Commonwealth of Australia Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Published by ASIC ASIC Gazette Contents Banking Act Unclaimed Money as at 31 December 2005 Specific disclaimer for Special Gazette relating to Banking Unclaimed Monies The information in this Gazette is provided by Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions to ASIC pursuant to the Banking Act (Commonwealth) 1959. The information is published by ASIC as supplied by the relevant Authorised Deposit- taking Institution and ASIC does not add to the information. ASIC does not verify or accept responsibility in respect of the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information, and, if there are any queries or enquiries, these should be made direct to the Authorised Deposit-taking Institution. RIGHTS OF REVIEW Persons affected by certain decisions made by ASIC under the Corporations Act and the other legislation administered by ASIC may have rights of review. ASIC has published Practice Note 57 [PN57] Notification of rights of review and Information Sheet [INFO 1100] ASIC decisions – your rights to assist you to determine whether you have a right of review. You can obtain a copy of these documents from the ASIC Digest, the ASIC website at www.asic.gov.au or from the Administrative Law Co-ordinator in the ASIC office with which you have been dealing. ISSN 1445-6060 (Online version) Available from www.asic.gov.au ISSN 1445-6079 (CD-ROM version) Email [email protected] © Commonwealth of Australia, 2006 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are reserved. Requests for authorisation to reproduce, publish or communicate this work should be made to: Gazette Publisher, Australian Securities and Investment Commission, GPO Box 9827, Melbourne Vic 3001 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 2 of 518 Banking Unclaimed Money as at 31 December 2005 Section 69 of Banking Act 1959 Statement of Unclaimed Money under the Banking Act General Information The publication contains details of amounts of $500.00 or more which Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions have paid to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed moneys in accordance with Section 69 of the Banking Act 1959 for the year ended 31 December 2005. These moneys, and also the amounts which trading and savings banks have paid to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed moneys in previous years, may be claimed by depositors or their legal representatives by applying to the ADI concerned. Approach your local branch of the Bank, Building Society or Credit Union concerned in order to lodge a claim to recover your funds. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 3 of 518 ABN AMRO BANK NV Account Name Address A$ Amount NEWLAND, N PO BOX 5, WALLEAN VIC 3756 1,022.18 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 4 of 518 ADELAIDE BANK LIMITED Account Name Address A$ Amount AMIN INVESTMENT 102 O'CONNELL ST, NORTH 1,115.93 ADELAIDE, SA 5006 ARBORN, STEPHEN 32 NINGANA ROAD, ALDINGA 976.10 BEACH, SA 5173 BEVERLEY, NEIL & ELIZABETH 20 MELTON STREET, BLACKWOOD, 713.01 SA 5051 BOOTH, JANE 6 VICTORIA STREET, PAYNEHAM, 525.76 SA 5070 BOWERS, SANDRA & PETER 40 ADELPHI CRESCENT, GLENELG 1,720.72 NORTH, SA 5045 BOWES, VERONICA FLAT 5, 6 KNIGHT STREET, 41,711.60 ALLENBY GARDENS, SA 5009 BRIGGS, RONALD UNIT 4, 6 WATTLE STREET, 1,119.09 FULLARTON, SA 5063 BUCHAN, GEORGE & STELLA UNIT 6, 2 NELSON STREET, 2,267.54 PAYNEHAM, SA 5070 BUXALLEN, JAN & RAYMOND 18 PALARI CRESCENT, MUNNO 1,249.71 PARA, SA 5115 CARLIN, ANTHONY 19 COLSTON STREET, 645.01 CHELTENHAM, SA 5014 CARR, IAN & ROSEMARY 35 ST GEORGES TCE, BELLEVUE 2,627.88 HEIGHTS, SA 5050 CARTER, ELIZABETH 16 QUINTAL AV, MODBURY, SA 5092 8,061.50 CHAPLIN, BETTY 1 NESS ST, GOOLWA BEACH, SA 568.62 5214 CHAPMAN, JOAN UNIT 19, 19 WINDSOR AVENUE 3,477.98 PENNINGTON SA 5013, PENNINGTON, SA 5013 CIOFFI, D E & M A & N D 50 TRIMMER PARADE, WOODVILLE 3,508.36 WEST, SA 5011 CODY FAMILY TRUST 19 QUONDONG AVENUE, 1,046.85 ATHELSTONE, SA 5076 COGDELL, MILLICENT 36 GARFIELD AVENUE, KURRALTA 3,842.47 PARK, SA 5037 DAY, JOAN PO BOX 177, WILLUNGA, SA 5172 3,653.81 DEAN, JANICE UNIT 5, 55 DOVER STREET, 1,649.19 MALVERN, SA 5061 DICK, HEELA UNIT 2, 30 SURF STREET, SOUTH 1,620.86 BRIGHTON, SA 5048 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 5 of 518 Account Name Address A$ Amount DONNA-MARIE CATHERINE C/- POST OFFICE, CUDLEE CREEK, 3,748.52 NICHOLS & GEORGIA SA 5232 NICHOLSPAVY EDUARD, EDUARD 22 CAITHNESS ST, BEAUMONT, SA 46,953.73 5066 FINMORE, KEVIN & JANET C/- 25 HAWKER AVENUE, BELAIR, 1,284.84 SA 5052 FRANCES, FRANCES 87 KINGSTON TCE, NORTH 1,025.77 ADELAIDE, SA 5006 FRANCESE, DOMENICO & MARIA 3 RUNDLE ST, KENT TOWN, SA 5067 1,061.80 GAERTNERJONES, MARION & TALIA 8 GARNIER COURT, ST AGNES, SA 839.13 5097 GARDNER, IRENE 66 RAWSON PENFOLD DRIVE, 2,726.43 ROSSLYN PARK, SA 5072 GEESING, CHRISTOPHER 69 YORK AV, CLOVELLY PARK, SA 1,018.66 5042 GITTOS, GEORGE 25 CRISPIAN ST, FULHAM, SA 5024 1,056.89 GORDON, HELEN 61 SUNNYSIDE ROAD, GLEN 1,327.56 OSMOND, SA 5064 GOSSLAND, CLARE 10 GREENSIDE AV, ATHELSTONE, 1,255.99 SA 5076 HACKSTON, JAKE 24 JAMES STREET, VISTA, SA 5091 619.00 HARDING, BRIAN 15 RUE DU MOULIN, 53250 COUP 3,788.99 TRAIN, FRANCE XXX 8888 HAZZLEWOOD, NORMAN UNIT 4, 9 BROOKS STREET, 2,667.44 KALAMUNDA, WA 6076 HIERONS, LYNETTE 32 HANSON STREET, FREELING, SA 2,625.52 5372 HOLST, DOUGLAS & SUZANNE 8 DANUM AVENUE, INGLE FARM, SA 2,281.34 5098 HOPFNER & TRIPODI, ANDRE 7 TIMMINGS STREET, CHADSTONE, 1,134.55 MICHAEL & SINA VIC 9997 HUEPPAUFF, TREVOR PO BOX 422, NURIOOTPA, SA 9997 603.30 HUNTER, CRAIG 9 CLARK ST, GOOLWA, SA 9997 1,066.86 JASIOWSKI, MARIA 53 GLADSTONE AVENUE, MAGILL, 6,200.81 SA 5072 KING, SHEILA 19 WALL STREET, NORWOOD, SA 2,448.59 5067 KULIK, JAMIE-LYNDON 5 ROBERTS CRESCENT, 1,719.85 SMITHFIELD PLAINS, SA 5114 LATIMER, JOYCE C/- 88 MARLBOROUGH STREET, 7,499.97 HENLEY BEACH, SA 5022 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 6 of 518 Account Name Address A$ Amount LAVINIA FOOD IN LIQUIDATION, C/- 10 JEAN STREET, LEABROOK, SA 10,188.63 C R LISTER & ASSOC 5068 LLOYD, MURIEL C/- 6 LAKESIDE CIRCUIT, VICTOR 5,334.96 HARBOR, SA 5211 MANSFIELD, BARRIE 9 COLUMBIA CRESCENT, HALLETT 548.55 COVE, SA 5158 MATTHEWS, LEWIS UNIT 12, 10 CELESTE COURT, 1,744.33 GLANDORE, SA 5037 MAYHEW, VIOLET 5 BINNOWIE ST, INGLE FARM, SA 1,075.90 5098 MCLAREN, MARIE 38 MARGARET AVE, WEST 2,196.76 CROYDON, SA 5008 MOODY, ROMA 1 PROTECTOR ST, O'SULLIVAN 2,164.77 BEACH, SA 5166 MOORE, KATHRYN 98 LAMBERT RD, ROYSTON PARK, 1,014.87 SA 5070 MURRAY, CRAIG 39 BRICKNELL ST, MAGILL, SA 5072 1,421.05 NEWMAN, MAUDE 51 FORT KING ROAD, 5,030.82 PAYNESVILLE, VIC 3880 NILLISSEN, JOSEPH & LILAH 21 FEATHERSTONE CIRCUIT, 635.71 GREENWITH, SA 5125 PAZSIT, ENIKO 25 NAGLE AVE, FAIRVIEW PARK, SA 1,566.95 5126 PAZSIT, ENIKO 25 NAGLE AVE, FAIRVIEW PARK, SA 1,109.15 5126 PENHALE, DARRELL 23 WESTMORLAND ROAD 1,030.44 SHEPWAY, MAIDSTONE ME15 8BD, KENT, ENGLAND XXX 8888 POPPLEWELL, GREGORY 183 GLOUCESTER AVENUE, 900.82 BELAIR, SA 5052 PRIME, LESTER PO BOX 2073, PORT NEILL, SA 5604 2,607.08 PUDNEY, VALMA 140 LIPSET TERRACE, BROOKLYN 952.66 PARK, SA 5032 REESJONES, FIONA 6 FORD STREET, MAYLANDS, SA 1,037.74 5069 REYNELLA EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL MALBECK DRV, REYNELLA, SA 5161 1,044.80 RIBBONS, JILL PO BOX 238, MCLAREN VALE, SA 2,237.44 5171 ROACH, LILLIAN 6 DAY ST, POORAKA, SA 5095 1,014.27 ROBERTS, CHRISTOPHER 8 FARNELL PLACE, GREENWITH, SA 1,521.92 5125 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 7 of 518 Account Name Address A$ Amount ROBINSON, BRIAN 18 BRENTWOOD MEWS, 1,852.04 BLAKEVIEW VIA SMITHFIELD, SA 5114 ROGERS, THERESA 8 STRATHISLA COURT, MODBURY 4,333.59 HEIGHTS, SA 5092 ROMANO, GILDA PO BOX 54, ROSEWATER EAST, SA 623.15 5013 SA ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION PO BOX 353, HAPPY VALLEY, SA 658.52 5159 SA TOBACCO RETAILERS ASS INC 36 GROTE STREET, ADELAIDE, SA 1,128.82 C/- TUNNEYS WHOLESALE PTY LTD 9997 SANDERCOCK, MATTHEW 5 WEST ST, MOUNT GAMBIER, SA 3,149.73 5290 SCOURTIS, SILVA 16 IRVINE ST, PORT NOARLUNGA, 1,886.43 SA 5167 SHEAHAN, BASIL CRONTON PARK, ROSEWORTHY, 823.18 SA 5371 SHEPHERD, ALAN 51 KENT STREET, HAWTHORN, SA 1,933.59 5062 SILVER, DAVID 16 LISBURNE AV, MITCHAM, SA 1,657.73 5062 SIMPSON, FUSAE 20 CHARLES STREET, PROSPECT, 1,328.37 SA 5082 SINCLAIR, DEBBIE 7 CLAREMONT ST, MORPHETT 614.29 VALE, SA 9997 SIVIOUR, CHERYL & WAYNE 1 SUNNYBRAE AVE, KILBURN, SA 1,342.20 5084 SOAPBOX ASSOC OF SA 17 SANDRA AVENUE, TEA TREE 1,080.00 GULLY, SA 5091 SOWDEN, SALLY 149 SIXTH AVENUE, ROYSTON 801.95 PARK, SA 5070 STANKEWYTSCHJANU, AVIK 39 PITMAN AVE, WOODVILLE WEST, 1,809.49 SA 5011 STASIAK, MONIKA 40 BALHAM AVENUE, KINGSWOOD, 591.23 SA 5062 STAVROU, STEVE 14 BERKELEY STREET, 1,021.51 CHELTENHAM, SA 5014 STRUTHERS, STEPHEN 6 WHELSTONE COURT, SALISBURY 1,388.24 DOWNS, SA 5108 TANNER, MARK 19 ALDGATE TCE, BRIDGEWATER, 7,624.69 SA 5155 TAYLOR, JENNIFER UNIT 6, 18 SERGISON CIRCUIT, 1,033.80 RAPID CREEK, NT 0810 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 36A/06, Monday, 18 September 2006 Banking Unclaimed Money Page 8 of 518 Account Name Address A$ Amount THOMAS RUSSELL OBORN & 28 BORONIA DRIVE, HOPE VALLEY, 5,351.71 AARON BENJAMIN MONTY SA 5090
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