOTELS . INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS . IN- DUSTRIAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES . INSTRUMENT COMPANIES . INSURANCE COMPANIES . INVESTMENT COUNSELORS . INVESTMENT TRUSTS . LABOR BUREAUS . LAUNDRIES . LAW FIRMS . LIBRARY SCHOOLS LUMBER DEALERS . MAIL ORDER HOUSES . MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS . MARKETING CONSULTANTS MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS . MERCHANDISERS . MICROPILM MANUPACTURERS . MILK DISTRIBUTORS . MIN- ING COMPANIES . MOTION PICTURE COMPANIES . MUNITIONS MANUPACTURERS . MUSEUMS OF SCIENCE MUSIC INSTITUTES . NATIONAL DEmNSR COUNCIL . NEWSPAPERS . OFFICE EOUIPMENT MANUFACTUR- ERS . PAINT MANUPACTURERS . PAPER MANUPACTURERS . PATENT DEPARTMENTS . PETROLEUM RE- FINERIES . PHARMACEUTICAL MANUPACTURBRS . PLAYGROUNDS . PRINTERS . PRISONS . PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS - PUBLIC ROADS BUREAUS . PUBLISHERS . REAL ESTATE BOARDS . REPRIGERA- TOR MANUFACTURERS . RBLlEP ORGANIZATlONS . RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS . SAFETY ASSOCIATIONS SECURITY DEALERS . SEED GROWERS . STEEL COMPANIES . STORAGE BATTERY COMPANIBS . SUGAR REPINERS . SYNTHETICS MANUFACTURERS . TAX FOUNDATIONS . TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATIONS . TEA COMPANIES TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTES . TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES . TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS . TRADE ASSOCIATIONS . TRANSIT COMPANIES . UNIONS . UNIVERSITIES U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS . WAR COLLEGES . WAREHOUSES . WEATHER BUREAUS Y. M. C. A. ZINC COMPANIBS Indcxcd in Industrial Arts Index and Public Affairs Information Service A Checklist of Longmans Books Of Latin-American Interest Aufhar Tide Covwo#e Price TEXTBOOKS: G-rammora: Guyer (V.E.), and Vawuez S~~ulsnC~AMM~ 70it 1.80 (A,): Seymour (dll.), and Smithers Pmmmr. Smman Gn~ua~n For Roqinncm 1.50 (A.E.): Reodeis: Roeonhere: (Ed.): ~e Terreios' L~anonm Lec~vn~ Intermediate 1.00 ~~~e~b~~~& Templin (Eds.): Hiuoa' DmA~v~no lntermdate 1.25 Ceogroph,,: (Nosingle book devoted sdoly to T.ntia America, but sections in titles li~tod) Stami, (LD.1: Chisholm'* (:orau~nc~~liU~oan~~nr Advnnred 8.00 Stamu (L.D.): Rra~o~nr.Geonn~~ar: Interrneiiinte 1.R0 Part I. The itmeriros stam" & Sugghte (Edsl Gman~~arroa Ton*r: Brginnrrs 2.00 Bwk 11, southern Confina~ts Kzstory: Fitsgibbon (R.H.): O~R~INEOF LAFN Aas?rn~~Hwconv Intermedinte .75 (Students Outlme Senes) usper TRADE BOOKS: (Fiation, bio~a~hioalfiction, biography, history, trs~el) Armer (L.A.): Fonrm POOL'^ Mexioo 2.00 Farnald (H.C.), and Slwombe SCABL~TFnrwoe't Peru 2.00 &"th America 2.W Halle (L.H.): Central America 3.00 Henius (F.): Argentina 1.50 Maim 2.00 Chile 2.50 Peru 2.00 Chile 2.60 .lohoetons (N.): Merioo 2.50 Knwp (F.Y.): North and South 2.W America Lang (A): Lide (A.A.): BL& Fxnet (Henri Christophe and hi faht for freedom) Pek (A.M.): Tan P~an~mOF Soma ANBBICAN South America a.00 IIIBTORP Shorn (M.), and Oblinger H~noOF DARIEN~ Central America 2.00 (M.M.): (Balboa and the disoovery of th. Pacific, Storm (H.O.): perm 2.00 Young (E.) South America 5.00 .Fietion t Dudgned LC+ rowpeople ot 011 bookstores or direct from LONGMANS, GREEN & COMPANY 1 55 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. SPecial Libraries VOLUME32 ....... Ert**d23 ... NUMBBR 10 k**+d CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER 1941 Democracy and the Social Sciences ........ROGER JONES 365 A Glimpse of Some Special Collections in the National Library, Brazil 0. C. RODRIG~ES370 Please Write ................HOWARD L. STEBBINS374 Libraries in the State of SZo Paulo, Brazil ....JUDITH A. WYSLING375 S.L.A. and National Defense ................. 377 Latin American Newspapers and Propaganda . HENRYP. BAKEWELL378 The Librarian Looks at the Inter-American Program MARYMARGARET CRESSATY 381 The Committee on Cooperation with Special Libraries in Latin America LEEASH, JR. 383 How Can a Public Relations Program Best Fit Into the Defense Service of S.L.A.? ELEANORCAVANAUGH 386 U. S. Senate Bill 1627 ................387 Manuscripts Live .............EDWARD B. MORRISON388 Council of Library Associations ................ 391 Announcements .......-. .............. 392 Publications ....................... 393 Indexed in Industrial Arts Index and Public Affairs Information Scrvice THE STAFF The articles which appcar in Spaonr. heanams crprcss rhc views of rhc authors, and do nor ncccssnrily rcprcscnt thc opinion or the policy of thc cdirorid staff and publi~hct SPECIAL LIBRARIES published monthly September to April, with bi-monthly issues May to August, by The Special Libraries As~cciation.Publication Office. Mf. Royal and Guihrd Aver.. Baltimore, Md. Address ail communications for publication to editozial o5cer at 31 East Tenth Street. New York, N. Y. Suk~iptionpice: 15.W a year: ioieign $5.50; singla copies, 50 cents. Enlered ar recod-ciarr maw a1 lhc Pal Ofze GI Bdtimmc, Md., uder ih~ocl of Mwch 3, 1879, odol lhc rpcciol role q( poslodc ar Plddd for in ih6 Ad of Pabuary 18, 1921 HARPER BOOKS for SPECIAL LIBRARIES I 4 December 1941 c I ARBITRATION IN ACTION A Code for Civil, Commercial and Industrial Arbitrations By FRANCES KELLOR Definitive, practical guidebook and reference work for lawyers, business men and labor officisls who want to know how, whenand where to arbitrate commercial and labor disputes under volun- tary agreements. Dram from the national and internntjonal experience and systems of the American Arbitration Association, the material in this indispensable volume provides short- cut information on the technics, facilities, and equipment essentd to iucceasful voluntary arbitra- tion and the avoidance of expensive legal action in the courts. Contains useful legal summaries to guide procedure at every step. $3.50 SHOPI MANAGEMENT FOR THE SHOP SUPERVISOR By RALPH C. DAVIS First aid for today's emergency supervisory training activitier in defense and other industries. A rapid, popular, clear and comprehensive revamping in manual form of the most important foremanship material from the author's larger volume, "Industrial Organization and Manage- ment," now a. standard text in the management field. Foremen and their instructors will thus be able to find here valuable information on supervisory methods and practices which bar closely on their hour to hour work on the job. $%.KO DISTRIBUTIONI COST ANALYSIS 1 By DONALD R. LONGMAN Basiw~ruwnrrr and alro nn.1 accounting crcwtivc.. will lid1w-re .I" uutlmrit~ti\elmwntntim of A gvnersl pn.cedun: of cost annlpir and itc ndnl,thln fs.rall type. ;a~dp#.~rr, of rorntwhg I di\tribution. Show 1.u~to know \\IIERE ilstnbulioo wds wcwr a~~l]lo\\ to imunrit fur MY LIFE IN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Fifty Years in the Growth of a Profession By CLARENCE J. HICKS Chairman, Board of TvuJtees, Industrial Relations Cozmsekws, ZW. he has e&ed a profound influence. This reeord of his akiation with the Intern&onal Harvester Company, the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, and the Standard Oil Company of New Jersev. traverses the entire ueriod durine which modern industrial relations work was being I ~".~~~~-~ 1 shizandchallennes the r&deriiider useof tested policies in the solution of today's mounting 1 problems in this tiad. $%.SO STOCK EXCHANGE PROCEDURE By BIRL E. SHULTZ Dean, New Ymk Stock Ezchonge Znditule All who have anything to do with today's security market, whether as brokers, salesmen, partners, customers, or officials of companies who compose its member~hip,will find this book as helpful as it is authoritative. Contains n complete, up-to-date and detailed description of the entire succession of steps required in the buying and selling of securities and in the routine handling af various types of orders. Recent drastic changes in Stock Exchange procedure will, however, make this book of interest to all who wish to understand the inner workings of Stock Exchange I orocedure. $4.00 Order these books at your bookstore or diiect on approval from ( HARPER & BROTHERS 49 East 33rd Street NEW YORK Democracy and the Social Sciences' By ROGER JONES Administrative Officer, Bmau Of thc Budget, Washington,
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