THE FOUR SEASONS OF BLACK­ best be described as old-school British. POOL. Arnold Loxam at the Tower The recording job makes it sound as if Ballroom Wurlitzer. Available from: The you were right on top of the shutters, Organ Literature Foundation, 45 Norfolk add to that the brightness of the instru­ Road, Braintree, MA 02184-5915. Price ment, and it can get to be just a little much is: CD $20.00, plus $2.00 postage per order. after awhile. Selections include: Spring (Vivaldi) ex­ It should be noted that this recording cerpt, In The News, The Cuckoo Waltz, ses.5ionwas done in 1972, and some of this Easter Parade, Jeepers Creepers, Summer material was released on an LP titled "Lady (Vivaldi) excerpt, Sohre Las Olas, Stan­ Be Good." Because of the time frame, and ley Park, Autumn (Vivaldi) excerpt, the fact that some of these takes were on October Twilight, Mack the Knife, Can't vinyl, you would have to assume that the We Sing Love's Old Sweet Song Again, master was analog. The transfer to digital September Song, Winter (Vivaldi) ex­ was so well done that you would be hard cerpt, Sleigh Ride in Alaska, The Dance pressed to know that it was an analog of the Icicles, You Made Me Love You. master. ORGAN: BRIGHT AND PRETTY This recording is recommended. PERFORMANCE: VERY WELL DONE RECORDING: CLEAN AND FULL WITH A TOUCH OF MAGIC. Searle If you notice some similarities between Wright at the Forum Theatre 4/24 BLACKPOOL REVISITED. Robert this recording and the one of Robert Wolfe, Robert-Morton, with Judy Giblin, soloist. Wolfe at the Tower Ballroom Wurlitzer. they were produced and recorded by the Available from: BC Pops, 1 Marine Mid­ Available from: The Organ Literature same man, on the same instrument. That's land Plaza, 6th Floor West Tower, Bing­ Foundation, 45 Norfolk Road, Braintree, where the similarities end. It's always in­ hamton, New York 13901. ~tte $10.50 MA 02184-5915. Prices are: ~tte $9.00, teresting to hear two performers get quite postpaid. CD $20.00, plus $2.00 postage per order. different things from the same instrument. Selections are: Luck be a Lady Tonight, Selections are: High School Cadets Arnold Loxam could perhaps best be One Morning in May, Valse In A, It All March, The Wind Beneath My Wings, described as traditional old school British Depends on You, Beginner's Luck, My Meditation, South American Joe/Tequila, stylings. He is a very competent organist Heart Tells Me It's So, Kitten on the Unchained Melody/True Love Ways, who obviously enjoys what he is doing, Keys, Claire de Lune, Jeanine I Dream of Selections from Annie, Spanish Flea/The and I feel that it is quite impossible for it Lilac Time, ATOS March, Desafinado Wedding Samba/Cumana, As I Love not to rub off on the listener. Also, I found (Off Key), I've Got the World on a String, You/Once In a While/Sentimental Journey, his ballads to be superb. Jitterbug Waltz, A Stranger in Town, Money /Money is the Root of all Evil, This recording was an enjoyable 74 Paris in New York, The Way You Look We're in the Money, Somewhere Out minutes and is recommended. Tonight, Serenade for a Wealthy Widow, There, Jerome Kern Medley No. 1, Jerome Suddenly, It's So Peaceful in the Country, Kern Medley No. 2, Selections from Les MANCHESTER GAUMONT MEM­ Everything's Coming Up Roses. Miserables. ORIES. Doreen Chadwick at the 4/14 ORGAN: VERY NICE ORGAN: BRIGHT & PRETTY Wurlitzer. Available from: Lawrence PERFORMANCE: WELL DONE PERFORMANCE: WELL DONE Whitfield, 11 Horseshoe Drive, Etching RECORDING: TOO CLOSE? RECORDING: ~LEAN AND FULL Hill, Rugeley, Staffs, WS15 wRF, Eng­ While this was overall an enjoyable re­ As you might expect from the title there land. Prices are $21.00 for the CD, and cording, there were lots of little things are several Blackpool-style dance numbers $14.00 for the Cassette, postpaid airmail. wrong with it. It is my irnpres.sion that not included in this recording. There are also No credit card or COD orders. enough time was spent on the project, or many straightforward theatre organ style Selections are: Doreen, Nights of Glad­ there may not have been enough time to arrangements. There should be enough nes.s, Phantom Brigade, Fats Waller Selec­ spend. Mr. Wright's performance was here to please just about everybody. Unles.s tion, El Mosquito, Petula ciark Hits, Sleepy creditable and competent, but there were I miss my bet, Robert Wolfe set out to do Shores, Girls Are Made to Love and Kiss, several small fluffs. While I'm not qualified just that. Mr. Wolfe has progressed much Tell Me I'm Forgiven, Forgotten Dreams, to review vocals, I can say that Ms. Giblin since the last time I heard him. His playing Singin' in the Rain Medley, Punch and was not always exactly on pitch, and I is less frantic and much more refined. Judy Polka, Theme from Exodus, Doreen. personally found the quality of her voice With the exception of the opener, ''High ORGAN: BRIGHT to be perhaps a touch shrill. This might be School Cadets March," I enjoyed listening PERFORMANCE: BUBBLY explained by a lack of time to warm up. to this recording. From time to time I did RECORDING: CLOSE The organ was my favorite part of this find myself taking exception to the way Every time I listen to a Doreen Chad­ recording, but there was a lot of mechan­ he did some things, but that's just a matter wick recording I always enjoy myself. Her ical noise, shutters and tremulants being of taste. active and gutsy arrangements never cease the most noticeable. The recording engineer, John R. Taylor, to be a pleasure. Her ballads are lush and My overall impression of the recording recorded this organ more like I remember lovely as well. The one thing that impressed job is that it was miked too close. Some the old Reginald Dixon vinyl recordings. me the most, perhaps, was the flawless of the mechanical noise might have been He captured the lively room acoustics very timing. reduced if the mikes had been farther back. well. An excellent job in my opinion. The organ is almost overwhelmingly There were also a couple of editing boo­ I have always like the Blackpool Tower bright. It sounds as if it is half reeds, done hoos. Wurlitzer. It is sweet and bright. in the typical British style of tonal finish­ In spite of all of these little problems, I I feel most people will enjoy this re­ ing. The tremulants are old-school British, thoroughly enjoyed this recording. I feel cording. fast and nervous. Overall the organ could that it is well worth the money. 16 • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER1991 THEATREORGAN The recording makes me feel like I am right there in this cavernous theatre . Since "Hobbyist Division" the room is the 'soundboard' for an organ, of the it is essential to capture the room as well Young Theatre Organist as the organ, and not sacrifice one for the Competition other, as is too often the case. Jim Stemke This new division was established to has done a masterful job accomplishing it, help all you hobbyist organ players be­ as usual. come more familiar with the theatre I don't usually comment on any aspect pipe organ . Every entrant will receive of packaging, but this time I will make an helpful written evaluations from our exception. I found the 1iner notes ' to be obscure, unamusing, and an insult to my judges and your $5.00 entry fee will help intelligence. raise funds for the YTOC. Your taped entry will be judged on the following: I can almost guarantee that if you don't buy this recording you will hate yourself. • Accuracy and Clarity • Registrations It gets the highest possible recommenda­ • Phrasing and Dynamics • Use of The­ Elliott at the Shea's Buffalo Wurlitzer. tion. atre Organ Stylings and Resources, and Available from: Crystell Productions, Thanks to all who were involved for • General Musicality. The judges for P .0. Box 705, Menlo Park, CA 94026. this first annual hobbyist division com­ producing this recording. Prices are: CD$18. 75, Cassette $12. 75, petition will be JOHN LEDWON and postpaid. Outside continental U.S. add JIMRIGGS . $3.00 per item, U.S . funds only. Calif. BRIGHTLY SHINING. Carlo Curley ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: residents add sales tax. at the 4/118 E.M. Skinner at Girard C,ol­ The hobbyist division is open to all Selections are: Shuffle Off to Buffalo , lege, Philadelphia. Available from your non-professional organists, ages 22 to Wait for Tomorrow, Espana Cani , Kiss local music store, or ask for Argo 430 837-2. 105. (If you're older, enter anyway ... Me Kate Medley, Isn't it Romantic , The There are 11 selections of Romantic Organ we11 fudge the rules a bit!) Lady is a Tramp, Loving, The Phantom of Music. Included are such composers as All entries must be played on a THE­ the Opera Selections, In My Garden , Reger, Franck, Dupre, Langlais, etc . ATRE PIPE ORGAN. (Sorry . no Bess You Is My Woman , South Pacific ORGAN: KILLER electronics, please!) Symphonic Scenario . PERFORMANCE: EXCELLENT Each individual entry must be sub­ ORGAN: CREAM OF THE CROP RECORDING: CLEAN mitted on a separate cassette tape. You must play TWO selections of PERFORMANCE: SUPERB Oassical organ recordings are not usually your choice. (We suggest you select RECORDING: TOP NOTCH done in these pages. I felt that this one music that best shows off your playing BRAVO! There has been such a rash of was so exceptional that we could make an ability.) Both selections combined well-done recordings of late that coming exception.
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