Since 1975 The Middle East’s Leading English Language Daily Sunday, August 6, 2017 • Dul Qaada 14, 1438 A.H. • 2 Riyals • Vol. XLII • No. 244 • 16 Pages • www.arabnews.com Only 27% of Americans see Qatar as ‘US friend or ally’: Poll Arab News/YouGov survey finds that most Americans who are aware BEN FLANAGAN this latest poll shows the current ten- ARAB NEWS STAFF sions between Qatar and its neighbors is of Doha diplomatic rift identify terror accusations as main reason gaining some significant attention.” LONDON: Just 27 percent of The poll also sought to measure pub- lic opinion regarding the US military Americans consider Qatar a base in Qatar. The Al-Udeid air base 69% either unsure if US military base should remain in Qatar, or think friend or ally to the US, while currently hosts more than 11,000 it should be moved many associate Doha with American soldiers. However, 49 percent accusations of terror financing, of Americans say they are unsure if it is best for the base to remain there, while an Arab News/YouGov poll has 20 percent thought that it should be found. moved somewhere else. Only 31 percent said the base should remain in Qatar. The survey of 2,263 US citizens, con- The study also revealed several find- ducted in July, also found that 31 per- ings regarding the Qatar-owned Al cent of Americans consider Qatar to be Jazeera news network. At one point dur- unfriendly toward or an enemy of their ing the crisis the Anti-Terror Quartet country, while 43 percent either do not (ATQ) — Saudi Arabia, the UAE, know or are unsure about how to clas- Bahrain and Egypt — called for a shut- sify the relationship with Doha. down of the network over its editorial The Arab News/YouGov poll on how guidelines, which allegedly permitted the US views the Qatar crisis was carried terror-related content. out to mark the 60 days since the start According to the Arab News/YouGov of the diplomatic rift between Doha and poll, more than six in 10 Americans are its Arab neighbors Saudi Arabia, the aware of Al Jazeera — but many of UAE, Egypt and Bahrain. those have negative perceptions of it. HOW SEES TIES It found that 71 percent of Americans Half believe that Al Jazeera has a nega- US QATAR’S TERROR are aware, to various extents, of the tive influence on the US image abroad. diplomatic row. It also found that those A majority of those with an opinion on who are aware have a good understand- the matter also believe the network of Americans who are aware of diplomatic rift with Doha recognize it is ing of the reasons behind the crisis, gives a platform to terror groups linked with 67 percent correctly identifying to Osama bin Laden — with 44 percent 67% over terror accusations that Qatar had been accused of support- agreeing with that statement, and only ing terror groups and meddling with 18 percent saying the opposite. The rest the internal affairs of regional coun- of the US respondents — 38 percent tries. — were unsure. not sure if US military base should remain in Qatar, or think it should move “Two months into the crisis, and When asked about their general per- 69% given the US government’s keenness to ceptions of Qatar, the poll found that 50 mediate, it was important to gauge the percent did not have enough informa- sentiment of the American people with tion. regard to this issue,” said Faisal J. Of those who did, the greatest propor- of those aware of Al Jazeera associate it with giving a platform to terror Abbas, editor in chief of Arab News. tion of US citizens — 34 percent — groups linked to Osama bin Laden Stephan Shakespeare, CEO of YouGov associate Qatar with accusations of ter- 44% — the globally renowned online poll- ror financing, compared to just 16 per- ing company — noted that the cent who cited the Gulf state’s contro- American public “is not usually charac- versial hosting of the 2022 FIFA World What the world thinks terized by its high interest in foreign Cup. affairs, rather the opposite. However, Detailed reports — Pages 2, 3 & 9 Writing on the poll !ndings Americans In the Middle Bad news tuned into the East, money can’t for ‘Brand Qatar crisis buy you love Qatar’ STEPHAN SHAKESPEARE SIR JOHN JENKINS FAISAL J. ABBAS 2 CEO & FOUNDER OF YOUGOV 3 CORRESPONDING DIRECTOR, IISS 9 EDITOR IN CHIEF Lebanese army targets Daesh in Ras Baalbek NAJIA HOUSSARI ies and prisoners, and moving the SPECIAL TO ARAB NEWS displaced (families), was financed by the Norwegian Red Cross with a BEIRUT: The Lebanese army on contribution from the Dutch Red Saturday said it targeted Daesh posi- Cross,” the LRC said. tions in Ras Baalbek, resulting in “Upon the request of the Lebanese “the destruction of many fortifica- General Security (LGS),” the LRC tions and vehicles,” and “many con- said it “performed the process of the firmed casualties among the terror- prisoner and dead-body exchange ists.” between the two adversaries, and The army started using advanced transported some detainees held by weaponry, including airstrikes, Lebanese authorities.” against Daesh in the past few days, The LRC said the LGS also Lebanon’s official National News Lebanese soldiers take part in a recent parade at a military assigned it “the task of managing Agency (NNA) reported. academy in Fayadyeh, near Beirut. (Reuters) logistics, escorting and convoys, and A Lebanese military source told transporting the sick and wounded.” Arab News: “Army rocket launchers Lebanese Defense Minister ble of choosing when and how to Accordingly, the LRC said it con- and cannons have been intensifying Yaqoub Sarraf on Friday said the fight any battle, and no political tacted the Syrian Red Crescent, their bombardment of Daesh posts, fighting “will only end when the last party has any right to pressure which provided 161 vehicles with and fear is evident among its mem- inch of (Lebanese) territory is liber- (it)… There are no national, different capacities that entered bers.” ated and all kidnapped soldiers are regional or international forces that Lebanon. freed. The army is our sole protector can pressure the army.” Hezbollah Secretary-General 31 > and we do not seek advice from Meanwhile, the Lebanese Red Hassan Nasrallah said JFS was no anyone.” Cross (LRC) explained in a state- longer holding prisoners from his He added that the army “is ment the role it played in Arsal after party. equipped with vehicles and methods the cease-fire deal between He added that Hezbollah fought that can be relied upon to make the Hezbollah and Jabhat Fateh in Arsal “with capabilities, weapons decisions it deems necessary.” Al-Sham (JFS). and expertise we received with full 9 771319 833054 The army “is the only party capa- “The process of exchanging bod- support from Iran.” .com ARAB NEWS/YOUGOV POLL Sunday, August 6, 2017 2 Americans urge censorship of terror content amid Qatar media row ARAB NEWS LONDON: Most American citizens believe that the AL JAZEERA: 44% SEE IT AS A Qatar-funded Al Jazeera TV network promotes a negative image of the US abroad, with many ‘TERROR PLATFORM’ saying it also acts as a platform for terror groups linked to Osama Most US residents polled are aware of the Qatar-funded TV network – but 44% of bin Laden, according to an Arab News/YouGov those associate it with being a platform for groups linked to Osama bin Laden poll. The survey of 2,263 people found a high awareness of 63% Aware of Al Jazeera 37% Not Aware Al Jazeera among Americans — but also a generally negative public opinion about the network. Slightly more than half Quality of news reporting Promoting US image abroad said that Al Jazeera has a negative influence on the Poor quality 35% Promotes negative influence 50% US image abroad, the survey revealed. And a High quality 28% Promotes positive influence 12% majority of those with an opinion on the matter also Not sure 37% Not sure 38% believe that the network gives a platform to terror groups linked to Osama bin Laden — with 44 percent Influence on US public Platform to terror groups agreeing with that opinion about the Arab world linked to Osama bin Laden statement, and only 18 percent saying the opposite. The rest of the US Negative influence 40% Giving a platform to terror groups 44% respondents — 38 percent — were unsure. Positive influence 21% Refusing to provide platform 18% The Arab News/YouGov Not sure poll, conducted in July, was Not sure 39% 38% carried out to mark the 60 days since the start of the diplomatic rift between Doha and its Arab neighbors Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt More than half of US citizens support censorship of terror content and Bahrain. Should TV channels censor content which promotes terrorist causes or incites hatred? At one point during the crisis, the Anti-Terror Quartet (ATQ) called for a Yes No Not sure shutdown of Al Jazeera over its editorial guidelines, 55% 19% 26% which allegedly permitted terror-related content. Al Jazeera executives have denied such claims. Arab News contacted Al Jazeera requesting comment but did not receive a response. Americans tuned into the Qatar crisis The hard truth about Qatar’s HE crisis over Qatar has cre- they most closely associate with the ated deep diplomatic tensions country and the most common asso- in the Arab world, and they ciation was “being accused of financ- ‘soft power’ failure are now playing out onto an ing terror groups,” chosen by a third.
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