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Holy Friday April 20 ...................................................................... Renewal Monday May 25 ........................................................................... Memorial Day May 28 .......................................................................... The Ascension July 4 (closed July 6).............................................. Independence Day August 15 ....................................................... Dormition of Theotokos September 7 ........................................................................ Labor Day September 14 .................................................. Exaltation of the Cross October 12 .................................................................... Columbus Day November 26-27 ............................................................... Thanksgiving December 25-26 .................................................................. Christmas The Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is published by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. The information contained in this yearbook is for informational purposes only. Certain individuals, institutions, and organizations are pre- sented for reference purposes only and may not be under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Editor: Rev. Presbyter Philemon Sevastiades Layout: George E. Bourous Advisors: V. Rev. Protopresbyter George Passias Constantine Deligiannis Assistance provided by: Rev. Presbyter Mark Arey Athena Beltecas Dimitra Colovos Katherine Diamantis Thalia Georghiou Dr. Nicholas Kladopoulos Apostolos Lambropoulos Rev. Presbyter Stanley Markantonis Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos Printer: Delta Printing, Inc. 2 CONTENTS General Information Department of National Ministries Archdiocese Holidays.......................................... 2 Stewardship Ministries ............................. 105 Patriarch’s Message (Greek) ............................. 4 St. Basil Academy ...................................... 106 Archbishop’s Message (English) ....................... 6 Greek Education and Culture .................. 107 Patriarch’s Message (English) ........................... 8 Youth and Young Adult Ministries .............. 110 Archbishop’s Message (Greek) ......................... 9 Benefits Committee ................................... 111 The Archdiocese in 1997 ................................... 10 Ionian Village ..............................................112 Major Greek Orthodox Holy Days ...................... 14 Religious Education ..................................113 Moveable Ecclesiastical Dates......................... 15 St. Michael’s Home for the Aged ............... 115 Patriarchal Ecclesiastical Calendar (English) .. 16 Orthodox Christian Mission Center .......... 116 Patriarchal Ecclesiastical Calendar (Greek)... 17 Department of Communications 1998 Monthly Calendar ..................................... 18 Orthodox Observer ..................................... 117 Directory of Autocephalous Churches.............. 42 Greek Orthodox Telecommunications ..... 119 Ecumenical Patriarchate Directory (Greek) ..... 44 Public Relations/News and Information . 120 Ecumenical Patriarchate Directory (English)... 53 Internet Ministries...................................... 121 Archdiocese of America ..................................... 61 Office of Publications ................................ 122 Synod of Bishops ............................................... 62 Archdiocese of New York ................................... 63 Archdiocesan Organizations Chancellery......................................................... 65 Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Office of the Archbishop ..................................... 66 Endowment Fund...................................... 123 National Ministries ............................................. 67 DOXA .......................................................... 128 Department of Communications...................... 70 Orthodox Chaplains .................................. 129 Diocese of New Jersey ..................................... 71 Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute 132 Diocese of Detroit .............................................. 72 St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center . 133 Diocese of Atlanta .............................................. 73 All Saints Center ....................................... 133 Diocese of Chicago ........................................... 74 Guadalupe Homes ................................... 134 Diocese of San Francisco ................................. 75 Patriarch Athenagoras National Institute 135 Diocese of Pittsburgh ........................................ 76 Philoxenia House...................................... 135 Diocese of Boston ............................................. 77 Parish Directory ......................................... 136 Diocese of Denver ............................................. 78 Monastic Communities ............................ 157 SCOBA ................................................................ 79 Directory of Priests .................................... 158 Episcopal Assistant/Retired Bishops .............. 80 Clergy with Lay Professions .................... 175 Retired Priests .......................................... 176 Office of Archbishop Office of Archbishop Diocesan and Parish Summer Camps .. 184 Archdiocesan Council ....................................... 81 Pastoral Guides ........................................ 186 Office of the Chief Secretariat ........................... 82 Hellenic College/Holy Cross ............................ 83 Jurisdictions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity ...... 84 Stavropegial Monasteries and Churches 182 Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarch ............... 85 Albanian Orthodox Diocese ..................... 189 Ecumenical Office .............................................. 91 Belarusian Council ................................... 189 National Philoptochos ....................................... 92 American Carpatho-Russian Diocese ... 190 Hellenic Cultural Center .................................... 94 Ukrainian Orthodox Church...................... 195 National Forum of Other Information Greek Orthodox Church Musicians .................. 95 Senior Residences................................... 201 St. Photios National Shrine ............................... 96 Social Services.......................................... 202 Office of the Chancellor Embassies of Cyprus............................... 203 Archdiocesan Presbyters Council .................... 97 Embassies of Greece .............................. 204 National Sisterhood of Presvyteres .................. 98 Federations and Organizations ............... 205 Interchurch/Interfaith Marriages ........................ 99 Press and Publications ............................ 225 Office of Management Information Systems .100 Radio and Television Programs.............. 228 Office of Finance ..............................................101 Archdiocesan Departments ..................... 233 Registry .............................................................102 Telephone References ............................. 235 Archives.............................................................104 Four-year calendar .................................... 238 3 Éåñπ ôáôå Áñ÷éå∂ ßóêï∂ å Áìåñéê∏ò, õ∂∑ñôéìå êáé ∑îáñ÷å Ùêåáíπ í ÁôëáíôéêïΩ ôå êáé ÅéñçíéêïΩ åí Áãßù ∆íåΩìáôé áãá∂ çô∑ áäåëö∑ êáé 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