Please ask for: Jordan Scott Telephone: 01482 613026 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 28 June 2017 Dear Councillor, East Area Committee The next meeting of the East Area Committee will be held at 09:30 on Thursday, 06 July 2017 in Kingston Wesley Church . The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder1 of 110 Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk Tel: 01482 300300 East Area Committee To: Membership: Councillors Black, Clarkson, Craker, Gardiner, Hewitt, Keal, Thompson D, Thompson M and Turner Officers: Mark McEgan, Assistant City Manager (Housing Management) Alastair Shaw Community Manager (Neighbourhood Housing) Jordan Scott, Assistant Democratic Services Officer (x5) Public Sets: Reference Library Page 2 of 110 East Area Committee 09:30 on Thursday, 06 July 2017 Kingston Wesley Church A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. (Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums. 4 Minutes of the previous meeting 7 - 12 To approve the minutes from the previous meeting NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 5 Community Safety Update 13 - 14 The purpose of this briefing paper is to update the East Area Committee on policing activities in the East area. Page 3 of 110 6 Petition from Residents of Bayswater Court – Laundry Facility 15 - 34 and Token Sales To discuss on the future of the laundries in the Council’s high rise general needs flat sites which are outlined in this briefing paper and to review the petition which was received in March 2017. 7 Housing Regeneration Projects 35 - 38 To update Members of East Area Committee on the acquisition and renewal project in the Ings and Sutton Wards. 8 Corporate Parenting Board, Education of Looked After Children 39 - 74 and Pupil Premium 2015-16 To present an update on the Corporate Parenting Board and the Education of looked after Children 2015-16 and as requested by the Area Committee provide an update on Pupil Premium for Looked after Children in the East Area. 9 Streetscene Services Highways Report 75 - 78 To informs Members of the progress of highway related projects and schemes together with anticipated dates for completion and costs. 10 East Area Neighbourhood Management Update 79 - 84 To provide an update to the East Area Committee on ward activity across the Area. 11 East Ward Budgets 85 - 100 To update the Committee on the 2017-18 Ward revenue and capital budgets for the East Area. 12 Work Programme Briefing Paper 101 - 104 The purpose of this briefing paper is to update the East Area Committee on the Work Programme. 13 Resolution List 105 - 110 The purpose of this briefing paper is to update the East Area Committee on the progress of outstanding actions. EXEMPT ITEMS Page 4 of 110 Page 5 of 110 Page 6 of 110 1 East Area Committee 1st June, 2017 PRESENT:- Councillors Gardiner (Deputy Chair), Clarkson, Craker and M. Thompson. – Alphabetical! IN ATTENDANCE:- M. McEgan (Assistant City Manager - Housing Management), A. Shaw (Community Manager), and J. Scott (Democratic Services Officer). Sergeant J. Campbell (Humberside Police) - minute 6 C. Dearing (Renewals Manager- Neighbourhood and Housing) – minute 7. D. Akester (Landlord Services Manager) – minute 8 and 9. APOLOGIES:- Councillors Black, Hewitt, D. Thompson (Chair) and Turner. Minute Description/Decision Action By/Deadline No. PROCEDURAL ITEMS 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members Information No declarations were made in respect of the items that follow 3 PUBLIC QUESTIONS No public questions had been received. 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 6th April, 2017 The Democratic Services Officer submitted the minutes of the meeting held on 6th April 2017, for approval. Agreed – That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, held on 6th April, 2017, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. 5 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD Page 7 of 110 2 ON 18 TH MAY 2017 The Democratic Services Officer submitted the minutes of the meeting held on 18 th May 2017, for approval. Agreed – That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, held on 18 th May, 2017, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS Non-Key Decisions 6 COMMUNITY SAFETY UPDATE Sergeant J. Campbell, Humberside Police, attended for this item to update the Committee on community safety issues in the East Area. Members were informed that in the Longhill Ward a new Police Community Support Officer had been recruited and was now in post. Members were further informed that in the Ings Regeneration Area there had been two arson attacks in derelict buildings. Research had been done but no further attacks had taken place. Members discussed issues around alleged drug taking within the skate park on East Park, following reports from minors to Ward Councillors. Members raised concerns regarding Motorcycles that were still an issue in the East Area, including stolen motorbikes that had been ridden both on street and off-road. Agreed - That the updates be noted. Page 8 of 110 3 7 HOUSING REGENERATION PROJECTS The Assistant City Manager Housing Strategy and Renewals submitted a briefing paper which updated the Area Committee on the acquisition and renewal project in the Ings and Sutton Wards. Members were informed that the remaining residents on the Ings site were due to leave in the near future. Only one property in the East Area had been purchased for the Empty Homes Programme and was currently been refurbished by Kingstown Works Limited (KWL). Finally, the demolition project wouldn’t meet the planned target completely due to ongoing issues. Agreed- That the Briefing paper be noted. 8 EAST AREA HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a report which updated the Committee on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget spend for the East Area for 2016/17. It also considered the delegation of budgets allocated for 2017/18 within the HRA Housing Area Team remit. Agreed - a) That the budget allocation on each HRA budget allocation for 2017/18 and the spend on 2016/17 budgets as detailed in the report and on the appendices to the report, be noted; b) That the delegation of the budget allocations to the Landlord Services Manager (East Locality) on decisions regarding the use of the 2017/18 Area Based Spend, Estate Management and Environmental Budgets in order to progress projects that benefit tenants and leaseholders in the area. In respect to the Area Based Spend and Environmental Budgets, this should be Page 9 of 110 4 done following consultation with the Area Chair and local ward members in respect to larger 2 schemes, be agreed, and. c) That the Area Committee continue to receive quarterly HRA budget update reports. c) The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager 9 EAST AREA HOUSING PERFORMANCE UP TO THE END OF JANUARY 2017 The City Neighbourhood and Housing Manager submitted a briefing paper which updated the Committee on the performance of the East Area Housing Team and the Housing Investments Team for the period up to and including 31 st March, 2017. Members were informed that Re-Let performance was at 38 days which was still above the City average. Additionally, rent arrears had increased from the previous year’s figures. Agreed - That the Briefing Paper be noted. 10 EAST AREA NEIGHBOURHOOD b) Community MANAGEMENT UPDATE Manager The Assistant City Manager - Neighbourhoods submitted a briefing paper which provided an update to the Committee on ward activity across the Area. Members expressed concern towards paragraph 4.3.3 of the report in regards to a safety issue. Agreed- a) That the briefing paper be noted, and b) that paragraph 4.3.3 of the briefing N. Stocks paper, ‘Saltshouse Road/Robson Way/Wawne Road traffic study – in response to the consultants brief issued Page 10 of 110 5 by Network Management, a proposed methodology and outli ne study has been received from Local Transport Projects. Details have been passed to ward members for comment prior to a decision being taken as to whether to fund the study. The Neighbourhood Team will continue to liaise closely with Network Management during this process,’ be referred to Cabinet to review safety issues around the proposed traffic study.
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