Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way for Oxfordshire Relevant Date: 21st February 2006 Colour SHEET SU 49 SW 40 41 42 43 44 45 0004 2300 4700 6600 5600 8400 8100 9500 0006 95 5800 2100 95 Drain A 338 0393 Drain Venn Mill Drain 6200 Pond Venn Mill A 338 Drain 8886 1983 Childrey Brook Drain Drain Drain Garford CP Water Childrey Brook 5776 Ward Bdy Drain 0574 Common Barn 198/1 Drain 1272 Landmead Farm 198/1 1966 198/1 0066 4365 Drain Drain 2964 192/2 3363 192/2 Drain 1557 Drain Drain Drain Drain Childrey Brook Drain Drain 9046 0045 Drain Drain Letcombe 5640 Brook 8238 8634 Drain Drain 0033 0033 198/2 2129 Drain Drain Drain 0019 4614 Drain 1513 Drain Lyford CP Drain 198/2 9009 Childrey Brook Drain Drain Drain Drain 1100 2800 Drain 2900 0005 0001 0076 8000 Letcombe Brook A 338 Drain 0005 1100 0001 2900 0001 5900 8000 2800 94 A 338 94 Drain Drain 8193 Drain Drain Drain Drain Drain Drain Drain Drayton CP 2986 Drain Drain 7081 Drain 7086 Drain Drain Drain 290/3 9574 Drain Canal (disused) Drain 5669 Drain 192/5 Drain 198/2 7264 8363 Lynwood Drain 7956 192/22 Far End Standholme Edelweiss West Hanney CP Drain 290/3 Childrey Brook East Hanney CP 6153 Drain Willowside Drain 198/3 Northend Cottage Birchwell Drain Drain Ashfields Pond Sunrise Cottage 7947 Drain 7844 Meadow House 6144 St Ebbes House The Bungalow EAST HANNEY 3943 Willowbrook Pump House Farm Ponds King's Farm EBBES LANE Drain 0042 Long Acre Letcombe Brook 198/20 1537 Drain Drain Greenway 6437 402/6 Sherwood Poughley Farm Broadmeadows Garage 402/7 Bakery 198/20 1734 ASHFIELDS LANE 5733 198/7 198/7 7433 3332 Pond Willow 6631 Gate ASHFIELDS LANE 402/6 Varlins 192/5 Birchwood 9929 Grange Redroof 402/2 Farm Shadyside Cottage Drain 402/6 The Barn 402/6 House Philberds Grange Cottage Garden Manor Cottage The Grange Gigha Cottage Lower Mill 198/3 CLOSE 8825 Cottages Rectory 198/5 Rose Orchard Cottage Rainsford Industrial Estate Drain HALLS LANE The ASHFIELDS 402/5 Willows MORLANDS Nethercot Tara 7219 Mill The Granary isused) Hansteads 0020 er (d Low 366/4 WEST HANNEY Meadow 198/4 Manor View Farm Cottage Cow Common Brook Bregor Manor Farm The Vicarage 198/6 CROWN MEADOW 8416 Drain Bay Tree White King's Farmhouse Witch House House Drain STEVENTON ROAD NE 2514 Ashbrook Woodpecker 1213 House Wildwood Cottage Westbrook House Pond 402/7 House RECTORY FARM WINTER LA Whitegates Kennels Westwards CLOSE Heatherstone Drain Poundcroft Barn Tinkerbush Farm 7209 Drain Cross Tree Cottage HANNEY ROAD Pound Croft 198/6 Cruik Cottage Drain Seasons 198/5 4309 Homeclose A 338 House Eastbrook Drain Drain Wickes 198/4House House Bethany Penny Farthing Meads Vue Marela House The A 338 NORTH GREEN NORTH Green Drain Pond STEVENTON ROAD Shieling Willowtree View Fiveways Wilcox House Serendipity Orwell House Snuggs Vine Drain Lorien Shaddocks Barn House Darden Midgy St James 6203 Downlands House House the Less The THE MEADS THE CROFT House Eaves Dorley Ho Drain Old Dunson Farthings SNUGGS LANE198/4 2501 0004 0006 5300 6300 Drain 2000 6800 7700 0076 Pryor House Beechcroft A 338 Manor Cottage MAIN STREET NORTH GREEN 198/21 402/2 198/18 3100 5000 402/5 Drain 3100 5000 5300 6300 2000 6800 0006 HANNEY 8500 Castle Acre Chestnut Carters Westholme Hartland St James View Yew Tree ROAD South View Cottage Crick Hollow The House A 338 Shaunton Col Wen Close 93 Old Forge 198/8 93 Shepele Tanglin 7700 Maybury 6195 STEVENTON ROAD Myrtle The Bungalow Cottage The Springdale THE MEADS Wesuma Chatka Cottage Drain Elm View WINTER LANE Sunset Drain Cherrytree Drain THE CROFT East Hanney STEVENTON Almancil View Dandridge Idian Down ROAD C of E Primary School Pump House Maiwand St James Jaldah Shelter Drain Pavilion Barn Bankside The Lamb Yew Burnaby Tree Delling (PH) Coralea Lydbrook Cottages Hall Cottage Barn MAIN STREET Drain MalthouseThe SCHOOL ROAD Woodcot 5087 198/5 Medway Lydbrook Farm Jubilee Cottage 402/7 5991 Drain September Cottage Briarways Hanney Malthouse Carries Breage School Cottage Lamb Cottage Bungalow Lydbrook House War Memorial Hall Farm Thorncombe Old House 198/8 Valeside Orchard The White West Hanney Magdalen Lamorna SCHOOL ROAD House House Lower Manor MONKS CLOSE 198/9 The Barn Pendle 198/12 Old 198/10 One Tree Doverhay 198/9 366/4 Vicarage Beverley Montrose Wythburn Nightingale The Heathers Oaktree Cottage Oak St Budeaux Sycamores Cranwood Cottage Drain Tree Sunnybank THE PAD DOCKS West Cottage Orchard View PW The Chaffinch Cottage Church Farm 9283 The Grenade Waters Trevis Ambleside Aldworths Brookside Penstones The Plough Edge The Red Drain 402/3 Cottage (PH) Chapel Minchenden House The Dower House Cottage Lilac Shepherds Cottage Sunningwell Cottage Ye Olde Housen The Causeway Mill CHURCH STREET The Bungalow Brightwater MAIN STREET COW LANE (Track) Bungalow 198/11 Priors 2879 Hold Acre Cottage BERRY LANE Cherry Orchard St James BLENHEIM ORCHARD Westfield Audley Church Hazelwood Cottage Drain Rose Atherly Sunrise Cottage 402/5 1476 Cottage 402/7 Black Horse 0076 Hainwood 402/3 Pond 402/8 Tavistock Cott Drain Penmaur (PH) Rosebank 402/2 Little Orchard View 402/4 Court Cottage Barn Alicia Manor Farm 198/13 4474 402/3 Loader's Cottage Mill 198/10 Dean's Farm 2474 8473 Weir Farm Tamarisk Cottage ORCHARD CLOSE The Cottage Drain Priors Orchard Ley Cottages Drain Pond Club THE MULBERRIES Barn Close Farm The Stables 198/14 198/14 Garstane House Lay House 6468 Lindrick The Mulberries 198/15 Lay 0067 Cottage Sawpits Hale 198/15 4666 Cottage Lakeside 5565 Old Bramley House Mill 402/7 MILL ORCHARD 402/9 House Honeybottom Robey House Drain 5864 Boarding Kennels Borley Bank Mill 402/9 Pond (disused) 4763 Willow Brook Orchard Bank The Waylands Dews Meadow Mill Side Willows Farm Primrose Lieder Cottage East Ways 0959 6259 Picked Mead Drain Drain Pond The Drain 198/17 2459 Bungalow Sunset Strip 2056 HANNEY ROAD Half Acre Rowans 198/13 Rowans Orchard Pond Water Downs SUMMERTOWN Orchard Cottage 366/4 View Drain Lake Letcombe Brook Drain Barn Drain Croft 4549 402/8 Orchard Farm Drain Drain Drain Steventon CP Cow Common Brook Drain Drain COW LANE (Track) 8135 Drain Drain 19 8/16Drain Drain Drain 3 Drain Depot Portobello Ditch 9220 108/ Old Canal Drain 198/15 Drain 198/13 0005 198/17 8706 402/1 ARDINGTON LANE Drain 402/4 Drain OLD MAN'S LANE (Track) Drain 9701 8300 0005 4600 6400 0001 Letcombe Brook 198/16 A 338 Canal Old 0001 8300 4900 2000 0005 4600 4600 6400 0001 0001 Drain A 338 Drain 92 402/7 92 7496 Drain 235/12 235/3 108/1 108/1 235/14 2893 0005 235/ 198/15 Drain 9400 9289 Drain Drain 13 OLD MAN'S198 LANE (Track) Bradfield Barn /19 Pond 108/19 Drain Drain Drain 285/2 6774 Drain 235/12 235/3 1470 Drain 235/13 403/18 Water Drain 235/14 108/1 5365 0065 235/15 Drain 235/13 7263 Reservoir 235/16 6463 3060 Portobello Ditch New House COW LANE Water Drain 0063 Bradfield Grove Farm 5357 Drain 2656 Pond 1156 Pond 235/3 Bradfield Cottages Old Canal Letcombe Brook Pond 6553 3652 Drain 235/12 2552 Pond 285/2 Pond 403/20 366/21 2848 235/26 Cow Common Brook Common Cow 285/25 403/18 4847 5747 Pond Drain ARDINGTON LANE 3746 Pond 199/30 9946 285/21 Pond 0843 Pond 1341 Pond Drain 9939 Pond Wantage Road Station (disused) Inlet Works 3400 Drain 403/20 285/1 0034 Pond 235/3 New Station House 108/3 0131 Pond Pond COW LANE Drain 1927 108/15 East Drain 403/19 3526 Drain Drain 403/19 Pond Pond 9425 4924 Drain Hendred Works A 338 8322 The 235/9 Volunteer 403/19 (PH) A 338 Drain 0018 Drain Drain Works CP 1116 108/2 GROVE PARK DR 285/3 403/18 Grove Wick Farm 235/12 Drain Offices Grove 9612 Portobello Ditch Park 2010 Lodge 285/21 Pond 403/19 GROVE PARK DRIVE 235/3 5700 235/17 285/3 0004 0004 0800 2300 6100 0003 0003 1500 0006 5500 8600 Drain Drain 199/28 OLD MAN'S LANE (Track) 0004 3400 403/186400 8800 A 338 7700 0003 1500 0006 Drain 5500 7100 8600 Pinmarsh Farm 0004 8800 Drain 9700 Drain A 338 7700 91 Drain 91 0003 6400 285/3 Drain OLD MAN'S LANE (Track) Drain 235/3 1392 Drain Drain 199/28 285/21 403/18 108/2 8600 Monk's Farm 235/9 Drain Pond Drain Drain 1783 3583 Garage Drain Pond Drain Grove CP Lockinge CP 235/11 5473 4671 TULWICK LANE Drain 235/3 235/9 3869 ook Cooper's Br Field GROVE TULWICK LANE Portobello Ditch El Sub Sta Letcombe 5863 WICK GREEN 2362 NORTH DRIVE West Hendred CP Drain 4958 Grove (C of E) 8156 Primary School 2755 NORTH DRIVE GROVE PARK DRIVE Brook House Seefield 1754 WESTBROOK e Cottage Brooklands Th nah 235/11 The Elms Homeleigh Redlands ARDINGTON LANE The Laurels Navan 9252 6652 285/21 Ardington CP OXFORD LANE Cardale Algra Old Cottages DENCHWORTH ROAD Cornerbrook Lynton Green View 6246 Wick Bay Tree St Green Johns Green House Farm (PH) Ppg Court Sta Brookside St Mawes Cottage The Delle ge Church Orchard View Cotta Tulwick Farm 4943 Rowan Cottage The Old Post Office GODFREYS CLOSE Bay Tree Cottage 5/8 St John 235/23 Pill Ditch 0041 the Baptist's 23 Church Shelter Neville's Farm 235/20 Hall 4238 Drain The Saltbox Hall SHANNON CLOSE 3236 HOWARD Pond GROVE PARK DRIVE AVENUE Old Rosslyn 6034 School View The 235/8 EASTERFIELD Paddocks Drain STATION ROAD Drain The Firs COLLINSMITH DRIVE 0030 OLD MILL CLOSE Haselbury School Ho 5/8 ST JOHN'S ROAD 23 8127 Edenbrook Grove House Pond VICARAGE CLOSE Arkle St James' Cottages MAYFIELD AVENUE The House Willows Marygreen Drain 5323 Grove House MAIN STREET South Kents Row 6623 Surgery Pill Ditch Pond 5320 VALE AVENUE Pond PW Drain GLEBE GARDENS MINNS ROAD Pond Drain Drain West View 3116 Palmer CAUDWELL CLOSE 235/8 Pill Ditch Drain Cottage 2614 MEADOW CLOSE Bond Drain Drain Cottage Wayland 285/4 House LINDEN 285/4 CRESCENT Albany House Harbreck Ashgrove House Warren Ivy Alberi Dale Cottage BOSLEY'S ORCHARD 108/3 Shalom 235/18 285/4 108/2 Drain 9705 The 4205 Drain Sycamores The Bell (PH) (disused) Orchard View 235/10 285/22 Canal Marygreen 0400 BELL CLOSE Glebe View HARLINGTON AVENUE Drain Drain Drain 235/18 0005 0002 2700 0005 2800 5800 0001 4100 5800 GIPSY LANE (Track) 90 A 338 90 40 41 42 43 44 45 SHEET SU 49 SW For further information please contact: Scale 1:10,000 Oxfordshire County Council Environment and Economy To be read in conjunction with the Definitive Statement.
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