ores or Resog~ceBgi!erin QC-77 bdb.. Geraid C, Graver Forest Statistics for "&e &lountaias of Xorth Carolina, 1984 4 -- n [,eraid 6,Craver, B' orestry Technician Forest Inventory and Analysis Ashevllle, North Carolina w- in~s- re-nrt ;I- hiahlights- the or'ncipe: fend- p=-='e-f.-->L-~~ c~zdi+-i~nof fcrest landsr asso- ings of eke fifek forest survey In the ,Ld-kdi--,-3--2 timber voIunes9 a36 rates sf tinher ",%sunisins of Narth Csro:<nsa Fieldwork began growth and reaovels, -i., - 4pr;L 198C end was coapIsted in September B-sine * Zi-caunti. area cr;-jere? by clris report Is one of four survey anits in Koreh Cars- tlstxcs~ ~ 'or measuricg changes and trends lisa, Similar reports, 3S3A Forest Service over the p&sc $5 vesrs, p*imarv enpha- Resource Bu:le:lcs E-72 and SE-74 have sis in this re?srt is on the changes and been issurd for rhe Sourhern Coastal PTzin trends since 1474, Previously repnrted and Norrherfi Coastal Plait, a report for - - plgrrres have been adjsstel to provide the the Tiebncnt region should be kssuea- aDoat* jest- estimate of change, the date ;hat this oubllca;icfi rs*, ~ssued, These inventsries will provide updated sts- -k~zr; .-P i,2 sl)-Tv-%-- -& dc~sof tie farest resonrce sre tstics on the tinr.ber res3r:rc.i for all nf aut!:zrize6 Sv the Forest and Rangeland North Carnlixa, p--..--,chi-wa31e Resourcei: Resear-h Act of 1978, These sur-ge\*sare a c3ne:-*-L---CEUL.LS ';Bat~O~IWLC!~~ The Soxtheastern Station gratefully unbertalc<rg by ehe S~gi~~e",~per<~e=' Sta- acknowledges the cooperation asd assist- cinqs of the CSDA Fcrest Service, In Flgr- ance provided by the North Carolina Forest Lea,* " Georgia, North caralina, South Caro- Service of the Stare DepartmecC cf Katural lina, a-id :T:vginia,v LL these surveys are and Econenic Ressurcrs and ehe Tennessee - ~ zdninistered by the Forest Inventory and Valley Autii~rif~in colleetilrg- ~lelddata, Anslys;~- (Foresti Survey) Sesea~chWork Unit '~preciatinn is also expressad for the the Southeastern ?'orost Experiment excellent= - cooperatinn of other public agan- Station, wcth hzadquarter-s i2 AshrvFlle, NC, ci.es, forest rnauscry,- * and other privste The pri.nary abjs~c&fve3: the survev 5s Paa:dokmers in Frsvxa.rng- -- infama"i:;rtn and periobir.a;l=b~inarentoru and evaluate all access to the sample locatlans, -..:-rest .- - and relates resources, These multi- resocrcs data ielp provid~a basis fe+ for-- riuheririg forest policies, s;:d progra-,s and for the orderly deve',opnen: sr,d use of :.he JOE P, McCtCBE reseurcas, This re2ort drzls nnIy wich the Pyaject Leader Sirrce 1974 -n; the Mountains of Sorth 14 Area of comercia1 forest lacd, by Pgbaroi~na.... 4' ......................... i stand-age and broad sanegement classes, -- now the Inventory Is Made.*..*.*..*.*.. 3 forest ind~stry,,,,,,,,,,,~~-~~-~-~*~-- Reliability of the 3 Def%n<tisnsof Terms........ ,.......... ..r Li,~ c Area of cDrcmercial forest :and, Sv stand-age and broad aansgement classes, or$ri 1A " > County 1ables ....................... r 2 ether private okT~ership~..,,~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Area, by county snC Esnl class.,*. ni10 16, Area of comey~$al Forest 'rand, by bread xanagement and stand-v~l.une 2, Area of com8ercial forest land, classes..+ ............................. by pi-i_J~IPLv -c.* a.-d i.wnership class ........ 13 17, Volume of growing stock on com- = 5 3, Area of colmterclar fcrest land, mercla;*+'- Torest land, by Srsad manage- foresr-tppo group,,.,.. 5y rounev and 14 ment class, species group, and stand-age class. ....................... I 8 l<$t annual growth of growing stock on corn-ercfal farest Land, by broab -5. Ares of cornmerciai forest land, management class, species gr-up, and by cnun:y and site class....*......** 15 stand-age ~las....,~... ............... Q, Area sf -omez-erai forest land) 19, Annual removals of growing stock on by c3unt-y an$ stockin-ts classes cf comercia1 forest land, by broad * -- growing-stack trees,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,... bi management class, species grnup, and stand-age class*.. ..................... 7, VpL:~me of sawtiaber and growing stock oa cornmerc<al forest %and, by 20, gerchantahle volume of 311 live county and species group ............. 18 trees and grawing stack sn comzerc<a4 forest land, by forest-type group and 9, xet acnual growth of sawtimber an8 species C?ar~np,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~=~~--~-~-~~ - stock an comnercizl fores~ land, by cocn" and species greup,... 19 A. 21. Area of commercial farest Land treated of d<sturbed annualfy, by treatment or disturbance and ownership cl2~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**~***~***~**~~~~~** * 22, Area of comerc;al - forest land Unit Tables treated disturbed annually and retaized in comerclai' - forest Sand, 5p treatment or disturbance and broad nangemeric class.......,.,. ............. -- - il, Area of land, CII- ' coT-zerc:ai tarest ij, fire2 of camerc<al forest Pan2 by ow;ierstip and stsckcng classes vL,generated a ann~ally,by type ef segen- n OF growing-stock trees...,.......,-** ii eration and broad mznagernene class-..,- =- - 12, Area of c@mme.;-ciai rarest land, ? i L*, Area cf comercial foresr Land, Sy by stand-age a~dbroad manag23:efir treatment opposcan?ty and Sroa? . * xanage- classes, all o~~mers~irps.............. 2% m@nt ciassss,,,,,,,,,,,,~~s~~~~-~s~-a~~ 13, Area of sompr.-ial forese land, "cs, c Area of comEerciaZ forest Tarad, by hV -aLcLiu b--.:-- age snd brozd zanao*~ent0-,- treatment crpp9rtu~icy2nd o~~nne.n-ship classes, pahfic owners~:~ps,,.,,,.,~~*s 2.3n 24, Merellafirab 1- volune af all live 37, Cubic vclume in the merchantable trees ~ndgraving stack en toxmmercial saw-log portion of sawcimber tress, Sy . * forest landp by obTLershlp* - class and speciss and d;ameter c:as~,,,.....-~-.~ :.: 1 species group...*....*.... ............. 32 38, \robume of afl S.<-;e trees or: 27, Volrrme of sawt-,zmil.e-= co;mLeyicaj. cocrrrsereiai rorest land, by species afi3 I" forest land, by ognefship cLass and ;%drametsr ' class. ........................ 1- species group.,...........^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 32 39, Green weight of "rest bcomass on r d 28, Net annual growth and removsls- sf cornmercea~ farest lard, by species and stock on cammerclal- forest diameter class........ ................. land, skyership class and sp2eies a .- gro~p.,..~...~...e.~n~s~~~~~-~-ae=~~e~-33 40, Wet annual growth and removals af five timber and growing stock an 29, FJet annual gras-th and re~aavalsof comercia1 forest hand, by species,,,,, -uI. * qa~$cKihor LS,, 0-LL pq-~o~?.-\.L~L~L-L.~ZPI forest j by cbqerskip class and species group,,, 33 41, Net annnal growth and renscals of sawtfmber on commercial forest land, 30, Vofume of timber o~ comaercial 1 by species ............................. 43 forest land, by class and species gr3up 34 42, Annual removals of growing-. - stock on 31, Nunber of all livetrees 09 ejm-er- c-mserpia"Lfoppes t land, by species and * - ela~forest Land, by species and diameter class... ...................... % fsg diameter class,.,.... .................. 35 43, Mortality cf all live timber, 6.bwingP-.l stock, and sawtimber on cormer- cia1 forest land, 3y species ........... "I,:" 44, ,nangeP- in nuaber of all live trees on cornetcia1 forest land, by species group, survev completion date, and dx~meter< * class.... ..................... 4 8 45, Land area, by class, major forest type, and survey completion date....... k9 L6, Volume of sa.c.ii;fmher, grro&rifig stock, and all live timber on comercFel forest land, by species group, survey completion date, and diameter class,,,, ,Ca 8 =. 36, ~~~ul;Je3f saw:im$er a;? crj~aaer-ral forest lznd, by species, size class, and log grade .......................... 4 0 Since 1974 in the i"vfsuntains harvestd treatment~~ -A a~2ortnnity,Woweyer, of North Carolina almost 70 percent of ~creagesccrirs on sites whth slopes af 49 pzrcent or more, About 796,fEOg acres were classed % * -area of commercial forest-- land as neearng- some intzrnediate silvicul- decreased by over dG5gOOOoacres, sr 6~ treatnent, -- * --- - tural AL~zost 2-4ni~;Pion - * - --almost 3 ~ercent,More than 176,OOQ acres, or 6j percent of the coi",qerpai , - acres wers diverted to other land uses, forest acreage, were identified as oelc~D Df the acreage diverted, 47 percent was in relatively goad aagdition and no: in ta urbsn and orher uses and 56 Eerceat need zf any treatment a$ the tine the - * ? D - to agricultural uses, The remarcang survey Mas aade, 17 percent was dhverted- * to nancszTert-ial forest, Corn-ercPaE forests now account for 63 percent, or 3,9 million acres, sf the total lsnd area in the 21 counties CLLaat make up the Mountain Unit of Xorerh Csrofiina, In the 2-inch class dropped by 55 per- m area 3-5 cea7ercial forest Land owned cent; pine declines of 34, 23, 8, and 4 -- ~ -- trialprivate- - forest (NIPE) percent vere noted in the 4- through landowners decreased by atmost 7 Depcene 10io-rnch - classes, ATrhough ast as zxtez- p7 - -* r~om3-0 to 2-9 nillion acres, AEthnngh &ve, the declines Lc hardwoo3 stem num- P~- - P ~h:~-iri decrease appears rather small, it bers =ere 14, 15, and 8 p2rcenr in the -. masks a more dramatic decline in* ramer-#- 9- , 4-, and 6-"ln@h classes, respectively, . - owned lands, one of three obTrrsh~pcate- m --average basal area of trees gories in the NLFF class, In a cont~nurng- 5.0 inches d-5, trend that dates from at least to the creased from 80 to 93 square feet per -~, ~~ -- -- - * - early P95OVs, farmer-owned forest lands --acre of---- comercrah forest Isnd, Increases deareased--tb's t" by OVZI 50 percent, in basal area have occurred across all from alnost 1-2 to less than
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