Inside: September Monthly Service Sermon: “On the Way to the Final Goal” by Rev. Motoko Iwata, p. 4 All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day, p. 8 YMA & YWC Rainbow Hale Cleanup, p. 10 Autumn Memorial Service, p. 11 Bazaar Report p. 12 Judo News, p. 12 Hawaii Convention Information, p. 15 No. 230 October 2010 Hungry Reporter, p. 18 I shall go into the water in the mountains and make it clear, Whatever kind of water it may be. Ofudesaki II: 27 Rev. Michioki Inafuku and Mrs. Michiyo Kakitani sprinkle the fragrance of the Teachings for the Annual All Tenrikyo Nioigake Day in Moili`ili, September 6, 2010 Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawai`i Message from the head of the Overseas Department Tenrikyo 173, September 26 Thank you for all of your daily efforts in your various areas and positions. The extreme summer heat has finally dissipated and it has suddenly become very au- tumn-like in Oyasato. Today's Service, being on a beautiful Sunday, attracted many followers from all over the world to return and worship single-heartedly in the Ser- vice, with the Shinbashira as the core. The Shinbashira, in his prayer, said "while looking closely at the confusion of this world, beginning with myself, head ministers and yoboku, we should have an eye to- wards the future. In order for God the Parent to show us the Joyous Life world, we should continually put efforts into the overseas mission." He also mentioned, "This month is the month of putting strong efforts in spreading the fragrance. The last three days of the month will be the All Tenrikyo Nioigake Days and the truth of the teachings will be spread all over the world." Lastly, he prayed, "The path will widen as time passes. Please guide us so that we may live in the Joyous Life even a day sooner. " The monthly sermon was given by Honbu-in, Rev. Yoshimi Maegawa. The reve- rend, talked about a doctor passing away for rebirth at age 32, and who wrote the book titled, “To Asuka, & to my unborn children”. In the book, there's a section called "ob- viously," and they talked about their illness and troubles. He talked about his own ill- ness and about his role as a guardian, citing verses from the Ofudesaki and Osashizu. He also wanted to point out how grateful we should be to feel "atarimae." It is due to God the Parent's strong intention that we are here today. To respond to this paren- tal heart, Rev. Maegawa said it is important to follow the path of repayment for bless- ings and to exert one's sincerity to the utmost truth. As was mentioned in the Prayer, from the basis of bearing in mind the overseas mission of the path, let us do our best in repaying the intention of the Parent during the three days of the All Tenrikyo Nioigake days starting from the day after tomorrow. Moreover, many followers from overseas will return for the Autumn Grand Ser- Continued on Page 7 2 September Monthly Service Prayer Before You, God the Parent, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, who resides in his shrine, I, (Michihito Hamada, bishop of the Mission Headquarters of Hawaii) pray with reverence. God the Parent, as Your overflowing warmth, which grants us daily the free use of our bodies, embraces us, we advance toward spiritual maturity as we strive toward the realization of the Joyous Life world receiving the guidance of the Ever-living Oyasama. These boundless blessings are truly more than we can expect. As we direct our constant focus toward the teachings, we proceed in high spirits toward the path of sincerity applying our effort with a mind focused on salvation. Today is the day we are granted to conduct the September monthly service at this mission headquarters. The service performers will unite their hearts to perform the seated service and Teodori joyously in high spirits. Today, as you view the brothers and sisters of the path who have looked forward to this day singing the songs of the service in unison with hearts filled with gratitude for Your parental love, we hope that You can be spirited as well. On August 20th, the 40th annual bazaar was held and we were blessed with many attending. Also, on September 6th, 60 people participated in the All Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day on the island of Oahu. Let us as Yoboku ponder on the many grievous events, which we have been shown throughout the world, as the reflection of the dust in our minds, and remembering not to misuse the mind we are freely allowed, we vow to proceed spiritedly in accord with Your intention toward the path of world salvation. May You, God the Parent, accept our sincerity, and we ask that you guide us toward reconstructing the world where we can spend our days living in harmony by helping one another. Together with everyone present, I pray for these blessings. 3 Mission HQ September Monthly Service Sermon Rev. Motoko Iwata Head Minister of Wahiawa Church Chapter Eight, “On the Way to the Final Goal,” teaches about receiving guidance through illness and troubles and while lis- tening to the teachings of God the Parent, we begin to put into practice the Divine Model of Oyasama and show our spiritual progress. First of all, allow me to read the first part of Chapter Eight. “ (page 58, para- gragh 3) “Our minds, however, are ever change- able. Our minds in the morning are not al- ways the same in the evening. We are af- fected by events that occur around us, and our minds, bright in the morning, may be- come darkened by evening. Though once “On the Way to the Final Goal” deeply moved by the teachings and deter- mined to be devoted, in time our joyful and At this time, together with all of you, bright spirits may wane. There may also be we have joyously completed the Septem- times when, despite having been saved by ber Monthly Service and I would like to divine grace, we falter because of some express my heartfelt gratitude for this. To- new illness or other troubles. In such cir- day, I have been assigned to deliver the cumstances, however, our path of faith is monthly sermon and although there may be always to reflect on our minds, to under- places that may be difficult to understand, stand that all occurrences are from the will please bear with me for a short while. of God the Parent, and to live with joy and Today’s topic is Chapter Eight of the brightness without allowing our spirits to Doctrine titled, “On the Way to the Final fall. This way of settling the mind is taught Goal.” Today’s translation is being done as tanno.” by Colin Saito. Upon receiving an illness or trouble and 4 September Monthly Service Sermon when our hearts become unsettled, at such and Shozaemon Masaki. Next, spouse of times, to always reflect on our minds and head minister Ryosaku Kawasaki. And fi- come to regard the knot as the intent of God nally, church director Ichiro Genseki. These the Parent, without giving up, while nurtur- were the people who were arrested. At the ing a mind of joy and to live cheerfully, is churches, the authorities came and the pros- definitely not an easy thing to do. ecution began by confiscating doctrinal ma- Luckily, in Hawaii, there are many mi- terials and prohibiting missionary work.” nisters who have faith in God the Parent In addition, Kinzaemon Odachi of Hilo and have followed the Divine Model of Church, due to an illness, passed away at Oyasama. Upon being assigned the topic the age of 56 while in detention at the Santa “On the Way to the Final Goal,” the first Fe Camp in New Mexico. thing that crossed my mind was 69 years Life in the detention camps must have ago, December 7th, 1941, the time right been very miserable & tragic but I wonder after the attack on Pearl Harbor, when our how they managed to pass through it all. predecessors were detained and then We can get some insight from the second shipped out to the mainland internment Bishop of the Mission Headquarters of camps. It is impossible to talk about the America, Bishop Masaharu Hashimoto, whole story of life at the internment camps who wrote in his diary “Nankin Roku Nen” in such a short time, but focusing on just a (Six years of Confinement) and his autobi- fragment of the suffering experienced by ography “Shogyo,” about the severe situa- our predecessors, I would like to share with tion in the camp at that time. In the book, you some data along with my thoughts and “Hawaii no Akebono,” about Sakujiro & feelings. Tsuji Ueno, on page 86, allow me to bor- In the book, “The 50 Year History of row and read one section that gives such a Tenrikyo Hawaii Dendocho (Mission description. Headquarters),” allow me to read the part (Unofficial translation) Life while in de- where the names of the missionaries who tention, being provided with food, clothing were detained on the mainland were writ- & shelter was supposed to be guaranteed ten. First of all, beginning with head minis- like a life in heaven but in actuality, it was ters; Sakujiro Ueno, Matagoro Mikuni, Hi- like being in hell. It was unavoidable that dekichi Nakamoto, Kaneki Honda, Ma- both body as well as spirit of the people sayuki Iwata, Kinzaemon Odachi, Hikojuu was forced into a life of imprisonment.
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