Orenda would l.et gov't buy in TERRACE- The chairman of vestors would favour direct Cooper added that the ~ttitude Investment Office is studying the Orenda Forest Products says he provincial investment. of the banks does not have any- request. would consider the poss~ility of "They would say 'wow'. Now * Orenda's search for $500 million takes it to nine banks and thing to do with the NDP being Created late last year, the in- the provincial government buying we have it and it's OK," Cooper across the ocean. That story on Page A2. the governing party in Canada. vestment office is to help projects a piece of his company. said. * Terrace mayor Jack Talstra and Skeena MLA Helmut Gies. Cooper also said the province steer through various govcrmnent That would replace a request Cooer's comments come as brecht have different ideas about government loan guarantees. would earn perhaps .8 per cent in requirements and reviews. Orenda has made for a $100 mil- provincial officials are getting That's also on Page A2. interest payments from Orenda in Cooper said Orenda Wauts to lion loan guarantee to help fi- ready to present the Orenda loan return for the loan guarantee. hear of a provincial government nance its planned $500 million guarantee request to the provin- And he noted the provincial decision on the loan guarante e re- pulp and paper mill. cial cabinet. idea," said Cooper. government to guarantee part of economy would benefit by mil- quest as soon as possible. "If it was to be in equity The $100 million loan guaran- He said the guarantee would the senior debt," he said. lions of dollars a year in taxation The company wants to get a yes, I could buy that," said Hugh tee is viewed as the cornerstone provide proof to the banks that "We =have =investors beating and economic spinoffs from the start on construction this year so Cooper lastweek, of the financing package needed the province backs the project. Orenda project. it will be able to work under down the door but they need to cover once winter arrives, "I am not set in my mind as to by Orenda, : , "It would say the province is know the project cannot be Provincial economic develop- Company officials are also the eventual disposition of the "The financing looks very not going to take away the wood destroyed by the actions of ment minister Dave Zirnhelt has equity for this project," he added. credible. There are some things and would not subject it to government," Cooper continued. already said the province no heading off to Finland in early Cooper predicted that a collec- now that require stroking here regulations that could shut it 3nger has a loan guarantee pro- March for what Cooper described tion of Canadian, American, and there. We still need the down," added Cooper. "The security of property rights gram of the type and size to fit as arranging final details on European and Asian banks al- government to do something to "The best evidence of that is less sacrosanct in Canada than the Orenda project. buying paper nmking machinery ready lined up as potential in- give credibility to ;the whole credibility would be for the in the United States," he said. But he added that the new B.C. from a Finnish company. t -R // Boycott possible if PCB storage plan goes ahead TERRACE -- Some Thornhill the company's other buildings residents say they may boycott and properties throughout B.C. Dairyland milk products if the "Why in the world does little company doesn't drop its plans to bitty Terrace have to store these store PCBs ct its property on PCBs for the various Dairyland Kofocd Drive. locations around B.C.?" demands For now angry residents are Barb Hovland. "I realize we have mounting a letter-writing to take care of our own garbage. campaign. But why do they have tO h'uck all But they say they'll change tac- this junk up here and store it in tics if the company doesn't Terrace." reconsider its proposal. "I think it's absolutely "We'll do what we have to," ridiculous," added George said Joe Chay. "If we have to get Hagen. "We don't want it and legal advice we'll do that as there's no way we're going to well." take it." "They can put those tanks in PCBs are presently stored that but they can't tell us to drink the way at four other sites in the Ter- milk," adds area resident Kay race area: Skeena: Cellulose, Hagen. '. ~ Skeena Sawmills,., B.C. Hydro l~e r application b~"Aga'ifoods...... andre airport. , ./ ": Internation.al CO6pei:ative Ltd. .Waste management, officials would allow the company -- have called it a relatively low:ri~k which operates Dairyland Foods proposal. to store up to 8,000 kilograms Agencies and individuals have of PCB-eontaminated electrical until March 10 to respond in writ- equipment on the property. ing to the proposal. The old fluorescent light bal- Victoria has made little prog- lasts and capacitors would be ress in its efforts to start destroy- placed in sealed, plastic-lined ing the tons of hazardous wastes drums and stored in a large ship- stored around the province. ping container, inside a fenced Regional district directors THORNHILL ELEMENTARY Year 4 students (above) get a guided tour of the Deep Creek compound. backed up Thomhill residents by hatchery from manager Jorma Jyrkkanen. Like myriad school groups before them, they got to The permit allows for storage of voting Saturday to write a letter Fishy see the thousands of young alevin kept inside the hatchery and feed the chinook and coho fry contaminated electrical equip- to the enviromnent ministry. in the ponds outside.Hatchery proponents trying to save the facility have pointed out it's a val- ment only -- not large quantities They also object to the proposal uable educational tool,as well as helping maintain ,local fish stocks. For the latest develop- of PCB oil. The storage site and are calling for a public meet- outing ments in the Deep Creek battle for survival, turn to page AS. would take the PCB waste from ing on the issue. City on Taxes set to increase TERRACE -- Loesl residents part out and call it the Stikine Alice Maitland (Hazelton), Harry Watmough said Kitimat should may presently focus on Hazelton mine list will pay higher" taxes because Regional District," Maitland sug- Nyce (Nass Valley), Fred Roisum have stayed completely in the but will eventually be vital to Kitimat council won't pay its gested. "This is just rotten." (Hazelton area), Sandy Sandhals planning department because Kitimat as well. TERRACE -- The City of share of regional planning. New Hazelton's Pete Weeber (Lakelse Lake/rural Terrace), many issues it handles m from "We are somewhat shocked Terrace hasbeen ~fominated to "They're being cheap and said hewas "disappointed and Dave Brocklebank (Telegraph the development of land around that Kitimat -- with all its receive the Mining'Assbeiation stupid," said Hazelton mayor disgusted" with Kitimat's deci- Creek), Pete Weeber (New the proposed Orenda paper mill resources -- should opt out of the of B.C.'s "Mining Community Alice Maitland, who blasted sion. Hazelton). to the zoning of oceanfront vistas planning function for the sake of. of the Year" award/ Kitimat's politicians for trying to Lakelse Lake's Sandy Sandhals Terrace directors Jack Talstra, down the Douglas Channel -- af- a few dollars," he added. :This is the fast year for the save dollars to curry favour with called the move "shortsighted" Bob Cooper, and Thornhiil direc- fect Kitimat. Some directors plan to lobby award which• is designed to •voters in an election year. and said it wotild have drastic im- tor Les Watmough voted for the "These things run in cycles," Kitimat in a final effort to get the recognize a community for its Kitimat gave notice last year of plications on the way the regional plan. added Woeber, noting that issues town's council to reconsider. contribution to the mining in- its intention to pull oat of the district runs. dustry. planning department of the Thomhill's Les Watmough Three other: communities, Kitimat-Stikine Regional District Princeton, Kimberley and saving $22,000. Efforts to per- cn~ti;esttha~ndPl~n°nn~;gimf~°rt~thtCity lottery idea scratched Sandon, located in the suade Kitimat to stay in have so function of the regional district." Kootenays, have also been far failed. "May I suggest Kitimat adopt TERRACE N The province has grants for local projects. said both the ]B.C. Lotteries nominated. • The money will be made up by the ostrich as its national bird," given the thumbs down on a King argued a local scratch branch and Gaming Commis- A winner will be announced the other areas of the regional dis- added Hazelton-ares director proposal the city run its own and win would be a way of tap- sion had told the city March 12 during "Mining trict. Fred Roisum. lottery. ping money spent by residents municipalities were prohibited Week" activities in Van- Terrace will pay another A proposed new agreement m The idea was put forward by on lotteries with the proceeds from operating lotteries. couver. $9,000. Thomhill will make up which Would have allowed councillor Rick King during being used to finance com- However, it could apply for "Terrace has done a lot in about $2,000. The smaller elec- KAtimat and the other council's 'Think Tank' session munity projects. permission to run a raffle, he promoting mining awareness," toral area C (induding Lakelse municipalities in the regional dis- last fall.
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