GRACEINFOCUS www.faithalone.org SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 whatwhat doesdoes itit meanmean toto walkwalk inin thethe spirit?spirit? The Bread of Life / Chosen to Bear Fruit / Grace Goes to Zambia / God’s Sovereignty PLUS in Missions / God Was at Work / Denver Regional / Sad Day / Hagar’s Bad Rap AND MORE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 CONTENTS 3 From the Editor 4 The Bread of Life: Why Faith Precedes Regeneration (John 6:35) BY BOB WILKIN 8 A Sad Day of Reckoning (Matthew 24:45-51) BY KEN YATES chosen to bear fruit, p. 10 10 Chosen to Bear Fruit: Election in John’s Gospel 41 Grace Goes to Zambia BY SHAWN LAZAR BY KEN YATES 16 God’s Sovereignty in Missions 42 What Does It Mean to Walk in the (Acts 18:1-28) Spirit? BY ZANE C. HODGES BY BOB WILKIN 20 God Was at Work 45 Q&A BY BUD BROWN 25 The Bookstore GRACE IN FOCUS 33 The Denver Regional Conference Volume 32, Number 5 GRACE IN FOCUS is a free, 34 Hang Out in the Light © 2017 by Grace bimonthly magazine about Evangelical Society the gospel, assurance, and BY RON ROSSO related issues. For your EDITOR-IN-CHIEF free U.S. subscription 36 Do You Make a Good Impression? Robert N. Wilkin, Ph.D. sign up on our website BY BILL FIESS EDITOR AND DESIGN or send your name and Shawn Lazar address to P.O. Box 1308, Denton, TX 76202. If 38 The Mailbag SOCIAL MEDIA you would like to make a Brad Bell 39 Hagar Does Not Deserve Her Bad Rap tax-deductible donation to OFFICE MANAGER offset the costs of printing BY MARCIA HORNOK Bethany Taylor and postage, it would be CIRCULATION greatly appreciated. Mark “Taco Tuesday” Gray Address changes? Comments? Prayer requests? Testimonies? Send them to [email protected]. Theological questions? Send them to ques- [email protected]. Or write to Grace in Focus, P.O. Box 1308, Denton, TX 76202. 2 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 faithalone.org SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 FROM THE EDITOR ummer is beginning to lose its sting here in North Texas. It is still very hot in mid- August as we send the magazine off to the Sprinter. But it is ten degrees or more cooler than it has been. Temps in the high eighties and low nineties are a positive change. There are many positive things happening in the Free Grace Movement, and with GES in particular. Grace has been on the go all summer long, as high- lighted in this issue. We had a regional conference in Denver that went very well. You can read about it and see pictures. Dr. Ken Yates went to Zambia and taught twenty- two pastors. Text and pictures inside. We are look- ing for more overseas teaching opportunities, and Grace on the Go the possibility of sending teams. We tell you about our September regional in Lynchburg, VA and our May 2018 national confer- Bob Wilkin, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ence in Plano, TX. We also have conferences in the planning stages for San Antonio, Southern Cali- fornia, Washington State, South Carolina, Florida, There is an article by Ken Yates about the Bema and elsewhere. (Matt 24:45-51) and one by me on walking in the In this issue you will find some outstanding Spirit. articles. There is also a preview of my upcoming book on Shawn Lazar writes about election in John’s Calvinism, a chapter entitled, “The Bread of Life: Gospel. Why Faith Precedes Regeneration (John 6:35).” There is an article from Zane Hodges about There are four questions and answers we think God’s sovereignty in missions (Acts 18:1-28). everyone will benefit from reading. Bud Brown shares how God has worked in his And that’s just for starters. life during three major stages. Marcia Hornok shows that Hagar doesn’t deserve —Peace like a river, the bad reputation she has received. faithalone.org SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 3 The Bread of Life: Why Faith Precedes Regeneration (John 6:35) 4 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 faithalone.org A chapter from Crushing Calvinism: Twelve Key Verses v Why Faith Precedes Regeneration (John 6:35) By Bob Wilkin ne of the main aspects of the Calvinist understanding of total depravity—the T in TULIP—is that regeneration precedes Ofaith. Unfortunately, most Evangelicals do not know what that means and so they are likely to accept the first point of Calvinism, thinking that total depravity means that we are all sinners and that we are not able to save ourselves (Rom 3:23). But total depravity means much more than that. While most Evangelicals say that one must believe in Jesus in order to be born again, Calvinists say that one must be born again in order to believe. While most Calvinists say that regeneration and faith occur almost simultaneously, they all say that regeneration must precede faith since they do not believe that spiritually dead people can believe. It should be noted that there are some Calvinists who freely say that regeneration might precede faith by quite a long period of time. One Calvinist writer tells of a man whom he believes came to faith 65 years after he was born again! The man supposedly was a born-again unbeliever for over six decades. The Bread of Life Illustration John 6:35 is a showstopper for the first point of Calvinism. After Jesus fed over 5,000 men (plus women and children), many came to Him and asked Him to give them an ongoing supply of bread: “Lord, give us this bread always” (John 6:34). Sadly, they were thinking 123RF faithalone.org SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 5 in purely physical terms.The feeding of the 5,000 was Instead of saying, “He who drinks the living water not a lesson about social security, but eternal security. will never thirst,” the Lord says, “He who believes They had previously referred to the fact that “our in Me shall never thirst.” He interprets for us what fathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written, ‘He it means to drink the living water. It is believing in gave them bread from heaven to eat’” (John 6:31). They Him. And we know from John 4:14-15 that the Lord wanted that miracle repeated daily. is not speaking of continuous lifelong drinking. The Jesus’ first words after their request were, “I am moment a person drinks the living water—that is, the bread of life.” Clearly the Lord is continuing the moment he believes in Jesus—he will never thirst the illustration of bread, and even bread that comes again. The words shall never thirst clearly mean shall from heaven, since He Himself had come down from never die spiritually, shall never perish. The one who heaven. believes in Jesus has everlasting life that can never be But when Jesus refers to life, in the expression “I am lost. the bread of life,” He is not referring to physical life, Once again, regeneration does not precede faith. but to spiritual life, to everlasting life. This is clear by You are given everlasting life the moment you believe what He said next. in Jesus, and not before. The One Who Comes to Eternal Security Is for Jesus Will Never Hunger All Who Believe He then said, “He who comes to Me shall never People like to go to the Apostle Paul to prove eternal hunger.” Remember, they were asking about a contin- security. Although Paul certainly does teach that uous supply of bread from heaven. The Lord promises doctrine (e.g., Rom 4:4-5; 8:31-39; Eph 2:8-9), the Lord something better. He had promised the woman at the taught it first. John 6:35 is arguably the simplest and well that one drink would forever quench her thirst most powerful eternal security verse in the Bible. It (John 4:14). Now He says that one act of partaking is elegant in its simplicity and power. The one who of the bread of life, that is, coming to Him, means believes in Him shall never hunger and shall never that a person would never hunger again. As with the thirst. Never. Once we partake of the bread of life, we living water, the bread of life once received results in will never need to partake again to be eternally secure. everlasting life that can never be lost. The words shall Once we drink of the living water, we will never never hunger are figurative. They mean that the one need to drink again in order to have a secure eternal who believes in Jesus is secure forever. The life that the destiny. Bread of Life gives is that kind of life, i.e., everlasting Of course, this too is a contradiction of Calvinism. life. According to Calvinism, God only preserves (guar- Calvinists agree that coming to Jesus in John 6:35 antees the eternal destiny of) those who persevere in refers to believing in Him and that shall never hunger faith and good works. That is the fifth point of Calvin- refers to eternal security. ism, preservation for the saints who persevere. But the Coming to Jesus—that is, believing in Him—pre- Lord of glory promises something much different, to cedes never hungering. One must partake of the bread preserve all who simply believe in Him, with no perse- of life before he gets the life. The Calvinist idea that verance required. regeneration precedes faith, or that one gets the life and then eats of the bread of life, is contradicted by Faith Precedes Regeneration this text.
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