DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM CADILA’S3-DOSESHOTBASEDONDNAPLATFORM FirstCovid-19vaccine ` 98 per kilo ` 126 per kilo forchildrenabove12yrs ` 155 per kilo ` getsemergencyusenod 58 per Dozen THE FALL OF KAUNAINSHERIFFM 66%efficacy recorded; needle-free, KABUL TO NEWDELHI,AUGUST20 2nddose at 28 days,3rd at 56 days TALIBAN GUJARAT-BASED Zydus Cadila's phase III clinical trials results in three-dose Covid-19vaccine was consultation with the subjectex- WHATITMEANS on Fridaygranted emergency pertcommittee, it has approved FOR INDIA use authorisation foruse in ZyCoV-D “for restricted usein ASERIES adultsand children above 12, emergency situation in Indiafor makingitpotentiallythe first 12 years and above”. The vaccine vaccine to be administeredtothe Low-cost, no is to be administeredatdays 0, THESINSOFEMPIRE adolescent population in India. 28, and, 56, the regulator said. By Pratap BhanuMehta P8 With the central drug regu- cold storage Whilethe vaccine has been lator clearing the vaccine, Zydus approved foruse in the adoles- THETALIBAN Cadila's ZyCoV-D is settobe- ZYCOV-Disthe world's cent population, it's forthe gov- WARCHEST come the firstCovid vaccine can- firstCovid-19vaccine ernment to take acall on By Krishn Kaushik P7 didatedevelopedonaplasmid built on aDNA platform whether to roll out the vaccina- Defence MinisterRajnath Singh with Congress president Sonia Gandhi at Parliament House on Friday. PTI DNAplatformtobecommer- to be granted emer- tion drive forthis agegroup. ciallyintroducedanywherein gency useauthorisa- So far, thereare three vac- the world. tion. UnlikemRNAvac- cines that arebeing usedin BUSINESSASUSUAL The vaccine, jointlydevel- cines, DNA-based India's immunisation drive -- Sonia to Opposition: No alternative, opedinpartnershipwith the vaccines do notrequire SII's Covishield, Bharat Biotech's BY UNNY Department of Biotechnology, ultra-cold storagesys- Covaxin and Russia's Sputnik V. had demonstrated aprimaryef- tems andare said to be Moderna's mRNAvaccineand need to come together, plan for 2024 ficacy of 66.66per cent in phase morecost-effective. the single-dose vaccine devel- 3clinical trials. It wasthe first Zydusalso claims that opedbyJohnson &Johnson have Covid-19 vaccineinIndia to be itstechnology is ideal also receivedEUA,but theyare Says needtoriseabove compulsions; Pawar, Uddhav, Mamatabackcall tested in theadolescent popula- fortackling Covid-19 as notbeing usedinthe vaccination tion -- those in the 12-18-year it can be easily adapted drive yet. Congress, Gandhi said all parties “The people arethe leaders. takentothe people in suchaway agegroup. to dealwithmutations Topgovernmentsources said EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE have some “compulsions” but it Letusset up acoregroup and that people believe in it.” On Friday, the Indian drug in the virus. the Zydus DNACovid-19vaccine NEWDELHI,AUGUST20 wastime to rise above them. work together,” Banerjee said. Sources said it wasdecided regulator said in atweet that af- is likelytoarriveinthe marketby Trinamool Congress chief Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that the leaders will nowmeet terevaluating the “interim” CONTINUEDONPAGE2 SPEAKINGFOR the firsttime on and West BengalChief Minister toosuggestedthat the parties morefrequentlytoarriveata the needfor Opposition parties Mamata Banerjee said the par- should project an “alternate” vi- consensus on developing a“co- to come together ahead of the ties should notfocus on identi- sion to the BJP,espousing their ordination framework”toiden- 2024 Lok Sabhaelections, fying a“leader”. idea of India. tifyissues to be raisedjointly. Congress president Sonia Gandhi “Forgetwho is the leader,let’s Shiv Sena’s SanjayRaut, who “This is abeginning,” one leader told topOpposition leaders keep our personal interests attendedthe meeting alongwith told The Indian Express. Being made scapegoatbyMaharashtra BENGALPOST-POLL Fridaythat thereis“simplynoal- aside,” she said.She suggested party chief Uddhav Thackeray, Referring to the assembly VIOLENCE:CBISEEKS ternative” before them but to that everyOpposition party,in- said: “Uddhavji said that in view electionsnextyear,CPI general govt: Shukla to HC on phone tap case DETAILSOFCASES work “cohesively together”. cludingeventhosenotalliedwith of the 2024general elections, the secretaryDRajasaid the parties PAGE 5 At ameeting of 19 theCongress, should beinvitedas Opposition should uniteand should focus on 2022 firstand Sitaram Kuntecan’t disown role in Opposition parties, including the “fight is againstthe BJP”. Opposition unity should be CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OMKARGOKHALE MUMBAI,AUGUST20 sanctioninginterceptions, courttold SENIOR IPS officer Rashmi said that Kunte, whohad sanc- complaint filedbythe State Somnath proof that ideology Shukla on Fridayalleged before tionedphone-tapping, “cannot IntelligenceDepartment. the BombayHigh Courtthat the absolve himself”byputting the The alleged tapping of Maharashtra government had blame on the senior “uprightof- phones had takenplace when DEAR INDIA, 2047 of terror does not last: PM made her a“scapegoat” and was ficer”. Shuklaheadedthe Stateintelli- harassing her by registeringan Adivision benchofJustices S gence Department (SID). Shukla Aletter from... FIR in the alleged illegal phone- SShinde and NJJamadarwas is currentlyserving as additional The PM the Parvati temple in Somnath, tappingcase. hearing aplea by Shukla against director general of the CRPF’s EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE inaugurated and inaugurating severalproj- Shuklasaid the government the FIR lodged under the Official South Zone and is postedin RAJKOT,AUGUST20 temple ectsonthe premisesand around wasinstead shielding Sitaram SecretsAct, 1923, at BKCcyber Hyderabad. projects the Somnath temple complex. Kunte, the then stateadditional police station againstunidenti- BJPleader DevendraFadnavis CITINGTHE number of times the “This”, he said, “was as true chief secretary, who currently fied persons forallegedlytap- had cited aletterpurportedly Somnath temple wasraided, and when some tyrannicalforces holds the positionofChief ping phones and leaking certain written by Shukla to thethen the fact that it had emergedfrom Suchforces and empires “can were razing Somnath (temple) as SecretaryofMaharashtra. She confidential documentsona CONTINUEDONPAGE2 eachsuchevent, Prime Minister becomedominant forsome time it is today, when the worldisap- NarendraModi said on Friday in agiven era, but cannever be- prehensive of suchideologies”. that “those destructive forces, comepermanent. Theycannot India should seek “tolearn from and the ideology that establishes keep humanity suppressedfor historyto correct the present and an empire on thefoundation of long,” Modi said while laying vir- createanew future”,Modi said. Icongratulate you for terror”, could notlastlong. tuallythe foundation stone of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 voting to keep India a free democracy J&K ex-Deputy CM who slammed govt land transfer was also illegal occupant RATAN TATA Says don’t know how, whenrevenue deptentered name FIHAD the opportunity of writing to the young Indian Icitizens in 2047,the year in whichIndia would attain a and 2016.Khasranumber is a 100yearsofindependence, Iwould saythe following: ARUNSHARMA plotnumber giventoapiece of To the young Indian citizensof2047, JAMMU,AUGUST20 land by the revenue department. Iwould liketocongratulate youasmembers who have Sharma is an independent votedtokeep Indiaasafreelyvotingdemocracy whichhas FORMER DEPUTYCHIEF Kavinder councillor and representsIndra peacefullysettledborder disputes and MinisterofJammu and Kashmir Gupta Colony, Janipur,inthe Jammu religious controversies. During these and senior BJP leader Kavinder Municipal Corporation. Shiv AN EXPRESS years, Iwouldhopethat India will have Gupta,who described the trans- Rattan Gupta is aresident of SERIES achievedameaningful position in the ferofstate landunderthe con- Tehsildar under an RTIapplica- IndraColony. global economicarena with itsstable troversial Roshni Act(nowan- tion filedbyAdvocateSheikh Both Kavinder Gupta and economic policies withthe vision of the government in nulled) to privateindividuals as Shakeel,KavinderGupta along Sharma deniedhaving occupied power. “land jihad” in the run-up to with twoothers —Subash governmentland in Ghaink vil- Above all,Iwouldhope that youwould continuetotake DistrictDevelopmentCouncil Sharma and ShivRattan Gupta lage. “I swear by my parents that your place as partofanation that will uphold and supporta (DDC) electionslastNovember, —jointlyoccupiedKhasraNo. Idon’tknowastohow andwhen government that willstand forcontinuing peaceand eco- washimself an illegal occupant 1789 measuring 23 kanaal, 9 revenueofficialsentered agir- nomic stability in the futureyears. of stateland from 2010 till the marla (8 kanaal=1acreor4,047 dawari pertaining to 23 kanals THEWRITERISCHAIRMANEMERITUS,TATASONS; beginning of 2017. sq m, 1marla =270 sq ft)atvil- and 9marla statelandatGhaink CHAIRMAN,TATATRUSTS According to information ob- lageGhaink in Bhalwal tehsil in in my name, and howand when tainedfromthe Bhalwal Jammu district between 2010 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 WFI president slams private bodies, says won’tselect wrestlerstheyback PAGE 1 Sharan Singh has warnedplay- ing twoearlier this month in ANCHOR ers who areassociated withpri- Tokyo. Dahiya, who competedin vate,not-for-profit companies the 57-kgweight class,
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