a Volume 2, No. 4, April 2011, ISSN 1729-8709 Success codes • NTUC FairPrice CEO : “ International Standards are very important to us.” • Fujitsu innovates with ISO standards a Contents Comment Karla McKenna, Chair of ISO/TC 68 Code-pendant – Flourishing financial services ........................................................ 1 ISO Focus+ is published 10 times a year World Scene (single issues : July-August, November-December) International events and international standardization ............................................ 2 It is available in English and French. Bonus articles : www.iso.org/isofocus+ Guest Interview ISO Update : www.iso.org/isoupdate Seah Kian Peng – Chief Executive Officer of NTUC FairPrice .............................. 3 Annual subscription – 98 Swiss Francs Special Report Individual copies – 16 Swiss Francs A coded world – Saving time, space and energy.. ..................................................... 8 Publisher ISO Central Secretariat From Dickens to Dante – ISBN propels book trade to billions ................................. 10 (International Organization for Uncovering systemic risk – Regulators push for global Legal Entity Identifiers ..... 13 Standardization) No doubt – Quick, efficient and secure payment transactions. ................................. 16 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse CH – 1211 Genève 20 Vehicle ID – ISO coding system paves the way for a smooth ride ........................... 17 Switzerland Keeping track – Container transport security and safety.. ........................................ 19 Tel. : +41 22 749 01 11 Fax : +41 22 733 34 30 A global success – ISO country codes . ..................................................................... 24 E-mail : isofocus+@iso.org Centre-fold Manager : Roger Frost Editor : Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis Coded world ......................................................................................................... 22-23 Assistant Editor : Maria Lazarte Communication Officer : Sandrine Tranchard Planet ISO Artwork : Xela Damond, Pierre Granier News of the ISO system ............................................................................................ 28 and Alexane Rosa Translation : Translation Services, ISO Central Secretariat CDC Benefits of standards – ISO workshop for South Asian countries ........................... 32 Subscription enquiries : Sonia Rosas Friot ISO Central Secretariat CEO Forum in Asia ................................................................................................... 32 Tel. : +41 22 749 03 36 ISO 26000 non certifiable .......................................................................................... 33 Fax : +41 22 749 09 47 E-mail : [email protected] Targeting capacity building for ISO 26000 ............................................................... 33 Building linkages for export success ......................................................................... 34 © ISO, 2011. All rights reserved. ISO training 2011 ....................................................................................................... 34 The contents of ISO Focus+ are Setting national standardization strategies ............................................................... 35 copyrighted and may not, whether in whole or in part, be reproduced, stored in a Management Solutions retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, “ Security is paramount ” – Indian terminal implements ISO 28000 ........................ 36 mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without written permission of the Editor. Standards in Action The articles in ISO Focus+ express the Carbon footprint initiative – Fujitsu innovates with ISO standards ......................... 38 views of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISO or 360° of any of its members. Breathe easy – Global solutions for respiratory protective devices ......................... 40 ISSN 1729-8709 New Releases Printed in Switzerland Fair and transparent – Construction procurement .................................................... 43 Cover photo : ISO, 2011 Radiation exposure – New ISO standard will improve protection of workers ........ 44 Coming Up 45 a Comment Code-pendant Flourishing financial services Secure message exchange is essential in transactions among financial recognized by standards professionals, institutions, their clients and other firms. These parties demand pre- reference data experts and compliance dictable, reliable data for message transfer and transaction processing. specialists. Code/identifier-based stand- ards have received considerable attention from financial services organizations and To put this challenge in context, let’s environment by using codes to identify regulators in the USA and the European consider just one type of transaction – counterparties to financial transactions. Union. Movement toward consistent data credit card payments – and one financial Another example is the market identi- content standards, largely based on codes institution. In 2007, this single card issuer fier code (contained in ISO 10383:2003, and identifiers, will receive new urgency had 20 000 member banks with 1.59 billion Securities and related financial instru- given pending mandates. cards in circulation generating 59 billion ments – Codes for exchanges and market ISO/TC 68 plans to meet this challenge transactions per year, with peaks of more identification (MIC)), that ensures smooth as an opportunity for expanded adoption of than 6 800 transactions per second. These and efficient communication of pertinent its standards. At a 2010 meeting of financial credit cards are accepted in 170 countries, trade information. The standard will support services experts in Tokyo, Japan, ISO/TC 68 and annual transaction volume amounts to regulatory analysis of a bank’s exposure, resolved to form a dedicated group to assess USD 4.8 trillion. particularly if the revision incorporates the strategic direction of its standards used Without consistent and reliable message “ dark pools ” (trading volume created by within financial transactions, with the aim of exchange, none of this would have been institutional orders that are unavailable to expanding standards for regulatory reporting possible. Data components within mes- the public). and adoption. In addition, a workshop on sages must reflect the complete information financial services will be held in conjunction needed to process each type of financial Secure message with the next ISO/TC 68 plenary to review transaction accurately. Consistent data current and future needs. content standards are crucial to compare exchange is essential While regulatory reform and reporting and analyse data, as well as for efficient in transactions. requirements are key drivers, implementers message transfer and processing. can derive benefits internally from the con- It would not be an exaggeration to say sistent collection and resulting aggregation The international securities identification that robust standards are as important to and comparison of like data. It is apparent numbering system (ISIN) continues to be the financial services industry as banking that standardizing both the means by which developed to meet market and regulatory is to the global economy. data is collected and the content of the data demands. In addition to ensuring smooth, ISO technical committee ISO/TC 68, itself will produce maximum benefits to efficient communication of pertinent finan- Financial services, addresses both security both the producers and users of data. cial transaction information, ISIN also can and data consistency in message exchange. support analysis of securities concentration Within ISO/TC 68, subcommittee SC 2, risk. Similar benefits can be derived from Security management and general banking the CFI code [contained in ISO 10962:2001, operations, focuses on the standardized Securities and related financial instruments protection of financial services transac- – Classification of Financial Instruments tions. Active work continues in the areas of (CFI code)]. public key infrastructure (PKI) management Last, but not least, ISO country codes and cryptographic algorithms for financial (contained in ISO 3166) have long been a services and security in retail banking. necessary component of financial services Developing and establishing codes – alone and within other ISO standards. and identifier-based standards is central Every day, there are millions of opera- to the work of ISO/TC 68. For example, tions worldwide in which data is inputted, the business identifier code (contained stored, extracted, or transferred. In all such in ISO 9362:2009, Banking – Banking operations, country codes can save time, telecommunication messages –Business space and energy. identifier code (BIC)), facilitates automated Long before the appearance of regula- processing of telecommunication messages tion or reporting requirements, the need Karla McKenna in banking and related financial transaction for consistent data content reporting was Chair of ISO/TC 68, Financial services. ISO Focus+ April 2011 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 1 a World Scene World Health Day 2011 Guidelines for Multinational “ Antimicrobial resistance : no action Enterprises today, no cure tomorrow ” is the theme of A special con- World Health Day (WHD) 2011, organized sultation between every year on 7 April by the World Health delegates from the Organization, which participates as a liaison 42 governments organization
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