State, Library to have H.W. trustee By Shirley A. McShane soon as a replacement from Harper Woods StaffWnter was selected county candidate Two Harper Woods residents have sub- The dlStClCt library agreement of 1994 nutted applicatIOns for the posItion of stIpulates that the seven-member board Grosse Po1Ote library board trustee The must compClse one member from each of profiles, poSItIOn became avaIlable when trustee the partIclpat10g mumclpalItles and one Steve Matthews was elected 10 June to the at-large trustee Grosse Po1Otp school board A committee conslst1Og of the departmg endorsements Although Matthews IS not prohibIted trustee, the mayor of the trustee's home from servIng on both boards, said John town and the board presIdent will noml- Bruce, library board president, he inside announced that he would step down as See LIBRARY, page 2A Your Community Newspaper Grosse News Vol. 57, No. 30 46 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75( July 25,1996 French student Thursday, July 25 .Help replenish local blood visiting Pointes .sUpplies - which are always low during the summer months - by giving during 'tile Grosse Pointe is a crash victim ,9Ommunity Blood Co\U1Cll's By Shirley A. McShane ents, and V1Ocent, the 15-year- drive from 9 a.m. to -blPod Staff Wnter old brother? What about _80 p.m. at the Grosse Shelagh Wmter wrote a long ElIsabeth? She was supposed War Memorial. letter to Celine RIO's parents to leave for Atlanta on Fnday and transports- and tucked it into the 12-year- to see the OlympICS What do available upon request. old French glrl's suitcase on you say to a 12-year-old who's '4 (813) 884-5542. Wednesday afternoon, July 17, Just lost her best friend? ~turday, July 27 Just before RIo departed for the aIrport and what was supposed See CRASH. page 3A .,Priday Night Live and to be a long flIght home to Saturday, Too returns to the Franrp .today and Sunday, Shelagh's daughter, Shores 28. The event features ElIsabeth Winter, also 12, and I, . ewalk sales, food and RIo became fast fnends in 1995 l~ent, includIng a 1 through the French-Amencan ~. Saturday, concert at the Back-to-Back student couple ~er of Kercheval and St. exchange program through the ,Clair featuring Ron Coden Grosse Pomte PublIc School 'bd Josh White Jr., along System. also lost Withl special guest Jef Fisk, 1n sync Last Wednesday was RIo's A Gros'ie Pomte Shore" doc- as part of the MU8JC on the final day 10 MichIgan and the tor and hiS Wife, on their way City of Groaec Pointe .... mmtng coach Rubio LocniIkar.Hartnett, left. I1IDII conclusion of a 2 1/2-week to Pans to celebrate their wed- f>l.lwl summer concert series. through the drills with her II1rim team In prepuatJon for a July 19 .:ynchroDized reumon for the pre-teens dmg annIversary, also were :can ~13) 884-8075 for more swimming show at Neff Park. Partlcipauts Included carolyn Gough. Nina Gough, The usual last-minute pack- among the 230 people who dlPd Abformation. EHzaheth Dawfuon. Jamie MOIris, Am.ncla Fleig, Courtney Benz, Gillian. RabbItt mg and rushmg and good-byes on TWA flIght 800 on Julv 17 'Y'illtdav, ] uJy 28 Ad ~t ~ • were talong place inSIde the " . Dr Ghassan HauTnIll, 51. a Wmter household in Grosse va~(,111Hr qurgeon Ufho \\'orked f" ..... """""" ....... ~__ -~--~.,. alo--115 Pomte Woods, where RIO .... tJrfront when the out of 8t Joseph Mercy ~ stayed for most of her VISit. HospItal 10 Cllllton Thwm,hlp, GroMe Pointe Community G.P. teachers again negotiating There wasn't time to say all Band performs at 2 p.m. and hiS Wife, N1Oa, 54, are sur- By Shirley A. McShane replacing Lynn O'Connor And she wanted to say, so Shelagh uear the picnic pavilion at negative talk of any kInd." VIVedby four children StaffWnter the Grosse Po1Ote Public wrote it 10 a letter, that, among ~ Park in Grosse Pointe "In the old process, teams '"Their death IS a huge lo<;sto A breath of fresh air. That's LIbrary's libranans are no other things, mvited the entire - • All Pointe area resi- came to the table WIth theIr the medIcal commumty and to what both Sides are calling a RIo family to come back to }ledta are welcome. The longer part of the GPEA. hsts and they'd trade off back thiS commulllty," saId famdy bargalmng practice bemg used Everyone has to contend Grosse Pomte at Christmas hand, of eastside and forth," Bryk said "With frIend Gerry Mlserendmo of Composed by the Grosse Pomte Education WIth the fmanclal limitatIOns Then, later that evenmg, ,.reeideDits ages 12 to 70, will thiS, you come 10 with mterest Grosse Po1Ote Woods AsSOCiation and the Grosse of Proposal A and the GPEA when Ehsabeth was asleep, ~avarietyorarra.nge- areas and diSCUSS Informally. Mlserendmo and his Wife, Pomte school board membership has changed smce Shelagh receIved a phone call There IS more chalog and you're Cathy, hve 10 the Woods home ~ts, including John The two-year contract for the the chstrict offered a voluntary from her fiance He asked if 'Williams' Olympic themes not restncted to Just the pro- the Hauram famIly formerly 510 teachers 10 the GPEA, the incentive program buyout posal that IS 10 front of you" she had heard about a TVVA -8Dd music from "RIllders of owned In fact, that IS how the local umt of the Michigan package 10 1994 One hundred fhght bound for Pans that had ~ Lost Ark." Bring your The mutual gams process Mlserendmos befnended the EducatIOn AsSOCIatIOn, teachers were hrred by the dIS- exploded and plummeted lOto own picnic basket and chairs was Introduced to Grosse Hauranis National Education tnct 10 1994, and most are at Pomte school employee uruon the ocean off Long Island It JDd blankets. '"They gave us the key AsSOCiation Local 1, expires on the begmnmg of their careers, leaders and admlOistrators m was the connector flight that months before closmg and S81d Aug. 31 Teams for both sides Bryk sald 1995 by Ed Hartfield, a consul- RIo had boarded 10 New York Monday, July 29 we could come and go as we have been meetmg and Different, too, is the tant with the National Center "We are devastated," pleased," he said. "We had , The Grosse Pomte Park smre January approach both Sides are tak10g for Dispute ResolutIOn, Shelagh said last Thursday them over after we had reno- ~ Council meets at 7 p_m. A number of factors make to the process Washchuk sald afternoon. "I felt Cehne was vated so they could see what W the municipal court room thlE session dIfferent from the "We have been us10g the "We went through the tram- one of our famIly She was hke __ city hall, 15115 E. we had done Then they had us last time around in 1994. mutual galDS process for bar- mg a year and a half ago," a daughter to me." over to thClr house. They had erson. The school dlstnct has a new g81mng," Washchuk s81d "It IS Washchuk said ''It requires a Shelagh, Elisabeth, and an Impact on everyone they director of personnel Eugene a welcome breath of fresh aIr major commItment from the ElIsabeth's father, Karl Wmter met, that's Just the kmd of peo- Washchuk replaced Ron Thnks It's a variation of win-WIn The umon leadership as well as the of Beverly HIlls, gathered at ple they were " INSIDE m 1994 The GPEA has a new greater Issue IS to have real, admmistratlon We succeeded her home In the Woods on preSIdent Parcells sCience contmuous. open and honest WIth It when we negotiated Thursday, along WIth other Mlserendmo s81d the family members, and tned to Haurams were a close-kmt ;Opinion 6A teacher RosalIe Bryk, who has dialog and work WIth problems WIth the plant and cafetena 29 years of expenence m the as they occur We try to see the umon thIs year. We had some sort out the preVIous 24 hours family He often saw them hav- "Obituaries 14A dlstnct, was elected the new benefit to solutIOns for both They kept the televiSIOn tuned 109 dmner together or playlOg to CNN. They waited by the Seniors 15A umon preSIdent 0'1 Juh 1 ~ldes We work hard to a\ Old a round of golf at the Lochmoor See TEACHERS, page SA phone. Club They also were a very &boob; 16A "We WIsh we knew what to pnvate famdy and the four Autos 19A do," Shelagh saId, runmng chIldren - one a selllor at Business 22A through theIr optIOns Should Grosse Pomte North HIgh they go to New York? Should School and three In college -- Entertainment 6B they go to France to be WIth the have declined 10tervlews WIth Sports 1C rest of the RIo famlly, Jean- the electrolllc and pnnt media C14ssi{ied ads 4C LoUIS and Veromque, the par- - ShIr!p; A Mc'-;hall€ Summer in the city Home: Grosse Po1Ote Farms Some thing. never change. Summers are hot. ChUdren etill eet up Age: 17 lemonade elands OD News can appear one Family: Parents, Al and etreet comers. And DOth- day and be gone ft1e Jane, Sister, KrIstina next But the paper InC ref.reaheII like a taU gJau of the cool cltJua news ISpnnted on can Claim to fame: Recipient of drink. and should live on Girl Scout Gold Award Lost year more thon Takln, advaDt.,e ot opttmaJ coodlUona one third of all U S lIe1llilI Quote: '"The award brought newspllnt was recycled OD a maw da)' lut week, ,oung entrepreneun.
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