XIV INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS Guide to Excursion No. 41 The vegetation and endemic flora of the Spanish Pyrenees 68 XIV International Botanical Congress XIV INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS Excursion no. 41 The vegetation and endemic flora of the Spanish Pyrenees EXCURSION GUIDE by Prof Dr. P. Montserrat and Dr. L. Villar Berlin 1987 Excursion no. 41 : Sponish Pyrenees 67 66 XIV International Botanical Congress Excursion Guide n. 41 THE VEGETATION AND ENDEMIC FLORA OF THE SPANISH PYRENEES By P~MONTSERRAT & L.VILLAR Institute Pirena1co de Ecologia Apartado 64. JACA, Hueaca, Spain Phone (974) 361441 2 August (evening) to 10 August (morning) - 1967. Excursion no. 41: Spanish Pyrenees 65 .-? treptopus ""plex'Joliu, :ne. 64 XIV International Botanical Congress Excursion no. 41: Spanish Pyrenees 5 "THE: VEGETATION AND ENDEMIC FLORA OF THE SPANISH PYRENEES" by P. MONTSERRAT & L.VILLAR Institute Pirenaico de Ecologia t C.S.I.C. Apartado 64. JACA (Huesca, Spain) AIMS OF THIS EXCURSION In a week's time, we .... ill see a varied and very attractive landscape through the Spanish Pyrenees, where strong ecological contrasts are con­ ditioned by the topography with its high mountains (from 2600m in the Sie­ (from Pignatti 1962) Satureja montana L. rra del Cad!, to 3404m in the Aneto) cut across by deep valleys (Segre.~~ Pallaresa, Garona, N.Ribagorzana. Esers, Cinea, Are and Gallego rivers), and by the differences in soil and mother rock. Leaving the mar!time med! terranean climate of Barcelona, wi th its wineyards, olive trees, Alep pine and ~ parviflorus, and sight­ seeing the mediterranean mequts , we will soon arrive to the "PIa de Beges" dominated by the Pinue nhlra and Quercus pubescens submedite­ rranean forests. Far to the North, after Berge and on the other side or" the Cedf, 'We suddenly arrive to the more continental valley of our excursion, "La cerdenya", with its irrigated meadows. The dryness of these internal valleys determine the dominance of an evergreen oak 8S Ouercus rotundifolia and pine forests (P.nigra and P. sYlvestris). Ascending in altitude, near the "Puer-to de la Bonaigua", the excellent !'ir forests - indicate the best sol1s like the "Mats de Vallmcia" and Aran Valley, a county more open to the oceanic influences and quite different from the Sort area. Coming back to the south pyrenean slopes. through the "TUnel de Viella". much of the former forest cover has been destroyed, mainly burned by the" shepherds, and replaced by pyrophyte scrubs. Nevertheless. in spite of these grassland and pasture landscapes, some patches of oaks, beech an other trees are adorning this portion of the Central Pyrenees. 'j / During the three days in Benesque valley, we will discover a series of high mountain endemic species on the surroundings of Maladeta massif, while on the bottom of the valley, the meadow~e landscape became reticulated as the french "bccege'' ("(reginal", Fraxinus ~­ ~, a forage tree). o 2 3 cm : tI.. Saule 1 0- XIV INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS The vegetation Bnd endemic flora of the Spanish Pyrenees ••..Itinerary·..• :re "I. 1C~><t~ >( K 'l(" i :1 :lr .... , ft·- ,..-.=r--::':tl/ "")("~ 11.":: I( ',L.t ~- J 1:\ < "'~ .. z. If "'~ ••t1:'ESC" 'i' >< " .~ "-- ~: =< ~. :;­ o .;r. t:I: e ~ <D -, -". IEIt rh,., s " ~ §, f .. ' 9­e;" '" ::> ~-, 9.- "E-RIDA -""ro Bare.lon G '"o Q ;;.=> * Overnight 9.­ () o • Envisaged stop => CO;;; ~ ~ m X rv !;; s~ => => ...? Q.. en "0 ~o" C => l:' ;;;" if :T : ~ ;:. ;;; ;"' => 0 t CD a I" CD .. ~ 0 ;;; ~•.. n ~ c, 0 •0 ". ~ ID if ~ Cl,... ~-•. '0,.. ~ '"." '" ;.• ~. ~ . ~ • 0­ w 62 XIV International Botanical Congress Excursion no. 41 : Spanish Pyrenees 7 Ruta angustifoli3 Pers. Afterwards we will go to the West, passing through the "region of the canyons" (Congosto del Ventamillo, Desfiladero de las Devotes, Fez de JiSnovas) and making a short visit to the National Park of Ordesa-Monte Perdido at Pdneba valley. In this Middle Age County, Sobrarbe, forest remining well conserved on the s teep slopes, together with small and nice meadows. MarIs and limestone soils predominate at every level and are rull of endemics. By the Ara bassin, between the CancHis and La Solane, we will E R09l116I'inU9 0 cinelie L. see, at the Ribera de Fiscal the Berberis communities, as a result U of strong and dry wind. Just before Broto, in the Llanos de Planduviar, the very big gravels show us the importance of snow m,lting in late spring. ] Lines de Broto offer a very harmonious Jendecepe-c-meedowe , oak woods-- in contrast with prickly Echinospartum scrub of Cotefablo, as a consequence of centuries of burning end grazing. Coming down ver-ece Biescas, we will see a sample of different types of forest, now attacked by the ravin erosion of eocenic flysCh. After tlE very nice oak forest on sunny slopes, we traverse the Santa Elene Pass and will arrive to the Velle de Tena, in the High Bassin of the Gallego river, where mountains are yet under a oceanic climate. In the Balneario de pentaccea, as well as in Benasque valley, we will study the subalpine on granite rocks and may be some chionophi­ lous cornm~~itieB, near the alpine zone. The last day, sfter the scientific visit to the Instituto Plrensico de Ecologia, at Jscs, and the farewell luncheon, the bus come back directly to Barcelona. DAY-SY-DAY ITINERARIES Aug. 3, Monday Dep~rture: Hotel NUMANCIA (Numancia, 7A) at 9 o'clock o, 2, Leaving Barcelona along the Llobregst river, we will see the Montse­ '. rrat slopes, covered by a mediterranean forest (E!ml! halepensis, B XIV International Botanical Congress Excursion no, 41: Spanish Pyrenees 61 Rosmarinus, Thymealea tinctoria, Erica mUltifIers, Pistacia lentiscus •..) The high part of this mountain was unfortunately burned last year and a evergreen oak forest with Viburnum tinuB was destroyed. Near Berga we find the first pyrenean counterforts as the limestone cliffs of Oueralt and the vegetation changes so that between oaks and and Scotch pine there are also some beech trees. First Stop.- SOUTHERN MOUTH OF CAD 1 TUNNEL, or. Greixa (BARCELONA) Altitude: 1175 m. U.T.M.: DG 06 83 Half an hour ~e intend mainly to have a schematic vision of the vegetation of these southern slopes of the Pyrenees. Following the exposition, we will, observe guercus petraae· and ~ sempervirens mixed wi th Pious svt.veserts , this pine dominating until 1600 m-lBOO m, and over this level Pinus uncinata. Shadow and wetter places are indicated by Corylus avellana and also Fagus sylvatica where fog is persistent. In general, soils are calcareous, but there are also sandstones f and bleached solls, well indiCated by some calcifoge species. Shrubs are represented by: Coronilla emerus Amelanchier ovalis Viburnum lantana Acer opalu8 Lonicera xylosteum llex l~pifolium t.ve trueca Crataegus monogyna Here we have the main herbs: Arabia turrita Pimpinella saxifraga Digitalis lutea Pyrethrum corymbosum Melica uniflora Primula ver-re c Lilium martagon Knautia arvensis Potentilla micrantha Stellaria holostea Trifolium medium Galium maritlmum Acide. soil species like: Calluns vulgaris, Deschampsia flexuosa, cl ~. Prunella grandiflora ssp.pyrenaica, Stachys officinaIls, Genistella segetalis. Asplenium adlantum-nigrum. Festuce gr.~ are present. SoUr A"boeto 1..: Cl. pieif i b, flor r:f: c. pjto Q; d. lIor 9: e, hoj .. adJ:lta i f. borde Icliar. Sedum maximum. Hleracium amplexicaule, Sempervivum tectcrum, Campanula hi~panlca, Acinos alpinus and Polypodium vulgsre colonise cre­ {Fr-om, c.vdcfosc 1951) vices. 60 XIV International Botanical Congress Excursion no. 41 : Spanish Pyrenees 9 Some ruderals can be seen in the parking: Haseds luteola;, Thlaspi ~I L.epidium campestre, Centaurea cyanue , Artemisia ef.vulgaris, Bilderdy kia convolvulus, Polygonum evrcurare, C.~i~n~a~p~i~s,----,,,-,-,,,,,,-,~arvensis, After the Tunnel we arrive to the large valley La Cerdanya, full of meadows atablished on good soils -laky origln- and under a sunny climate. Summer is warm but the storms are frequent. Landscape do not presents trees, excepting the surrounding of meadows and some apple and pear trees. South slopes are very dry and conserve some steppic plants. Some years is too late to collect good specimens, but it is always interesting; we will profite the ancient road between Bellver and Martinet for the next stop of the day. Second stop.- DRY AND SUNNY SLOPES, 2 km. before MARTINET (LERIDA) near the river Segre. Altitude: 1000 m. U.T.M.: CO 9491 Half an hour- 1 hour This ls the most continental area of the Pyrenees as Is marked by the following plants, some of them endemic: Reseda elba-barrelieri Satureja montana Linum 8ustriacum ssp.collinum Achillea odorsta Echinopa spbaerocephalus Matricaria punctata Veronica cf; jacquinii Teucrium aragoneneis Tragopogon crocifolius Melice ciliata Anthirrhinum malIe Centaurea alba -special­ Sideritls bubani S. hirsuta X bubani S. hirsuta Dianthus pyrenaicus Jasonia glutlnosa Lactuca viminea Telephium imperatl Llnum narbonense Lathyrus sphaericus Geranium pratense Galium JDaI'i timum Hyparrhenia hlrta Osyris alba Euph9rbia nicaensis Santolina pectinata Benth. Botriochloa ischaemon Cynodon dactylon LavanduIa pyrenaica Artemisia campestris ssp.glutlnosa Euphorbia serrata Thymus vulgere Plantago sempervirens Hippocrepis glauca Delphinium verdunense Biscutella gr. laevig~ta Erysimum gr.grandlflorum Some isolated trees of Pinus nisra ssp._salzmannil remember us the 10 XIV International Botonical Congress Excursion no. 41: Sponish Pyrenees 59 affinitle~~of this vegetation with the oro-mediterranean element well distribut~d~in Eastern Spain (Cazorla, Teruel •.• ). This penetration of Iberian plants arrives until de french part of Cerdanya (Saillagouse, Mont-Louis) • Following the Segre.....e will pass trough the "Canal Barl­ dana" narrow part cutted into the grantte and schistea rocks: colonized by the Asarina procumbens endemic-community of the East Pyrenees. This RWllOnda myconi .<L.) Re1chenb. area was dedicated to the wineyards • terraced in south slopes; but the mediterranean floristlc element comes here with Quercus rotundifolia, Juniperus phoenicea,Arceuthobium Qxycedri, Pistacia tereblnthus, Glo~ bularia alypuffi.
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