21 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2251 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1954-Cancellation Wellington Central: Daniel Johnston Riddiford. of Registration of Industrial Union Westland: Patrick Blanchfield. Eastern Maori: Puti Tipene Watene. Northern Maori: Matiu Rata. PURSUANT to section 85 of the Industrial Conciliation and Southern Maori: Eruera Tihema Tirikatene. Arbitration Act 1954, it is hereby notified that the registration Western Maori: Iriaka Ratana. of the New Zealand Radio Officers Industrial Union of Workers, Registered No. 1922, situated at C.T.A. Building, Dated art Wellington this 20th day of December 1966. 109 Customhouse Qvay, Wellington, is hereby cancelled as J. V. MEECH, Clerk of the Writs. from the date of the publication of this notice in the (I.A. 72/2/3) Gazette. Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 1966. H. G. DUNCAN, The Standards Act 1965-Amendment of Standard Specificatz'on Registrar of Industrial Unions, Department of Labour. ___;__, PURSUANT to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965, the Standards Council, on 14 December 1966, amended the under­ Members of the House of Representatives Elected-General mentioned standard specification by the incorporation of the Election amendment shown hereunder: Number and Title of Standard Specification Amendment PURSUANT to the Electoral Act 1956, I have received returns NZSS 1818: 1963 Small fusion-welded air reser- to the Writs issued on 26 October 1966 for the election of voirs for road and railway vehicles; being BS members of Parliament to serve in the House of Representa­ 3256: 1960 ...... ...... ...... ...... No. 4 (PD tives for the electoral districts hereinafter specified, and by 5326) the endorsement on those writs it appears that the under­ Application for copies of the standard specification so mentioned persons have been duly elected members for the amended should be made to the Standards Association of said districts, viz: New Zealand, Private Bag, Wellington C. 1. Ashburton: Robert Leslie Gapper Talbot. Copies of the amendment will be supplied, free of charge, Auckland Central: Norman Vazey Douglas. upon request. Avon: John Mathison. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of December 1966. Awarua: Gordon Glendinning Grieve. Bay of Plenty: Percy Benjamin Allen. G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Buller: Wallace Edward Rowling. Standards Association of New Zealand. Christchurch Central: Robert Mafeking Macfarlane. (S.A. 114/2/3: 120) Clutha: John Bowie Gordon. Dunedin Central: Brian Peter MacDonell. Dunedin North: Ethel Emma McMillan. Eden: John Rae. The Standards Act 1965-Standard Specifications Revoked Egmont: Venn Spearman Young. Fendalton: Harry Robson Lake. PURSUANT to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965, the Franklin: Alfred Ernest Allen. Standards Council, on 14 December 1966, revoked the under­ Gisborne: Esme Irene Tombleson. mentioned standard specifications: Grey Lynn: Ritchie Macdonald. Hamilton: Lancelot Raymond Adams-Schneider. Number and Title of Standard Specification Hastings: Duncan MacIntyre. NZSS GP 18: 1956 Men's long overall coats. Hauraki: Arthur Ellis Kinsella. NZSS GP 32: 1956 Combination overall suits in drill, jean, Hawke's Bay: John Richard Harrison. and denim. Heretaunga: Ronald Leslie Bailey. Hobson: Vernon Francis Cracknell. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of December 1966. Hutt: Walter Nash. G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Invercargill: Josiah Ralph Hanan. Standards Association of New Zealand. Island Bay: Arnold Henry Nordmeyer. (S.A. 114/2/7: 11~12) Karori: John Ross Marshall. Lyttelton: Norman Eric Kirk. Manawa tu: Leslie Walter Gandar. Manukau: Colin James Moyle. The Standards Act 1965-New Zealand Standard Recom­ Manurewa: Phillip Albert Amos. men~ation Adopted Marlborough: Thomas Philip Shand. Marsden: Donald Norman McKay. Miramar: William Lambert Young. PURSUANT to the Standards Act 1965, the Standards Council, Mount Albert: Warren Wilfred Freer. on 14 December 1966, approved the issue of the under­ Napier: Gordon Christie. mentioned standard recommendation: Nelson: Stanley Austin Whitehead. Price of New Lynn: Jonathan Lucas Hunt. Copy New Plymouth: Ronald Morrison Ba.relay. Number and Title of Standard Recommendation (Post Free) North Shore: George Frederick Gair. s. d. Onehunga: Hugh Watt. NZSR 8 :~ Lining of vessels and equipment Otago Central: John Hannibal George. for chemical processesl_ Otaki: Allan Mccready. Part 4: 1966 Plasticized PVC sheet; being Pahiatua: Keith Jacka Holyoake. BS/CP 3003:Part 4:1965 ...... 6 0 Pakuranga : Robert James Tizard. Application for copies should be made to the Standards Palmerston North: William Henry Brown. Association of New Zealand, Private Bag, Wellington C. 1. Petone: Michael Moohan. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of December 1966. Piako: John Finlay Luxton. Porirua: Henry Leonard James May. G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Raglan: Douglas Julian Carter. Standards Association of New Zealand. Rangiora: Herbert Elmer Lorraine Pickering. (S.A. 114/2/4:11) Rangitikei: Norman Leslie Shelton. Remuera: David Allan High.et. Riccarton: Michael Aynsley Connelly. Bay of Islands Development Scheme Amending Notice 1966, Rodney: William John Scott. No. 12 Roskill: Arthur James Faulkner. Rotorua: Henry Robert Lapwood. St. Albans: Herbert fohn Walker. WHEREAS, by virtue of the notice described in the First St. Kilda: William Alex Fraser. Schedule hereto, the land described in the Second Schedule Selwyn: Colin Campbell Alexander McLachlan. hereto is now subject to Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act Stratford: David Spence Thomson. 1953, and it is desired to vary the same: Sydenham: Mabel Bowden Howard. Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Tamaki: Robert David Muldoon. Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as Taupo: Rona Mirial Stevenson. follows: Tauranga: George Augustus Walsh. Timaru: Basil Maloolm Arthur. Waimarino: Roy Emile Jack. NOTICE Waipa: Leslie Knox Munro. 1. This notice may be cited as the Bay of Islands Develop­ Wairarapa: Haddon Vivian Donald. ment Scheme Amending Notice 1966, No. 12. Waitakere: Allan Martyn Finlay. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is Waitaki: Allan David Dick. hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land described Waitemata: Norman James King. in the Second Schedule hereto. Waitomo: David Coutts Seath. 3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is Wallace: Brian Edward Talboys. hereby released from Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act Wanganui: George Arthur Spooner. 1953. D .
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