OHIO ARCHAEOLOGIST VOLUME 28 FALL 1978 NO. 4 •I Published by THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO The Archaeological Society of Ohio Officers—terms expire 1980 Robert Harter, 1961 Buttermilk Hill, Delaware, Ohio President—Steve Fuller, Jeff Carskadden, 2686 Carol Drive, Zanesville, Ohio 4767 Hudson Dr., Stow, Ohio Associate Editor, Martha P. Otto, Vice President—Frank Otto, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio 1503 Hempwood Dr., Columbus, Ohio All articles, reviews and comments on the Ohio Archae­ Executive Secretary—Jan Sorgenfrei, ologist should be sent to the Editor. Memberships, re­ Pandora, Ohio quests for back issues, changes of address, and other Treasurer—Mike Kish, matter should be sent to the business office. 39 Parkview Ave., Westerville, Ohio Recording Secretary—Robert Sturm, PLEASE NOTIFY BUSINESS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY 3256 E. Cleveland Ave., Grove City, Ohio OF ADDRESS CHANGES. BY POSTAL REGULATIONS Editor—Robert N. Converse, SOCIETY MAIL CANNOT BE FORWARDED. 199 Converse Dr., Plain City, Ohio Editorial Office Trustees Term expires 199 Converse Drive, Plain City, Ohio 43064 Ernest Good, 3402 Civic Place, Business Office Grove City, Ohio 1980 Summers Redick, 35 West River Glen Drive, William C. Haney, 96 Buckhorn St., Worthington, Ohio 43085 Ironton, Ohio 1980 Alva McGraw, Rt. #11, Membership and Dues Chillicothe, Ohio 1980 Charles H. Stout, 91 Redbank Dr., Annual dues to the Archaeological Society of Ohio are Fairborn, Ohio 1980 payable on the first of January as follows: Regular mem- Dana Baker, W. Taylor St., bership$8.50; Husband and wife (one copy of publication) Mt. Victory, Ohio 1982 $9.50; Contributing $25.00. Funds are used for publish­ Steve Balazs, 401 Mulberry St., ing the Ohio Archaeologist. The Archaeological Society Mt. Vernon, Ohio 1982 of Ohio is an incorporated non-profit organization and Douglas Hooks, Rt. #5, has no paid officers or employees. Mansfield, Ohio 1982 The Ohio Archaeologist is published quarterly and Wayne Mortine, Scott Dr., Oxford Heights, subscription is included in the membership dues. Newcomerstown, Ohio 1982 Back Issues Regional Collaborators Publications and back issues of the Ohio Archaeologist: David W. Kuhn, 2642 Shawnee Rd., Portsmouth, Ohio Ohio Flint Types, by Robert N. Converse $4.00 Charles H. Stout, Sr., 91 Redbank Drive, Fairborn, Ohio Ohio Stone Tools, by Robert N. Converse .... 3.00 Claude Britt, Jr., Many Farms, Arizona Ohio Slate Types, by Robert N. Converse .... 7.00 Mark W. Long, Box 467, Wellston. Ohio Back issues—black and white—each 3.00 Steven Kelley, Seaman, Ohio Back issues—four full color plates—each 3.00 James Murphy, Dept. of Geology, Back issues of the Ohio Archaeologist printed prior Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio to 1964 are generally out of print but copies are available William Tiell, 13435 Lake Ave., Lakewood, Ohio from time to time. Write to business office for prices and Gordon Hart, 760 Fort Wayne Rd., Bluffton, Indiana availability. STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAPTER COMMITTEE EXHIBITS COMMITTEE Robert Converse, Chairman Steve Fuller, Chairman Frank Otto, Chairman Ensil Chadwick David Towell—Frankfort, O. Dick Partin Wayne Mortine Charles Coss—Uhrichsville, O. Steve Balazs Don Bapst John Haney—Ironton, O. John Baldwin Ken Black Don Casto— Lancaster, O. Billy Hillen James Greiger—Oak Harbor, O. Don Gehlbach AUDITING COMMITTEE Harry Hopkins—Piqua, O. Ensil Chadwick, Chairman Ed Gall-Willoughby, O. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Robert Hill James Gooding—Lewis Center, O. Martha Otto, Chairwoman Larry Cronkleton M. J. Galloway—Piketon, O. Jack Hooks Robert Sturm RAFFLE COMMITTEE William Tiell Charles Stout, Sr. FRAUDULENT ARTIFACTS COMMITTEE Buddy Haney, Chairman Joseph Dunlap Ernest Good, Chairman Graig R. Ciola Max Shipley Jerry Hagerty EDUCATION/PUBLICITY/ Earl Townsend Jack Hooks HISTORICAL COMMITTEE Steve Fuller Mike Kish, Chairman MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Gordon Hart Dave Mielke Dean Driscoll Buddy Haney, Chairman Marilyn Harness—Society Librarian Robert Converse Charles Stout, Jr. Dorothy Good—Society Historian Jan Sorgenfrei Ottie Cowan Lar Hothem Dave Scott Kendall Saunders Don Bapst Mary Beth Albin PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Tom Stropki LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Jack Lanam Dana Baker, Chairman Jim Ritchie Alva McGraw, Chairman Steve Parker George Morelock Bert Drennen Dwight Shipley Doug Hooks David Kuhns Ed Hughes Charles Voshall David Brose Gilbert Dilley Dr. John Winsch President's Page Table of Contents With this issue of the Archaeologist, we are back on a timely schedule which will be maintained The Hall Pipe 4 provided that a sufficient supply of publication An Exceptional Effigy Pipe In material is received by the Editorial Office. Articles Human Form 5 and photographs should be submitted to Robert Hardin County Slate 6 Converse, P. O. Box 61, Plain City, Ohio, 43064. In A Fine Three Quarter Grooved Axe 8 the previous issue there were a number of printing Glacial Kame Slate 9 errors for which I must apologize and share re­ Four Indented Gorgets 11 sponsibility. These occurred primarily due to the The Gilead Site (33MW19): A Middle rush in supplying the copy to the printers without Woodland Component In North causing further delay. Hopefully, with the maga­ Central Ohio 12 zine on schedule, this problem will be eliminated. Two Mexican Ceramic Pieces 15 You will have noticed that we have begun to Birdstones from the Parks Collection. .16 use protective mailing coverlets rather than en­ Field Finds 20 velopes. This method can be easily incorporated Descriptive and Distributions Data on a in the printing process, significantly reducing the Cumberland Point from publication expense. Arizona Highways has uti­ Ross County, Ohio 21 lized a similar type mailing coverlet for several An Indiana Dovetail 22 years with apparent success. It is important for the From our Back Files 23 Society to know how many members received their A Man-ln-The-Moon Bead 24 magazine in a less than satisfactory condition. If you received a torn or damaged Archaeologist, New Perspectives on the Wolf Phase: please return it to the Business Office, 35 West An Upper Mississipian Manifestation In River Glen Drive, Worthington, Ohio, 43085 and it the Western Lake Erie Basin 25 will be replaced with a new copy. It is necessary to Four Birdstones from the Ohio Historical receive all the negative feedback on this experi­ Society Collection 25 ment so that it can be determined if this mailing Projectile Points from Central and method should be put into permanent practice. Southern Ohio 26 Let us hear from you. West Virginia Ft. Ancient Burial 27 Any members having need for additional appli­ Archaeology Update II: Anthrosols cation forms to promote the Society's membership Detection for Locating Ancient may obtain them upon request from the Business Habitations 28 Office. The Business Office should also be noti­ Yellow Creek 30 fied of any address changes or corrections. A Limestone Spade or Hoe from As mentioned in the last issue, the Board of Coshocton County 34 Directors would analyze the possibility of a dues Request for Suggestions 35 increase. An increase of $1.00 per year was unan­ Ohio State Types 35 imously approved, establishing the annual dues Necrology 35 at $8.50 for a regular membership. The increase was deemed necessary for maintaining financial stability in the face of constantly rising publication members in the detection of "artifacts" currently and postage costs. By carefully monitoring our ex­ being manufactured and marketed as genuine pre­ penditures, the increase is expected to become historic Indian relics. It is our intention for this dis­ stabilized without additional increase in the fore­ play to aid members in accurately evaluating seeable future. Considering current inflationary questionable specimens, and to discourage the in­ economical conditions, the Board agreed that the dividuals making a profit from this practice. If you increase was reasonable and justifiable. have questions or comments concerning modern Measures are currently being taken to make our reproductions, The Fraudulent Artifact Committee meetings more interesting and educational. A per­ is established for this exact purpose; you are en­ manent display of fraudulent artifacts belonging couraged to take advantage of its service. If you to, and donated by members of the Society, will are aware of individuals engaged in the production be placed on exhibit during the meetings to assist flnnt'milari nn Inside Rar.k Cover FRONT COVER One of the most exciting excavations done in Ohio in many At the bottom of the photograph is a birdstone of black years is that of the Williams site in Wood County, Ohio. slate covered with grave incrustations. Center is a most The excavation was by a group of amateurs from the Toledo unusual specimen of red and black banded slate and with Area Aboriginal Research Club under the supervision of small button eyes. The largest is of green and black banded Professor David Stothers of the Department of Anthropology slate. It has cylindrical eyes which are angled upwards and of the University of Toledo. Among the artifacts found there one of the largest fan-shaped tails known. Our thanks to in situ were these three birdstones, the first ever excavated Professor Stothers and the Toledo Area Aboriginal Research under professional supervision in the state of Ohio. Club for the first published photographs of these artifacts. The Hall Pipe By William Tiell Lakewood, Ohio The human face effigy pipe illustrated was mately 1" in diameter. The stem hole, located from the collection of the late Joseph C. Hall opposite the face, is %" in diameter. Sr., (1878-1973), of Lakewood, Ohio. The Outstanding features include a prominent collection has since been dispersed. Mr. Hall nose, incised mouth, lobed appendages repre­ was one of Northern Ohio's pioneer collectors senting ears, incised triangular design below of Indian artifacts. Many of the pieces in the the rim of the bowl, and an embossed "weeping collection were found personally by Mr. Hall eye'' motif which seems to be somewhat and by his son Joseph Jr.
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