AMV'__ BIBLIOGRAPHIES 6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF IMPORTANT TILAPIAS (PISCES: CICHLIDAE) FOR AQUACULTURE Oreochromisvariabilis, 0 andersoni, 0. esculentus, 0. leucostictus, 0. rortimer, 0. spilurus niger,Sarotherodon melanotheron and Tilapia sparnmani PETER SCHOENEN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF IMPORTANT TILAPIAS (PISCES: CICHLIDAE) FOR AQUACULTURE Oreochromls variabilis, 0. andersoni, 0. esculentus, 0. leucostictus, 0. mortimeri, 0. spilurus niger, Saro therodon melano theron and Tilapia sparrmanii Peter Schoenen International Collection "Cichlid Papers" The Referencc Service Parkstr. 15 D-5176 Inden 4 Federal Republic of Germany 1985 INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MANILA, PHILIPPINES A bibliography of important tilapias (Pisces: Cichlidae) for aquaculture Oreochromis variabilis, 0. andersonii, 0. esculentus, 0. leucostictus, 0. mort/tmer, 0. spilunis niger, Sarotherodon melanothero,, ard -/ilapiasparrmanii PETER SCHOENEN Published by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines with financial assistance from the International Development Research Centre of Canada through ICLARM's Selective Information Service project. 1985 Printed in Manila, Philippins This bibliography is produced directly from the author's manuscript in oider to provide tilapia workers with a useful document in the shortest time. The author should be consulted in the event of difficulty ir verifying details of particular references or in locating sources. ISSN 0115-5997 ISBN 971-1022-19-2 Schoenen, P. 1985, A bibliography of important tilapias (Pisces: Cichlidae) for aquaculture Oreochromis variabilis, 0. andersonii, 0. esculentus, 0. leucostictus, 0. mortimeri, 0. spilurut niger, Sarotherodon mela. notheron and Tilapia sparrrnanii. ICLAHM Biblio­ graphies 6,99 p. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines. ICLARM Contribution No. 253 Contents Preface . iv Acknow ledgem ents .. ............................................ iv Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) variabilis................................... 1 Bibliography. .... 2 Subject Index . ......................... .. 9 G eo ]raph ic Index . .... ....... .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ .... ... 11 Oreocn romis (Oreochromis) andersonii ...................................... 12 Bibliography ....................................................... 13 Subject Index ..................................................... 20 Geographic Index ........ .......................................... 22 O,.eochromis (Oreochromis) esculentus ........................................ 23 Biblionraphy....................................................... 24 Subject Index..................................................... 33 Gucgtaphic Index ........ .......................................... 35 Oreochromis (Orrochromis) leucostictus ..................................... 36 9ibliography ....................................................... 37 Subject Index ..................................................... 47 Geographic Index ........ .......................................... 49 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) morirmeri ................................ 51 Bibliography ....................................................... 52 Subject Index ..................................................... 56 Geographic Index ........ .......................................... 57 Oreochromis (Oreochromis) spiiunus niger .................................... 58 Bibliography....................................................... 59 Subject Index ..................................................... 64 Geographic Index ........ .......................................... 65 Sarotherodon melanotheronmelanotheron ...................................... 67 Bibliography ....................................................... 68 Subject Index ..................................................... 78 Geographic Index ........ .......................................... 81 Tilapia sparrmanii ....................................................... 82 Bibliography. ........................................................ 84 Subject Index .......... ...................................... .... 96 Geographic Index .................................................. 98 ooIII Preface In African an(l other tropical coountries ';veral Te:ies of tilapias are nowadays widely used fo; aquacul ture purposes. Ortochrolois notssamhiCts 0. Iloti;us and Tilapia zillii are, among others, the riost well known arld widespread speies. For that reiasor, my first biblio­ graphy (Schoetei, 191 2 "A Itihliogi ,lghy of 1rpo tiait Ilapias lPiks!cfl;: C(ichlida,) for Aqua­ culture" anid the 1984 Solnlhenint 1 hlt v.'ita thl,. ,ird flfe otihi, ';tW1C1W In the laist tsvu il'n:nh', , . ','r .eil tnnlt', fli,;' niv. ,ifiei Th Ir efforts to find other tilapia. fortray; nronhiirJCilin; 'ol hrJv; (fmvndtn(l tf''nrsidvlv,, to tilap;as which are not so well-known through antnntnelto, :x..ern'o, This seconrd hihiiafdpfny if ihc:t l tilkplli; dl wis th tho,,tlt pe:ies which are now becoming more and mow 1111p)n Idll f(ir J(liiJiiL1t(H1'. I hope that this hlinio(paph, ,dl Ihtnf t:mficiil to all people working on tilapias. If the user of this hibliogir;i)hy ;horild riotice, any errors or omissions, the author would be very pleased to receive d tails and i nlr; of tfn user's own papers. Peter Schoenen March 1985 Acknowledgements I am indebted to th( hollowing stsOs Ilt institUtions: - Prof. Dr. C.H. Fernando, FaLrur ty of Scence, Dept. Biology, Univ. Waterloo, Water­ loo, Ontario, Carna(a - Mr. Saul Livshniz Lihriara, Fish ino AgoacUlture Research Station, Dor, Israel - Mr. J.L. Maclean and ICLARM for the realization of the publication - nutmerous libr ares mind Many people for providing additional material. 0 ublications of the Reference Service in the ICLARM Series "A Bibliography of Important Tilapias (Pisces: Cichlidae) for Aquaculture" 1) Shoenen, P. 1982. "A Bibliography of Importarnt Tilapias Witsces. Cirhhdae) for Aqua­ culture'. ICLARM BRihliographies 3, 333 p. (Species included are' Oreochromis noacrochir, 0. aureus, 0. hortrorrjm, 0. nrossaIhijos, 0. niloticus, Sarotherrodotr galilavus, Tilapia rendal/i T. zuiu). 2) Schoenen, P. 1984. "A Bihliojr,!nly of Important Tilapias (Pisces: Cichlidae) for Aqua­ culture. Oreoc/trofnls m,-croc,ur, 0. ,nlretus, 0. hortronm, 0. nossamh;c.ls, 0. ti/oticus, Sarot/rerolon tia/i/,its, Ti/apli, wwk/// nri T. zilii". ICLARM Bibliographies 3, Supple­ merit 1, 191 ). iv Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) variabilis (Boulenger, 1j0 6 ) (formerly: Tilapia variabilis) first described by: Bouleriger,G.A. 1906 "Description of new Fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria" Ann.Mag.Nat.1Hist.,Ser. 7, Vol. 17: 433-452 (Tilapia variabilis) List of synonyms and inisidentifications Tilapia galilaea (part) Pellegrin,J. 1905 "Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (juin 1903 - mai 1904) Foisson:s. Ii. 3ystbrnatique" 1&m. Soc. Zoo.ik'rmce, 17, 1904: 174-185 Tilapia (Loruwialai) variabilis Thys van den Audenaerde,D.F.E. 1968 "An Amiotated Bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)" Mus.r. Afr. Centi., Tervuren/Belgique Doc.Zool. No 14: i-xl + 406 pp Sarotherodon variabilis various authors 2 001 Albrecht,H. 1968 "Freiwasserbeobachtungen an Tilapien (Pis­ ces, Cichlidae) in Ostafrika" Z.Tierpsychol.,25(4):377-394 002 Ali,M.A. & Wagner,H.-J. 1975 "Visual Pigments: Phylogeny and Ecology" :481-516 in: Ali,M.A. (Ed.) Vision in Fishes: New approaches in Research Plenum Press, New York 003 Apfelbach,R. 1969 "Tilapia variabilis (Cichlid, ) Balz" Encyclopaedia Cinematographica, Ed.: G. Wolf Institut fUr den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gdttin­ en (F.R.G.) Pubi. Wiss.Film, Sekt. Biol., Bd. III, 2):3-8 Film E 1135/1967 in German, English summary) 004 Apfelbach,R. 1969 "Tilapia variabilis (Cichlidae) Kampf zweier Minnchen" Encyclopaedia Cinematographica, Ed.: G. Wolf Institut fUr den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gdttin­ en (F.R.G.) Publ. Wiss.Film, Sekt. Biol., Bd. III, 2):3-8 Film E 1156/1967 in German, English summary) 005 Apfelbach,R. 1969 "Tilapia variabilis (Cichlidae) Brutpflege" Encyclopaedia Cinematographica, Ed.: G. Wolf Institut fOr den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gdttin­ I)en (F.R.G.) Publ. Wiss.Film, Sekt. Biol., Bd. III, 2):3-8 Film E 1202/1967 jin German, English summary) 006 Apfelbach,R. 1969 "Tilapia variabilis (Cichlidae) Laichablage" Encyclopaedia Cinematographica, Ed.: G. Wolf Institut fUr den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gbttin­ en (F.R.G.) Fubl. Wiss.Film, Sekt. Biol., Bd. III, 2):3-8 Film E 1484/1969 in German, English summary) 007 Ardizzone,G.D. 1976 "A Bibliography of African Freshwater Fish - Supplement 1 (1968-1975) Bibliographie des Poissons d'Eau Douce de l'Afrique - Supplbment 1 (1968-1975)" FAO/UN, Rome/Italy; CIFA Occassional Paper No 5: i-vii + 40 pp ISBN 92-5-000092-8 008 Baker,J.R. 1958 "Protozoan Parasites" East Afr.Fish.Res.Org., Ann.Rep. for 1956-57, Appdx F:41-43 009 Balarin,J.D. & HattonJ.P. 1979 "TILAPIA A guide to their biology & culture in Africa" University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland/ U.K. i-xxiii + 174 pp ISBN 0 901636 23 1 010 Beauchamp,R.S.A. 1955 "The danger of overfishing existing stocks of Tilapia with particular reference to Lake Victoria and the Kavirondo Gulf" East Afr.Fish.Res.Org.,Ann.Rep. for 1954/1955, Appdx A:30-34 3 011 Beauchamp,R.S.A. 1958 "Utilizing the natural Resources of Lake Victoria for the benefit of Fisheries and Agriculture"
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